CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1566

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Kirkpatrick moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 60, line 17, through page 67, line 24, delete

15  those lines


17  and insert:

18         Section 11.  Section 288.905, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         288.905  Duties of the board of directors of Enterprise

21  Florida, Inc.--

22         (1)  In the performance of its functions and duties,

23  the board of directors may establish, and implement, and

24  manage policies, strategies, and programs for Enterprise

25  Florida, Inc., and its boards. These policies, strategies, and

26  programs shall promote business formation, expansion,

27  recruitment, and retention through aggressive marketing;

28  international development and export assistance; and workforce

29  development, which together lead to more and better jobs with

30  higher wages for all geographic regions and communities of the

31  state, including rural areas and urban-core areas, and for all

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    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1566

    Amendment No.    

 1  residents, including minorities. In developing such policies,

 2  strategies, and programs, the board of directors shall solicit

 3  advice from and consider the recommendations of its boards,

 4  any advisory committees or similar groups created by

 5  Enterprise Florida, Inc., and local and regional partners.

 6         (2)  The board of directors shall, in conjunction with

 7  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, the

 8  Office of Urban Opportunities, and local and regional economic

 9  development partners, develop a strategic plan for economic

10  development for the State of Florida.  Such plan shall be

11  submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the

12  Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate Minority

13  Leader, and the House Minority Leader by January 1, 1997, and

14  shall be updated or modified before January 1 of each year,

15  1998, and annually thereafter.  The plan must be approved by

16  the board of directors prior to submission to the Governor and

17  Legislature.  The plan shall include, but is not limited to:

18         (3)(a)  The strategic plan required under this section

19  shall include, but is not limited to, strategies for the

20  promotion of business formation, expansion, recruitment, and

21  retention through aggressive marketing, international

22  development and export assistance, and workforce development

23  programs which lead to more and better jobs and higher wages

24  for all geographic regions and disadvantaged communities and

25  populations of the state, including rural areas, minority

26  businesses, and urban core areas. Further, the strategic plan

27  shall give consideration to the economic diversity of the

28  state and its regions and their associated industrial clusters

29  and develop realistic policies and programs to further their

30  development.

31         (a)  Allocation of public and private resources to

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    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1566

    Amendment No.    

 1  specific activities that will return the greatest benefit to

 2  the economy of this state. Including delineation on the amount

 3  of funds that should be expended on each component of the

 4  plan.

 5         (b)  Identification of programs that will enhance the

 6  capabilities of small and minority businesses.  The plan

 7  should include ways to improve and increase the access to

 8  information, services, and assistance for small and minority

 9  businesses.

10         (b)(c)1.  The strategic plan required under this

11  section shall include specific Specific provisions for the

12  stimulation of economic development and job creation in rural

13  areas and midsize cities and counties of the state. These

14  provisions shall include, but are not limited to, the

15  identification of all rural counties in the state and rural

16  cities located in nonrural counties; the identification of all

17  midsize cities and counties in the state; the identification

18  of the economic development and job creation goals of the

19  rural cities and counties and midsize cities; the

20  identification of rural areas of critical concern; the

21  identification of specific local, state, and federal financial

22  and technical assistance resources available to rural cities

23  and counties and midsize cities and counties for economic and

24  community development; the identification of private sector

25  resources available to rural cities and counties and midsize

26  cities and counties for economic and community development;

27  and specific methods for the use of the resources identified

28  in the plan to meet the goals identified in the plan.

29         2.  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall involve the local

30  governments, local and regional economic development

31  organizations, and of the cities and counties identified

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 1  pursuant to subparagraph 1., as well as any other local,

 2  state, and federal economic, international, and workforce

 3  rural development entities, both public and private, in

 4  developing and carrying out policies, strategies, and

 5  programs, seeking to partner and collaborate to produce

 6  enhanced public benefit at a lesser cost any provisions.

