Florida Senate - 2021                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 694
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Comm: RCS            .                                
                  04/16/2021           .                                

       The Committee on Appropriations (Rodrigues) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 64 and 65
    4  insert:
    5         Section 3. Present subsections (42) through (47) of section
    6  403.703, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (43)
    7  through (48), respectively, and a new subsection (42) is added
    8  to that section, to read:
    9         403.703 Definitions.—As used in this part, the term:
   10         (42)(a)“Storm-generated yard trash” means vegetative
   11  matter that:
   12         1.Results from a tropical storm, a hurricane, a tornado,
   13  or any other significant weather event and is located or placed
   14  within a federally designated disaster area on public property
   15  or a public right-of-way;
   16         2.Is eligible for federal reimbursement under 42 U.S.C. s.
   17  5121 et seq.; and
   18         3.Is placed curbside or on public property or a public
   19  right-of-way within the 15-day period after the tropical storm,
   20  hurricane, tornado, or other significant weather event that is
   21  the subject of the federally declared disaster.
   22         (b)The term includes storm-generated debris under s.
   23  403.7071.
   24         Section 4. Subsection (7) is added to section 403.7071,
   25  Florida Statutes, and subsection (6) of that section is
   26  reenacted, to read:
   27         403.7071 Management of storm-generated debris.—Solid waste
   28  generated as a result of a storm event that is the subject of an
   29  emergency order issued by the department may be managed as
   30  follows:
   31         (6) Local governments or their agents may conduct the
   32  burning of storm-generated yard trash, other storm-generated
   33  vegetative debris, or untreated wood from construction and
   34  demolition debris in air-curtain incinerators without prior
   35  notice to the department. Within 10 days after commencing such
   36  burning, the local government shall notify the department in
   37  writing describing the general nature of the materials burned;
   38  the location and method of burning; and the name, address, and
   39  telephone number of the representative of the local government
   40  to contact concerning the work. The operator of the air-curtain
   41  incinerator is subject to any requirement of the Florida Forest
   42  Service or of any other agency concerning authorization to
   43  conduct open burning. Any person conducting open burning of
   44  vegetative debris is also subject to such requirements.
   45         (7) Unless otherwise specified in a contract or franchise
   46  agreement between a local government and a private solid waste
   47  or debris management service provider, a private solid waste or
   48  debris management service provider is not required to collect
   49  storm-generated yard trash.
   51  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   52  And the title is amended as follows:
   53         Delete line 16
   54  and insert:
   55         notice; amending s. 403.703, F.S.; defining the term
   56         “storm-generated yard trash”; reenacting and amending
   57         s. 403.7071, F.S.; providing that private solid waste
   58         or debris management service providers are not
   59         required to collect storm-generated yard trash unless
   60         required to do so by contract or franchise agreement
   61         with a local government; providing an effective date.