Florida Senate - 2009               CS for CS for CS for SB 2404
       By the Committees on Health and Human Services Appropriations;
       Governmental Oversight and Accountability; and Children,
       Families, and Elder Affairs; and Senator Storms
       603-05646-09                                          20092404c3
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to adult protective services; amending
    3         s. 415.101, F.S.; revising terminology; amending s.
    4         415.102, F.S.; defining the term “activities of daily
    5         living” and revising the term “vulnerable adult”;
    6         conforming a cross-reference; amending s. 415.103,
    7         F.S.; requiring that the central abuse hotline, which
    8         is maintained by the Department of Children and Family
    9         Services, immediately transfer reports relating to
   10         vulnerable adults to the appropriate county sheriff’s
   11         office; amending s. 415.1051, F.S.; authorizing the
   12         department to file a petition to determine incapacity;
   13         prohibiting the department from acting as guardian or
   14         providing legal counsel to the guardian; amending s.
   15         322.142, F.S.; providing a cross-reference to
   16         authorize the release of certain records for purposes
   17         of protective investigations; amending ss. 943.0585
   18         and 943.059, F.S.; conforming cross-references;
   19         providing an effective date.
   21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   23         Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 415.101, Florida
   24  Statutes, is amended to read:
   25         415.101 Adult Protective Services Act; legislative intent.—
   26         (2) The Legislature recognizes that there are many persons
   27  in this state who, because of age or disability, are in need of
   28  protective services. Such services should allow such an
   29  individual the same rights as other citizens and, at the same
   30  time, protect the individual from abuse, neglect, and
   31  exploitation. It is the intent of the Legislature to provide for
   32  the detection and correction of abuse, neglect, and exploitation
   33  through social services and criminal investigations and to
   34  establish a program of protective services for vulnerable adults
   35  all disabled adults or elderly persons in need of them. It is
   36  intended that the mandatory reporting of such cases will cause
   37  the protective services of the state to be brought to bear in an
   38  effort to prevent further abuse, neglect, and exploitation of
   39  vulnerable adults disabled adults or elderly persons. In taking
   40  this action, the Legislature intends to place the fewest
   41  possible restrictions on personal liberty and the exercise of
   42  constitutional rights, consistent with due process and
   43  protection from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Further, the
   44  Legislature intends to encourage the constructive involvement of
   45  families in the care and protection of vulnerable adults
   46  disabled adults or elderly persons.
   47         Section 2. Present subsections (2) through (27) of section
   48  415.102, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (3)
   49  through (28), respectively, present subsections (4) and (26) of
   50  that section are amended, and a new subsection (2) is added to
   51  that section, to read:
   52         415.102 Definitions of terms used in ss. 415.101-415.113.
   53  As used in ss. 415.101-415.113, the term:
   54         (2)“Activities of daily living” means functions and tasks
   55  for self-care, including ambulation, bathing, dressing, eating,
   56  grooming, toileting, and other similar tasks.
   57         (5)(4) “Caregiver” means a person who has been entrusted
   58  with or has assumed the responsibility for frequent and regular
   59  care of or services to a vulnerable adult on a temporary or
   60  permanent basis and who has a commitment, agreement, or
   61  understanding with that person or that person’s guardian that a
   62  caregiver role exists. The term “Caregiver” includes, but is not
   63  limited to, relatives, household members, guardians, neighbors,
   64  and employees and volunteers at a facility of facilities as
   65  defined in subsection (8). For the purpose of departmental
   66  investigative jurisdiction, the term “caregiver” does not
   67  include law enforcement officers or employees of municipal or
   68  county detention facilities or the Department of Corrections
   69  while acting in an official capacity.
   70         (27)(26) “Vulnerable adult” means a person 18 years of age
   71  or older whose ability to perform the normal activities of daily
   72  living or to provide for his or her own care or protection is
   73  impaired due to a mental, emotional, long-term physical,
   74  sensory, or developmental disability or dysfunction
   75  dysfunctioning, or brain damage, or the infirmities of aging.
