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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 662: Governmental Reorganization

GENERAL BILL by Governmental Oversight and Productivity ; Banking and Insurance ; Latvala ; Geller

Governmental Reorganization; (THIS BILL COMBINES S662,232) establishes Office of Chief Financial Officer; creates Department of Financial Services; transfers Deferred Compensation Program from DOI to DMS; transfers Workers' Compensation Division from LES Dept. to Dept. of Financial Services; transfers Banking & Finance Dept. & Insurance Dept. to Dept. of Financial Services; repeals provision re Workers' Compensation in LES Dept., etc. Amends/Transfers/Repeals various FS.

Effective Date: 01/07/2003 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 3/22/2002 House - In returning messages; Died in returning Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 3-E (Ch. 2002-404)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    12/4/2001 Senate • Prefiled
    12/27/2001 Senate • Referred to Banking and Insurance; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations
    1/22/2002 Senate • Introduced, referred to Banking and Insurance; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations -SJ 00046; On Committee agenda-- Banking and Insurance, 01/23/02, 5:15 pm, 110-S
    1/23/2002 Senate • CS combines this bill with 232; CS by Banking and Insurance; YEAS 8 NAYS 2 -SJ 00149; CS read first time on 01/30/02 -SJ 00171; Combined CS references: Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations
    1/25/2002 Senate • Now in Governmental Oversight and Productivity -SJ 00149
    2/7/2002 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Productivity, 02/12/02, 1:00 pm, 37-S
    2/12/2002 Senate • CS/CS by Governmental Oversight and Productivity; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 00254; CS read first time on 02/14/02 -SJ 00256
    2/14/2002 Senate • Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government -SJ 00254
    2/27/2002 Senate • Withdrawn from Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations -SJ 00346; Placed on Calendar, on second reading
    3/6/2002 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00433
    3/7/2002 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00433; Read second time -SJ 00468; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00469; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00472
    3/13/2002 Senate • Read third time -SJ 00486; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00487, -SJ 00491; CS passed as amended; YEAS 31 NAYS 5 -SJ 00491
    3/14/2002 House • In Messages; Received, placed on Calendar -HJ 01440
    3/21/2002 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar -HJ 02227; Read second time -HJ 02689; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 02690; Amendment(s) reconsidered, substitute amendment adopted -HJ 02754, -HJ 02755
    3/22/2002 House • Read third time -HJ 02766; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 02767; CS passed as amended; YEAS 74 NAYS 44 -HJ 02769
    3/22/2002 Senate • In returning messages; Was taken up -SJ 02103; Concurred in 2 amendment(s) -SJ 02106; Refused to concur in 2 amendment(s) -SJ 02106; Requested House to recede -SJ 02106; CS passed as amended; YEAS 27 NAYS 12 -SJ 02106
    3/22/2002 House • In returning messages; Died in returning Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 3-E (Ch. 2002-404)

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  • CS/CS/SB 662, Engrossed 2 (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/14/2002 at 10:53 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   House Message Summary (pdf)

    Related Bills (7)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 577 (c2) Governmental Reorganization Alexander Similar Last Action: 3/22/2002 S Received, referred to Banking and Insurance; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations -SJ 02108; Died in Committee on Banking and Insurance, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 3-E (Ch. 2002-404)
    H 1971 Governor's Office/Succession Select Committee on Security Compare Last Action: 3/22/2002 H Died on Calendar
    H 1979 (e2) Local Government Accountability Sorensen Compare Last Action: 3/22/2002 S Died in Committee on Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs
    H 1985 Administrative Trust Fund Council for Competitive Commerce Compare Last Action: 3/22/2002 S Received, referred to Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Banking and Insurance; Ethics and Elections; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations -SJ 02115; Died in Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity
    H 2015 Governmental Reorganization Council for Smarter Government Compare Last Action: 3/22/2002 S Died in Committee on Banking and Insurance
    S 232 Governmental Reorganization Geller Compare Last Action: 1/23/2002 S CS combines this bill with 662; CS by Banking and Insurance; YEAS 8 NAYS 2 -SJ 00149; Original bill laid on Table, refer to combined CS/CS/SB 662 (Died in House Returning Messages)
    S 272 Governmental Reorganization/Finance Latvala Compare Last Action: 3/22/2002 S Died in Committee on Banking and Insurance, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 3-E (Ch. 2002-404)

    Floor Amendments (12)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    204555 - Amendment
    Melvin 3/20/2002
    10:51 AM
    Web Page
    111641 - Amendment
    Fasano 3/21/2002
    10:47 AM
    Web Page
    951877 - Amendment
    Alexander 3/21/2002
    12:02 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 132103 - Substitute Amendment (951877)
    Diaz-Balart 3/21/2002
    7:40 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 053623 - Substitute Amendment (951877)
    Diaz-Balart 3/21/2002
    8:09 PM
    Web Page
    873723 - Amendment
    Alexander 3/21/2002
    12:03 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 621554 - S Amend. to H Amend. (873723)
    Rossin 3/22/2002
    6:34 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 631968 - S Amend. to H Amend. (873723)
    Mitchell 3/22/2002
    8:05 PM
    Web Page
    400111 - Amendment
    Alexander 3/21/2002
    12:18 PM
    Web Page
    534345 - Amendment
    Trovillion 3/21/2002
    5:33 PM
    Web Page
    024869 - Amendment
    Alexander 3/22/2002
    10:17 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 875372 - S Amend. to H Amend. (024869)
    Posey 3/22/2002
    5:58 PM
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (5)

    Date Chamber Result
    3/21/2002 2:41 PM House - Amendment 951877 76 Yeas - 42 Nays
    3/21/2002 11:28 PM House - Amendment 053623 75 Yeas - 43 Nays
    3/22/2002 11:13 AM House - Amendment 024869 117 Yeas - 0 Nays
    3/22/2002 11:32 AM House 74 Yeas - 44 Nays
    3/22/2002 9:06 PM Senate 27 Yeas - 12 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (902)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    11.12 Salary, subsistence, and mileage of members and employees; expenses authorized by resolution; appropriation; preaudit by Comptroller.
    11.13 Compensation of members.
    11.147 Office of Legislative Services.
    11.151 Annual legislative appropriation to contingency fund for use of Senate President and House Speaker.
    11.40 Legislative Auditing Committee.
    11.42 The Auditor General.
    13.05 Governor's Committee on Interstate Cooperation.
    14.055 Succession to office of Governor.
    14.057 Governor-elect; establishment of operating fund.
    14.058 Inauguration expense fund.
    14.202 Administration Commission.
    14.203 State Council on Competitive Government.
    14.24 Florida Commission on the Status of Women.
    15.09 Fees.
    16.10 Receipt of Supreme Court reports for office.
    17.011 Assistant comptroller.
    17.02 Place of residence and office.
    17.03 To audit claims against the state.
    17.031 Security of Comptroller's office.
    17.04 To audit and adjust accounts of officers and those indebted to the state.
    17.0401 Confidentiality of information relating to financial investigations.
    17.041 County and district accounts and claims.
    17.0415 Transfer and assignment of claims.
    17.05 Subpoenas; sworn statements; enforcement proceedings.
    17.06 Disallowed items and accounts.
    17.075 Form of state warrants and other payment orders; rules.
    17.076 Direct deposit of funds.
    17.08 Accounts, etc., on which warrants drawn, to be filed.
    17.09 Application for warrants for salaries.
    17.10 Record of warrants issued.
    17.11 To report disbursements made.
    17.12 Authorized to issue warrants to tax collector or sheriff for payment.
    17.13 To duplicate warrants lost or destroyed.
    17.14 To prescribe forms.
    17.16 Seal.
    17.17 Examination by Governor and report.
    17.20 Assignment of claims for collection.
    17.21 Not to allow any claim of state attorney against state until report made.
    17.22 Notice to Department of Legal Affairs.
    17.25 May certify copies.
    17.26 Cancellation of state warrants not presented within 1 year.
    17.27 Microfilming and destroying records and correspondence.
    17.28 Comptroller may authorize biweekly salary payments.
    17.29 Authority to prescribe rules.
    17.30 Dissemination of information.
    17.32 Annual report of trust funds; duties of Comptroller.
    17.325 Governmental efficiency hotline; duties of Comptroller.
    17.41 Department of Banking and Finance Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.
    17.43 Comptroller's Federal Equitable Sharing Trust Fund.
    18.01 Oath and certificate of Treasurer.
    18.02 Moneys paid on warrants.
    18.021 Treasurer to operate personal check-cashing service.
    18.03 Residence and office.
    18.05 Annual report to Governor.
    18.06 Examination by and monthly statements to the Governor.
    18.07 Treasurer to keep record of warrants and of state funds and securities.
    18.08 Treasurer to turn over to the Comptroller all warrants paid.
    18.09 Delivery to Legislature.
    18.091 Legislative sessions; additional employees.
    18.10 Deposits and investments of state money.
    18.101 Deposits of public money outside the State Treasury; revolving funds.
    18.103 Safekeeping services of Treasurer.
    18.104 Treasury Cash Deposit Trust Fund.
    18.125 Treasurer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    18.15 Interest on state moneys deposited; when paid.
    18.17 Treasurer not to issue evidences of indebtedness.
    18.20 Treasurer to make reproductions of certain warrants, records, and documents.
    18.22 Rules.
    18.23 Treasurer to prescribe forms.
    18.24 Securities in book-entry form.
    20.04 Structure of executive branch.
    20.055 Agency inspectors general.
    20.12 Department of Banking and Finance.
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.195 Department of Children and Family Services Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.425 Agency for Health Care Administration Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.435 Department of Health; trust funds.
    24.105 Powers and duties of department.
    24.111 Vendors; disclosure and contract requirements.
    24.112 Retailers of lottery tickets.
    24.120 Financial matters; Administrative Trust Fund; interagency cooperation.
    25.241 Clerk of Supreme Court; compensation; assistants; filing fees, etc.
    26.39 Penalty for nonattendance of judge.
    27.08 State claims; surrender of papers to successor.
    27.10 Obligation as to claims; how discharged.
    27.11 Report upon claims committed to state attorney.
    27.12 Power to compromise.
    27.13 Completion of compromise.
    27.34 Salaries and other related costs of state attorneys' offices; limitations.
    27.3455 Annual statement of certain revenues and expenditures.
    27.703 Conflict of interest and substitute counsel.
    27.710 Registry of attorneys applying to represent persons in postconviction capital collateral proceedings; certification of minimum requirements; appointment by trial court.
