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The Florida Senate

HCR 693 — Congressional Term Limits

by Reps. Borrero, Gregory, and others (SCR 326 by Senators Ingoglia and Mayfield)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Judiciary Committee (JU)

The concurrent resolution is an application to the United States Congress calling upon Congress to convene an Article V constitutional amendments convention. The convention would be limited solely to proposing an amendment to the Constitution to set a limit on the number of terms a person may be elected to serve as a member of the United States House of Representatives and as a member of the United States Senate. The concurrent resolution does not specify the length of the terms that a member would be limited to serving.

The concurrent resolution is to be considered as covering the same subject matter as the presently outstanding applications to Congress from other named states on this same subject. It is to be added, or aggregated, to those applications for the purpose of attaining the two-thirds number of states, or 34 applications, needed to call a constitutional convention.

The concurrent resolution is a continuing application until the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states have made applications on the term-limit subject. If the application is used to call a convention or used to support a convention on a subject other than this topic, the resolution is revoked and withdrawn, nullified, and superseded as if it had never been passed.

Vote: Senate Adopted; House Adopted