   76         Section 3. Present paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g)
   77  of subsection (1) of section 415.103, Florida Statutes, are
   78  redesignated as paragraphs (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h),
   79  respectively, and a new paragraph (c) is added to that
   80  subsection, to read:
   81         415.103 Central abuse hotline.—
   82         (1) The department shall establish and maintain a central
   83  abuse hotline that receives all reports made pursuant to s.
   84  415.1034 in writing or through a single statewide toll-free
   85  telephone number. Any person may use the statewide toll-free
   86  telephone number to report known or suspected abuse, neglect, or
   87  exploitation of a vulnerable adult at any hour of the day or
   88  night, any day of the week. The central abuse hotline must be
   89  operated in such a manner as to enable the department to:
   90         (c)Immediately transfer the report to the appropriate
   91  county sheriff’s office if the report is of known or suspected
   92  abuse of a vulnerable adult by someone other than the vulnerable
   93  adult’s relative, caregiver, or household member.
   94         Section 4. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) and paragraph
   95  (g) of subsection (2) of section 415.1051, Florida Statutes, are
   96  amended to read:
   97         415.1051 Protective services interventions when capacity to
   98  consent is lacking; nonemergencies; emergencies; orders;
   99  limitations.—
  101  department has reasonable cause to believe that a vulnerable
  102  adult or a vulnerable adult in need of services is being abused,
  103  neglected, or exploited and is in need of protective services
  104  but lacks the capacity to consent to protective services, the
  105  department shall petition the court for an order authorizing the
  106  provision of protective services.
  107         (e) Continued protective services.—
  108         1. Within No more than 60 days after the date of the order
  109  authorizing the provision of protective services, the department
  110  shall petition the court to determine whether:
  111         a. Protective services will be continued with the consent
  112  of the vulnerable adult pursuant to this subsection;
  113         b. Protective services will be continued for the vulnerable
  114  adult who lacks capacity;
  115         c. Protective services will be discontinued; or
  116         d. A petition for guardianship should be filed pursuant to
  117  chapter 744.
  118         2. If the court determines that a petition for guardianship
  119  should be filed pursuant to chapter 744, the court, for good
  120  cause shown, may order continued protective services until it
  121  makes a determination regarding capacity.
  122         3.The petition to determine incapacity under s. 744.3201
  123  may be filed by the department if the department has a good
  124  faith belief that the vulnerable adult lacks capacity. However,
  125  once the petition is filed, the department may not be appointed
  126  guardian and may not provide legal counsel for the guardian.
  128  department has reasonable cause to believe that a vulnerable
  129  adult is suffering from abuse or neglect that presents a risk of
  130  death or serious physical injury to the vulnerable adult and
  131  that the vulnerable adult lacks the capacity to consent to
  132  emergency protective services, the department may take action
  133  under this subsection. If the vulnerable adult has the capacity
  134  to consent and refuses consent to emergency protective services,
  135  emergency protective services may not be provided.
  136         (g) Continued emergency protective services.—
  137         1. Within Not more than 60 days after the date of the order
  138  authorizing the provision of emergency protective services, the
  139  department shall petition the court to determine whether:
  140         a. Emergency protective services will be continued with the
  141  consent of the vulnerable adult;
  142         b. Emergency protective services will be continued for the
  143  vulnerable adult who lacks capacity;
  144         c. Emergency protective services will be discontinued; or
  145         d. A petition should be filed under chapter 744.
  146         2. If it is decided to file a petition under chapter 744,
  147  for good cause shown, the court may order continued emergency
  148  protective services until a determination is made by the court.
  149         3.The petition to determine incapacity under s. 744.3201
  150  may be filed by the department if the department has a good
  151  faith belief that the vulnerable adult lacks capacity. However,
  152  once the petition is filed, the department may not be appointed
  153  guardian and may not provide legal counsel for the guardian.
