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The Florida Senate

2000 Florida Statutes

Chapter 63, Florida Statutes 2000


63.012  Short title.

63.022  Legislative intent.

63.032  Definitions.

63.042  Who may be adopted; who may adopt.

63.0423  Procedures with respect to abandoned newborns.

63.0425  Grandparent's right to adopt.

63.0427  Adopted minor's right to continued communication or contact with siblings.

63.043  Mandatory screening or testing for sickle-cell trait prohibited.

63.052  Guardians designated; proof of commitment.

63.062  Persons required to consent to adoption.

63.072  Persons whose consent to an adoption may be waived.

63.082  Execution of consent; family medical history; withdrawal of consent.

63.085  Disclosure by intermediary.

63.092  Report to the court of intended placement by an intermediary; preliminary study.

63.097  Fees.

63.102  Filing of petition; venue; proceeding for approval of fees and costs.

63.112  Petition for adoption; description; report or recommendation, exceptions; mailing.

63.122  Notice of hearing on petition.

63.125  Final home investigation.

63.132  Report of expenditures and receipts.

63.135  Information under oath to be submitted to the court.

63.142  Hearing; judgment of adoption.

63.152  Application for new birth record.

63.162  Hearings and records in adoption proceedings; confidential nature.

63.165  State registry of adoption information; duty to inform and explain.

63.167  State adoption information center.

63.172  Effect of judgment of adoption.

63.182  Statute of repose.

63.185  Residency requirement.

63.192  Recognition of foreign judgment affecting adoption.

63.202  Authority to license; adoption of rules.

63.207  Out-of-state placement.

63.212  Prohibited acts; penalties for violation.

63.219  Sanctions.

63.222  Effect on prior adoption proceedings.

63.232  Duty of person adopting.

63.233  Rulemaking authority.

63.012  Short title.--This chapter shall be known as the "Florida Adoption Act."

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-159.

63.022  Legislative intent.--

(1)  It is the intent of the Legislature to protect and promote the well-being of persons being adopted and their birth and adoptive parents and to provide to all children who can benefit by it a permanent family life, and, whenever possible, to maintain sibling groups.

(2)  The basic safeguards intended to be provided by this act are that:

(a)  The child is legally free for adoption.

(b)  The required persons consent to the adoption or the parent-child relationship is terminated by judgment of the court.

(c)  The required social studies are completed and the court considers the reports of these studies prior to judgment on adoption petitions.

(d)  All placements of minors for adoption are reported to the Department of Children and Family Services.

(e)  A sufficient period of time elapses during which the child has lived within the proposed adoptive home under the guidance of the department or a licensed child-placing agency.

(f)  All expenditures by intermediaries placing, and persons independently adopting, a minor are reported to the court and become a permanent record in the file of the adoption proceedings.

(g)  Social and medical information concerning the child and the birth parents is furnished by the birth parent when available and filed with the consent to the adoption when a minor is placed by an intermediary.

(h)  A new birth certificate is issued after entry of the adoption judgment.

(i)  At the time of the hearing the court is authorized to order temporary substitute care when it determines that the minor is in an unsuitable home.

(j)  The records of all proceedings concerning custody and adoption of children are confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1), except as provided in s. 63.162.

(k)  The birth parent, the adoptive parent, and the child receive the same or similar safeguards, guidance, counseling, and supervision in an intermediary adoption as they receive in an agency or department adoption.

(l)  In all matters coming before the court pursuant to this act, the court shall enter such orders as it deems necessary and suitable to promote and protect the best interests of the person to be adopted.

(m)  In dependency cases initiated by the department, where termination of parental rights occurs, and siblings are separated despite diligent efforts of the department, continuing postadoption communication or contact among the siblings may be ordered by the court if found to be in the best interests of the children.

History.--s. 2, ch. 73-159; s. 2, ch. 75-226; s. 13, ch. 77-147; s. 1, ch. 78-190; s. 1, ch. 80-296; s. 1, ch. 82-166; s. 1, ch. 87-16; s. 2, ch. 87-397; s. 18, ch. 90-360; s. 1, ch. 91-99; s. 2, ch. 92-96; s. 22, ch. 96-406; s. 172, ch. 97-101; s. 2, ch. 98-50.

63.032  Definitions.--As used in this act, unless the context otherwise requires, the term:

(1)  "Department" means the Department of Children and Family Services.

(2)  "Child" means a son or daughter, whether by birth or adoption.

(3)  "Court" means any circuit court of this state and, when the context requires, the court of any state that is empowered to grant petitions for adoption.

(4)  "Minor" means a person under the age of 18 years.

(5)  "Adult" means a person who is not a minor.

(6)  "Person" includes a natural person, corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, or association, and any other legal entity.

(7)  "Agency" means any child-placing agency licensed by the department pursuant to s. 63.202 to place minors for adoption.

(8)  "Intermediary" means an attorney or physician who is licensed or authorized to practice in this state or, for the purpose of adoptive placements of children from out of state with citizens of this state, a child-placing agency licensed in another state that is qualified by the department.

(9)  "To place" or "placement" means the process of a person giving a child up for adoption and the prospective parents receiving and adopting the child, and includes all actions by any person or agency participating in the process.

(10)  "Adoption" means the act of creating the legal relationship between parent and child where it did not exist, thereby declaring the child to be legally the child of the adoptive parents and their heir at law and entitled to all the rights and privileges and subject to all the obligations of a child born to such adoptive parents in lawful wedlock.

(11)  "Suitability of the intended placement" includes the fitness of the intended placement, with primary consideration being given to the welfare of the child; the fitness and capabilities of the adoptive parent or parents to function as parent or parents for a particular child; and the compatibility of the child with the home in which the child is intended to be placed.

(12)  "Primary residence and place of employment in Florida" means a person lives and works in this state at least 6 months of the year and intends to do so for the foreseeable future or military personnel who designate Florida as their place of residence in accordance with the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940 or employees of the United States Department of State living in a foreign country who designate Florida as their place of residence.

(13)  "Primarily lives and works outside Florida" means anyone who does not meet the definition of "primary residence and place of employment in Florida."

(14)  "Abandoned" means a situation in which the parent or legal custodian of a child, while being able, makes no provision for the child's support and makes no effort to communicate with the child, which situation is sufficient to evince a willful rejection of parental obligations. If, in the opinion of the court, the efforts of such parent or legal custodian to support and communicate with the child are only marginal efforts that do not evince a settled purpose to assume all parental duties, the court may declare the child to be abandoned. In making this decision, the court may consider the conduct of a father towards the child's mother during her pregnancy.

History.--s. 3, ch. 73-159; s. 3, ch. 75-226; s. 14, ch. 77-147; s. 2, ch. 80-296; s. 2, ch. 82-166; s. 1, ch. 84-101; s. 3, ch. 87-397; s. 1, ch. 88-109; ss. 3, 25, ch. 92-96; s. 11, ch. 97-101.

63.042  Who may be adopted; who may adopt.--

(1)  Any person, a minor or an adult, may be adopted.

(2)  The following persons may adopt:

(a)  A husband and wife jointly;

(b)  An unmarried adult, including the birth parent of the person to be adopted;

(c)  The unmarried minor birth parent of the person to be adopted; or

(d)  A married person without the other spouse joining as a petitioner, if the person to be adopted is not his or her spouse, and if:

1.  The other spouse is a parent of the person to be adopted and consents to the adoption; or

2.  The failure of the other spouse to join in the petition or to consent to the adoption is excused by the court for reason of prolonged unexplained absence, unavailability, incapacity, or circumstances constituting an unreasonable withholding of consent.

(3)  No person eligible to adopt under this statute may adopt if that person is a homosexual.

(4)  No person eligible under this section shall be prohibited from adopting solely because such person possesses a physical disability or handicap, unless it is determined by the department or the licensed child-placing agency that such disability or handicap renders such person incapable of serving as an effective parent.

