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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 585 — Law Enforcement

by Criminal Justice Subcommittee and Rep. Hood and others (CS/SB 1434 by Criminal Justice Committee and Senator Evers)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Criminal Justice Committee (CJ)

The bill amends numerous statutes relating to the operations and duties of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The major substantive changes the bill makes include:

  • Authorizing counties and cities to require, by ordinance, employment screening of private contractors and other positions noted in the statutes who are subject to licensing or regulation by the county or city or who have contact with members of the public or access to any public facility or publicly operated facility in such a manner that the county or city finds that preventing unsuitable persons from having such contact or access is critical to security or public safety.
  • Revising duties concerning missing person reporting.
  • Specifying additional items to be reported by persons required to register as sexual offenders.
  • Requiring state agencies and governmental subdivisions, prior to making any decision to appoint or employ a person to work at specified locations, to conduct a search of that person’s identifying information through the national sexual offender public website.
  • Redesignating the statewide automated fingerprint identification system as the statewide automated biometric identification system.
  • Revising matters relating to the Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council and its committees.
  • Requiring the collection of additional information from persons charged with or convicted of specified offenses.
  • Requiring the Domestic and Repeat Violence Injunction Statewide Verification System maintained by the FDLE to include injunctions to prevent child abuse.
  • Increasing the period in which a minor may seek expunction of a nonjudicial arrest record following diversion, and conditioning eligibility on the qualifications of the applicant rather than on those of the diversion program in which he or she participates.
  • Clarifying that a person may only seal or expunge a record if the person has never before sealed or expunged a record (except in specified instances), and removing references to having received an expunction or sealing “from any jurisdiction outside the state” as a disqualifier for seeking expunction or sealing in Florida.
  • Providing for accreditation of correctional facilities, public agency offices of inspectors general, and pretrial diversion programs.
  • Revising language relating to testing services provided to defendants by state-operated analysis laboratories.
  • Adding the following property to the list of regulated metal property which secondary metals recyclers may only purchase if certain conditions are met: more than two lead-acid batteries, or any part or component thereof, in a single purchase or from the same individual in a single day.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2013.

Vote: Senate 36-0; House 119-0