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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 518: Mergers/Businesses or Corporations

GENERAL BILL by Commerce and Economic Opportunities ; Grant

Mergers/Businesses or Corporations; creates holding company formation by merger by certain corporations; provides for mergers of domestic corporations & other business entities under certain circumstances; requires plan of merger; provides criteria; provides for articles of merger & for effect of merger; provides for mergers of limited liability companies under certain circumstances, etc. Amends Chs. 607, 608, 620.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law
Last Action: 5/1/1998 Senate - Died in Committee on Ways and Means, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to SB 704 (Ch. 98-101)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
12/18/1997 Senate • Prefiled
1/9/1998 Senate • Referred to Commerce and Economic Opportunities; Judiciary; Ways and Means
3/3/1998 Senate • Introduced, referred to Commerce and Economic Opportunities; Judiciary; Ways and Means -SJ 00038; On Committee agenda-- Commerce and Economic Opportunities, 03/04/98, 9:00 am, Room-EL
3/4/1998 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Commerce and Economic Opportunities -SJ 00136; CS read first time on 03/09/98 -SJ 00140
3/6/1998 Senate • Now in Judiciary -SJ 00136
4/21/1998 Senate • Withdrawn from Judiciary -SJ 00538; Now in Ways and Means
5/1/1998 Senate • Died in Committee on Ways and Means, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to SB 704 (Ch. 98-101)