History.--s. 4, ch. 73-159; s. 1, ch. 77-140; s. 1, ch. 80-194; s. 4, ch. 92-96; s. 336, ch. 95-147.

63.0423  Procedures with respect to abandoned newborns.--

(1)  A licensed child-placing agency that takes physical custody of a newborn infant left at a hospital or a fire station pursuant to s. 383.50, shall assume responsibility for all medical costs and all other costs associated with the emergency services and care of the newborn infant from the time the licensed child-placing agency takes physical custody of the newborn infant.

(2)  The licensed child-placing agency shall immediately seek an order from the circuit court for emergency custody of the newborn infant. The emergency custody order shall remain in effect until the court orders preliminary approval of placement of the newborn infant in the prospective home, at which time the prospective adoptive parents become guardians pending termination of parental rights and finalization of adoption or until the court orders otherwise. The licensed child-placing agency may seek to temporarily place the newborn infant in a prospective adoptive home as soon as possible.

(3)  The licensed child-placing agency that takes physical custody of the newborn infant shall immediately request assistance from law enforcement officials to investigate and determine, through the Missing Children Information Clearinghouse, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and any other national and state resources, whether or not the newborn infant is a missing child.

(4)  Within 7 days after accepting physical custody of the newborn infant, the licensed child-placing agency shall initiate a diligent search to notify and to obtain consent from a parent whose identity or location is unknown, other than the parent who has left a newborn infant at a fire station or a hospital in accordance with s. 383.50. The diligent search must include, at a minimum, inquiries of all known relatives of the parent, inquiries of all offices or program areas of the department likely to have information about the parent, inquiries of other state and federal agencies likely to have information about the parent, inquiries of appropriate utility and postal providers and inquiries of appropriate law enforcement agencies. Constructive notice must also be provided pursuant to chapter 49 in the county where the newborn infant was left and in the county where the petition to terminate parental rights will be filed. The constructive notice must include at a minimum, available identifying information, and information on whom a parent must contact in order to assert a claim of parental rights of the newborn infant and how to assert that claim. If a parent is identified and located, notice of the adjudicatory hearing shall be provided. If a parent can not be identified or located subsequent to the diligent search and constructive notice, the licensed child-placing agency shall file an affidavit of diligent search at the same time that the petition to terminate parental rights is filed.

(5)  A petition for termination of parental rights under this section may not be filed until 30 days after the date the newborn infant was left in accordance with s. 383.50. A petition for termination of parental rights may not be granted until consent to adoption or an affidavit of nonpaternity has been executed by a parent of the newborn infant as set forth in s. 63.062, a parent has failed to reclaim or claim the newborn infant within the specified time period, or the consent of a parent is otherwise waived by the court.

(6)  A claim of parental rights of the newborn infant must be made to the entity having physical or legal custody of the newborn infant or to the circuit court before whom proceedings involving the newborn infant are pending. A claim of parental rights of the newborn infant may not be made after the judgment to terminate parental rights is entered, except as otherwise provided by subsection (10).

(7)  If a claim of parental rights of a newborn infant is made before the judgment to terminate parental rights is entered, the circuit court shall hold the action for termination of parental rights pending subsequent adoption in abeyance for a period of time not to exceed 60 days.

(a)  The court shall order scientific testing to determine maternity or paternity at the expense of the parent claiming parental rights unless maternity or paternity has been previously established legally or by scientific testing.

(b)  The court may appoint a guardian ad litem for the newborn infant and order whatever investigation, home evaluation and psychological evaluation are necessary to determine what is in the best interest of the newborn infant.

(c)  The court may not terminate parental rights solely on the basis that the parent left a newborn infant at a hospital or fire station in accordance with s. 383.50.

(d)  The court shall enter a judgment with written findings of fact and conclusions of law.

(8)  Within 24 hours after filing the judgment, the clerk of the court shall mail a copy of the judgment to the department, the petitioner, and the persons whose consent were required, if known. The clerk shall execute a certificate of each mailing.

(9)(a)  A judgment terminating parental rights pending adoption is voidable, and any later judgment of adoption of that minor is voidable, if, upon the motion of a parent, the court finds that a person knowingly gave false information that prevented the parent from timely making known his or her desire to assume parental responsibilities toward the minor or from exercising his or her parental rights. A motion under this subsection must be filed with the court originally entering the judgment. The motion must be filed within a reasonable time, but not later than 2 years after the entry of the judgment terminating parental rights.

(b)  No later than 30 days after the filing of a motion under this subsection, the court must conduct a preliminary hearing to determine what contact, if any, will be permitted between a parent and the child pending resolution of the motion. Such contact may be allowed only if it is requested by a parent who has appeared at the hearing. If the court orders contact between a parent and child, the order must be issued in writing as expeditiously as possible and must state with specificity any provisions regarding contact with persons other than those with whom the child resides.

(c)  At the preliminary hearing the court, upon the motion of any party or upon its own motion, may order scientific testing to determine the paternity or maternity of the minor if the person seeking to set aside the judgment is alleging to be the child's parent and that fact has not previously been determined by legal proceedings or scientific testing. The court may order supervised visitation with a person for whom scientific testing for paternity or maternity has been ordered. Such visitation shall be conditioned upon the filing of test results with the court and those results establishing that person's paternity or maternity of the minor.

(d)  No later than 45 days after the preliminary hearing, the court must conduct a final hearing on the motion to set aside the judgment and enter its written order as expeditiously as possible thereafter.

(10)  Except to the extent expressly provided in this section, proceedings initiated by a licensed child-placing agency for the termination of parental rights and subsequent adoption of a newborn left at a hospital or a fire station in accordance with s. 383.50 shall be conducted pursuant to chapter 63.

History.--s. 5, ch. 2000-188.

63.0425  Grandparent's right to adopt.--

(1)  When a child who has lived with a grandparent for at least 6 months is placed for adoption, the agency or intermediary handling the adoption shall notify that grandparent of the impending adoption before the petition for adoption is filed. If the grandparent petitions the court to adopt the child, the court shall give first priority for adoption to that grandparent.

(2)  This section shall not apply if the placement for adoption is a result of the death of the child's parent and a different preference is stated in the parent's will.

(3)  This section shall not apply in stepparent adoptions.

(4)  Nothing in this section shall contravene the provisions of s. 63.142(4).

History.--s. 1, ch. 87-397.

63.0427  Adopted minor's right to continued communication or contact with siblings.--

(1)  A child whose parents have had their parental rights terminated and whose custody has been awarded to the department pursuant to s. 39.811, and who is the subject of a petition for adoption under this chapter, shall have the right to have the court consider the appropriateness of postadoption communication or contact, including, but not limited to, visits, letters and cards, or telephone calls, with his or her siblings who are not included in the petition for adoption. The court shall determine if the best interests of the child support such continued communication or contact and shall consider the following in making such determination:

(a)  Any orders of the court pursuant to s. 39.811(7).

(b)  Recommendations of the department, the foster parents if other than the adoptive parents, and the guardian ad litem.

(c)  Statements of prospective adoptive parents.

(d)  Any other information deemed relevant and material by the court.

If the court determines that the child's best interests will be served by postadoption communication or contact with any sibling, the court shall so order, stating the nature and frequency for the communication or contact. This order shall be made a part of the final adoption order, but in no event shall continuing validity of the adoption be contingent upon such postadoption communication or contact, nor shall the ability of the adoptive parents and child to change residence within or outside the State of Florida be impaired by such communication or contact.

(2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 63.162, the adoptive parent may petition for review at any time of sibling communication or contact ordered pursuant to subsection (1), if the adoptive parent believes that the best interests of the adopted child are being compromised, and the court shall have authority to order the communication or contact to be terminated, or to order such conditions in regard to communication or contact as the court deems to be in the best interests of the adopted child. As part of the review process, the court may order the parties to engage in mediation. The department shall not be required to be a party to such review.