    27.711 Terms and conditions of appointment of attorneys as counsel in postconviction capital collateral proceedings.
    28.235 Advance payments by clerk of circuit court.
    28.24 Service charges by clerk of the circuit court.
    30.52 Handling of public funds.
    40.30 Requisition endorsed by State Courts Administrator or designee.
    40.31 State Courts Administrator may apportion appropriation.
    40.33 Deficiency.
    40.34 Clerks to make triplicate payroll.
    40.35 Accounting and payment to the State Courts Administrator.
    43.16 Justice Administrative Commission; membership, powers and duties.
    43.19 Money paid into court; unclaimed funds.
    48.151 Service on statutory agents for certain persons.
    55.03 Judgments; rate of interest, generally.
    57.091 Costs; refunded to counties in certain proceedings relating to state prisoners.
    68.083 Civil actions for false claims.
    68.084 Rights of the parties in civil actions.
    68.087 Exemptions to civil actions.
    68.092 Deposit of recovered moneys.
    77.0305 Continuing writ of garnishment against salary or wages.
    92.39 Evidence of individual's claim against the state in suits between them.
    99.097 Verification of signatures on petitions.
    101.151 Specifications for ballots.
    103.091 Political parties.
    107.11 Appropriation for expenses.
    110.1127 Employee security checks.
    110.113 Pay periods for state officers and employees; salary payments by direct deposit.
    110.114 Employee wage deductions.
    110.116 Personnel information system; payroll procedures.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    110.1228 Participation by small counties, small municipalities, and district school boards located in small counties.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    110.125 Administrative costs.
    110.181 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign.
    110.2037 Alternative benefits; tax-sheltered annual leave and sick leave payments and special compensation payments.
    110.205 Career service; exemptions.
    112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons.
    112.08 Group insurance for public officers, employees, and certain volunteers; physical examinations.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    112.3144 Full and public disclosure of financial interests.
    112.3145 Disclosure of financial interests and clients represented before agencies.
    112.3189 Investigative procedures upon receipt of whistle-blower information from certain state employees.
    112.31895 Investigative procedures in response to prohibited personnel actions.
    112.3215 Lobbyists before the executive branch or the Constitution Revision Commission; registration and reporting; investigation by commission.
    112.63 Actuarial reports and statements of actuarial impact; review.
    114.03 Certain executive officers not to absent themselves from the state.
    116.03 Officers to report fees collected.
    116.04 Failure of officer to make sworn report of fees.
    116.05 Examination and publication by Department of Banking and Finance.
    116.06 Summary of reports; certain officers not required to report fees.
    116.14 Receipts required from purchasers of state property.
    120.52 Definitions.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    121.0312 Review; actuarial valuation report; contribution rate determination process.
    121.055 Senior Management Service Class.
    121.061 Funding.
    121.133 Cancellation of uncashed warrants.
    121.4501 Public Employee Optional Retirement Program.
    125.0104 Tourist development tax; procedure for levying; authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.
    129.201 Budget of supervisor of elections; manner and time of preparation and presentation.
    131.05 Disposition of proceeds of sale.
    137.09 Justification and approval of bonds.
    145.141 Deficiency to be paid by board of county commissioners.
    154.02 County Health Department Trust Fund.
    154.03 Cooperation with Department of Health and United States Government.
    154.05 Cooperation and agreements between counties.
    154.06 Fees and services rendered; authority.
    154.209 Powers of authority.
    154.314 Certification of the State of Florida.
    163.01 Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969.
    163.05 Small County Technical Assistance Program.
    163.055 Local Government Financial Technical Assistance Program.
    163.3167 Scope of act.
    175.101 State excise tax on property insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    175.121 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    175.151 Penalty for failure of insurers to comply with this act.
    185.08 State excise tax on casualty insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    185.10 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    185.13 Failure of insurer to comply with chapter; penalty.
    189.4035 Preparation of official list of special districts.
    189.412 Special District Information Program; duties and responsibilities.
    189.427 Fee schedule; Operating Trust Fund.
    190.007 Board of supervisors; general duties.
    192.091 Commissions of property appraisers and tax collectors.
    192.102 Payment of property appraisers' and collectors' commissions.
    193.092 Assessment of property for back taxes.
    195.101 Withholding of state funds.
    198.29 Refunds of excess tax paid.
    199.232 Powers of department.
    203.01 Tax on gross receipts for utility and communications services.
    206.46 State Transportation Trust Fund.
    210.16 Revocation or suspension of permit.
    210.20 Employees and assistants; distribution of funds.
    210.50 Revocation or suspension of license.
    211.06 Oil and Gas Tax Trust Fund; distribution of tax proceeds.
    211.32 Tax on solid minerals; Land Reclamation Trust Fund; refund for restoration and reclamation.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    212.12 Dealer's credit for collecting tax; penalties for noncompliance; powers of Department of Revenue in dealing with delinquents; brackets applicable to taxable transactions; records required.
    212.20 Funds collected, disposition; additional powers of department; operational expense; refund of taxes adjudicated unconstitutionally collected.
    213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.
    213.054 Persons claiming tax exemptions or deductions; annual report.
    213.255 Interest.
    213.67 Garnishment.
    213.75 Application of payments.
    215.02 Manner of paying money into the Treasury.
    215.03 Party to be reimbursed on reversal of judgment for state.
    215.04 Department of Banking and Finance to report delinquents.
    215.05 Department of Banking and Finance to certify accounts of delinquents.
    215.11 Defaulting officers; Department of Banking and Finance to report to clerk.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.
    215.23 When contributions to be made.
    215.24 Exemptions where federal contributions or private grants.
    215.25 Manner of contributions; rules and regulations.
    215.26 Repayment of funds paid into State Treasury through error.
    215.29 Classification of Comptroller's warrants; report.
    215.31 State funds; deposit in State Treasury.
    215.32 State funds; segregation.
    215.3206 Trust funds; termination or re-creation.
    215.3208 Trust funds; legislative review.
    215.321 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    215.322 Acceptance of credit cards, charge cards, or debit cards by state agencies, units of local government, and the judicial branch.
    215.34 State funds; noncollectible items; procedure.
    215.35 State funds; warrants and their issuance.
    215.405 State agencies and the judicial branch authorized to collect costs of fingerprinting.
    215.42 Purchases from appropriations, proof of delivery.
    215.422 Warrants, vouchers, and invoices; processing time limits; dispute resolution; agency or judicial branch compliance.
    215.44 Board of Administration; powers and duties in relation to investment of trust funds.
    215.50 Custody of securities purchased; income.
    215.551 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; county distribution.
    215.552 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; land within military installations; county distribution.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    215.56005 Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation.
    215.5601 Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.
    215.58 Definitions relating to State Bond Act.
    215.62 Division of Bond Finance.
    215.684 Limitation on engaging services of securities broker or bond underwriter convicted of fraud.
    215.70 State Board of Administration to act in case of defaults.
    215.91 Florida Financial Management Information System; board; council.
    215.92 Definitions relating to Florida Financial Management Information System Act.
    215.93 Florida Financial Management Information System.
    215.94 Designation, duties, and responsibilities of functional owners.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    215.965 Disbursement of state moneys.
    215.97 Florida Single Audit Act.
    216.0442 Truth in bonding; definitions; summary of state debt; statement of proposed financing; truth-in-bonding statement.
    216.102 Filing of financial information; handling by Comptroller; penalty for noncompliance.
    216.141 Budget system procedures; planning and programming by state agencies.
    216.177 Appropriations acts, statement of intent, violation, notice, review and objection procedures.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.183 Entities using performance-based program budgets; chart of accounts.
    216.192 Release of appropriations; revision of budgets.
    216.212 Budgets for federal funds; restrictions on expenditure of federal funds.
    216.221 Appropriations as maximum appropriations; adjustment of budgets to avoid or eliminate deficits.
    216.235 Innovation Investment Program; intent; definitions; composition and responsibilities of State Innovation Committee; responsibilities of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development and the review board; procedures for innovative project submission, review, evaluation, and approval; criteria to be considered.
    216.237 Availability of any remaining funds; agency maintenance of accounting records.
    216.251 Salary appropriations; limitations.
    216.271 Revolving funds.
    216.275 Clearing accounts.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    216.301 Appropriations; undisbursed balances.
    217.07 Transfer of surplus property assets to department.
    218.06 Transfer of funds by county commissioners with relation to public works grants.
    218.23 Revenue sharing with units of local government.
    218.31 Definitions.
    218.321 Annual financial statements; local governmental entities.
    218.325 Uniform chart of accounts and financial reporting for court and justice system costs and revenues.
    220.62 Definitions.
    220.723 Overpayments; interest.
    228.2001 Discrimination against students and employees in state system of public education; prohibitions; equality of access; strategies to overcome underrepresentation; remedies.
    229.0535 Authority to enforce school improvement.
    229.0537 Opportunity Scholarship Program.
    229.05371 The John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program.
    229.111 Gifts to state public education system or school fund.
    229.781 Records; preservation; destruction.
    231.261 Education Practices Commission; organization.
    231.30 Certification fees.
    231.545 Education Standards Commission; organization.
    233.063 Instruction in operation of motor vehicles.
    233.07 State instructional materials committees.
    233.15 Deposit by publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials must accompany bid.
    233.16 Powers and duties of the Commissioner of Education and the Department of Education in selecting and adopting instructional materials.
    233.255 Production and dissemination of educational materials and products by department.
    236.43 Receiving bids and sale of bonds.
    236.601 Board of Administration to act as fiscal agent in issuance and sale of motor vehicle anticipation certificates.
    237.121 Penalty.
    237.181 School funds to be paid to Treasurer or into depository.
    237.211 School depositories; payments into and withdrawals from depositories.
    238.11 Collection of contributions.
    238.15 Exemption of funds from taxation, execution, and assignment.
    238.172 Proof required.
    238.173 Monthly allowance to widows or widowers of pensioners.
    240.551 Florida Prepaid College Program.
    242.331 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees.
    242.341 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees; management flexibility.
    245.13 Fees; authority to accept additional funds; annual audit.
    250.22 Retirement.
    250.24 Pay and expenses; appropriation; procedures.
    250.25 Governor and Comptroller authorized to borrow money.
    250.26 Transfer of funds.
    250.34 Injury or death in active service.
    252.62 Comptroller's powers in a state of emergency.
    252.87 Supplemental state reporting requirements.
    253.02 Board of trustees; powers and duties.
    253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than preservation, conservation, and recreation.
    255.03 Proceeds of insurance to be paid into State Treasury; disbursement of funds.
    255.052 Substitution of securities for amounts retained on public contracts.
    255.258 Shared savings financing of energy conservation in state-owned buildings.
    255.503 Powers of the Department of Management Services.
    255.521 Failure of payment.
    257.22 Division of Library and Information Services; allocation of funds.
    258.014 Fees for use of state parks.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    259.041 Acquisition of state-owned lands for preservation, conservation, and recreation purposes.