  154         Section 5. Subsection (4) of section 322.142, Florida
  155  Statutes, is amended to read:
  156         322.142 Color photographic or digital imaged licenses.—
  157         (4) The department may maintain a film negative or print
  158  file. The department shall maintain a record of the digital
  159  image and signature of the licensees, together with other data
  160  required by the department for identification and retrieval.
  161  Reproductions from the file or digital record are exempt from
  162  the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and may shall be made and issued
  163  only for departmental administrative purposes; for the issuance
  164  of duplicate licenses; in response to law enforcement agency
  165  requests; to the Department of State pursuant to an interagency
  166  agreement to facilitate determinations of eligibility of voter
  167  registration applicants and registered voters in accordance with
  168  ss. 98.045 and 98.075; to the Department of Revenue pursuant to
  169  an interagency agreement for use in establishing paternity and
  170  establishing, modifying, or enforcing support obligations in
  171  Title IV-D cases; to the Department of Children and Family
  172  Services pursuant to an interagency agreement to conduct
  173  protective investigations under part III of chapter 39 or
  174  chapter 415; or to the Department of Financial Services pursuant
  175  to an interagency agreement to facilitate the location of owners
  176  of unclaimed property, the validation of unclaimed property
  177  claims, and the identification of fraudulent or false claims.
  178         Section 6. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
  179  943.0585, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  180         943.0585 Court-ordered expunction of criminal history
  181  records.—The courts of this state have jurisdiction over their
  182  own procedures, including the maintenance, expunction, and
  183  correction of judicial records containing criminal history
  184  information to the extent such procedures are not inconsistent
  185  with the conditions, responsibilities, and duties established by
  186  this section. Any court of competent jurisdiction may order a
  187  criminal justice agency to expunge the criminal history record
  188  of a minor or an adult who complies with the requirements of
  189  this section. The court shall not order a criminal justice
  190  agency to expunge a criminal history record until the person
  191  seeking to expunge a criminal history record has applied for and
  192  received a certificate of eligibility for expunction pursuant to
  193  subsection (2). A criminal history record that relates to a
  194  violation of s. 393.135, s. 394.4593, s. 787.025, chapter 794,
  195  s. 796.03, s. 800.04, s. 810.14, s. 817.034, s. 825.1025, s.
  196  827.071, chapter 839, s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135, s. 847.0145, s.
  197  893.135, s. 916.1075, a violation enumerated in s. 907.041, or
  198  any violation specified as a predicate offense for registration
  199  as a sexual predator pursuant to s. 775.21, without regard to
  200  whether that offense alone is sufficient to require such
  201  registration, or for registration as a sexual offender pursuant
  202  to s. 943.0435, may not be expunged, without regard to whether
  203  adjudication was withheld, if the defendant was found guilty of
  204  or pled guilty or nolo contendere to the offense, or if the
  205  defendant, as a minor, was found to have committed, or pled
  206  guilty or nolo contendere to committing, the offense as a
  207  delinquent act. The court may only order expunction of a
  208  criminal history record pertaining to one arrest or one incident
  209  of alleged criminal activity, except as provided in this
  210  section. The court may, at its sole discretion, order the
  211  expunction of a criminal history record pertaining to more than
  212  one arrest if the additional arrests directly relate to the
  213  original arrest. If the court intends to order the expunction of
  214  records pertaining to such additional arrests, such intent must
  215  be specified in the order. A criminal justice agency may not
  216  expunge any record pertaining to such additional arrests if the
  217  order to expunge does not articulate the intention of the court
  218  to expunge a record pertaining to more than one arrest. This
  219  section does not prevent the court from ordering the expunction
  220  of only a portion of a criminal history record pertaining to one
  221  arrest or one incident of alleged criminal activity.
