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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 7215 — Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

by Economic Affairs Committee, Appropriations Committee, Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee; and Rep. Crisafulli (CS/CS/SB 2076 by Budget Subcommittee on General Government Appropriations and Agriculture Committee)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Agriculture Committee (AG)

This bill addresses issues relating to agriculture and the powers and duties of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. It:

  • Transfers the regulation of dairy products to the Division of Food Safety;
  • Repeals ch. 503, F.S., relating to frozen desserts and transfers statutory authority regarding frozen desserts to ch. 502, F.S.
  • Exempts certain Direct Service Organizations within the department from annual audits;
  • Deletes provisions allowing department advisory committee members to claim per diem and travel expenses;
  • Increases current levels of insurance for pest control businesses;
  • Provides for the establishment, monitoring, and regulation of centralized pest control customer contact centers in lieu of licensure as pest control businesses;
  • Establishes a limited certification category authorizing persons to use nonchemical methods for controlling rodents in lieu of licensure;
  • Requires registered pesticide brand products that undergo label revision during the biennial registration period to provide the department with a copy of the revised label;
  • Allows a lead land manager, instead of the Department of Environmental Protection, to receive the proceeds from the sale of easements for the construction of electric transmission and distribution facilities on Board of Trustees-owned lands;
  • Grants the department with the exclusive authority to enforce the Florida Building Code as it relates to wildfire and law enforcement facilities;
  • Establishes a Certified Pile Burner program in statute;
  • Authorizes monies received from the sale of surplus state-owned wildland firefighting equipment and vehicles to be used to exchange, maintain or purchase wildland firefighting equipment;
  • Authorizes the department to dispose of surplus firefighting equipment and vehicles as it sees fit;
  • Authorizes the department to delegate authority to local governments to issue authorizations for open burning;
  • Requires anyone who produces, harvests, packs or repacks tomatoes that are not permitted under ch. 500, F.S., to register each location annually and to pay a registration fee;
  • Renames the Office of Water Coordination as the Office of Energy and Water;
  • Provides fair associations with immunity from liability for damages resulting from certain exhibits and concessions at public fairs; provides exceptions to immunity;
  • Adds the appointment of a (non-voting) youth member who is active in the Future Farmers of America or a 4-H Club to the Florida State Fair Authority;
  • Provides criminal charges for the theft of bee colonies owned by registered beekeepers;
  • Authorizes the Commissioner of Agriculture to discontinue a soil and water conservation district if the district fails to comply with reporting and auditing requirements of Florida Statutes;
  • Appropriates $744,000 to the department from the Florida Forever Trust Fund;
  • Renames the Division of Forestry as the Florida Forest Service; and
  • Directs the Division of Statutory Revision to provide drafting assistance to committees needing to resolve reference conflicts in the Florida Statutes with any other legislation that has been enacted during the 2011 Regular Session or an extension thereof.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2011.
Vote: Senate 37-1; House 117-0