History.--s. 3, ch. 98-50; s. 24, ch. 99-2; s. 52, ch. 99-193.

163.043  Mandatory screening or testing for sickle-cell trait prohibited.--No person, firm, corporation, unincorporated association, state agency, unit of local government, or any public or private entity shall require screening or testing for the sickle-cell trait as a condition for employment, for admission into any state educational institution or state-chartered private educational institution, or for becoming eligible for adoption if otherwise eligible for adoption under the laws of this state.

History.--s. 4, ch. 78-35.

1Note.--Also published at s. 448.076.

63.052  Guardians designated; proof of commitment.--

(1)  For minors who have been placed for adoption with and permanently committed to an agency, the agency shall be the guardian of the person of the child; for those who have been placed for adoption with and permanently committed to the department, the department shall be the guardian of the person of the child. For minors who have been voluntarily surrendered to an intermediary through an execution of consent to adoption, the intermediary shall be responsible for the child until the time a court orders preliminary approval of placement of the child in the prospective adoptive home, at which time the prospective adoptive parents become guardians pending finalization of adoption.

(2)  For minors who have been placed for adoption with or voluntarily surrendered to an agency, but have not been permanently committed to the agency, the agency shall have the responsibility and authority to provide for the needs and welfare for such minors. For those minors placed for adoption with or voluntarily surrendered to the department, but not permanently committed to the department, the department shall have the responsibility and authority to provide for the needs and welfare for such minors. The department, an intermediary, or a licensed child-placing agency has the authority to authorize all appropriate medical care for the children who have been placed for adoption with or voluntarily surrendered to them. The provisions of s. 627.6578 shall remain in effect notwithstanding the guardianship provisions in this section.

(3)  If a minor is surrendered to an intermediary for subsequent adoption and a suitable prospective adoptive home is not available, the intermediary shall be responsible for the child until a suitable prospective adoptive home is available.

(4)  If a child is voluntarily surrendered to an intermediary for subsequent adoption and the adoption does not become final within 180 days, the intermediary must report to the court on the status of the child and the court may at that time proceed under s. 39.701 or take action reasonably necessary to protect the best interest of the child.

(5)  The recital in the written consent given by the department that the child sought to be adopted has been permanently committed to the department shall be prima facie proof of such commitment. The recital in the written consent given by a licensed child-placing agency or the declaration in an answer or recommendation filed by a licensed child-placing agency that the child has been permanently committed and the child-placing agency is duly licensed by the department shall be prima facie proof of such commitment and of such license.

(6)  Unless otherwise authorized by law, the department is not responsible for expenses incurred by licensed child-placing agencies or intermediaries participating in placement of a child for the purposes of adoption.

History.--s. 5, ch. 73-159; s. 15, ch. 77-147; s. 3, ch. 80-296; s. 5, ch. 92-96; s. 125, ch. 98-403.

63.062  Persons required to consent to adoption.--

(1)  Unless consent is excused by the court, a petition to adopt a minor may be granted only if written consent has been executed after the birth of the minor by:

(a)  The mother of the minor.

(b)  The father of the minor, if:

1.  The minor was conceived or born while the father was married to the mother.

2.  The minor is his child by adoption.

3.  The minor has been established by court proceeding to be his child.

4.  He has acknowledged in writing, signed in the presence of a competent witness, that he is the father of the minor and has filed such acknowledgment with the Office of Vital Statistics of the Department of Health.

5.  He has provided the child with support in a repetitive, customary manner.

(c)  The minor, if more than 12 years of age, unless the court in the best interest of the minor dispenses with the minor's consent.

(2)  The court may require that consent be executed by:

(a)  Any person lawfully entitled to custody of the minor; or

(b)  The court having jurisdiction to determine custody of the minor, if the person having physical custody of the minor has no authority to consent to the adoption.

(3)  The petitioner must make good faith and diligent efforts to notify, and obtain written consent from, the persons required to consent to adoption within 60 days after filing the petition. These efforts may include conducting interviews and record searches to locate those persons, including verifying information related to location of residence, employment, service in the Armed Forces, vehicle registration in this state, and corrections records.

(4)  If parental rights to the minor have previously been terminated, a licensed child-placing agency or the department with which the child has been placed for subsequent adoption may provide consent to the adoption. In such case, no other consent is required.

(5)  A petition to adopt an adult may be granted if:

(a)  Written consent to adoption has been executed by the adult and the adult's spouse, if any.

(b)  Written consent to adoption has been executed by the birth parents, if any, or proof of service of process has been filed, showing notice has been served on the parents as provided in this section.

History.--s. 6, ch. 73-159; s. 4, ch. 75-226; s. 16, ch. 77-147; s. 1, ch. 77-446; s. 6, ch. 92-96; s. 11, ch. 95-280; s. 84, ch. 97-237.

63.072  Persons whose consent to an adoption may be waived.--The court may excuse the consent of the following individuals to an adoption:

(1)  A parent who has deserted a child without affording means of identification or who has abandoned a child;

(2)  A parent whose parental rights have been terminated by order of a court of competent jurisdiction;

(3)  A parent judicially declared incompetent for whom restoration of competency is medically improbable;

(4)  A legal guardian or lawful custodian of the person to be adopted, other than a parent, who has failed to respond in writing to a request for consent for a period of 60 days or who, after examination of his or her written reasons for withholding consent, is found by the court to be withholding his or her consent unreasonably; or

(5)  The spouse of the person to be adopted, if the failure of the spouse to consent to the adoption is excused by reason of prolonged, unexplained absence, unavailability, incapacity, or circumstances that are found by the court to constitute unreasonable withholding of consent.

History.--s. 7, ch. 73-159; s. 337, ch. 95-147.

63.082  Execution of consent; family medical history; withdrawal of consent.--

(1)  Consent shall be executed as follows:

(a)  If by the person to be adopted, by oral or written statement in the presence of the court or by being acknowledged before a notary public.

(b)  If by an agency, by affidavit from its authorized representative.

(c)  If by any other person, in the presence of the court or by affidavit.

(d)  If by a court, by an appropriate order or certificate of the court.

(2)  A consent that does not name or otherwise identify the adopting parent is valid if the consent contains a statement by the person consenting that the consent was voluntarily executed and that identification of the adopting parent is not required for granting the consent.

(3)(a)  The department must provide a consent form and a family medical history form to an intermediary who intends to place a child for adoption. The forms completed by the birth parents must be attached to the petition and must contain such biological and sociological information, or such information as to the family medical history, regarding the child and the birth parents as is required by the department. The information must be incorporated into the final home investigation report specified in s. 63.125. The court may also require that the birth mother be interviewed by a representative of the department, a licensed child-placing agency, or a professional pursuant to s. 63.092.

(b)  Consent executed by the department, by a licensed child-placing agency, or by an appropriate order or certificate of the court must be attached to the petition and must be accompanied by a family medical history that includes such information concerning the medical history of the child and the birth parents as is available or readily obtainable.

(4)  The consent for voluntary surrender must be executed only after the birth of the child, in the presence of two witnesses, and be acknowledged before a notary public. The witnesses' names must be typed or printed underneath their signatures, and their home or business addresses and social security numbers must be included. The absence of a social security number shall not be deemed to invalidate the consent.

(5)  Consent may be withdrawn only when the court finds that the consent was obtained by fraud or duress.

History.--s. 8, ch. 73-159; s. 17, ch. 77-147; s. 2, ch. 78-190; s. 2, ch. 91-99; s. 7, ch. 92-96.

63.085  Disclosure by intermediary.--

(1)  An intermediary must disclose the following circumstances to persons seeking to adopt a child being placed for adoption by the intermediary:

(a)  That the payment of the medical or hospital care and counseling received by the birth mother or by the minor during the mother's prenatal care and confinement or of the living expenses of the birth mother does not guarantee that the birth mother will give the required consent for adoption of the child.