  222  Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a criminal justice
  223  agency may comply with laws, court orders, and official requests
  224  of other jurisdictions relating to expunction, correction, or
  225  confidential handling of criminal history records or information
  226  derived therefrom. This section does not confer any right to the
  227  expunction of any criminal history record, and any request for
  228  expunction of a criminal history record may be denied at the
  229  sole discretion of the court.
  231  criminal history record of a minor or an adult which is ordered
  232  expunged by a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to this
  233  section must be physically destroyed or obliterated by any
  234  criminal justice agency having custody of such record; except
  235  that any criminal history record in the custody of the
  236  department must be retained in all cases. A criminal history
  237  record ordered expunged that is retained by the department is
  238  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and
  239  s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and not available to
  240  any person or entity except upon order of a court of competent
  241  jurisdiction. A criminal justice agency may retain a notation
  242  indicating compliance with an order to expunge.
  243         (a) The person who is the subject of a criminal history
  244  record that is expunged under this section or under other
  245  provisions of law, including former s. 893.14, former s. 901.33,
  246  and former s. 943.058, may lawfully deny or fail to acknowledge
  247  the arrests covered by the expunged record, except when the
  248  subject of the record:
  249         1. Is a candidate for employment with a criminal justice
  250  agency;
  251         2. Is a defendant in a criminal prosecution;
  252         3. Concurrently or subsequently petitions for relief under
  253  this section or s. 943.059;
  254         4. Is a candidate for admission to The Florida Bar;
  255         5. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by or to contract
  256  with the Department of Children and Family Services, the Agency
  257  for health Care Administration, the Agency for persons with
  258  Disabilities, or the Department of Juvenile Justice or to be
  259  employed or used by such contractor or licensee in a sensitive
  260  position having direct contact with children, the
  261  developmentally disabled, the aged, or the elderly as provided
  262  in s. 110.1127(3), s. 393.063, s. 394.4572(1), s. 397.451, s.
  263  402.302(3), s. 402.313(3), s. 409.175(2)(I), s. 415.102(5)(4),
  264  chapter 916, s. 985.644, chapter 400, or chapter 429;
  265         6. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by the Department
  266  of Education, any district school board, any university
  267  laboratory school, any charter school, any private or parochial
  268  school, or any local governmental entity that licenses child
  269  care facilities; or
  270         7. Is seeking authorization from a Florida seaport
  271  identified in s. 311.09 for employment within or access to one
  272  or more of such seaports pursuant to s. 311.12 or s. 311.125.
  273         Section 7. Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section
  274  943.059, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
  275         943.059 Court-ordered sealing of criminal history records.
  276  The courts of this state shall continue to have jurisdiction
  277  over their own procedures, including the maintenance, sealing,
  278  and correction of judicial records containing criminal history
  279  information to the extent such procedures are not inconsistent
  280  with the conditions, responsibilities, and duties established by
  281  this section. Any court of competent jurisdiction may order a
  282  criminal justice agency to seal the criminal history record of a
  283  minor or an adult who complies with the requirements of this
  284  section. The court shall not order a criminal justice agency to
  285  seal a criminal history record until the person seeking to seal
  286  a criminal history record has applied for and received a
  287  certificate of eligibility for sealing pursuant to subsection
  288  (2). A criminal history record that relates to a violation of s.
  289  393.135, s. 394.4593, s. 787.025, chapter 794, s. 796.03, s.
  290  800.04, s. 810.14, s. 817.034, s. 825.1025, s. 827.071, chapter
  291  839, s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135,s. 847.0145, s. 893.135, s.
