GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL                          Committee       Amendment
SB2500                                                  EDU              98

Senator(s): Wise
moved the following amendment:

Section: 02              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 020             Earmarks $300,000 from FEFP funds for an internet-based
                         summer school pilot project.
Spec App:  105

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                                  Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                      DELETE         INSERT

        Public Schools, Division Of
        Program: State Grants/K-12 Programs - 
        FEFP  48250300

        In Section 02  On Page 020
105     Aid To Local Governments  050560
        Grants And Aids - Florida Educational                
        Finance Program  IOEB

Insert the following new proviso following Specific Appropriation 105 on 
page 20:

From the funds appropriated in Specific Appropriation 105 from the
Principal State School Trust Fund, $300,000 is provided for an
internet-based summer school pilot project. The Secretary of the Florida
Board of Education shall select one medium-sized school district and one
large school district for participation in the pilot project. Any
internet-based program selected for the pilot shall be limited to core
subject areas in grades six through twelve and the core courses shall
correlate directly with the Sunshine State Standards. The program shall
incorporate on-line assessments that yield immediate information to
instructional personnel and students regarding the specific skills
mastered by students. Such assessments must also prescribe additional
instruction necessary for students to demonstrate mastery of the
remaining course skills. Funds may be expended for program acquisition

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and instructional personnel to implement the program. Each participating
district shall submit a report to the Secretary of the Florida Board of
Education upon completion of the pilot that delineates student academic
performance in the summer school courses and implementation issues for
consideration by future participating districts.

Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.
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