(b)  That a favorable preliminary home study and a home investigation must be completed as required by this chapter.

(c)  That a consent for adoption which is executed pursuant to s. 63.082 is binding from the time of valid execution of consent, unless it is shown that the consent was obtained by fraud or duress.

(d)  That the termination of parental rights will occur simultaneously with the finalization of the adoption, which will occur no sooner than 90 days after placement.

(e)  That, pursuant to s. 63.182, for a period of 1 year from the entry of a judgment of adoption, any irregularity or procedural defect in the adoption proceeding may be the subject of an appeal contesting the validity of the judgment.

(f)  Written acknowledgment must be provided by the intermediary, signed by the persons required to consent to adoption pursuant to s. 63.062, that the intermediary has informed them that he or she represents the adoptive parents and that regarding the birth parents, he or she acts only as intermediary for placement of the child.

(2)  The intermediary must obtain a statement signed by the persons seeking to adopt a child that they have been informed of the circumstances enumerated in subsection (1). A copy of the statement must be maintained in the files of the intermediary, and a copy must be included in the preliminary home study required in s. 63.092(2).

History.--s. 1, ch. 84-28; s. 2, ch. 88-109; s. 8, ch. 92-96; s. 338, ch. 95-147.

63.092  Report to the court of intended placement by an intermediary; preliminary study.--

(1)  REPORT TO THE COURT.--The intermediary must report any intended placement of a minor for adoption with any person not related within the third degree or a stepparent if the intermediary has knowledge of, or participates in, such intended placement. The report must be made to the court before the minor is placed in the home.

(2)  PRELIMINARY HOME STUDY.--Before placing the minor in the intended adoptive home, a preliminary home study must be performed by a licensed child-placing agency, a licensed professional, or agency described in s. 61.20(2), unless the petitioner is a stepparent, a spouse of the birth parent, or a relative. The preliminary study shall be completed within 30 days after the receipt by the court of the intermediary's report, but in no event may the child be placed in the prospective adoptive home prior to the completion of the preliminary study unless ordered by the court. If the petitioner is a stepparent, a spouse of the birth parent, or a relative, the preliminary home study may be required by the court for good cause shown. The department is required to perform the preliminary home study only if there is no licensed child-placing agency, licensed professional, or agency described in s. 61.20(2), in the county where the prospective adoptive parents reside. The preliminary home study must be made to determine the suitability of the intended adoptive parents and may be completed prior to identification of a prospective adoptive child. A favorable preliminary home study is valid for 1 year after the date of its completion. A child must not be placed in an intended adoptive home before a favorable preliminary home study is completed unless the adoptive home is also a licensed foster home under s. 409.175. The preliminary home study must include, at a minimum:

(a)  An interview with the intended adoptive parents;

(b)  Records checks of the department's central abuse registry and criminal records correspondence checks pursuant to s. 435.045 through the Department of Law Enforcement on the intended adoptive parents;

(c)  An assessment of the physical environment of the home;

(d)  A determination of the financial security of the intended adoptive parents;

(e)  Documentation of counseling and education of the intended adoptive parents on adoptive parenting;

(f)  Documentation that information on adoption and the adoption process has been provided to the intended adoptive parents;

(g)  Documentation that information on support services available in the community has been provided to the intended adoptive parents;

(h)  A copy of the signed statement required by s. 63.085; and

(i)  A copy of the written acknowledgment required by s. 63.085(1).

If the preliminary home study is favorable, a minor may be placed in the home pending entry of the judgment of adoption. A minor may not be placed in the home if the preliminary home study is unfavorable. If the preliminary home study is unfavorable, the intermediary or petitioner may, within 20 days after receipt of a copy of the written recommendation, petition the court to determine the suitability of the intended adoptive home. A determination as to suitability under this subsection does not act as a presumption of suitability at the final hearing. In determining the suitability of the intended adoptive home, the court must consider the totality of the circumstances in the home.

History.--s. 9, ch. 73-159; s. 5, ch. 75-226; s. 18, ch. 77-147; s. 5, ch. 78-190; s. 4, ch. 80-296; s. 3, ch. 82-166; s. 2, ch. 84-28; s. 1, ch. 85-189; s. 9, ch. 92-96; s. 126, ch. 98-403.

63.097  Fees.--

(1)  APPROVAL OF FEES TO INTERMEDIARIES.--Any fee over $1,000 and those costs as set out in s. 63.212(1)(d) over $2,500, paid to an intermediary other than actual, documented medical costs, court costs, and hospital costs must be approved by the court prior to assessment of the fee by the intermediary and upon a showing of justification for the larger fee.

(2)  FEES FOR AGENCIES OR THE DEPARTMENT.--When an intermediary uses the services of a licensed child-placing agency, a professional, any other person or agency pursuant to s. 63.092, or, if necessary, the department, the person seeking to adopt the child must pay the licensed child-placing agency, professional, other person or agency, or the department an amount equal to the cost of all services performed, including, but not limited to, the cost of conducting the preliminary home study, counseling, and the final home investigation. The court, upon a finding that the person seeking to adopt the child is financially unable to pay that amount, may order that such person pay a lesser amount.

History.--s. 6, ch. 75-226; s. 1, ch. 77-174; s. 6, ch. 78-190; s. 2, ch. 84-101; s. 4, ch. 87-397; s. 1, ch. 90-55; s. 10, ch. 92-96.

63.102  Filing of petition; venue; proceeding for approval of fees and costs.--

(1)  A proceeding for adoption shall be commenced by filing a petition entitled, "In the Matter of the Adoption of _____" in the circuit court. The person to be adopted shall be designated in the caption in the name by which he or she is to be known if the petition is granted. If the child is placed for adoption by an agency, any name by which the child was previously known shall not be disclosed in the petition, the notice of hearing, or the judgment of adoption.

(2)  A petition for adoption or for a declaratory statement as to the adoption contract shall be filed in the county where the petitioner or petitioners or the child resides or where the agency in which the child has been placed is located.

(3)  Except for adoptions involving placement of a child with a relative within the third degree of consanguinity, a petition for adoption in an adoption handled by an intermediary shall be filed within 30 working days after placement of a child with a parent seeking to adopt the child. If no petition is filed within 30 days, any interested party, including the state, may file an action challenging the prospective adoptive parent's physical custody of the child.

(4)  If the filing of the petition for adoption or for a declaratory statement as to the adoption contract in the county where the petitioner or child resides would tend to endanger the privacy of the petitioner or child, the petition for adoption may be filed in a different county, provided the substantive rights of any person will not thereby be affected.

(5)  A proceeding for prior approval of fees and costs may be commenced any time after an agreement is reached between the birth mother and the adoptive parents by filing a petition for declaratory statement on the agreement entitled "In the Matter of the Proposed Adoption of a Minor Child" in the circuit court. If a petition for adoption is subsequently filed, the petition for declaratory statement and the petition for adoption must be consolidated into one case.

History.--s. 10, ch. 73-159; s. 7, ch. 75-226; s. 5, ch. 87-397; s. 2, ch. 90-55; s. 11, ch. 92-96; s. 339, ch. 95-147.

63.112  Petition for adoption; description; report or recommendation, exceptions; mailing.--

(1)  A sufficient number of copies of the petition for adoption shall be signed and verified by the petitioner and filed with the clerk of the court so that service may be made under subsection (4) and shall state:

(a)  The date and place of birth of the person to be adopted, if known;

(b)  The name to be given to the person to be adopted;

(c)  The date petitioner acquired custody of the minor and the name of the person placing the minor;

(d)  The full name, age, and place and duration of residence of the petitioner;

(e)  The marital status of the petitioner, including the date and place of marriage, if married, and divorces, if any;

(f)  The facilities and resources of the petitioner, including those under a subsidy agreement, available to provide for the care of the minor to be adopted;

(g)  A description and estimate of the value of any property of the person to be adopted;

(h)  The name and address, if known, of any person whose consent to the adoption is required, but who has not consented, and facts or circumstances that excuse the lack of consent; and

(i)  The reasons why the petitioner desires to adopt the person.