 7         (d)1.  Specific provisions for the stimulation of

 8  economic development and job creation in small businesses and

 9  minority businesses. These provisions shall include, but are

10  not limited to, the identification of federal, state, and

11  local financial and technical resources available for small

12  businesses and minority businesses; and specific methods for

13  the use of the resources identified in the plan to meet the

14  goal of job creation in small businesses and minority

15  businesses in the state.

16         3.2.  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall involve rural,

17  urban, small-business, and minority-business local, state, and

18  federal small business and minority business development

19  agencies and organizations, both public and private, in

20  developing and carrying out policies, strategies, and programs

21  any provisions.

22         (c)(e)  The strategic plan required under this section

23  shall include the creation Creation of workforce training

24  programs that lead to better employment opportunities and

25  higher wages.

26         (f)  Promotion of business formation, expansion,

27  recruitment, and retention, including programs that enhance

28  access to appropriate forms of financing for businesses in

29  this state.

30         (d)(g)  The strategic plan required under this section

31  shall include the promotion Promotion of the successful

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 1  long-term economic development of the state with increased

 2  emphasis in market research and information to local economic

 3  development entities and generation of foreign investment in

 4  the state that creates jobs with above-average wages,

 5  internationalization of this state, with strong emphasis in

 6  reverse investment that creates high wage jobs for the state

 7  and its many regions, including programs that establish viable

 8  overseas markets, generate foreign investment, assist in

 9  meeting the financing requirements of export-ready firms,

10  broaden opportunities for international joint venture

11  relationships, use the resources of academic and other

12  institutions, coordinate trade assistance and facilitation

13  services, and facilitate availability of and access to

14  education and training programs which will assure requisite

15  skills and competencies necessary to compete successfully in

16  the global marketplace.

17         (h)  Promotion of the growth of high technology and

18  other value-added industries and jobs.

19         (i)  Addressing the needs of blighted inner-city

20  communities that have unacceptable levels of unemployment and

21  economic disinvestment, with the ultimate goal of creating

22  jobs for the residents of such communities.

23         (e)(j)  Identifying business sectors that are of

24  current or future importance to the state's economy and to the

25  state's worldwide business image, and developing specific

26  strategies to promote the development of such sectors.

27         (4)(a)(3)(a)  The strategic plan shall also include

28  recommendations regarding specific performance standards and

29  measurable outcomes.  By July 1, 1997, Enterprise Florida,

30  Inc., in consultation with the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

31  Economic Development and the Office of Program Policy Analysis

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1566

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 1  and Government Accountability, shall establish

 2  performance-measure outcomes for Enterprise Florida, Inc., and

 3  its boards and advisory committees. Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

 4  in consultation with the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

 5  Economic Development and the Office of Program Policy Analysis

 6  and Government Accountability, shall develop a plan for

 7  monitoring its operations to ensure that performance data are

 8  maintained and supported by records of the organization. On a

 9  biennial basis, By July 1, 1998, and biennially thereafter,

10  Enterprise Florida, Inc., in consultation with the Office of

11  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development and the Office of

12  Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, shall

13  review the performance-measure outcomes for Enterprise

14  Florida, Inc., and its boards, and make any appropriate

15  modifications to them. In developing measurable objectives and

16  performance outcomes, Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall consider

17  the effect of its programs, activities, and services on its

18  client population. Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall establish

19  standards such as job growth among client firms, growth in the

20  number and strength of businesses within targeted sectors,

21  client satisfaction, including the satisfaction of its local

22  and regional economic development partners, venture capital

23  dollars invested in small and minority businesses, businesses

24  retained and recruited statewide and within rural and urban

25  core communities, employer wage growth, minority business

26  participation in technology assistance and development

27  programs, and increased export sales among client companies to

28  use in evaluating performance toward accomplishing the mission

29  of Enterprise Florida, Inc.

30         (b)  The performance standards and measurable outcomes

31  established and regularly reviewed by Enterprise Florida,

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    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1566

    Amendment No.    

