(LATE FILED)Amendment
Bill No. 0805
Amendment No. 072905
Senate House

1Representative(s) Garcia offered the following:
3     Amendment to Amendment (446541) (with title amendment)
4Between lines 244 and 245, insert:
5     Section 11.  Section 636.232, Florida Statutes, is amended
6to read:
7     636.232  Rules.--The commission may adopt rules to
8administer this part, including rules for the licensing of
9discount medical plan organizations; establishing standards for
10evaluating forms, advertisements, marketing materials,
11brochures, and discount cards; providing for the collection of
12data; relating to disclosures to plan members; and defining
13terms used in this part.
15======== T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ========
16     Remove line 261 and insert:
17medical plan organizations; revising the rulemaking authority of
18the commission; repealing s. 636.230, F.S., relating

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.