(2)  The following documents are required to be filed with the clerk of the court at the time the petition is filed:

(a)  The required consents, unless consent is excused by the court.

(b)  The favorable preliminary home study of the department, licensed child-placing agency, or professional pursuant to s. 63.092, as to the suitability of the home in which the minor has been placed.

(c)  The surrender document must include documentation that interviews were held with:

1.  The birth mother, if parental rights have not been terminated;

2.  The birth father, if his consent to the adoption is required and parental rights have not been terminated; and

3.  The child, if older than 12 years of age, unless the court, in the best interest of the child, dispenses with the child's consent under s. 63.062(1)(c).

The court may waive the requirement for an interview with the birth mother or birth father in the investigation for good cause shown.

(3)  Unless ordered by the court, no report or recommendation is required when the placement is a stepparent adoption or when the child is related to one of the adoptive parents within the third degree.

(4)  The clerk of the court shall mail a copy of the petition within 24 hours after filing, and execute a certificate of mailing, to the department and the agency placing the minor, if any.

History.--s. 11, ch. 73-159; s. 8, ch. 75-226; s. 19, ch. 77-147; s. 5, ch. 83-215; s. 12, ch. 92-96.

63.122  Notice of hearing on petition.--

(1)  After the petition to adopt a minor is filed, the court must establish a time and place for hearing the petition. The hearing must not be held sooner than 90 days after the placing of the minor in the physical custody of the petitioner. The minor must remain under the supervision of the department, an intermediary, or a licensed child-placing agency until the adoption becomes final. When the petitioner is a spouse of the birth parent, the hearing may be held immediately after the filing of the petition.

(2)  Notice of hearing must be given as prescribed by the rules of civil procedure, and service of process must be made as specified by law for civil actions.

(3)  Upon a showing by the petitioner that the privacy of the petitioner or child may be endangered, the court may order the names of the petitioner or child, or both, to be deleted from the notice of hearing and from the copy of the petition attached thereto, provided the substantive rights of any person will not thereby be affected.

(4)  Notice of the hearing must be given by the petitioner to:

(a)  The department or any licensed child-placing agency placing the minor.

(b)  The intermediary.

(c)  Any person whose consent to the adoption is required by this act who has not consented, unless such person's consent is excused by the court.

(d)  Any person who is seeking to withdraw consent.

(5)  After filing the petition to adopt an adult, a notice of the time and place of the hearing must be given to any person whose consent to the adoption is required but who has not consented. The court may order an appropriate investigation to assist in determining whether the adoption is in the best interest of the persons involved.

History.--s. 12, ch. 73-159; s. 9, ch. 75-226; s. 20. ch. 77-147; s. 13, ch. 92-96.

63.125  Final home investigation.--

(1)  The final home investigation must be conducted before the adoption becomes final. The investigation may be conducted by a licensed child-placing agency or a professional in the same manner as provided in s. 63.092 to ascertain whether the adoptive home is a suitable home for the minor and whether the proposed adoption is in the best interest of the minor. Unless directed by the court, an investigation and recommendation are not required if the petitioner is a stepparent or if the child is related to one of the adoptive parents within the third degree of consanguinity. The department is required to perform the home investigation only if there is no licensed child-placing agency or professional pursuant to s. 63.092 in the county in which the prospective adoptive parent resides.

(2)  The department, the licensed child-placing agency, or the professional that performs the investigation must file a written report of the investigation with the court and the petitioner within 90 days after the date the petition is filed.

(3)  The report of the investigation must contain an evaluation of the placement with a recommendation on the granting of the petition for adoption and any other information the court requires regarding the petitioner or the minor.

(4)  The department, the licensed child-placing agency, or the professional making the required investigation may request other state agencies or child-placing agencies within or outside this state to make investigations of designated parts of the inquiry and to make a written report to the department, the professional, or other person or agency.

(5)  The final home investigation must include:

(a)  The information from the preliminary home study.

(b)  After the child is placed in the intended adoptive home, two scheduled visits with the child and the child's adoptive parent or parents, one of which visits must be in the home, to determine the suitability of the placement.

(c)  The family medical history as provided in s. 63.082.

(d)  Any other information relevant to the suitability of the intended adoptive home.

(e)  Any other relevant information, as provided in rules that the department may adopt.

History.--s. 14, ch. 92-96.

63.132  Report of expenditures and receipts.--

(1)  At least 10 days before the hearing, the petitioner and any intermediary must file two copies of an affidavit containing a full accounting of all disbursements and receipts of anything of value, including professional fees, made or agreed to be made by or on behalf of the petitioner and any intermediary in connection with the adoption. The clerk of the court shall forward a copy of the affidavit to the department. The report must show any expenses or receipts incurred in connection with:

(a)  The birth of the minor.

(b)  The placement of the minor with the petitioner.

(c)  The medical or hospital care received by the mother or by the minor during the mother's prenatal care and confinement.

(d)  The living expenses of the birth mother. The living expenses must be documented in detail to apprise the court of the exact expenses incurred.

(e)  The services relating to the adoption or to the placement of the minor for adoption that were received by or on behalf of the petitioner, the intermediary, either natural parent, the minor, or any other person.

(2)  The court may require such additional information as is deemed necessary.

(3)  This section does not apply to an adoption by a stepparent whose spouse is a natural or adoptive parent of the child.

History.--s. 13, ch. 73-159; s. 21, ch. 77-147; s. 15, ch. 92-96; s. 8, ch. 2000-151.

63.135  Information under oath to be submitted to the court.--

(1)  Each party in an adoption proceeding involving a child over the age of 6 months, in the first pleading or in an affidavit attached to that pleading, shall give information under oath as to the child's present address, the places where the child has lived within the last 5 years, and the names and present addresses of the persons with whom the child has lived during that period. In the pleading or affidavit each party shall further declare under oath whether:

(a)  The party has participated as a party or witness or in any other capacity in any other litigation concerning the custody of the same child in this or any other state;

(b)  The party has information of any custody proceeding concerning the child pending in a court of this or any other state; and

(c)  The party knows of any person not a party to the proceedings who has physical custody of the child or claims to have custody or visitation rights with respect to the child.

(2)  If the declaration as to any item specified in subsection (1) is in the affirmative, the declarant shall give additional information under oath as required by the court. The court may examine the parties under oath about details of the information furnished and other matters pertinent to the court's jurisdiction and judgment of adoption.

(3)  Each party has a continuing duty to inform the court of any custody proceeding concerning the child in this or any other state about which he or she obtained information during this proceeding.

History.--s. 6, ch. 87-397; s. 340, ch. 95-147.

63.142  Hearing; judgment of adoption.--

(1)  The petitioner and the person to be adopted shall appear at the hearing on the petition, unless:

(a)  The person is a minor under 12 years of age, or

(b)  The presence of either is excused by the court for good cause.

(2)  The court may continue the hearing from time to time to permit further observation, investigation, or consideration of any facts or circumstances affecting the granting of the petition.

(3)(a)  If the petition is dismissed, the court shall determine the person that is to have custody of the minor.

(b)  If the petition is dismissed, the court shall state with specificity the reasons for the dismissal.

(4)  At the conclusion of the hearing, when the court determines that all necessary consents have been obtained and that the adoption is in the best interest of the person to be adopted, a judgment of adoption shall be entered.

History.--s. 14, ch. 73-159; s. 3, ch. 77-140.

63.152  Application for new birth record.--Within 30 days after entry of a judgment of adoption, the clerk of the court, and in agency adoptions, any child-placing agency licensed by the department, shall prepare a certified statement of the entry for the state registrar of vital statistics on a form provided by the registrar. A new birth record containing the necessary information supplied by the certificate shall be issued by the registrar on application of the adopting parents or the adopted person.

