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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 606 — Northeast Florida Regional Transportation Commission

by Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee; Community Affairs Committee; Transportation Committee; and Senators Gibson, Thrasher, Bradley, and Bean

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Transportation Committee (TR)

The bill creates the Northeast Florida Regional Transportation Commission (commission) for the purposes of improving mobility and expanding multimodal transportation options for persons and freight throughout Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, Putnam, and St. Johns Counties. The primary provisions of the bill:

  • Create the Northeast Florida Regional Transportation Commission;
  • Provide for commission membership, powers, and duties;
  • Provide for employment of permanent or temporary staff or use of the staff of certain other entities;
  • Direct the commission to develop and update at least bi-annually a multimodal and prioritized regional transportation plan consisting of transportation projects of regional significance;
  • Direct the commission to develop and update at least bi-annually an implementation plan that identifies available but not yet imposed, and potentially developable, sources of funding to execute the regional plan;
  • Authorize the commission to provide transportation services of regional significance identified in the regional transportation plan, subject to available funding and the approval of the affected counties and transportation authorities;
  • Authorize the commission to facilitate efforts to secure funding commitments from federal and state sources, or from the applicable counties, and to request funding and technical assistance from the Department of Transportation and from federal and local agencies;
  • Direct the commission to timely request annually each constituent county appropriate a certain cash contribution to support its budget and limit the contribution of a certain county;
  • Provide criteria for transportation projects of regional significance;
  • Direct the commission, to the extent feasible, to coordinate its planning activities with certain entities;
  • Exempt the commission from taxation;
  • Require the commission to hold certain public meetings and hearings;
  • Provide the commission is not an “authority” for purposes of the discretionary sales surtax in
    s. 212.055(1), F.S.;
  • Provide for repeal of the commission unless certain conditions are met; and
  • Provide the commission is exempt from the Administrative Procedures Act.

 If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2013.

Vote: Senate 36-0; House 118-0