    265.53 Application for indemnity agreement.
    265.55 Claims.
    267.075 The Grove Advisory Council; creation; membership; purposes.
    272.18 Governor's Mansion Commission.
    280.02 Definitions.
    280.04 Collateral for public deposits; general provisions.
    280.041 Collateral arrangements; agreements, provisions, and triggering events.
    280.05 Powers and duties of the Treasurer.
    280.051 Grounds for suspension or disqualification of a qualified public depository.
    280.052 Order of suspension or disqualification; procedure.
    280.053 Period of suspension or disqualification; obligations during period; reinstatement.
    280.054 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or disqualification.
    280.055 Cease and desist order; corrective order; administrative penalty.
    280.06 Penalty for violation of law, rule, or order to cease and desist or other lawful order.
    280.07 Mutual responsibility and contingent liability.
    280.071 Qualified Public Depository Oversight Board; purpose; identifying representative qualified public depositories; member selection; responsibilities.
    280.08 Procedure for payment of losses.
    280.085 Notice to claimants.
    280.09 Public Deposits Trust Fund.
    280.10 Effect of merger, acquisition, or consolidation; change of name or address.
    280.11 Withdrawal from public deposits program; return of pledged collateral.
    280.13 Eligible collateral.
    280.16 Requirements of qualified public depositories; confidentiality.
    280.17 Requirements for public depositors; notice to public depositors and governmental units; loss of protection.
    280.18 Protection of public depositors; liability of the state.
    280.19 Rules.
    282.1095 State agency law enforcement radio system.
    284.02 Payment of premiums by each agency; handling of funds; payment of losses and expenses.
    284.04 Notice and information required by Department of Insurance of all newly erected or acquired state property subject to insurance.
    284.05 Inspection of insured state property.
    284.06 Annual report to Governor.
    284.08 Reinsurance on excess coverage and approval by Department of Management Services.
    284.14 State Risk Management Trust Fund; leasehold interest.
    284.17 Rules.
    284.30 State Risk Management Trust Fund; coverages to be provided.
    284.31 Scope and types of coverages; separate accounts.
    284.32 Department of Insurance to implement and consolidate.
    284.33 Purchase of insurance, reinsurance, and services.
    284.34 Professional medical liability of the Board of Regents and nuclear energy liability excluded.
    284.35 Administrative personnel; expenses to be paid from fund.
    284.37 Premium and investment accruals used for fund purposes.
    284.385 Reporting and handling of claims.
    284.39 Promulgation of rules.
    284.40 Division of Risk Management.
    284.41 Transfer of personnel and funds to the Division of Risk Management.
    284.42 Reports on state insurance program.
    284.44 Salary indemnification costs of state agencies.
    284.50 Loss prevention program; safety coordinators; Interagency Advisory Council on Loss Prevention; employee recognition program.
    287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.
    287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services.
    287.058 Contract document.
    287.063 Deferred-payment commodity contracts; preaudit review.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    287.09451 Office of Supplier Diversity; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.115 Comptroller; annual report.
    287.131 Assistance of Department of Insurance.
    287.175 Penalties.
    288.1045 Qualified defense contractor tax refund program.
    288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry businesses.
    288.109 One-Stop Permitting System.
    288.1253 Travel and entertainment expenses.
    288.709 Powers of the Florida Black Business Investment Board.
    288.712 Florida guarantor funds.
    288.776 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    288.778 Department of Banking and Finance.
    288.99 Certified Capital Company Act.
    289.051 Membership of financial institutions; loans to corporation, limitations.
    289.081 Amendments to articles of incorporation.
    289.121 Periodic examinations; reports.
    292.085 Department of Veterans' Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    313.02 Bond.
    314.02 Bond.
    316.3025 Penalties.
    316.545 Weight and load unlawful; special fuel and motor fuel tax enforcement; inspection; penalty; review.
    320.02 Registration required; application for registration; forms.
    320.081 Collection and distribution of annual license tax imposed on the following type units.
    320.20 Disposition of license tax moneys.
    320.71 Nonresident motor vehicle, mobile home, or recreational vehicle dealer's license.
    320.781 Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Protection Trust Fund.
    322.21 License fees; procedure for handling and collecting fees.
    324.032 Manner of proving financial responsibility; for-hire passenger transportation vehicles.
    324.171 Self-insurer.
    326.006 Powers and duties of division.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.3101 Spaceport Florida Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    336.022 County transportation trust fund; controls and administrative remedies.
    337.25 Acquisition, lease, and disposal of real and personal property.
    339.035 Expenditures.
    339.081 Department trust funds.
    344.17 Depositories and investments.
    350.06 Place of meeting; expenditures; employment of personnel; records availability and fees.
    354.03 Bond.
    365.173 Wireless Emergency Telephone System Fund.
    370.06 Licenses.
    370.16 Noncultured shellfish harvesting.
    370.19 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    370.20 Gulf States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    373.503 Manner of taxation.
    373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund.
    373.6065 Adoption benefits for water management district employees.
    374.983 Governing body.
    374.986 Taxing authority.
    376.11 Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.123 Claims against the Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.307 Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund.
    376.3071 Inland Protection Trust Fund; creation; purposes; funding.
    376.3072 Florida Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance Program.
    376.3075 Inland Protection Financing Corporation.
    376.3078 Drycleaning facility restoration; funds; uses; liability; recovery of expenditures.
    376.3079 Third-party liability insurance.
    376.40 Petroleum exploration and production; purposes; funding.
    377.23 Monthly reports to division.
    377.2425 Manner of providing security for geophysical exploration, drilling, and production.
    377.705 Solar Energy Center; development of solar energy standards.
    378.035 Department responsibilities and duties with respect to Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Trust Fund.
    378.037 Comptroller; responsibilities and duties with respect to reimbursement of reclamation costs.
    378.208 Financial responsibility.
    381.765 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    381.90 Health Information Systems Council; legislative intent; creation, appointment, duties.
    388.201 District budgets; hearing.
    388.301 Payment of state funds; supplies and services.
    391.025 Applicability and scope.
    391.221 Statewide Children's Medical Services Network Advisory Council.
    392.69 Appropriation, sinking, and maintenance trust funds; additional powers of the department.
    393.002 Transfer of Florida Developmental Disabilities Council as formerly created in this chapter to private nonprofit corporation.
    393.075 General liability coverage.
    394.482 Payment of financial obligations imposed by compact.
    400.0238 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.063 Resident Protection Trust Fund.
    400.071 Application for license.
    400.4174 Background screening; exemptions.
    400.4298 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.471 Application for license; fee; provisional license; temporary permit.
    400.962 License required; license application.
    401.245 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
    401.25 Licensure as a basic life support or an advanced life support service.
    402.04 Award of scholarships and stipends; disbursement of funds; administration.
    402.17 Claims for care and maintenance; trust property.
    402.33 Department authority to charge fees for services provided.
    403.1835 Water pollution control financial assistance.
    403.1837 Florida Water Pollution Control Financing Corporation.
    403.706 Local government solid waste responsibilities.
    403.724 Financial responsibility.
    403.8532 Drinking water state revolving loan fund; use; rules.
    404.111 Surety requirements.
    408.040 Conditions and monitoring.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    408.08 Inspections and audits; violations; penalties; fines; enforcement.
    408.18 Health Care Community Antitrust Guidance Act; antitrust no-action letter; market-information collection and education.
    408.50 Prospective payment arrangements.
    408.7056 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program.
    408.902 MedAccess program; creation; program title.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies.
    409.25658 Use of unclaimed property for past due support.
    409.2673 Shared county and state health care program for low-income persons.
    409.8132 Medikids program component.
    409.817 Approval of health benefits coverage; financial assistance.
    409.818 Administration.
    409.910 Responsibility for payments on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons when other parties are liable.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    409.9124 Managed care reimbursement.
    409.915 County contributions to Medicaid.
    411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school readiness coalitions.
    413.32 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    414.27 Temporary cash assistance; payment on death.
    414.28 Public assistance payments to constitute debt of recipient.
    420.0005 State Housing Trust Fund; State Housing Fund.
    420.0006 Authority to contract with corporation; contract requirements; nonperformance.
    420.101 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; creation, membership, and purposes.
    420.123 Stockholders; loan requirement.
    420.131 Articles of incorporation; method of amending.
    420.141 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; deposits and examination.
    420.5092 Florida Affordable Housing Guarantee Program.
    430.42 Department of Elderly Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    430.703 Definitions.
    440.103 Building permits; identification of minimum premium policy.
    440.105 Prohibited activities; reports; penalties; limitations.
    440.1051 Fraud reports; civil immunity; criminal penalties.
    440.106 Civil remedies; administrative penalties.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.134 Workers' compensation managed care arrangement.
    440.135 Pilot programs for medical and remedial care in workers' compensation.
    440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment.
    440.24 Enforcement of compensation orders; penalties.
    440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers.
    440.381 Application for coverage; reporting payroll; payroll audit procedures; penalties.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.4416 Workers' Compensation Oversight Board.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    440.50 Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund.
    440.51 Expenses of administration.
    440.515 Reports from self-insurers; confidentiality.
    440.52 Registration of insurance carriers; notice of cancellation or expiration of policy; suspension or revocation of authority.
    443.131 Contributions.
    443.191 Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund; establishment and control.
    443.211 Employment Security Administration Trust Fund; appropriation; reimbursement.
    447.12 Fees for registration.
    450.155 Child Labor Law Trust Fund.
    456.047 Standardized credentialing for health care practitioners.
    468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    473.3065 Certified Public Accountant Education Minority Assistance Program; advisory council.
    475.045 Florida Real Estate Commission Education and Research Foundation.
    475.484 Payment from the fund.
    475.485 Investment of the fund.
    489.144 Investment of the fund.
    489.145 Guaranteed energy performance savings contracting.
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.
    494.001 Definitions.
    494.0011 Powers and duties of the department.
    494.0017 Mortgage Brokerage Guaranty Fund.
    497.005 Definitions.
    497.101 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership; appointment; terms.
    497.105 Department of Banking and Finance; powers and duties.
    497.107 Headquarters.
    497.109 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership.