History.--s. 15, ch. 73-159; s. 5, ch. 90-309.

63.162  Hearings and records in adoption proceedings; confidential nature.--

(1)  All hearings held in proceedings under this act shall be held in closed court without admittance of any person other than essential officers of the court, the parties, witnesses, counsel, persons who have not consented to the adoption and are required to consent, and representatives of the agencies who are present to perform their official duties.

(2)  All papers and records pertaining to the adoption, including the original birth certificate, whether part of the permanent record of the court or a file in the department, in a licensed child-placing agency, or in the office of an intermediary are confidential and subject to inspection only upon order of the court; however, the petitioner in any proceeding for adoption under this chapter may, at the option of the petitioner, make public the reasons for a denial of the petition for adoption. The order must specify which portion of the records are subject to inspection, and it may exclude the name and identifying information concerning the birth parent or adoptee. Papers and records of the department, a court, or any other governmental agency, which papers and records relate to adoptions, are exempt from s. 119.07(1). In the case of a nonagency adoption, the department must be given notice of hearing and be permitted to present to the court a report on the advisability of disclosing or not disclosing information pertaining to the adoption. In the case of an agency adoption, the licensed child-placing agency must be given notice of hearing and be permitted to present to the court a report on the advisability of disclosing or not disclosing information pertaining to the adoption. This subsection does not prohibit the department from inspecting and copying any official record pertaining to the adoption that is maintained by the department and does not prohibit an agency from inspecting and copying any official record pertaining to the adoption that is maintained by that agency.

(3)  The court files, records, and papers in the adoption of a minor shall be indexed only in the name of the petitioner, and the name of the minor shall not be noted on any docket, index, or other record outside the court file, except that closed agency files may be cross-referenced in the original and adoptive names of the minor.

(4)  A person may not disclose from the records the name and identity of a birth parent, an adoptive parent, or an adoptee unless:

(a)  The birth parent authorizes in writing the release of his or her name;

(b)  The adoptee, if 18 or more years of age, authorizes in writing the release of his or her name; or, if the adoptee is less than 18 years of age, written consent to disclose the adoptee's name is obtained from an adoptive parent;

(c)  The adoptive parent authorizes in writing the release of his or her name; or

(d)  Upon order of the court for good cause shown. In determining whether good cause exists, the court shall give primary consideration to the best interests of the adoptee, but must also give due consideration to the interests of the adoptive and birth parents. Factors to be considered in determining whether good cause exists include, but are not limited to:

1.  The reason the information is sought;

2.  The existence of means available to obtain the desired information without disclosing the identity of the birth parents, such as by having the court, a person appointed by the court, the department, or the licensed child-placing agency contact the birth parents and request specific information;

3.  The desires, to the extent known, of the adoptee, the adoptive parents, and the birth parents;

4.  The age, maturity, judgment, and expressed needs of the adoptee; and

5.  The recommendation of the department, licensed child-placing agency, or professional which prepared the preliminary study and home investigation, or the department if no such study was prepared, concerning the advisability of disclosure.

(5)  The adoptee or other person seeking information under this subsection shall pay the department or agency making reports or recommendations as required hereunder a reasonable fee for its services and expenses.

(6)  Subject to the provisions of subsection (4), identifying information regarding the birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptee may not be disclosed unless a birth parent, adoptive parent, or adoptee has authorized in writing the release of such information concerning himself or herself. Specific names or identifying information must not be given in a family medical history. All nonidentifying information, including the family medical history and social history of the adoptee and the birth parents, when available, must be furnished to the adoptive parents before the adoption becomes final and to the adoptee, upon the adoptee's request, after he or she reaches majority. Upon the request of the adoptive parents, all nonidentifying information obtained before or after the adoption has become final must be furnished to the adoptive parents.

(7)  The court may, upon petition of an adult adoptee, for good cause shown, appoint an intermediary or a licensed child-placing agency to contact a birth parent who has not registered with the adoption registry pursuant to s. 63.165 and advise them of the availability of same.

History.--s. 16, ch. 73-159; s. 10, ch. 75-226; s. 2, ch. 77-140; s. 22, ch. 77-147; s. 2, ch. 77-446; s. 3, ch. 78-190; s. 5, ch. 80-296; s. 4, ch. 82-166; s. 3, ch. 84-101; s. 2, ch. 85-189; s. 2, ch. 87-16; s. 19, ch. 90-360; s. 16, ch. 92-96; s. 341, ch. 95-147; s. 23, ch. 96-406; s. 25, ch. 99-2.

63.165  State registry of adoption information; duty to inform and explain.--Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the department shall maintain a registry with the last known names and addresses of an adoptee and his or her natural parents and adoptive parents and any other identifying information which the adoptee, natural parents, or adoptive parents desire to include in the registry. The registry shall be open with respect to all adoptions in the state, regardless of when they took place. The registry shall be available for those persons choosing to enter information therein, but no one shall be required to do so.

(1)  Anyone seeking to enter, change, or use information in the registry, or any agent of such person, shall present verification of his or her identity and, if applicable, his or her authority. A person who enters information in the registry shall be required to indicate clearly the persons to whom he or she is consenting to release this information, which persons shall be limited to the adoptee and the natural mother, natural father, adoptive mother, adoptive father, natural siblings, and maternal and paternal natural grandparents of the adoptee. Except as provided in this section, information in the registry is confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1). Consent to the release of this information may be made in the case of a minor adoptee by his or her adoptive parents or by the court after a showing of good cause. At any time, any person may withdraw, limit, or otherwise restrict consent to release information by notifying the department in writing.

(2)  The department may charge a reasonable fee to any person seeking to enter, change, or use information in the registry. The department shall deposit such fees in a trust fund to be used by the department only for the efficient administration of this section. The department and agencies shall make counseling available for a fee to all persons seeking to use the registry, and the department shall inform all affected persons of the availability of such counseling.

(3)  The department, intermediary, or licensed child-placing agency must inform the birth parents before parental rights are terminated, and the adoptive parents before placement, in writing, of the existence and purpose of the registry established under this section, but failure to do so does not affect the validity of any proceeding under this chapter.

History.--s. 5, ch. 82-166; s. 29, ch. 87-387; s. 3, ch. 91-99; s. 17, ch. 92-96; s. 85, ch. 97-237.

63.167  State adoption information center.--

(1)  The department shall establish a state adoption information center for the purpose of increasing public knowledge about adoption and promoting to adolescents and pregnant women the availability of adoption services. The department shall contract with a licensed child-placing agency to operate the state adoption information center.

(2)  The functions of the state adoption information center shall include:

(a)  Providing a training program for persons who counsel adolescents, including, but not limited to, school counselors, county child welfare services employees, and family planning clinic employees.

(b)  Recruiting adoption services specialist trainees, and providing a training program for such specialists.

(c)  Operating a toll-free telephone number to provide information and referral services.

(d)  Distributing pamphlets which provide information on the availability of adoption services.

(e)  Promoting adoption through the communications media.

(f)  Maintaining a list of licensed child-placing agencies eligible and willing to take custody of and place newborn infants left at a hospital, pursuant to s. 383.50. The names and contact information for the licensed child-placing agencies on the list shall be provided on a rotating basis to the statewide central abuse hotline.

(3)  The department shall ensure equitable distribution of referrals to licensed child-placing agencies, and may promulgate rules as necessary for the establishment and operation of the state adoption information center.

History.--s. 62, ch. 90-306; s. 4, ch. 2000-188.

63.172  Effect of judgment of adoption.--

(1)  A judgment of adoption, whether entered by a court of this state, another state, or of any other place, has the following effect:

(a)  It relieves the birth parents of the adopted person, except a birth parent who is a petitioner or who is married to a petitioner, of all parental rights and responsibilities.

