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The Florida Senate

1998 Florida Statutes

Chapter 871


871.01  Disturbing schools and religious and other assemblies.

871.02  Indictments or informations for disturbing assembly.

871.03  Peddling at camp meeting.

871.04  Advertising; religious discrimination; public places.

871.01  Disturbing schools and religious and other assemblies.--Whoever willfully interrupts or disturbs any school or any assembly of people met for the worship of God or for any lawful purpose shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

History.--ss. 19, 21, 22, ch. 1637, 1868; RS 2627, 2629, 2630; GS 3547; s. 1, ch. 5719, 1907; RGS 5448; CGL 7591; s. 1130, ch. 71-136.

871.02  Indictments or informations for disturbing assembly.--The several grand juries of this state in their respective counties may return indictments or the several state attorneys of the state in their respective circuits may file information against all persons violating s. 871.01, and such indictments or informations, when filed with the clerk of the circuit court in the county where such offense is alleged to have been committed, shall be forthwith certified by the clerk to some court in the county having jurisdiction to try and determine such charge, and said court to which such indictment or information is certified shall proceed to try and determine such charge upon such indictment or information, the same as if affidavit had been made before such court charging the said offense.

History.--ss. 2, 3, ch. 5719, 1907; RGS 5449; CGL 7592; s. 1404, ch. 97-102.

871.03  Peddling at camp meeting.--Whoever during the time of holding any camp or field meeting for religious purposes, and within 1 mile of the place of holding such meeting, hawks or peddles goods, wares, merchandise, or without permission from the authorities having charge of such meeting, establishes any tent or booth for vending of provisions or refreshments, or practices or engages in gaming or horseracing, or exhibits, or offers to exhibit, shows or plays shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.083; but a person having his or her usual and regular place of business within such limits is not hereby required to suspend the business.

History.--s. 20, ch. 1637, 1868; RS 2628; GS 3548; RGS 5450; CGL 7593; s. 1131, ch. 71-136; s. 1405, ch. 97-102.

871.04  Advertising; religious discrimination; public places.--

(1)  Except where the context clearly requires a different meaning, the following terms shall have for the purposes of this section the meaning respectively ascribed to them:

(a)  "Person" means any individual, partnership, association, corporation, or organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not.

(b)  "Establishment" means any building or part thereof, including, without being limited to, public inns, hotels, motels, apartment hotels, any structure, enclosure, tract of land, and all improvements, appurtenances, and additions, bodies of water whether natural or artificial, and any other place of whatsoever nature to which the general public is or will be admitted, allowed, or invited on payment of a fee, free of charge, or otherwise.

(2)  No person, directly or indirectly, for herself or himself or for another, shall publish, post, broadcast by any means, maintain, circularize, issue, display, transmit, or otherwise disseminate or place in any manner before the public with reference to an establishment any advertisement that the patronage of any person is not welcome, or is objectionable, or is not acceptable because of the person's religion. No person shall cause or solicit another person to violate this section.

(3)  This section shall not apply to any establishment which is private or limited to membership only, to any camp administered by any religious organization, group, or sect, admission to which is based on religious belief or affiliation, or to any gathering, meeting, or assembly held under the auspices of any religious organization, group, or sect.

(4)  Any person or persons violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

History.--ss. 1, 2, ch. 29845, 1955; s. 1132, ch. 71-136; s. 1406, ch. 97-102.