Florida Senate - 2024                                Committee       Amendment
SPB2500                                                 AHS              122

The Committee on Appropriations (Avila) recommended the following 

Section: 03              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 109             Provides $350,000 in nonrecurring general revenue 
                         funds for the Baptist Health South Florida Women's 
Spec App:  455           Cancer Center at the Miami Cancer Institute (SF 
                         3698). Reduces funding by the same amount from the 
                         Veterans Access Clinic at Nova Southeastern 
                         University (SF 1587).

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                               Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Community Public Health
        Community Health Promotion  64200100

        In Section 03  On Page 109
455     Special Categories  100778
        Grants And Aids - Contracted Services  IOEB

   1000   General Revenue Fund                    34,940,615     34,590,615
       CA -350,000  FSI1NR -350,000  

Veterans Access Clinic at Nova Southeastern University
    (SF 1587)...............................................   2,500,000

Veterans Access Clinic at Nova Southeastern University
    (SF 1587)...............................................   2,150,000

        In Section 03  On Page 111
466A    Grants And Aids To Local Governments And   140998
        Nonstate Entities - Fixed Capital Outlay
        Grants And Aids - Health Facilities  IOEM

   1000   General Revenue Fund                    20,441,614     20,791,614
       CA 350,000  FSI1NR 350,000  

 995245  Log:0269  ABG/ABG           01/30/24 04:14:07 AM  Senate  Page: 1

At the end of existing proviso language, following Specific 
Appropriation 466A, INSERT:

Baptist Health South Florida Women's Cancer Center at the Miami Cancer 
Institute (SF 3698).................$350,000

 995245  Log:0269  ABG/ABG           01/30/24 04:14:07 AM  Senate  Page: 2