(b)  It terminates all legal relationships between the adopted person and the adopted person's relatives, including the birth parents, except a birth parent who is a petitioner or who is married to a petitioner, so that the adopted person thereafter is a stranger to his or her former relatives for all purposes, including inheritance and the interpretation or construction of documents, statutes, and instruments, whether executed before or after entry of the adoption judgment, that do not expressly include the adopted person by name or by some designation not based on a parent and child or blood relationship.

(c)  It creates the relationship between the adopted person and the petitioner and all relatives of the petitioner that would have existed if the adopted person were a blood descendant of the petitioner born within wedlock. This relationship shall be created for all purposes, including inheritance and applicability of statutes, documents, and instruments, whether executed before or after entry of the adoption judgment, that do not expressly exclude an adopted person from their operation or effect.

(2)  If one or both parents of a child die without the relationship of parent and child having been previously terminated and a spouse of the living parent or a close relative of the child thereafter adopts the child, the child's right of inheritance from or through the deceased parent is unaffected by the adoption and, unless the court orders otherwise, the adoption will not terminate any grandparental rights delineated under chapter 752. For purposes of this subsection, a close relative of a child is the child's brother, sister, grandparent, aunt, or uncle.

History.--s. 17, ch. 73-159; s. 11, ch. 75-226; s. 1, ch. 79-369; s. 1, ch. 87-27; s. 1, ch. 90-139; s. 18, ch. 92-96; s. 1, ch. 93-192; s. 342, ch. 95-147.

63.182  Statute of repose.--Notwithstanding s. 95.031 or s. 95.11 or any other statute:

(1)  An action or proceeding of any kind to vacate, set aside, or otherwise nullify a judgment of adoption or an underlying judgment terminating parental rights on any ground, including duress but excluding fraud, shall in no event be filed more than 1 year after entry of the judgment terminating parental rights.

(2)  An action or proceeding of any kind to vacate, set aside, or otherwise nullify a judgment of adoption or an underlying judgment terminating parental rights on grounds of fraud shall in no event be filed more than 2 years after entry of the judgment terminating parental rights.

History.--s. 18, ch. 73-159; s. 6, ch. 2000-188.

63.185  Residency requirement.--For any person to adopt in this state, his or her primary residence and place of employment in Florida is required, except for adoption of a special needs child, as defined in s. 409.166.

History.--s. 7, ch. 87-397; s. 4, ch. 91-99; s. 20, ch. 92-96; s. 343, ch. 95-147.

63.192  Recognition of foreign judgment affecting adoption.--A judgment of court terminating the relationship of parent and child or establishing the relationship by adoption issued pursuant to due process of law by a court of any other jurisdiction within or without the United States shall be recognized in this state, and the rights and obligations of the parties on matters within the jurisdiction of this state shall be determined as though the judgment were issued by a court of this state.

History.--s. 19, ch. 73-159.

63.202  Authority to license; adoption of rules.--

(1)  The Department of Children and Family Services is authorized and empowered to license child welfare agencies that it determines to be qualified to place minors for adoption.

(2)  No agency shall place a minor for adoption unless such agency is licensed by the department.

(3)  The department may adopt rules necessary to ensure that all child-placing agencies comply with this chapter to receive or renew a license.

History.--s. 20, ch. 73-159; s. 23, ch. 77-147; s. 7, ch. 78-190; s. 8, ch. 87-397; s. 12, ch. 97-101.

63.207  Out-of-state placement.--

(1)  Unless the child is to be placed with a relative within the third degree or with a stepparent, no person except an intermediary, an agency, or the department shall:

(a)  Take or send a child out of the state for the purpose of placement for adoption; or

(b)  Place or attempt to place a child for the purpose of adoption with a family who primarily lives and works outside Florida in another state. An intermediary may place or attempt to place a child for adoption in another state only if the child is a special needs child as that term is defined in s. 409.166. If an intermediary is acting under this subsection, the intermediary shall file a petition for declaratory statement pursuant to s. 63.102 for prior approval of fees and costs. The court shall review the costs pursuant to s. 63.097. The petition for declaratory statement must be converted to a petition for an adoption upon placement of the child in the home. The circuit court in this state must retain jurisdiction over the matter until the adoption becomes final. The adoptive parents must come to this state to have the adoption finalized. Violation of the order subjects the intermediary to contempt of court and to the penalties provided in s. 63.212.

(2)  An intermediary may not counsel a birth mother to leave the state for the purpose of giving birth to a child outside the state in order to secure a fee in excess of that permitted under s. 63.097 when it is the intention that the child is to be placed for adoption outside the state.

(3)  When applicable, the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children authorized in s. 409.401 shall be used in placing children outside the state for adoption.

History.--s. 12, ch. 75-226; s. 24, ch. 77-147; s. 8, ch. 78-190; s. 4, ch. 84-101; s. 9, ch. 87-397; s. 21, ch. 92-96.

63.212  Prohibited acts; penalties for violation.--

(1)  It is unlawful for any person:

(a)  Except the department, an intermediary, or an agency, to place or attempt to place a child for adoption with a person who primarily lives and works outside this state unless the child is placed with a relative within the third degree or with a stepparent. An intermediary may place or attempt to place a special needs child for adoption with a person who primarily lives and works outside this state only if the intermediary has a declaratory statement from the court establishing the fees to be paid. This requirement does not apply if the child is placed with a relative within the third degree or with a stepparent.

(b)  Except the department, an intermediary, or an agency, to place or attempt to place a child for adoption with a family whose primary residence and place of employment is in another state unless the child is placed with a relative within the third degree or with a stepparent. An intermediary may place or attempt to place a special needs child for adoption with a family whose primary residence and place of employment is in another state only if the intermediary has a declaratory statement from the court establishing the fees to be paid. This requirement does not apply if the child is placed with a relative within the third degree or with a stepparent.

(c)  Except the Department of Children and Family Services, an agency, or an intermediary, to place or attempt to place within the state a child for adoption unless the child is placed with a relative within the third degree or with a stepparent. This prohibition, however, does not apply to a person who is placing or attempting to place a child for the purpose of adoption with the Department of Children and Family Services or an agency or through an intermediary.

(d)  To sell or surrender, or to arrange for the sale or surrender of, a child to another person for money or anything of value or to receive such minor child for such payment or thing of value. If a child is being adopted by a relative within the third degree or by a stepparent, or is being adopted through the Department of Children and Family Services, an agency, or an intermediary, nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting the person who is contemplating adopting the child from paying the actual prenatal care and living expenses of the mother of the child to be adopted, nor from paying the actual living and medical expenses of such mother for a reasonable time, not to exceed 6 weeks, if medical needs require such support, after the birth of the child.

(e)  Having the rights and duties of a parent with respect to the care and custody of a minor to assign or transfer such parental rights for the purpose of, incidental to, or otherwise connected with, selling or offering to sell such rights and duties.

(f)  To assist in the commission of any act prohibited in paragraph (a), paragraph (b), paragraph (c), paragraph (d), or paragraph (e).

(g)  Except the Department of Children and Family Services or an agency, to charge or accept any fee or compensation of any nature from anyone for making a referral in connection with an adoption.

(h)  Except the Department of Children and Family Services, an agency, or an intermediary, to advertise or offer to the public, in any way, by any medium whatever that a child is available for adoption or that a child is sought for adoption; and further, it is unlawful for any person to publish or broadcast any such advertisement without including a Florida license number of the agency, attorney, or physician placing the advertisement.

(i)  To contract for the purchase, sale, or transfer of custody or parental rights in connection with any child, or in connection with any fetus yet unborn, or in connection with any fetus identified in any way but not yet conceived, in return for any valuable consideration. Any such contract is void and unenforceable as against the public policy of this state. However, fees, costs, and other incidental payments made in accordance with statutory provisions for adoption, foster care, and child welfare are permitted, and a person may agree to pay expenses in connection with a preplanned adoption agreement as specified below, but the payment of such expenses may not be conditioned upon the transfer of parental rights. Each petition for adoption which is filed in connection with a preplanned adoption agreement must clearly identify the adoption as a preplanned adoption arrangement and must include a copy of the preplanned adoption agreement for review by the court.

