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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 1084 — Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

by Fiscal Policy Committee; Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government; and Senator Collins

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Agriculture Committee (AG)

The bill makes a number of changes to various regulatory activities of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (department). Specifically, the bill:

  • Preempts the regulation of electric vehicle charging stations to the state and prohibits local governmental entities from enacting or enforcing such regulations. The bill also expands the department’s rulemaking authority related to the requirements for electric vehicle charging stations.
  • Provides an expiration date of the pest control operator’s certificate and amends requirements for its renewal.
  • Prohibits applicants from swearing or affirming a false statement on an application for a pest control license, prohibits cheating on an examination required for licensure, and grants the department rulemaking authority to establish penalties for violations.
  • Authorizes a Class “K” instructor to allow a Class “G” licensee to qualify for up to two calibers of firearms in a four hour firearm requalification class.
  • Authorizes the department to appoint a tax collector to accept new, renewal, and replacement license applications on behalf of the department for licenses issued under ch. 493, F.S.
  • Authorizes a tax collector appointed under s. 790.0625, F.S., to collect certain fees and provide certain services for concealed weapon or firearm licenses on behalf of the department.
  • Revises certain information that charitable organizations, sponsors, professional fundraising consultants, and professional solicitors must provide to the department to include street addresses.
  • Amends the contribution-based registration fee thresholds to remove an option related to contributions raised by non-compensated volunteers, members, officers, or permanent employees under $50,000 in the previous year.
  • Amends the charitable organizations’ exemption from registration thresholds to refer to total contributions.
  • Revises the information that must be displayed on certain collection receptacles to include street addresses.
  • Provides that a person who solicits funds within a public transportation facility must obtain a written permit that includes street addresses and must be displayed prominently on the person’s badge or insignia.
  • Defines “cultivated meat” as any meat or food product produced from cultured animal cells.
  • Provides that it is a second degree misdemeanor to knowingly sell cultivated meat within this state, and prohibits all phases related to such sale: manufacturing, distributing, holding, or offering. However, the bill does not prohibit the manufacture or possession of cultivated meat for research purposes.
  • Repeals the provision that requires the Weights and Measures Act to expire on July 1, 2024.  
  • Revises the information that must be provided to the department on a motor vehicle repair shop registration application and provides that the registration fee must be calculated for each location.
  • Increases the threshold value of repair work which requires motor vehicle repair shops to provide a customer with a written repair estimate from $100 to $150.
  • Increases the department’s statutory authority to repair or build structures from $250,000 to $500,000.
  • Changes the name of the Florida Agriculture Museum to the Florida Agriculture Legacy Learning Center, and makes conforming changes.
  • Prohibits the willful destroying, harvesting, or selling of saw palmetto berries on private or public land without the written permission of the landowner, provides penalties for violations, and grants rulemaking authority to the department.
  • Provides criminal penalties for trespassing on land classified as commercial agricultural property.
  • Provides that a student’s participation in a 4-H or Future Farmers of America (FFA) activity is an excused absence from school.

If approved by the Governor, or allowed to become law without the Governor’s signature, these provisions take effect July 1, 2024, except where otherwise provided. 


Vote: Senate 26-10; House 86-27