Florida Senate - 2012                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS/CS/CS/HB 1355, 1st Eng.
                                Barcode 890924                          
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                Floor: 6/F/2R          .                                
             03/07/2012 01:49 PM       .                                

       Senator Lynn moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment 
    3         Delete lines 267 - 284
    4  and insert:
    5         (3) Institutions within the Florida College System,
    6  institutions within the State University System, and nonpublic
    7  institutions defined in s. 1005.02 shall notify each current and
    8  prospective employee of the mandatory reporting requirements in
    9  s. 39.201. In addition to the requirement to report all known or
   10  suspected incidents of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect to
   11  the department, each institution shall provide a mechanism for
   12  reporting such incidents that are committed on the property of
   13  the institution to a designated office at the institution. For
   14  purposes of this paragraph, incidents of child abuse,
   15  abandonment, and neglect include incidents of hazing as defined
   16  in s. 1006.135. The designated office shall report an incident
   17  of known or suspected child abuse, abandonment, or neglect to
   18  the department and to the president of the institution. If an
   19  administrator in the designated office knowingly and willfully
   20  fails to report known or suspected child abuse, abandonment, or
   21  neglect that is reported by an employee of the institution to
   22  the department, and is convicted for failure to comply with the
   23  reporting requirement, the department shall conduct an
   24  investigation to determine if adequate institutional controls
   25  were in place to require compliance with the mandatory reporting
   26  requirement. If the department determines that such
   27  institutional controls were not in place, the department may
   28  assess a fine up to $25,000 on the institution. The department’s
   29  determination is subject to review before the appropriate
   30  tribunal.