    497.115 Board rules; final agency action; challenges.
    497.117 Legal and investigative services.
    497.131 Disciplinary proceedings.
    497.201 Cemetery companies; license; application; fee.
    497.253 Minimum acreage; sale or disposition of cemetery lands.
    497.313 Other charges.
    497.403 Insurance business not authorized.
    497.407 Certificate of authority; annual statement; renewal; transfer.
    497.435 Administrative fine in lieu of revocation or suspension of certificate of authority.
    497.525 Disposition of fees and penalties.
    498.025 Exemptions.
    498.049 Suspension; revocation; civil penalties.
    499.057 Expenses and salaries.
    501.212 Application.
    509.215 Firesafety.
    513.055 Revocation or suspension of permit; fines; procedure.
    516.01 Definitions.
    516.03 Application for license; fees; etc.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.03 Rulemaking; immunity for acts in conformity with rules.
    517.061 Exempt transactions.
    517.075 Cuba, prospectus disclosure of doing business with, required.
    517.1204 Investment Fraud Restoration Financing Corporation.
    517.1205 Registration of associated persons specific as to securities dealer, investment adviser, or federal covered adviser identified at time of registration approval.
    517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund.
    517.141 Payment from the fund.
    517.151 Investments of the fund.
    518.115 Power of fiduciary or custodian to deposit securities in a central depository.
    518.116 Power of certain fiduciaries and custodians to deposit United States Government and agency securities with a Federal Reserve bank.
    519.101 Florida equity exchange feasibility study; structure, operation, and regulation.
    520.02 Definitions.
    520.07 Requirements and prohibitions as to retail installment contracts.
    520.31 Definitions.
    520.34 Retail installment contracts.
    520.61 Definitions.
    520.76 Insurance provisions, procurement, rates.
    520.998 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    526.141 Self-service gasoline stations; attendants; regulations.
    537.003 Definitions.
    537.004 License required; license fees.
    537.011 Title loan charges.
    548.066 Ticket refunds.
    548.077 Florida State Boxing Commission; collection and disposition of moneys.
    550.0251 The powers and duties of the Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    550.054 Application for permit to conduct pari-mutuel wagering.
    550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes.
    550.125 Uniform reporting system; bond requirement.
    550.135 Division of moneys derived under this law.
    550.1645 Escheat to state of abandoned interest in or contribution to pari-mutuel pools.
    552.081 Definitions.
    552.161 Administrative fines.
    552.21 Confiscation and disposal of explosives.
    552.26 Administration of chapter; personnel; fees to be deposited in Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    553.72 Intent.
    553.73 Florida Building Code.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    553.79 Permits; applications; issuance; inspections.
    554.1021 Definitions.
    554.105 Chief inspector.
    554.111 Fees.
    559.10 Definition; "budget planning."
    559.543 Definitions.
    559.545 Registration of commercial collection agencies; procedure.
    559.55 Definitions.
    559.555 Registration of consumer collection agencies; procedure.
    559.725 Consumer complaints; administrative duties.
    559.730 Administrative remedies.
    559.928 Registration.
    560.102 Purpose; application.
    560.103 Definitions.
    560.119 Deposit of fees and assessments.
    560.4041 Database for deferred presentment providers; public-records exemption.
    560.408 Legislative intent; report.
    561.051 Reporting requirements of director.
    562.44 Donation of forfeited beverages or raw materials to state institutions; sale of forfeited beverages.
    567.08 Refund of unused portion of state license tax.
    569.205 Department of Business and Professional Regulation Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    570.13 Salary of commissioner, officers, and employees; expenses.
    570.195 Tobacco farmers; assistance.
    570.20 General Inspection Trust Fund.
    574.03 Warehouseman; licenses and fees.
    589.06 Warrants for payment of accounts.
    597.010 Shellfish regulation; leases.
    601.10 Powers of the Department of Citrus.
    601.15 Advertising campaign; methods of conducting; excise tax; emergency reserve fund; citrus research.
    601.28 Inspection fees.
    607.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    607.14401 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    609.05 Qualification with Department of Banking and Finance.
    617.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    617.1440 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    624.05 "Department" defined.
    624.155 Civil remedy.
    624.305 Prohibited interests, rewards.
    624.307 General powers; duties.
    624.310 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; removal of certain persons; fines.
    624.314 Publications; Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.319 Examination and investigation reports.
    624.320 Examination expenses.
    624.321 Witnesses and evidence.
    624.322 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    624.33 Jurisdiction regarding health or life coverage.
    624.404 General eligibility of insurers for certificate of authority.
    624.4071 Special purpose homeowner insurance company.
    624.4085 Risk-based capital requirements for insurers.
    624.40851 Confidentiality of risk-based capital information.
    624.422 Service of process; appointment of Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    624.423 Serving process.
    624.442 Annual reports; actuarial certification; quarterly reports; penalties.
    624.4435 Assets of insurers; reporting requirements.
    624.484 Registration of agent.
    624.5015 Advance collection of fees and taxes; title insurers not to pay without reimbursement.
    624.502 Service of process fee.
    624.506 County tax; deposit and remittance.
    624.5091 Retaliatory provision, insurers.
    624.5092 Administration of taxes; payments.
    624.516 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment and surcharge; deposit and use of funds.
    624.517 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment; reduction of assessment.
    624.519 Nonpayment of premium tax or fire marshal assessment; penalty.
    624.521 Deposit of certain tax receipts; refund of improper payments.
    624.523 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.610 Reinsurance.
    624.87 Administrative supervision; expenses.
    624.91 The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.
    625.161 Valuation of property.
    625.317 Corporate bonds and debentures.
    625.52 Securities eligible for deposit.
    625.53 Depository.
    625.83 Failure to file reporting forms.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.742 Nonresident agents; service of process.
    626.7492 Reinsurance intermediaries.
    626.8427 Number of applications for licensure required; exemption; effect of expiration of license.
    626.8463 Witnesses and evidence.
    626.8467 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.847 Penalty for refusal to testify.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.906 Acts constituting Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    626.907 Service of process; judgment by default.
    626.912 Exemptions from ss. 626.904-626.911.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.931 Agent affidavit and insurer reporting requirements.
    626.932 Surplus lines tax.
    626.936 Failure to file reports or pay tax or service fee; administrative penalty.
    626.9361 Failure to file report; administrative penalty.
    626.937 Actions against insurer; service of process.
    626.938 Report and tax of independently procured coverages.
    626.9511 Definitions.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    626.9892 Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of insurance fraud.
    626.9911 Definitions.
    626.9912 Viatical settlement provider license required; application for license.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    627.0613 Consumer advocate.
    627.0623 Restrictions on expenditures and solicitations of insurers and affiliates.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0651 Making and use of rates for motor vehicle insurance.
    627.0915 Rate filings; workers' compensation, drug-free workplace, and safe employers.
    627.0916 Agricultural horse farms.
    627.092 Workers' Compensation Administrator.
    627.096 Workers' Compensation Rating Bureau.
    627.221 Rating organizations; licensing; fee.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.413 Contents of policies, in general; identification.
    627.4236 Coverage for bone marrow transplant procedures.
    627.6472 Exclusive provider organizations.
    627.6482 Definitions.
    627.6488 Florida Comprehensive Health Association.
    627.6675 Conversion on termination of eligibility.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.
    627.7015 Alternative procedure for resolution of disputed property insurance claims.
    627.727 Motor vehicle insurance; uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage; insolvent insurer protection.
    627.728 Cancellations; nonrenewals.
    627.736 Required personal injury protection benefits; exclusions; priority; claims.
    627.849 Fees.
    627.912 Professional liability claims and actions; reports by insurers.
    627.9122 Officers' and directors' liability claims; reports by insurers.
    627.919 Maintenance of insurance data.
    627.944 Risk retention groups not certificated in this state.
    627.948 Notice and registration requirements of purchasing groups.
    628.461 Acquisition of controlling stock.
    628.4615 Specialty insurers; acquisition of controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control; merger or consolidation.
    629.401 Insurance exchange.
    631.001 Title, construction, and purpose.
    631.221 Deposit of moneys collected.
    631.392 Immunity.
    631.54 Definitions.
    631.57 Powers and duties of the association.
    631.59 Duties and powers of Department of Insurance.
    631.714 Definitions.
    631.72 Premium or income tax credits for assessments paid.
    631.723 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.813 Application of part.
    631.814 Definitions.
    631.904 Definitions.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.
    631.912 Board of directors.
    631.917 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.931 Reports and recommendations by board; public records exemption.
    632.628 Reports.
    633.01 State Fire Marshal; powers and duties; rules.
    633.022 Uniform firesafety standards.
    633.025 Minimum firesafety standards.
    633.052 Ordinances relating to firesafety; definitions; penalties.
    633.061 License or permit required of organizations and individuals servicing, recharging, repairing, testing, marking, inspecting, installing, or hydrotesting fire extinguishers and preengineered systems.
    633.081 Inspection of buildings and equipment; orders; firesafety inspection training requirements; certification; disciplinary action.
    633.111 State Fire Marshal to keep records of fires; reports of agents.
    633.161 Cease and desist orders; orders to correct hazardous conditions; orders to vacate; violation; penalties.
    633.162 Disciplinary action; fire extinguisher or preengineered systems; grounds for denial, nonrenewal, suspension, or revocation of license or permit.
    633.30 Standards for firefighting; definitions.
    633.31 Firefighters Standards and Training Council.
    633.353 Falsification of qualifications.
    633.382 Firefighters; supplemental compensation.
    633.43 Florida State Fire College established.
    633.445 State Fire Marshal Scholarship Grant Program.
    633.45 Division of State Fire Marshal; powers, duties.
    633.46 Fees.
    633.461 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    633.47 Procedure for making expenditures.
    633.50 Division powers and duties; Florida State Fire College.
    633.524 Certificate fees; use and deposit of collected funds.
    634.011 Definitions.
    634.137 Financial and statistical reporting requirements.
    634.151 Service of process; appointment of commissioner as process agent.
    634.161 Service of process; method.
    634.221 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.301 Definitions.
    634.313 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports.
    634.324 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.327 Applicability to warranty on new home.
    634.3284 Civil remedy.
    634.401 Definitions.
    634.415 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports; quarterly statements.
    634.416 Examination of associations.
    634.427 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.433 Civil remedy.
    635.011 Definitions.
    635.041 Contingency reserve.
    636.003 Definitions.
    636.043 Annual, quarterly, and miscellaneous reports.
    636.047 Officers' and employees' fidelity bond.
    636.052 Civil remedy.
    641.185 Health maintenance organization subscriber protections.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.23 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of enrollment of new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.26 Annual report.
    641.28 Civil remedy.
    641.39001 Soliciting or accepting new or renewal health maintenance contracts by insolvent or impaired health maintenance organization prohibited; penalty.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.403 Rulemaking authority.
    641.412 Fees.
    641.454 Civil action to enforce prepaid health clinic contract; attorney's fees; court costs.
    641.455 Disposition of moneys collected under this part.
    641.48 Purpose and application of part.
    641.49 Certification of health maintenance organization and prepaid health clinic as health care providers; application procedure.