  292  916.1075, a violation enumerated in s. 907.041, or any violation
  293  specified as a predicate offense for registration as a sexual
  294  predator pursuant to s. 775.21, without regard to whether that
  295  offense alone is sufficient to require such registration, or for
  296  registration as a sexual offender pursuant to s. 943.0435, may
  297  not be sealed, without regard to whether adjudication was
  298  withheld, if the defendant was found guilty of or pled guilty or
  299  nolo contendere to the offense, or if the defendant, as a minor,
  300  was found to have committed or pled guilty or nolo contendere to
  301  committing the offense as a delinquent act. The court may only
  302  order sealing of a criminal history record pertaining to one
  303  arrest or one incident of alleged criminal activity, except as
  304  provided in this section. The court may, at its sole discretion,
  305  order the sealing of a criminal history record pertaining to
  306  more than one arrest if the additional arrests directly relate
  307  to the original arrest. If the court intends to order the
  308  sealing of records pertaining to such additional arrests, such
  309  intent must be specified in the order. A criminal justice agency
  310  may not seal any record pertaining to such additional arrests if
  311  the order to seal does not articulate the intention of the court
  312  to seal records pertaining to more than one arrest. This section
  313  does not prevent the court from ordering the sealing of only a
  314  portion of a criminal history record pertaining to one arrest or
  315  one incident of alleged criminal activity. Notwithstanding any
  316  law to the contrary, a criminal justice agency may comply with
  317  laws, court orders, and official requests of other jurisdictions
  318  relating to sealing, correction, or confidential handling of
  319  criminal history records or information derived therefrom. This
  320  section does not confer any right to the sealing of any criminal
  321  history record, and any request for sealing a criminal history
  322  record may be denied at the sole discretion of the court.
  324  history record of a minor or an adult which is ordered sealed by
  325  a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to this section is
  326  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and
  327  s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and is available only
  328  to the person who is the subject of the record, to the subject’s
  329  attorney, to criminal justice agencies for their respective
  330  criminal justice purposes, which include conducting a criminal
  331  history background check for approval of firearms purchases or
  332  transfers as authorized by state or federal law, to judges in
  333  the state courts system for the purpose of assisting them in
  334  their case-related decisionmaking responsibilities, as set forth
  335  in s. 943.053(5), or to those entities set forth in
  336  subparagraphs (a)1., 4., 5., 6., and 8. for their respective
  337  licensing, access authorization, and employment purposes.
  338         (a) The subject of a criminal history record sealed under
  339  this section or under other provisions of law, including former
  340  s. 893.14, former s. 901.33, and former s. 943.058, may lawfully
  341  deny or fail to acknowledge the arrests covered by the sealed
  342  record, except when the subject of the record:
  343         1. Is a candidate for employment with a criminal justice
  344  agency;
  345         2. Is a defendant in a criminal prosecution;
  346         3. Concurrently or subsequently petitions for relief under
  347  this section or s. 943.0585;
  348         4. Is a candidate for admission to The Florida Bar;
  349         5. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by or to contract
  350  with the Department of Children and Family Services, the Agency
  351  for Health Care Administration, the Agency for Persons with
  352  Disabilities, or the Department of Juvenile Justice or to be
  353  employed or used by such contractor or licensee in a sensitive
  354  position having direct contact with children, the
  355  developmentally disabled, the aged, or the elderly as provided
  356  in s. 110.1127(3), s. 393.063, s. 394.4572(1), s. 397.451, s.
  357  402.302(3), s. 402.313(3), s. 409.175(2)(i), s. 415.102(5)(4),
  358  s. 415.103, chapter 916, s. 985.644, chapter 400, or chapter
  359  429;
  360         6. Is seeking to be employed or licensed by the Department
  361  of Education, any district school board, any university
  362  laboratory school, any charter school, any private or parochial
  363  school, or any local governmental entity that licenses child
  364  care facilities;
  365         7. Is attempting to purchase a firearm from a licensed
  366  importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer and is
  367  subject to a criminal history background check under state or
  368  federal law; or
  369         8. Is seeking authorization from a Florida seaport
  370  identified in s. 311.09 for employment within or access to one
  371  or more of such seaports pursuant to s. 311.12 or s. 311.125.
  372         Section 8. This act shall take effect July 1, 2009.