 1  Inc., under this subsection must also include benchmarks and

 2  goals to measure the impact of state economic development

 3  policies and programs. Such benchmarks and goals may include,

 4  but are not limited to:

 5         1.  Net annual job growth rate in this state compared

 6  to neighboring southern states and the United States as a

 7  whole.

 8         2.  Unemployment rate in this state compared to

 9  neighboring southern states and the United States as a whole.

10         3.  Wage distribution based on the percentage of people

11  working in this state who earned 15 percent below the state

12  average, within 15 percent of the state average, and 15

13  percent or more above the state average.

14         4.  Annual percentage of growth in the production of

15  goods and services within Florida compared to neighboring

16  southern states and the United States as a whole.

17         5.  Changes in jobs in this state by major industry

18  based on the percentage of growth or decline in the number of

19  full-time or part-time jobs in this state.

20         6.  Number of new business startups in this state.

21         7.  Goods produced in this state that are exported to

22  other countries.

23         8.  Capital investment for commercial and industrial

24  purposes, agricultural production and processing, and

25  international trade.

26         (c)  Prior to the 2002 1999 Regular Session of the

27  Legislature, the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

28  Government Accountability shall conduct a review of Enterprise

29  Florida, Inc., and its boards and shall submit a report by

30  January 1, 2002, to the President of the Senate, the Speaker

31  of the House of Representatives, the Senate Minority Leader,

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 1  and the House Minority Leader. The review shall be

 2  comprehensive in its scope, but, at a minimum, must be

 3  conducted in such a manner as to specifically determine:

 4         1.  The progress towards achieving the established

 5  outcomes.

 6         2.  The circumstances contributing to the

 7  organization's ability to achieve, not achieve, or exceed its

 8  established outcomes.

 9         3.  The progress towards achieving the established

10  goals of the Cypress Equity Fund and whether the strategy

11  underlying the fund is appropriate.

12         3.4.  Whether it would be sound public policy to

13  continue or discontinue funding the organization, and the

14  consequences of discontinuing the organization.  The report

15  shall be submitted by January 1, 1999, to the President of the

16  Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the

17  Senate Minority Leader, and the House Minority Leader.

18         (d)  Prior to the 2003 Regular Session of the

19  Legislature, the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

20  Government Accountability, shall conduct another review of

21  Enterprise Florida, Inc., and its boards using the criteria in

22  paragraph (c). The report shall be submitted by January 1,

23  2003, to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House

24  of Representatives, the Senate Minority Leader, and the House

25  Minority Leader.

26         (5)(4)  The board of directors shall coordinate and

27  collaborate the economic development activities and policies

28  of Enterprise Florida, Inc., with local municipal, county, and

29  regional economic development organizations, which shall be to

30  establish and further develop the role of local economic

31  development organizations as the state's primary

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

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 1  service-delivery agents for the direct delivery of economic

 2  development and international development services. Where

 3  feasible, the board shall work with regional economic

 4  development organizations in the delivery of services of

 5  Enterprise Florida, Inc., and its boards.

 6         (5)  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall deposit into

 7  African-American-qualified public depositories and

 8  Hispanic-American-qualified public depositories a portion of

 9  any moneys received by Enterprise Florida, Inc., and its

10  boards from the state.

11         (6)  Any employee leased by Enterprise Florida, Inc.,

12  from the state, or any employee who derives his or her salary

13  from funds appropriated by the Legislature, may not receive a

14  pay raise or bonus in excess of a pay raise or bonus that is

15  received by similarly situated state employees.  However, this

16  subsection does not prohibit the payment of a pay raise or

17  bonus from funds received from sources other than the Florida

18  Legislature.



21  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

22  And the title is amended as follows:

23         On page 3, lines 11-14, delete those lines


25  and insert:

26         revising the duties of the board of directors

27         of Enterprise Florida, Inc.; revising the

28         required content of the board's strategic plan;

29         requiring the involvement of



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