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2022 Florida Statutes (including 2022C, 2022D, 2022A, and 2023B)

Reports; voting history; statewide voter registration system information; precinct-level election results; book closing statistics; live turnout data.
F.S. 98.0981
98.0981 Reports; voting history; statewide voter registration system information; precinct-level election results; book closing statistics; live turnout data.
(a) Within 30 days after certification by the Elections Canvassing Commission of a presidential preference primary, special election, primary election, or general election, supervisors of elections shall transmit to the department, in a uniform electronic format specified in paragraph (d), completely updated voting history information for each qualified voter who voted.
(b) After receipt of the information in paragraph (a), the department shall prepare a report in electronic format which contains the following information, separately compiled for the primary and general election for all voters qualified to vote in either election:
1. The unique identifier assigned to each qualified voter within the statewide voter registration system;
2. All information provided by each qualified voter on his or her voter registration application pursuant to s. 97.052(2), except that which is confidential or exempt from public records requirements;
3. Each qualified voter’s date of registration;
4. Each qualified voter’s current state representative district, state senatorial district, and congressional district, assigned by the supervisor of elections;
5. Each qualified voter’s current precinct; and
6. Voting history as transmitted under paragraph (a) to include whether the qualified voter voted at a precinct location, voted during the early voting period, voted by vote-by-mail ballot, attempted to vote by vote-by-mail ballot that was not counted, attempted to vote by provisional ballot that was not counted, or did not vote.
(c) Within 45 days after certification by the Elections Canvassing Commission of a presidential preference primary, special election, primary election, or general election, the department shall send to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate Minority Leader, and the House Minority Leader a report in electronic format that includes all information set forth in paragraph (b).
(d) File specifications are as follows:
1. The file shall contain records designated by the categories below for all qualified voters who, regardless of the voter’s county of residence or active or inactive registration status at the book closing for the corresponding election that the file is being created for:
a. Voted a regular ballot at a precinct location.
b. Voted at a precinct location using a provisional ballot that was subsequently counted.
c. Voted a regular ballot during the early voting period.
d. Voted during the early voting period using a provisional ballot that was subsequently counted.
e. Voted by vote-by-mail ballot.
f. Attempted to vote by vote-by-mail ballot, but the ballot was not counted.
g. Attempted to vote by provisional ballot, but the ballot was not counted in that election.
2. Each file shall be created or converted into a tab-delimited format.
3. File names shall adhere to the following convention:
a. Three-character county identifier as established by the department followed by an underscore.
b. Followed by four-character file type identifier of “VHO3” followed by an underscore.
c. Followed by FVRS election ID followed by an underscore.
d. Followed by Date Created followed by an underscore.
e. Date format is YYYYMMDD.
f. Followed by Time Created - HHMMSS.
g. Followed by “.txt”.
4. Each record shall contain the following columns: Record Identifier, FVRS Voter ID Number, FVRS Election ID Number, Vote Date, Vote History Code, Precinct, Congressional District, House District, Senate District, County Commission District, and School Board District.
(e) Each supervisor of elections shall reconcile, before submission, the aggregate total of ballots cast in each precinct as reported in the precinct-level election results to the aggregate total number of voters with voter history for the election for each district.
(f) Each supervisor of elections shall submit the results of the data reconciliation as described in paragraph (e) to the department in an electronic format and give a written explanation for any precincts where the reconciliation as described in paragraph (e) results in a discrepancy between the voter history and the election results.
(a) Within 30 days after certification by the Elections Canvassing Commission of a presidential preference primary election, special election, primary election, or general election, the supervisors of elections shall collect and submit to the department precinct-level election results for the election in a uniform electronic format specified by paragraph (c). The precinct-level election results shall be compiled separately for the primary or special primary election that preceded the general or special general election, respectively. The results shall specifically include for each precinct the total of all ballots cast for each candidate or nominee to fill a national, state, county, or district office or proposed constitutional amendment, with subtotals for each candidate and ballot type. However, ballot type or precinct subtotals in a race or question having fewer than 30 voters voting on the ballot type or in the precinct may not be reported in precinct results. “All ballots cast” means ballots cast by voters who cast a ballot whether at a precinct location, by vote-by-mail ballot including overseas vote-by-mail ballots, during the early voting period, or by provisional ballot.
(b) The department shall make such information available on a searchable, sortable, and downloadable database via its website that also includes the file layout and codes. The database shall be searchable and sortable by county, precinct, and candidate. The database shall be downloadable in a tab-delimited format. The database shall be available for download county-by-county and also as a statewide file. Such report shall also be made available upon request.
(c) The files containing the precinct-level election results shall be created in accordance with the applicable file specification:
1. The precinct-level results file shall be created or converted into a tab-delimited text file.
2. The row immediately before the first data record shall contain the column names of the data elements that make up the data records. There shall be one header record followed by multiple data records.
3. The data records shall include the following columns: County Name, Election Number, Election Date, Unique Precinct Identifier, Precinct Polling Location, Total Registered Voters, Total Registered Republicans, Total Registered Democrats, Total Registered All Other Parties, Contest Name, Candidate/Retention/Issue Name, Candidate Florida Voter Registration System ID Number, Division of Elections Unique Candidate Identifying Number, Candidate Party, District, Undervote Total, Overvote Total, Write-in Total, and Vote Total.
(3) PRECINCT-LEVEL BOOK CLOSING STATISTICS.After the date of book closing but before the date of an election as defined in s. 97.021 to fill a national, state, county, or district office, or to vote on a proposed constitutional amendment, the department shall compile the following precinct-level statistical data for each county:
(a) Precinct numbers.
(b) Total number of active registered voters by party for each precinct.
(4) LIVE TURNOUT DATA.On election day, each supervisor of elections shall make live voter turnout data, updated at least once per hour, available on his or her website. Each supervisor shall transmit the live voter turnout data to the division, which must create and maintain a real-time statewide turnout dashboard that is available for viewing by the public on the division’s website as the data becomes available.
(5) REPORTS PUBLICLY AVAILABLE.The department shall also make publicly available the reports and results required in subsections (1)-(3).
(6) RULEMAKING.The department shall adopt rules and prescribe forms to carry out the purposes of this section.
History.s. 25, ch. 2005-278; s. 8, ch. 2008-95; s. 3, ch. 2010-167; s. 11, ch. 2011-40; s. 6, ch. 2016-37; s. 4, ch. 2019-162; s. 10, ch. 2021-11.