    641.511 Subscriber grievance reporting and resolution requirements.
    641.52 Revocation of certificate; suspension of new enrollment; suspension of the health care provider certificate; administrative fine; notice of action to the Department of Insurance; penalty for use of unlicensed providers.
    641.55 Internal risk management program.
    641.58 Regulatory assessment; levy and amount; use of funds; tax returns; penalty for failure to pay.
    642.015 Definitions.
    642.0475 Civil remedy.
    648.25 Definitions.
    648.26 Department of Insurance; administration.
    648.34 Bail bond agents; qualifications.
    648.355 Temporary limited license as limited surety agent or professional bail bond agent; pending examination.
    648.37 Runners; qualifications.
    648.386 Qualifications for prelicensing and continuing education schools and instructors.
    648.442 Collateral security.
    650.06 Social Security Contribution Trust Fund.
    651.011 Definitions.
    651.015 Administration; forms; fees; rules; fines.
    651.0235 Validity of provisional certificates of authority and certificates of authority.
    651.035 Minimum liquid reserve requirements.
    651.121 Advisory council.
    651.125 Criminal penalties; injunctive relief.
    655.001 Purpose; application.
    655.005 Definitions.
    655.019 Campaign contributions; limitations.
    655.057 Records; limited restrictions upon public access.
    655.90 Closing during emergencies and other special days.
    657.002 Definitions.
    657.067 Conversion from federal to state charter; requirements for application approval.
    657.253 Definitions.
    658.23 Submission of articles of incorporation; contents; form; approval; filing; commencement of corporate existence; bylaws.
    658.295 Interstate banking.
    658.83 Liquidator; powers and duties.
    660.27 Deposit of securities with Treasurer.
    660.28 Exemption from bond and other security as fiduciary.
    687.13 International transactions.
    687.14 Definitions.
    697.202 Definitions of terms used in ss. 697.20-697.206.
    697.205 Recoveries from the trust fund.
    697.206 Department of Insurance; powers and duties.
    713.596 Molder's liens.
    716.02 Escheat of funds in the possession of federal agencies.
    716.03 Department to institute proceedings to recover escheated property.
    716.04 Jurisdiction.
    716.05 Money recovered to be paid into State Treasury.
    716.06 Public records.
    716.07 Recovery of escheated property by claimant.
    717.101 Definitions.
    717.135 Agreement to locate reported property.
    717.138 Rulemaking authority.
    718.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    719.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    723.006 Powers and duties of division.
    732.107 Escheat.
    733.816 Disposition of unclaimed property held by personal representatives.
    744.534 Disposition of unclaimed funds held by guardian.
    766.105 Florida Patient's Compensation Fund.
    766.1115 Health care providers; creation of agency relationship with governmental contractors.
    766.314 Assessments; plan of operation.
    766.315 Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association; board of directors.
    768.28 Waiver of sovereign immunity in tort actions; recovery limits; limitation on attorney fees; statute of limitations; exclusions; indemnification; risk management programs.
    790.001 Definitions.
    790.1612 Authorization for governmental manufacture, possession, and use of destructive devices.
    791.01 Definitions.
    791.015 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers of sparklers.
    817.16 False reports, etc., by officers of banks, trust companies, etc., under supervision of Department of Banking and Finance with intent to defraud.
    817.234 False and fraudulent insurance claims.
    839.06 Collectors not to deal in warrants, etc.; removal.
    849.086 Cardrooms authorized.
    849.33 Judgment and collection of money; execution.
    860.154 Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Authority.
    860.157 Powers and duties of the authority.
    896.102 Currency more than
    903.101 Sureties; licensed persons; to have equal access.
    903.27 Forfeiture to judgment.
    925.037 Reimbursement of counties for fees paid to appointed counsel; circuit conflict committees.
    932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
    932.707 Penalty for noncompliance with reporting requirements.
    938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
    939.13 Power of Comptroller.
    943.031 Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council.
    943.032 Financial Crime Analysis Center and Financial Transaction Database.
    944.516 Money or other property received for personal use or benefit of inmate; deposit; disposition of unclaimed trust funds.
    946.33 Disbursements from fund.
    946.509 Insurance of property leased or acquired by the corporation.
    946.510 Insurance by Division of Risk Management.
    946.517 Corporation records.
    946.522 Prison Industries Trust Fund.
    946.525 Participation by the corporation in the state group health insurance and prescription drug programs.
    947.12 Members, employees, expenses.
    950.002 County work camps.
    957.03 Correctional Privatization Commission.
    957.04 Contract requirements.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.409 Participation of certain programs in the State Risk Management Trust Fund.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/SB 662, Engrossed 1 Posted 3/12/2002 at 1:56 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (8)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    532046 - Amendment
    Mitchell 3/12/2002
    11:37 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    675418 - Amendment
    Latvala 3/12/2002
    12:46 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    120058 - Amendment
    Latvala 3/12/2002
    2:36 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    054608 - Amendment
    Latvala 3/12/2002
    2:36 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    074240 - Amendment
    Brown-Waite 3/13/2002
    9:03 AM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    872636 - Amendment
    Latvala 3/13/2002
    9:04 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    633880 - Amendment
    Silver 3/13/2002
    9:45 AM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    604060 - Amendment
    Silver 3/13/2002
    9:52 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    3/13/2002 10:07 AM Senate 31 Yeas - 5 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (903)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    11.12 Salary, subsistence, and mileage of members and employees; expenses authorized by resolution; appropriation; preaudit by Comptroller.
    11.13 Compensation of members.
    11.147 Office of Legislative Services.
    11.151 Annual legislative appropriation to contingency fund for use of Senate President and House Speaker.
    11.40 Legislative Auditing Committee.
    11.42 The Auditor General.
    13.05 Governor's Committee on Interstate Cooperation.
    14.055 Succession to office of Governor.
    14.057 Governor-elect; establishment of operating fund.
    14.058 Inauguration expense fund.
    14.202 Administration Commission.
    14.203 State Council on Competitive Government.
    14.24 Florida Commission on the Status of Women.
    15.09 Fees.
    16.10 Receipt of Supreme Court reports for office.
    17.011 Assistant comptroller.
    17.02 Place of residence and office.
    17.03 To audit claims against the state.
    17.031 Security of Comptroller's office.
    17.04 To audit and adjust accounts of officers and those indebted to the state.
    17.0401 Confidentiality of information relating to financial investigations.
    17.041 County and district accounts and claims.
    17.0415 Transfer and assignment of claims.
    17.05 Subpoenas; sworn statements; enforcement proceedings.
    17.06 Disallowed items and accounts.
    17.075 Form of state warrants and other payment orders; rules.
    17.076 Direct deposit of funds.
    17.08 Accounts, etc., on which warrants drawn, to be filed.
    17.09 Application for warrants for salaries.
    17.10 Record of warrants issued.
    17.11 To report disbursements made.
    17.12 Authorized to issue warrants to tax collector or sheriff for payment.
    17.13 To duplicate warrants lost or destroyed.
    17.14 To prescribe forms.
    17.16 Seal.
    17.17 Examination by Governor and report.
    17.20 Assignment of claims for collection.
    17.21 Not to allow any claim of state attorney against state until report made.
    17.22 Notice to Department of Legal Affairs.
    17.25 May certify copies.
    17.26 Cancellation of state warrants not presented within 1 year.
    17.27 Microfilming and destroying records and correspondence.
    17.28 Comptroller may authorize biweekly salary payments.
    17.29 Authority to prescribe rules.
    17.30 Dissemination of information.
    17.32 Annual report of trust funds; duties of Comptroller.
    17.325 Governmental efficiency hotline; duties of Comptroller.
    17.41 Department of Banking and Finance Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.
    17.43 Comptroller's Federal Equitable Sharing Trust Fund.
    18.01 Oath and certificate of Treasurer.
    18.02 Moneys paid on warrants.
    18.021 Treasurer to operate personal check-cashing service.
    18.03 Residence and office.
    18.05 Annual report to Governor.
    18.06 Examination by and monthly statements to the Governor.
    18.07 Treasurer to keep record of warrants and of state funds and securities.
    18.08 Treasurer to turn over to the Comptroller all warrants paid.
    18.09 Delivery to Legislature.
    18.091 Legislative sessions; additional employees.
    18.10 Deposits and investments of state money.
    18.101 Deposits of public money outside the State Treasury; revolving funds.
    18.103 Safekeeping services of Treasurer.
    18.104 Treasury Cash Deposit Trust Fund.
    18.125 Treasurer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    18.15 Interest on state moneys deposited; when paid.
    18.17 Treasurer not to issue evidences of indebtedness.
    18.20 Treasurer to make reproductions of certain warrants, records, and documents.
    18.22 Rules.
    18.23 Treasurer to prescribe forms.
    18.24 Securities in book-entry form.
    20.04 Structure of executive branch.
    20.055 Agency inspectors general.
    20.12 Department of Banking and Finance.
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.195 Department of Children and Family Services Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.425 Agency for Health Care Administration Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.435 Department of Health; trust funds.
    24.105 Powers and duties of department.
    24.111 Vendors; disclosure and contract requirements.
    24.112 Retailers of lottery tickets.
    24.120 Financial matters; Administrative Trust Fund; interagency cooperation.
    25.241 Clerk of Supreme Court; compensation; assistants; filing fees, etc.
    26.39 Penalty for nonattendance of judge.
    27.08 State claims; surrender of papers to successor.
    27.10 Obligation as to claims; how discharged.
    27.11 Report upon claims committed to state attorney.
    27.12 Power to compromise.
    27.13 Completion of compromise.
    27.34 Salaries and other related costs of state attorneys' offices; limitations.
    27.3455 Annual statement of certain revenues and expenditures.
    27.703 Conflict of interest and substitute counsel.
    27.710 Registry of attorneys applying to represent persons in postconviction capital collateral proceedings; certification of minimum requirements; appointment by trial court.
