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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1096 —Repeal of Education Provisions

by Education Committee and Senator Montford

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Education Committee (ED)

The bill reduces regulation of public educational institutions by repealing redundant, outdated, or unnecessary statutory or reporting requirements.


Specifically, the bill affects the following provisions:

  • Amends s. 403.7032(3), F.S., eliminating the recycling reporting requirement for K-12 public schools.
  • Repeals s. 1001.435, F.S., relating to the K-12 foreign language curriculum, as the purpose of this statute has been accomplished.
  • Repeals subsections (4), (6), and (9) of s. 1002.23, F.S., relating to the parent-response center, school board reporting of parent involvement rules, and state board review.
  • Repeals s. 1002.361, F.S., relating to a direct support organization (DSO) for the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, as no DSO exists and the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind has no future intent to create one.
  • Repeals s. 1002.375, F.S., relating to the Alternative Credit for High School Courses Pilot Project, which is no longer in existence. The bill also amends s. 1011.61, F.S., which is a conforming provision.
  • Repeals s. 1003.4285(1), F.S., relating to the major area of interest diploma designation, which is now obsolete due to the repeal of the corresponding graduation requirement.
  • Repeals s. 1003.43, F.S., relating to the general requirements for high school graduation for students entering 9th grade before the 2007-08 school year. Despite repeal, these requirements will remain applicable to any students still enrolled in Florida public schools who were subject to them at the time they entered 9th grade.
  • Repeals s. 1003.453(2), F.S., relating to online posting of school wellness and physical education policies, thereby removing the outdated requirement that the Department of Education post links to school wellness policies on its website.
  • Repeals s. 1003.496, F.S., relating to the High School to Business Career Enhancement Program, as the program is not currently being implemented by school districts.
  • Repeals s. 1004.05, F.S., which created the Substance Abuse Training Programs. These programs are inactive and unfunded.
  • Repeals s. 1004.62, F.S., relating to Incentives for Urban or Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Area Internships. This program has not been implemented and has not received funding since FY 1999-2000.
  • Repeals s. 1004.77, F.S., relating to Centers of Technology Innovation, as an inactive program.
  • Repeals s. 1006.02, F.S., relating to Provision of Information to Students and Parents Regarding School-to-Work Transition and amends s. 1006.025, F.S., which is a conforming provision. These requirements have been supplanted by other provisions governing workforce preparation and education planning.
  • Repeals s. 1006.035, F.S., which created the Dropout Reentry and Mentor Project. This project is no longer operational and has received no funding in over 10 years.
  • Repeals s. 1006.051, F.S., which created the Sunshine Workforce Solutions Grant Program.The program was never implemented or funded.
  • Repeals s. 1006.09(1)(d), F.S., relating to duties of school principals for student discipline and school safety, as the information reported is duplicative.
  • Repeals ss. 1006.17 and 1006.70, F.S., relating to sponsorship of athletic activities similar to those for which scholarships are offered.
  • Repeals s. 1006.65, F.S, relating to safety issues in courses offered by public postsecondary institutions. According to the Department of Education, these safety policies are already required by federal law and accrediting bodies and included in affiliation contracts with hospitals and law enforcement agencies.
  • Repeals s. 1007.21, F.S., relating to readiness for postsecondary education and the workplace, as this provision is duplicative.
  • Repeals s. 1008.31(3)(d) and (e), F.S., relating to paperwork reduction. Although intended to reduce paperwork, the provision creates more paperwork.
  • Repeals s. 1009.68, F.S., relating to the Florida Minority Medical Education Program.
  • Repeals s. 1012.58, F.S., creating the Transition to Teaching Program, which is inactive and no longer funded.
  • Repeals s. 1012.71(6), F.S., relating to the Florida Teachers Lead Program centralized electronic management system pilot program, as authority for the program has expired.
  • Repeals s. 1013.231, F.S., relating to reduction in energy consumption by the Florida College System institutions and universities, as the purpose has been served.
  • Repeals s. 1013.32, F.S., relating to exceptions to recommendations in educational plant surveys. A separate provision of law similarly authorizes the commissioner to waive survey requirements upon school district request.
  • Repeals ss. 1013.42 and 1013.72, F.S., relating to the School Infrastructure Thrift program, which has not been funded since FY 2004-05.
  • Repeals ss. 1013.502 and 1013.721, F.S., relating to the A Business Community School Program.
  • Repeals s. 1013.64(7), F.S., relating to exceptions to Special Facility Construction Account millage contribution requirements, as the last exception expires June 30, 2013.
  • Repeals s. 1013.73(7), F.S., relating to effort index grants, which are no longer funded.
  • Repeals rulemaking provisions of:
    • ss. 1001.26(3), 1002.32(10), 1007.35(10), and 1009.85, F.S., as unnecessary because the statutes are self-executing.
    • s. 1003.433(5), F.S., as unnecessary due to duplicative statutory authority. 
    • s. 1004.435(5)(c) and (d), F.S., as unnecessary due to Board of Governor’s constitutional authority.
    • s. 1004.45(2)(g), F.S., as unnecessary because the Florida State University property in question belongs to the Ringling estate and not to the university.

These provisions became law upon approval by the Governor on April 29, 2013.

Vote: Senate 38-0; House 114-0