1.  Individuals may enter into a preplanned adoption arrangement as specified herein, but such arrangement shall not in any way:

a.  Effect final transfer of custody of a child or final adoption of a child, without review and approval of the department and the court, and without compliance with other applicable provisions of law.

b.  Constitute consent of a mother to place her child for adoption until 7 days following birth, and unless the court making the custody determination or approving the adoption determines that the mother was aware of her right to rescind within the 7-day period following birth but chose not to rescind such consent.

2.  A preplanned adoption arrangement shall be based upon a preplanned adoption agreement which shall include, but need not be limited to, the following terms:

a.  That the volunteer mother agrees to become pregnant by the fertility technique specified in the agreement, to bear the child, and to terminate any parental rights and responsibilities to the child she might have through a written consent executed at the same time as the preplanned adoption agreement, subject to a right of rescission by the volunteer mother any time within 7 days after the birth of the child.

b.  That the volunteer mother agrees to submit to reasonable medical evaluation and treatment and to adhere to reasonable medical instructions about her prenatal health.

c.  That the volunteer mother acknowledges that she is aware that she will assume parental rights and responsibilities for the child born to her as otherwise provided by law for a mother, if the intended father and intended mother terminate the agreement before final transfer of custody is completed, or if a court determines that a parent clearly specified by the preplanned adoption agreement to be the biological parent is not the biological parent, or if the preplanned adoption is not approved by the court pursuant to the Florida Adoption Act.

d.  That an intended father who is also the biological father acknowledges that he is aware that he will assume parental rights and responsibilities for the child as otherwise provided by law for a father, if the agreement is terminated for any reason by any party before final transfer of custody is completed or if the planned adoption is not approved by the court pursuant to the Florida Adoption Act.

e.  That the intended father and intended mother acknowledge that they may not receive custody or the parental rights under the agreement if the volunteer mother terminates the agreement or if the volunteer mother rescinds her consent to place her child for adoption within 7 days after birth.

f.  That the intended father and intended mother may agree to pay all reasonable legal, medical, psychological, or psychiatric expenses of the volunteer mother related to the preplanned adoption arrangement, and may agree to pay the reasonable living expenses of the volunteer mother. No other compensation, whether in cash or in kind, shall be made pursuant to a preplanned adoption arrangement.

g.  That the intended father and intended mother agree to accept custody of and to assert full parental rights and responsibilities for the child immediately upon the child's birth, regardless of any impairment to the child.

h.  That the intended father and intended mother shall have the right to specify the blood and tissue typing tests to be performed if the agreement specifies that at least one of them is intended to be the biological parent of the child.

i.  That the agreement may be terminated at any time by any of the parties.

3.  A preplanned adoption agreement shall not contain any provision:

a.  To reduce any amount paid to the volunteer mother if the child is stillborn or is born alive but impaired, or to provide for the payment of a supplement or bonus for any reason.

b.  Requiring the termination of the volunteer mother's pregnancy.

4.  An attorney who represents an intended father and intended mother or any other attorney with whom that attorney is associated shall not represent simultaneously a female who is or proposes to be a volunteer mother in any matter relating to a preplanned adoption agreement or preplanned adoption arrangement.

5.  Payment to agents, finders, and intermediaries, including attorneys and physicians, as a finder's fee for finding volunteer mothers or matching a volunteer mother and intended father and intended mother is prohibited. Doctors, psychologists, attorneys, and other professionals may receive reasonable compensation for their professional services, such as providing medical services and procedures, legal advice in structuring and negotiating a preplanned adoption agreement, or counseling.

6.  As used in this paragraph, the term:

a.  "Blood and tissue typing tests" include, but are not limited to, tests of red cell antigens, red cell isoenzymes, human leukocyte antigens, and serum proteins.

b.  "Child" means the child or children conceived by means of an insemination that is part of a preplanned adoption arrangement.

c.  "Fertility technique" means artificial embryonation, artificial insemination, whether in vivo or in vitro, egg donation, or embryo adoption.

d.  "Intended father" means a male who, as evidenced by a preplanned adoption agreement, intends to have the parental rights and responsibilities for a child conceived through a fertility technique, regardless of whether the child is biologically related to the male.

e.  "Intended mother" means a female who, as evidenced by a preplanned adoption agreement, intends to have the parental rights and responsibilities for a child conceived through a fertility technique, regardless of whether the child is biologically related to the female.

f.  "Parties" means the intended father and intended mother, the volunteer mother and her husband, if she has a husband, who are all parties to the preplanned adoption agreement.

g.  "Preplanned adoption agreement" means a written agreement among the parties that specifies the intent of the parties as to their rights and responsibilities in the preplanned adoption arrangement, consistent with the provisions of this act.

h.  "Preplanned adoption arrangement" means the arrangement through which the parties enter into an agreement for the volunteer mother to bear the child, for payment by the intended father and intended mother of the expenses allowed by this act, for the intended father and intended mother to assert full parental rights and responsibilities to the child if consent to adoption is not rescinded after birth by the volunteer mother, and for the volunteer mother to terminate, subject to a right of rescission, in favor of the intended father and intended mother all her parental rights and responsibilities to the child.

i.  "Volunteer mother" means a female person at least 18 years of age who voluntarily agrees, subject to a right of rescission, that if she should become pregnant pursuant to a preplanned adoption arrangement, she will terminate in favor of the intended father and intended mother her parental rights and responsibilities to the child.

(2)  Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit a licensed child-placing agency from charging fees reasonably commensurate to the services provided.

(3)  It is unlawful for any intermediary to fail to report to the court, prior to placement, the intended placement of a child for purposes of adoption with any person not a stepparent or a relative within the third degree, if the intermediary participates in such intended placement.

(4)  It is unlawful for any intermediary to charge any fee over $1,000 and those costs as set out in paragraph (1)(d) over $2,500, other than for actual documented medical costs, court costs, and hospital costs unless such fee is approved by the court prior to the assessment of the fee by the intermediary and upon a showing of justification for the larger fee.

(5)  It is unlawful for any intermediary to counsel a birth mother to leave the state for the purpose of giving birth to a child outside the state in order to secure a fee in excess of that permitted under s. 63.097 when it is the intention that the child be placed for adoption outside the state.

(6)  It is unlawful for any intermediary to obtain a preliminary home study or final home investigation and fail to disclose the existence of the study to the court.

(7)  A person who violates any provision of this section, excluding paragraph (1)(h), is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. A person who violates paragraph (1)(h) is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.083; and each day of continuing violation shall be considered a separate offense.

History.--s. 21, ch. 73-159; s. 13, ch. 75-226; s. 25, ch. 77-147; s. 1, ch. 77-174; s. 9, ch. 78-190; s. 6, ch. 80-296; s. 5, ch. 84-101; s. 8, ch. 87-224; s. 10, ch. 87-397; s. 1, ch. 88-143; s. 3, ch. 90-55; s. 23, ch. 90-306; s. 22, ch. 92-96; s. 13, ch. 97-101.

63.219  Sanctions.--Upon a finding by the court that an intermediary or agency has violated any provision of this chapter, the court is authorized to prohibit the intermediary or agency from placing a minor for adoption in the future.

History.--s. 23, ch. 92-96.

63.222  Effect on prior adoption proceedings.--Any adoption made before the effective date of this act shall be valid, and any proceedings pending on the effective date of this act are not affected thereby.

History.--s. 22, ch. 73-159.

63.232  Duty of person adopting.--In order to protect the rights of all the parties involved in an adoption, any person adopting or attempting to adopt another person shall comply with the procedures established by this act.

History.--s. 23, ch. 73-159.

63.233  Rulemaking authority.--The department shall adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this chapter.

History.--s. 11, ch. 87-397; s. 10, ch. 98-200.