    27.711 Terms and conditions of appointment of attorneys as counsel in postconviction capital collateral proceedings.
    28.235 Advance payments by clerk of circuit court.
    28.24 Service charges by clerk of the circuit court.
    30.52 Handling of public funds.
    40.30 Requisition endorsed by State Courts Administrator or designee.
    40.31 State Courts Administrator may apportion appropriation.
    40.33 Deficiency.
    40.34 Clerks to make triplicate payroll.
    40.35 Accounting and payment to the State Courts Administrator.
    43.16 Justice Administrative Commission; membership, powers and duties.
    43.19 Money paid into court; unclaimed funds.
    48.151 Service on statutory agents for certain persons.
    55.03 Judgments; rate of interest, generally.
    57.091 Costs; refunded to counties in certain proceedings relating to state prisoners.
    68.083 Civil actions for false claims.
    68.084 Rights of the parties in civil actions.
    68.087 Exemptions to civil actions.
    68.092 Deposit of recovered moneys.
    77.0305 Continuing writ of garnishment against salary or wages.
    92.39 Evidence of individual's claim against the state in suits between them.
    99.097 Verification of signatures on petitions.
    101.151 Specifications for ballots.
    103.091 Political parties.
    107.11 Appropriation for expenses.
    110.1127 Employee security checks.
    110.113 Pay periods for state officers and employees; salary payments by direct deposit.
    110.114 Employee wage deductions.
    110.116 Personnel information system; payroll procedures.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    110.1228 Participation by small counties, small municipalities, and district school boards located in small counties.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    110.125 Administrative costs.
    110.181 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign.
    110.2037 Alternative benefits; tax-sheltered annual leave and sick leave payments and special compensation payments.
    110.205 Career service; exemptions.
    112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons.
    112.08 Group insurance for public officers, employees, and certain volunteers; physical examinations.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    112.3144 Full and public disclosure of financial interests.
    112.3145 Disclosure of financial interests and clients represented before agencies.
    112.3189 Investigative procedures upon receipt of whistle-blower information from certain state employees.
    112.31895 Investigative procedures in response to prohibited personnel actions.
    112.3215 Lobbyists before the executive branch or the Constitution Revision Commission; registration and reporting; investigation by commission.
    112.63 Actuarial reports and statements of actuarial impact; review.
    114.03 Certain executive officers not to absent themselves from the state.
    116.03 Officers to report fees collected.
    116.04 Failure of officer to make sworn report of fees.
    116.05 Examination and publication by Department of Banking and Finance.
    116.06 Summary of reports; certain officers not required to report fees.
    116.14 Receipts required from purchasers of state property.
    120.52 Definitions.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    121.0312 Review; actuarial valuation report; contribution rate determination process.
    121.055 Senior Management Service Class.
    121.061 Funding.
    121.133 Cancellation of uncashed warrants.
    121.4501 Public Employee Optional Retirement Program.
    125.0104 Tourist development tax; procedure for levying; authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.
    129.201 Budget of supervisor of elections; manner and time of preparation and presentation.
    131.05 Disposition of proceeds of sale.
    137.09 Justification and approval of bonds.
    145.141 Deficiency to be paid by board of county commissioners.
    154.02 County Health Department Trust Fund.
    154.03 Cooperation with Department of Health and United States Government.
    154.05 Cooperation and agreements between counties.
    154.06 Fees and services rendered; authority.
    154.209 Powers of authority.
    154.314 Certification of the State of Florida.
    163.01 Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969.
    163.05 Small County Technical Assistance Program.
    163.055 Local Government Financial Technical Assistance Program.
    163.3167 Scope of act.
    175.101 State excise tax on property insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    175.121 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    175.151 Penalty for failure of insurers to comply with this act.
    185.08 State excise tax on casualty insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    185.10 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    185.13 Failure of insurer to comply with chapter; penalty.
    189.4035 Preparation of official list of special districts.
    189.412 Special District Information Program; duties and responsibilities.
    189.427 Fee schedule; Operating Trust Fund.
    190.006 Board of supervisors; members and meetings.
    190.007 Board of supervisors; general duties.
    192.091 Commissions of property appraisers and tax collectors.
    192.102 Payment of property appraisers' and collectors' commissions.
    193.092 Assessment of property for back taxes.
    195.101 Withholding of state funds.
    198.29 Refunds of excess tax paid.
    199.232 Powers of department.
    203.01 Tax on gross receipts for utility and communications services.
    206.46 State Transportation Trust Fund.
    210.16 Revocation or suspension of permit.
    210.20 Employees and assistants; distribution of funds.
    210.50 Revocation or suspension of license.
    211.06 Oil and Gas Tax Trust Fund; distribution of tax proceeds.
    211.32 Tax on solid minerals; Land Reclamation Trust Fund; refund for restoration and reclamation.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    212.12 Dealer's credit for collecting tax; penalties for noncompliance; powers of Department of Revenue in dealing with delinquents; brackets applicable to taxable transactions; records required.
    212.20 Funds collected, disposition; additional powers of department; operational expense; refund of taxes adjudicated unconstitutionally collected.
    213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.
    213.054 Persons claiming tax exemptions or deductions; annual report.
    213.255 Interest.
    213.67 Garnishment.
    213.75 Application of payments.
    215.02 Manner of paying money into the Treasury.
    215.03 Party to be reimbursed on reversal of judgment for state.
    215.04 Department of Banking and Finance to report delinquents.
    215.05 Department of Banking and Finance to certify accounts of delinquents.
    215.11 Defaulting officers; Department of Banking and Finance to report to clerk.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.
    215.23 When contributions to be made.
    215.24 Exemptions where federal contributions or private grants.
    215.25 Manner of contributions; rules and regulations.
    215.26 Repayment of funds paid into State Treasury through error.
    215.29 Classification of Comptroller's warrants; report.
    215.31 State funds; deposit in State Treasury.
    215.32 State funds; segregation.
    215.3206 Trust funds; termination or re-creation.
    215.3208 Trust funds; legislative review.
    215.321 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    215.322 Acceptance of credit cards, charge cards, or debit cards by state agencies, units of local government, and the judicial branch.
    215.34 State funds; noncollectible items; procedure.
    215.35 State funds; warrants and their issuance.
    215.405 State agencies and the judicial branch authorized to collect costs of fingerprinting.
    215.42 Purchases from appropriations, proof of delivery.
    215.422 Warrants, vouchers, and invoices; processing time limits; dispute resolution; agency or judicial branch compliance.
    215.44 Board of Administration; powers and duties in relation to investment of trust funds.
    215.50 Custody of securities purchased; income.
    215.551 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; county distribution.
    215.552 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; land within military installations; county distribution.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    215.56005 Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation.
    215.5601 Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.
    215.58 Definitions relating to State Bond Act.
    215.62 Division of Bond Finance.
    215.684 Limitation on engaging services of securities broker or bond underwriter convicted of fraud.
    215.70 State Board of Administration to act in case of defaults.
    215.91 Florida Financial Management Information System; board; council.
    215.92 Definitions relating to Florida Financial Management Information System Act.
    215.93 Florida Financial Management Information System.
    215.94 Designation, duties, and responsibilities of functional owners.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    215.965 Disbursement of state moneys.
    215.97 Florida Single Audit Act.
    216.0442 Truth in bonding; definitions; summary of state debt; statement of proposed financing; truth-in-bonding statement.
    216.102 Filing of financial information; handling by Comptroller; penalty for noncompliance.
    216.141 Budget system procedures; planning and programming by state agencies.
    216.177 Appropriations acts, statement of intent, violation, notice, review and objection procedures.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.183 Entities using performance-based program budgets; chart of accounts.
    216.192 Release of appropriations; revision of budgets.
    216.212 Budgets for federal funds; restrictions on expenditure of federal funds.
    216.221 Appropriations as maximum appropriations; adjustment of budgets to avoid or eliminate deficits.
    216.235 Innovation Investment Program; intent; definitions; composition and responsibilities of State Innovation Committee; responsibilities of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development and the review board; procedures for innovative project submission, review, evaluation, and approval; criteria to be considered.
    216.237 Availability of any remaining funds; agency maintenance of accounting records.
    216.251 Salary appropriations; limitations.
    216.271 Revolving funds.
    216.275 Clearing accounts.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    216.301 Appropriations; undisbursed balances.
    217.07 Transfer of surplus property assets to department.
    218.06 Transfer of funds by county commissioners with relation to public works grants.
    218.23 Revenue sharing with units of local government.
    218.31 Definitions.
    218.321 Annual financial statements; local governmental entities.
    218.325 Uniform chart of accounts and financial reporting for court and justice system costs and revenues.
    220.62 Definitions.
    220.723 Overpayments; interest.
    228.2001 Discrimination against students and employees in state system of public education; prohibitions; equality of access; strategies to overcome underrepresentation; remedies.
    229.0535 Authority to enforce school improvement.
    229.0537 Opportunity Scholarship Program.
    229.05371 The John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program.
    229.111 Gifts to state public education system or school fund.
    229.781 Records; preservation; destruction.
    231.261 Education Practices Commission; organization.
    231.30 Certification fees.
    231.545 Education Standards Commission; organization.
    233.063 Instruction in operation of motor vehicles.
    233.07 State instructional materials committees.
    233.15 Deposit by publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials must accompany bid.
    233.16 Powers and duties of the Commissioner of Education and the Department of Education in selecting and adopting instructional materials.
    233.255 Production and dissemination of educational materials and products by department.
    236.43 Receiving bids and sale of bonds.
    236.601 Board of Administration to act as fiscal agent in issuance and sale of motor vehicle anticipation certificates.
    237.121 Penalty.
    237.181 School funds to be paid to Treasurer or into depository.
    237.211 School depositories; payments into and withdrawals from depositories.
    238.11 Collection of contributions.
    238.15 Exemption of funds from taxation, execution, and assignment.
    238.172 Proof required.
    238.173 Monthly allowance to widows or widowers of pensioners.
    240.551 Florida Prepaid College Program.
    242.331 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees.
    242.341 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees; management flexibility.
    245.13 Fees; authority to accept additional funds; annual audit.
    250.22 Retirement.
    250.24 Pay and expenses; appropriation; procedures.
    250.25 Governor and Comptroller authorized to borrow money.
    250.26 Transfer of funds.
    250.34 Injury or death in active service.
    252.62 Comptroller's powers in a state of emergency.
    252.87 Supplemental state reporting requirements.
    253.02 Board of trustees; powers and duties.
    253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than preservation, conservation, and recreation.
    255.03 Proceeds of insurance to be paid into State Treasury; disbursement of funds.
    255.052 Substitution of securities for amounts retained on public contracts.
    255.258 Shared savings financing of energy conservation in state-owned buildings.
    255.503 Powers of the Department of Management Services.
    255.521 Failure of payment.
    257.22 Division of Library and Information Services; allocation of funds.
    258.014 Fees for use of state parks.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    259.041 Acquisition of state-owned lands for preservation, conservation, and recreation purposes.
    265.53 Application for indemnity agreement.
    265.55 Claims.
    267.075 The Grove Advisory Council; creation; membership; purposes.
    272.18 Governor's Mansion Commission.
    280.02 Definitions.
    280.04 Collateral for public deposits; general provisions.
    280.041 Collateral arrangements; agreements, provisions, and triggering events.
    280.05 Powers and duties of the Treasurer.
    280.051 Grounds for suspension or disqualification of a qualified public depository.
    280.052 Order of suspension or disqualification; procedure.
    280.053 Period of suspension or disqualification; obligations during period; reinstatement.
    280.054 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or disqualification.
