HR 9095

House Resolution
2A resolution recognizing the seriousness of sports-related
3eye injuries in children and the importance of sports eye
4safety to protect the children of Florida.
6     WHEREAS, while the long-term benefits of playing sports are
7clear, sports are the leading cause of eye injuries in children,
9     WHEREAS, eye injuries are one of the chief causes of visual
10impairment, permanent vision loss, and blindness in children,
12     WHEREAS, the majority of sports-related eye injury victims
13are children, with children under 15 years of age accounting for
1443 percent of sports-related eye injuries, and
15     WHEREAS, approximately 90 percent of sports-related eye
16injuries are preventable with the use of appropriate, sport-
17specific protective eyewear, and
18     WHEREAS, while baseball and basketball account for the
19largest number of eye injuries for young athletes, many other
20popular sports, such as football, tennis, soccer, hockey, golf,
21and water sports, also put unprotected players at risk for
22serious eye injury, and
23     WHEREAS, school districts, parks and recreation
24departments, and other local, county, and state entities
25sponsoring organized sports activities play a vital role in
26making the public, especially parents, aware of the dangers of
27sports-related eye injuries in children and of the benefits of
28the use of sport-specific protective eyewear as a means to
29reduce the risk of significant eye injury, NOW, THEREFORE,
31Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
34     That the Florida House of Representatives recognizes the
35seriousness of sports-related eye injuries in children and the
36importance of sports eye safety in protecting Florida's children
37and applauds the efforts of school districts, parks and
38recreation departments, and other local, county, and state
39entities sponsoring organized sports activities to advocate the
40use of appropriate protective eyewear when children participate
41in sports.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.