GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS BILL                          Committee       Amendment
SB2500                                                  AHS              6

Senator(s) Braynon, Book, Bracy, Campbell, Clemens, Farmer, Gibson, 
Montford, Powell, Rader, Rodriguez, Rouson, Stewart, Thurston, and Torres 
moved the following amendment:

Section: 03              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 051             Transfers $228,009,234 from the Medically Needy fee 
                         for service line item to the Prepaid Health Plans 
Spec App:  198           line to expand eligibility in the Medicaid program 
                         to those up to 138% of the federal poverty level. 
                         The amendment does not provide for the remaining 
                         $1,230,489,833 in federal funds that would be earned 
                         under an enhanced match rate due to expansion.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Health Care Services
        Medicaid Services To Individuals  68501400

        In Section 03  On Page 051
198     Special Categories  101582
        Hospital Inpatient Services  IOEE

   1000   General Revenue Fund                   279,671,553    192,161,609
       CA -87,509,944  FSI2 -87,509,944  
   2474   Medical Care Trust Fund                622,742,755    482,243,465
       CA -140,499,290  FSI3 -140,499,290  

        In Section 03  On Page 056
207     Special Categories  102673
        Prepaid Health Plans  IOEE

   1000   General Revenue Fund                 3,168,826,496  3,256,336,440
       CA 87,509,944  FSI2 87,509,944  
   2474   Medical Care Trust Fund              7,516,078,763  7,656,578,053
       CA 140,499,290  FSI3 140,499,290  

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Following Specific Appropriation 207, INSERT:

From the funds in Specific Appropriation 207, $87,509,944 from the 
General Revenue Fund and $140,499,290 from the Medical Care Trust Fund 
are provided to expand full Medicaid coverage to those individuals 
currently receiving services through the Medically Needy Program. 

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