    280.055 Cease and desist order; corrective order; administrative penalty.
    280.06 Penalty for violation of law, rule, or order to cease and desist or other lawful order.
    280.07 Mutual responsibility and contingent liability.
    280.071 Qualified Public Depository Oversight Board; purpose; identifying representative qualified public depositories; member selection; responsibilities.
    280.08 Procedure for payment of losses.
    280.085 Notice to claimants.
    280.09 Public Deposits Trust Fund.
    280.10 Effect of merger, acquisition, or consolidation; change of name or address.
    280.11 Withdrawal from public deposits program; return of pledged collateral.
    280.13 Eligible collateral.
    280.16 Requirements of qualified public depositories; confidentiality.
    280.17 Requirements for public depositors; notice to public depositors and governmental units; loss of protection.
    280.18 Protection of public depositors; liability of the state.
    280.19 Rules.
    282.1095 State agency law enforcement radio system.
    284.02 Payment of premiums by each agency; handling of funds; payment of losses and expenses.
    284.04 Notice and information required by Department of Insurance of all newly erected or acquired state property subject to insurance.
    284.05 Inspection of insured state property.
    284.06 Annual report to Governor.
    284.08 Reinsurance on excess coverage and approval by Department of Management Services.
    284.14 State Risk Management Trust Fund; leasehold interest.
    284.17 Rules.
    284.30 State Risk Management Trust Fund; coverages to be provided.
    284.31 Scope and types of coverages; separate accounts.
    284.32 Department of Insurance to implement and consolidate.
    284.33 Purchase of insurance, reinsurance, and services.
    284.34 Professional medical liability of the Board of Regents and nuclear energy liability excluded.
    284.35 Administrative personnel; expenses to be paid from fund.
    284.37 Premium and investment accruals used for fund purposes.
    284.385 Reporting and handling of claims.
    284.39 Promulgation of rules.
    284.40 Division of Risk Management.
    284.41 Transfer of personnel and funds to the Division of Risk Management.
    284.42 Reports on state insurance program.
    284.44 Salary indemnification costs of state agencies.
    284.50 Loss prevention program; safety coordinators; Interagency Advisory Council on Loss Prevention; employee recognition program.
    287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.
    287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services.
    287.058 Contract document.
    287.063 Deferred-payment commodity contracts; preaudit review.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    287.09451 Office of Supplier Diversity; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.115 Comptroller; annual report.
    287.131 Assistance of Department of Insurance.
    287.175 Penalties.
    288.1045 Qualified defense contractor tax refund program.
    288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry businesses.
    288.109 One-Stop Permitting System.
    288.1253 Travel and entertainment expenses.
    288.709 Powers of the Florida Black Business Investment Board.
    288.712 Florida guarantor funds.
    288.776 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    288.778 Department of Banking and Finance.
    288.99 Certified Capital Company Act.
    289.051 Membership of financial institutions; loans to corporation, limitations.
    289.081 Amendments to articles of incorporation.
    289.121 Periodic examinations; reports.
    292.085 Department of Veterans' Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    313.02 Bond.
    314.02 Bond.
    316.3025 Penalties.
    316.545 Weight and load unlawful; special fuel and motor fuel tax enforcement; inspection; penalty; review.
    320.02 Registration required; application for registration; forms.
    320.081 Collection and distribution of annual license tax imposed on the following type units.
    320.20 Disposition of license tax moneys.
    320.71 Nonresident motor vehicle, mobile home, or recreational vehicle dealer's license.
    320.781 Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Protection Trust Fund.
    322.21 License fees; procedure for handling and collecting fees.
    324.032 Manner of proving financial responsibility; for-hire passenger transportation vehicles.
    324.171 Self-insurer.
    326.006 Powers and duties of division.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.3101 Spaceport Florida Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    336.022 County transportation trust fund; controls and administrative remedies.
    337.25 Acquisition, lease, and disposal of real and personal property.
    339.035 Expenditures.
    339.081 Department trust funds.
    344.17 Depositories and investments.
    350.06 Place of meeting; expenditures; employment of personnel; records availability and fees.
    354.03 Bond.
    365.173 Wireless Emergency Telephone System Fund.
    370.06 Licenses.
    370.16 Noncultured shellfish harvesting.
    370.19 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    370.20 Gulf States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    373.503 Manner of taxation.
    373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund.
    373.6065 Adoption benefits for water management district employees.
    374.983 Governing body.
    374.986 Taxing authority.
    376.11 Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.123 Claims against the Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.307 Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund.
    376.3071 Inland Protection Trust Fund; creation; purposes; funding.
    376.3072 Florida Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance Program.
    376.3075 Inland Protection Financing Corporation.
    376.3078 Drycleaning facility restoration; funds; uses; liability; recovery of expenditures.
    376.3079 Third-party liability insurance.
    376.40 Petroleum exploration and production; purposes; funding.
    377.23 Monthly reports to division.
    377.2425 Manner of providing security for geophysical exploration, drilling, and production.
    377.705 Solar Energy Center; development of solar energy standards.
    378.035 Department responsibilities and duties with respect to Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Trust Fund.
    378.037 Comptroller; responsibilities and duties with respect to reimbursement of reclamation costs.
    378.208 Financial responsibility.
    381.765 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    381.90 Health Information Systems Council; legislative intent; creation, appointment, duties.
    388.201 District budgets; hearing.
    388.301 Payment of state funds; supplies and services.
    391.025 Applicability and scope.
    391.221 Statewide Children's Medical Services Network Advisory Council.
    392.69 Appropriation, sinking, and maintenance trust funds; additional powers of the department.
    393.002 Transfer of Florida Developmental Disabilities Council as formerly created in this chapter to private nonprofit corporation.
    393.075 General liability coverage.
    394.482 Payment of financial obligations imposed by compact.
    400.0238 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.063 Resident Protection Trust Fund.
    400.071 Application for license.
    400.4174 Background screening; exemptions.
    400.4298 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.471 Application for license; fee; provisional license; temporary permit.
    400.962 License required; license application.
    401.245 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
    401.25 Licensure as a basic life support or an advanced life support service.
    402.04 Award of scholarships and stipends; disbursement of funds; administration.
    402.17 Claims for care and maintenance; trust property.
    402.33 Department authority to charge fees for services provided.
    403.1835 Water pollution control financial assistance.
    403.1837 Florida Water Pollution Control Financing Corporation.
    403.706 Local government solid waste responsibilities.
    403.724 Financial responsibility.
    403.8532 Drinking water state revolving loan fund; use; rules.
    404.111 Surety requirements.
    408.040 Conditions and monitoring.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    408.08 Inspections and audits; violations; penalties; fines; enforcement.
    408.18 Health Care Community Antitrust Guidance Act; antitrust no-action letter; market-information collection and education.
    408.50 Prospective payment arrangements.
    408.7056 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program.
    408.902 MedAccess program; creation; program title.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies.
    409.25658 Use of unclaimed property for past due support.
    409.2673 Shared county and state health care program for low-income persons.
    409.8132 Medikids program component.
    409.817 Approval of health benefits coverage; financial assistance.
    409.818 Administration.
    409.910 Responsibility for payments on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons when other parties are liable.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    409.9124 Managed care reimbursement.
    409.915 County contributions to Medicaid.
    411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school readiness coalitions.
    413.32 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    414.27 Temporary cash assistance; payment on death.
    414.28 Public assistance payments to constitute debt of recipient.
    420.0005 State Housing Trust Fund; State Housing Fund.
    420.0006 Authority to contract with corporation; contract requirements; nonperformance.
    420.101 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; creation, membership, and purposes.
    420.123 Stockholders; loan requirement.
    420.131 Articles of incorporation; method of amending.
    420.141 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; deposits and examination.
    420.5092 Florida Affordable Housing Guarantee Program.
    430.42 Department of Elderly Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    430.703 Definitions.
    440.103 Building permits; identification of minimum premium policy.
    440.105 Prohibited activities; reports; penalties; limitations.
    440.1051 Fraud reports; civil immunity; criminal penalties.
    440.106 Civil remedies; administrative penalties.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.134 Workers' compensation managed care arrangement.
    440.135 Pilot programs for medical and remedial care in workers' compensation.
    440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment.
    440.24 Enforcement of compensation orders; penalties.
    440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers.
    440.381 Application for coverage; reporting payroll; payroll audit procedures; penalties.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.4416 Workers' Compensation Oversight Board.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    440.50 Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund.
    440.51 Expenses of administration.
    440.515 Reports from self-insurers; confidentiality.
    440.52 Registration of insurance carriers; notice of cancellation or expiration of policy; suspension or revocation of authority.
    443.131 Contributions.
    443.191 Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund; establishment and control.
    443.211 Employment Security Administration Trust Fund; appropriation; reimbursement.
    447.12 Fees for registration.
    450.155 Child Labor Law Trust Fund.
    456.047 Standardized credentialing for health care practitioners.
    468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    473.3065 Certified Public Accountant Education Minority Assistance Program; advisory council.
    475.045 Florida Real Estate Commission Education and Research Foundation.
    475.484 Payment from the fund.
    475.485 Investment of the fund.
    489.144 Investment of the fund.
    489.145 Guaranteed energy performance savings contracting.
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.
    494.001 Definitions.
    494.0011 Powers and duties of the department.
    494.0017 Mortgage Brokerage Guaranty Fund.
    497.005 Definitions.
    497.101 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership; appointment; terms.
    497.105 Department of Banking and Finance; powers and duties.
    497.107 Headquarters.
    497.109 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership.
    497.115 Board rules; final agency action; challenges.
    497.117 Legal and investigative services.
    497.131 Disciplinary proceedings.
    497.201 Cemetery companies; license; application; fee.
    497.253 Minimum acreage; sale or disposition of cemetery lands.
    497.313 Other charges.
    497.403 Insurance business not authorized.
    497.407 Certificate of authority; annual statement; renewal; transfer.
    497.435 Administrative fine in lieu of revocation or suspension of certificate of authority.
    497.525 Disposition of fees and penalties.
    498.025 Exemptions.
    498.049 Suspension; revocation; civil penalties.
    499.057 Expenses and salaries.
    501.212 Application.
    509.215 Firesafety.
    513.055 Revocation or suspension of permit; fines; procedure.
    516.01 Definitions.
    516.03 Application for license; fees; etc.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.03 Rulemaking; immunity for acts in conformity with rules.
