2022 Florida Statutes (including 2022C, 2022D, 2022A, and 2023B)
The Florida Statutes are updated annually after the conclusion of a regular legislative session, typically published in July/August.
38 Sections found
Chapter | Title |
893.01 | Short title. |
893.015 | Statutory references. |
893.02 | Definitions. |
893.03 | Standards and schedules. |
893.0301 | Death resulting from apparent drug overdose; reporting requirements. |
893.031 | Industrial exceptions to controlled substance scheduling. |
893.033 | Listed chemicals. |
893.035 | Control of new substances; findings of fact; delegation of authority to Attorney General to control substances by rule. |
893.0355 | Control of scheduled substances; delegation of authority to Attorney General to reschedule substance, or delete substance, by rule. |
893.0356 | Control of new substances; findings of fact; “controlled substance analog” defined. |
893.04 | Pharmacist and practitioner. |
893.05 | Practitioners and persons administering controlled substances in their absence. |
893.055 | Prescription drug monitoring program. |
893.0551 | Public records exemption for the prescription drug monitoring program. |
893.06 | Distribution of controlled substances; order forms; labeling and packaging requirements. |
893.065 | Counterfeit-resistant prescription blanks for controlled substances listed in Schedule II, Schedule III, Schedule IV, or Schedule V. |
893.07 | Records. |
893.08 | Exceptions. |
893.09 | Enforcement. |
893.10 | Burden of proof; photograph or video recording of evidence. |
893.101 | Legislative findings and intent. |
893.105 | Testing and destruction of seized substances. |
893.11 | Suspension, revocation, and reinstatement of business and professional licenses. |
893.12 | Contraband; seizure, forfeiture, sale. |
893.13 | Prohibited acts; penalties. |
893.135 | Trafficking; mandatory sentences; suspension or reduction of sentences; conspiracy to engage in trafficking. |
893.1351 | Ownership, lease, rental, or possession for trafficking in or manufacturing a controlled substance. |
893.138 | Local administrative action to abate certain activities declared public nuisances. |
893.145 | “Drug paraphernalia” defined. |
893.146 | Determination of paraphernalia. |
893.147 | Use, possession, manufacture, delivery, transportation, advertisement, or retail sale of drug paraphernalia, specified machines, and materials. |
893.149 | Unlawful possession of listed chemical. |
893.1495 | Retail sale of ephedrine and related compounds. |
893.15 | Rehabilitation. |
893.165 | County alcohol and other drug abuse treatment or education trust funds. |
893.20 | Continuing criminal enterprise. |
893.21 | Alcohol-related or drug-related overdoses; medical assistance; immunity from arrest, charge, prosecution, and penalization. |
893.30 | Controlled substance safety education and awareness. |
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- General Laws Conversion Table (2024) [PDF]
- Florida Statutes Definitions Index (2024) [PDF]
- Table of Section Changes (2024) [PDF]
- Preface to the Florida Statutes (2024) [PDF]
- Table Tracing Session Laws to Florida Statutes (2024) [PDF]
- Index to Special and Local Laws (1971-2024) [PDF]
- Index to Special and Local Laws (1845-1970) [PDF]
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