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The Florida Senate

SB 674 — United States-produced Iron and Steel in Public Works Projects

by Senator Boyd

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee (GO)

The bill requires a governmental entity that contracts for a public works project or for the purchase of materials for a public works project to ensure that any iron or steel product that will be permanently incorporated into the project be produced in the United States.

The bill waives this contract requirement if the governmental entity determines that any of the following apply:

  • The iron or steel products required for the project are not produced in the United States in sufficient quantities, are not reasonably available, or are of an unsatisfactory quality;
  • The use of US-produced iron or steel products will increase the total cost of the project by more than 20 percent; or
  • Compliance with the requirement is inconsistent with the public interest.

A governmental entity may allow a minimal use of foreign iron or steel materials in the project, if they are ancillary to the primary product and the cost of the materials does not exceed 0.10 percent of the total contract cost, or $2,500, whichever is greater.

These provisions do not apply to contracts procured by the Florida Department of Transportation that are subject to the federal Buy America requirements.

The bill requires the Department of Management Services to develop guidelines and procedures by rule to implement the bill.

If approved by the Governor, or allowed to become law without the Governor’s signature, these provisions take effect July 1, 2024.

Vote: Senate 38-1; House 103-9