Florida Senate - 2017 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for SB 2
Senate . House
Floor: 7/F/2R .
03/08/2017 02:39 PM .
Senator Clemens moved the following:
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Delete lines 671 - 714
4 and insert:
5 burden on the citizens of the state. Because the William L.
6 Boyd, IV, Florida Resident Access Grant Program is not related
7 to a student’s financial need or other criteria upon which
8 financial aid programs are based, it is the intent of the
9 Legislature that the William L. Boyd, IV, Florida Resident
10 Access Grant Program not be considered a financial aid program
11 but rather a tuition assistance program for its citizens.
12 (2) The William L. Boyd, IV, Effective Access to Student
13 Education Florida Resident Access Grant Program shall be
14 administered by the Department of Education. The State Board of
15 Education shall adopt rules for the administration of the
16 program.
17 (3) The department shall issue through the program a
18 William L. Boyd, IV, Effective Access to Student Education
19 Florida resident access grant to any full-time degree-seeking
20 undergraduate student registered at an independent nonprofit
21 college or university which is located in and chartered by the
22 state; which is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the
23 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; which grants
24 baccalaureate degrees; which is not a state university or
25 Florida College System institution; and which has a secular
26 purpose, so long as the receipt of state aid by students at the
27 institution would not have the primary effect of advancing or
28 impeding religion or result in an excessive entanglement between
29 the state and any religious sect. Any independent college or
30 university that was eligible to receive tuition vouchers on
31 January 1, 1989, and which continues to meet the criteria under
32 which its eligibility was established, shall remain eligible to
33 receive William L. Boyd, IV, Effective Access to Student
34 Education Florida resident access grant payments.
35 (4) A person is eligible to receive such William L. Boyd,
36 IV, Effective Access to Student Education Florida resident
37 access grant if:
38 (a) He or she meets the general requirements, including
39 residency, for student eligibility as provided in s. 1009.40,
40 except as otherwise provided in this section; and
41 (b)1. He or she is enrolled as a full-time undergraduate
42 student at an eligible college or university;
43 2. He or she is not enrolled in a program of study leading
44 to a degree in theology or divinity; and
45 3. He or she is making satisfactory academic progress as
46 defined by the college or university in which he or she is
47 enrolled.
49 Priority in awarding William L. Boyd, IV, Effective Access to
50 Student Education grants must be given to eligible students who
51 demonstrate a financial need.
53 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================
54 And the title is amended as follows:
55 Delete line 74
56 and insert:
57 Florida Resident Access Grant Program; requiring that
58 students who demonstrate a financial need be given
59 priority in the awarding of grants; amending s.