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The Florida Senate

HB 733: Elections

GENERAL BILL by Stafford

Elections; Extends timeframe for which person who cast provisional ballot may present written evidence supporting his or her eligibility to vote; requires supervisor to provide certain notification to person whose provisional ballot was rejected; requires supervisor of elections to allow person who voted provisional ballot to present identification & submit affidavit to cure unsigned Provisional Ballot Voter's Certificate & Affirmation or provisional ballot rejected due to signature discrepancy; prescribes form & content of affidavit; provides instructions to accompany each affidavit; requires affidavit, instructions, & supervisor's contact information to be posted on specified websites; requires supervisor to attach received affidavit to corresponding provisional ballot envelope; requires supervisor to allow submission of affidavit to cure signature discrepancies on vote-by-mail ballot.

Effective Date: 7/1/2017
Last Action: 5/5/2017 House - Died in Oversight, Transparency and Administration Subcommittee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 105 (Ch. 2017-45)
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/9/2017 House • Filed
2/15/2017 House • Referred to Oversight, Transparency and Administration Subcommittee; Government Accountability Committee -HJ 85
3/7/2017 House • Introduced -HJ 85
5/5/2017 House • Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
• Died in Oversight, Transparency and Administration Subcommittee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 105 (Ch. 2017-45)