GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL SB2700 Senator(s) Fasano moved the following amendment:
Section: 06
On Page: 370

Spec App: 3167

This amendment provides one full-time position and
$54,775 from the Grants and Donations Trust Fund to
the Department of State in Historical Resources for
the Florida Folklife program.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds Recurring - 0 0 0 Non-Recurring - 0 0 0 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Positions & Amounts Positions & Amounts DELETE INSERT STATE, DEPARTMENT OF Program: Historical Resources Historical Resources Preservation And Exhibition 45200700 In Section 06 On Page 370 3167 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA Positions: 50 51 2339 From Grants And Donations Trust 1,155,535 1,209,911 Fund CA 54,376 FSI1 54,376 3169 Expenses 040000 IOEA 2339 From Grants And Donations Trust 1,028,130 973,355 Fund CA -54,775 FSI1 -54,775 3174 Special Categories 107040 Transfer To Department Of Management Services - Human Resources Services Purchased Per Statewide Contract IOEH 2339 From Grants And Donations Trust 11,260 11,659 Fund CA 399 FSI1 399 995053 Log:0005 MMB/MMB 03/29/10 07:03:50 PM Senate Page: 1
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. Items printed in italics are computer codes and are not a part of the official text of this amendment.
995053 Log:0005 MMB/MMB 03/29/10 07:03:50 PM Senate Page: 2