    517.061 Exempt transactions.
    517.075 Cuba, prospectus disclosure of doing business with, required.
    517.1204 Investment Fraud Restoration Financing Corporation.
    517.1205 Registration of associated persons specific as to securities dealer, investment adviser, or federal covered adviser identified at time of registration approval.
    517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund.
    517.141 Payment from the fund.
    517.151 Investments of the fund.
    518.115 Power of fiduciary or custodian to deposit securities in a central depository.
    518.116 Power of certain fiduciaries and custodians to deposit United States Government and agency securities with a Federal Reserve bank.
    519.101 Florida equity exchange feasibility study; structure, operation, and regulation.
    520.02 Definitions.
    520.07 Requirements and prohibitions as to retail installment contracts.
    520.31 Definitions.
    520.34 Retail installment contracts.
    520.61 Definitions.
    520.76 Insurance provisions, procurement, rates.
    520.998 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    526.141 Self-service gasoline stations; attendants; regulations.
    537.003 Definitions.
    537.004 License required; license fees.
    537.011 Title loan charges.
    548.066 Ticket refunds.
    548.077 Florida State Boxing Commission; collection and disposition of moneys.
    550.0251 The powers and duties of the Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    550.054 Application for permit to conduct pari-mutuel wagering.
    550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes.
    550.125 Uniform reporting system; bond requirement.
    550.135 Division of moneys derived under this law.
    550.1645 Escheat to state of abandoned interest in or contribution to pari-mutuel pools.
    552.081 Definitions.
    552.161 Administrative fines.
    552.21 Confiscation and disposal of explosives.
    552.26 Administration of chapter; personnel; fees to be deposited in Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    553.72 Intent.
    553.73 Florida Building Code.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    553.79 Permits; applications; issuance; inspections.
    554.1021 Definitions.
    554.105 Chief inspector.
    554.111 Fees.
    559.10 Definition; "budget planning."
    559.543 Definitions.
    559.545 Registration of commercial collection agencies; procedure.
    559.55 Definitions.
    559.555 Registration of consumer collection agencies; procedure.
    559.725 Consumer complaints; administrative duties.
    559.730 Administrative remedies.
    559.928 Registration.
    560.102 Purpose; application.
    560.103 Definitions.
    560.119 Deposit of fees and assessments.
    560.4041 Database for deferred presentment providers; public-records exemption.
    560.408 Legislative intent; report.
    561.051 Reporting requirements of director.
    562.44 Donation of forfeited beverages or raw materials to state institutions; sale of forfeited beverages.
    567.08 Refund of unused portion of state license tax.
    569.205 Department of Business and Professional Regulation Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    570.13 Salary of commissioner, officers, and employees; expenses.
    570.195 Tobacco farmers; assistance.
    570.20 General Inspection Trust Fund.
    574.03 Warehouseman; licenses and fees.
    589.06 Warrants for payment of accounts.
    597.010 Shellfish regulation; leases.
    601.10 Powers of the Department of Citrus.
    601.15 Advertising campaign; methods of conducting; excise tax; emergency reserve fund; citrus research.
    601.28 Inspection fees.
    607.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    607.14401 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    609.05 Qualification with Department of Banking and Finance.
    617.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    617.1440 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    624.05 "Department" defined.
    624.155 Civil remedy.
    624.305 Prohibited interests, rewards.
    624.307 General powers; duties.
    624.310 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; removal of certain persons; fines.
    624.314 Publications; Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.319 Examination and investigation reports.
    624.320 Examination expenses.
    624.321 Witnesses and evidence.
    624.322 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    624.33 Jurisdiction regarding health or life coverage.
    624.404 General eligibility of insurers for certificate of authority.
    624.4071 Special purpose homeowner insurance company.
    624.4085 Risk-based capital requirements for insurers.
    624.40851 Confidentiality of risk-based capital information.
    624.422 Service of process; appointment of Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    624.423 Serving process.
    624.442 Annual reports; actuarial certification; quarterly reports; penalties.
    624.4435 Assets of insurers; reporting requirements.
    624.484 Registration of agent.
    624.5015 Advance collection of fees and taxes; title insurers not to pay without reimbursement.
    624.502 Service of process fee.
    624.506 County tax; deposit and remittance.
    624.5091 Retaliatory provision, insurers.
    624.5092 Administration of taxes; payments.
    624.516 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment and surcharge; deposit and use of funds.
    624.517 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment; reduction of assessment.
    624.519 Nonpayment of premium tax or fire marshal assessment; penalty.
    624.521 Deposit of certain tax receipts; refund of improper payments.
    624.523 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.610 Reinsurance.
    624.87 Administrative supervision; expenses.
    624.91 The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.
    625.161 Valuation of property.
    625.317 Corporate bonds and debentures.
    625.52 Securities eligible for deposit.
    625.53 Depository.
    625.83 Failure to file reporting forms.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.742 Nonresident agents; service of process.
    626.7492 Reinsurance intermediaries.
    626.8427 Number of applications for licensure required; exemption; effect of expiration of license.
    626.8463 Witnesses and evidence.
    626.8467 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.847 Penalty for refusal to testify.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.906 Acts constituting Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    626.907 Service of process; judgment by default.
    626.912 Exemptions from ss. 626.904-626.911.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.931 Agent affidavit and insurer reporting requirements.
    626.932 Surplus lines tax.
    626.936 Failure to file reports or pay tax or service fee; administrative penalty.
    626.9361 Failure to file report; administrative penalty.
    626.937 Actions against insurer; service of process.
    626.938 Report and tax of independently procured coverages.
    626.9511 Definitions.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    626.9892 Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of insurance fraud.
    626.9911 Definitions.
    626.9912 Viatical settlement provider license required; application for license.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    627.0613 Consumer advocate.
    627.0623 Restrictions on expenditures and solicitations of insurers and affiliates.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0651 Making and use of rates for motor vehicle insurance.
    627.0915 Rate filings; workers' compensation, drug-free workplace, and safe employers.
    627.0916 Agricultural horse farms.
    627.092 Workers' Compensation Administrator.
    627.096 Workers' Compensation Rating Bureau.
    627.221 Rating organizations; licensing; fee.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.413 Contents of policies, in general; identification.
    627.4236 Coverage for bone marrow transplant procedures.
    627.6472 Exclusive provider organizations.
    627.6482 Definitions.
    627.6488 Florida Comprehensive Health Association.
    627.6675 Conversion on termination of eligibility.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.
    627.7015 Alternative procedure for resolution of disputed property insurance claims.
    627.727 Motor vehicle insurance; uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage; insolvent insurer protection.
    627.728 Cancellations; nonrenewals.
    627.736 Required personal injury protection benefits; exclusions; priority; claims.
    627.849 Fees.
    627.912 Professional liability claims and actions; reports by insurers.
    627.9122 Officers' and directors' liability claims; reports by insurers.
    627.919 Maintenance of insurance data.
    627.944 Risk retention groups not certificated in this state.
    627.948 Notice and registration requirements of purchasing groups.
    628.461 Acquisition of controlling stock.
    628.4615 Specialty insurers; acquisition of controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control; merger or consolidation.
    629.401 Insurance exchange.
    631.001 Title, construction, and purpose.
    631.221 Deposit of moneys collected.
    631.392 Immunity.
    631.54 Definitions.
    631.57 Powers and duties of the association.
    631.59 Duties and powers of Department of Insurance.
    631.714 Definitions.
    631.72 Premium or income tax credits for assessments paid.
    631.723 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.813 Application of part.
    631.814 Definitions.
    631.904 Definitions.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.
    631.912 Board of directors.
    631.917 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.931 Reports and recommendations by board; public records exemption.
    632.628 Reports.
    633.01 State Fire Marshal; powers and duties; rules.
    633.022 Uniform firesafety standards.
    633.025 Minimum firesafety standards.
    633.052 Ordinances relating to firesafety; definitions; penalties.
    633.061 License or permit required of organizations and individuals servicing, recharging, repairing, testing, marking, inspecting, installing, or hydrotesting fire extinguishers and preengineered systems.
    633.081 Inspection of buildings and equipment; orders; firesafety inspection training requirements; certification; disciplinary action.
    633.111 State Fire Marshal to keep records of fires; reports of agents.
    633.161 Cease and desist orders; orders to correct hazardous conditions; orders to vacate; violation; penalties.
    633.162 Disciplinary action; fire extinguisher or preengineered systems; grounds for denial, nonrenewal, suspension, or revocation of license or permit.
    633.30 Standards for firefighting; definitions.
    633.31 Firefighters Standards and Training Council.
    633.353 Falsification of qualifications.
    633.382 Firefighters; supplemental compensation.
    633.43 Florida State Fire College established.
    633.445 State Fire Marshal Scholarship Grant Program.
    633.45 Division of State Fire Marshal; powers, duties.
    633.46 Fees.
    633.461 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    633.47 Procedure for making expenditures.
    633.50 Division powers and duties; Florida State Fire College.
    633.524 Certificate fees; use and deposit of collected funds.
    634.011 Definitions.
    634.137 Financial and statistical reporting requirements.
    634.151 Service of process; appointment of commissioner as process agent.
    634.161 Service of process; method.
    634.221 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.301 Definitions.
    634.313 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports.
    634.324 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.327 Applicability to warranty on new home.
    634.3284 Civil remedy.
    634.401 Definitions.
    634.415 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports; quarterly statements.
    634.416 Examination of associations.
    634.427 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.433 Civil remedy.
    635.011 Definitions.
    635.041 Contingency reserve.
    636.003 Definitions.
    636.043 Annual, quarterly, and miscellaneous reports.
    636.047 Officers' and employees' fidelity bond.
    636.052 Civil remedy.
    641.185 Health maintenance organization subscriber protections.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.23 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of enrollment of new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.26 Annual report.
    641.28 Civil remedy.
    641.39001 Soliciting or accepting new or renewal health maintenance contracts by insolvent or impaired health maintenance organization prohibited; penalty.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.403 Rulemaking authority.
    641.412 Fees.
    641.454 Civil action to enforce prepaid health clinic contract; attorney's fees; court costs.
    641.455 Disposition of moneys collected under this part.
    641.48 Purpose and application of part.
    641.49 Certification of health maintenance organization and prepaid health clinic as health care providers; application procedure.
    641.511 Subscriber grievance reporting and resolution requirements.
    641.52 Revocation of certificate; suspension of new enrollment; suspension of the health care provider certificate; administrative fine; notice of action to the Department of Insurance; penalty for use of unlicensed providers.
    641.55 Internal risk management program.
    641.58 Regulatory assessment; levy and amount; use of funds; tax returns; penalty for failure to pay.
    642.015 Definitions.
    642.0475 Civil remedy.
    648.25 Definitions.
    648.26 Department of Insurance; administration.
    648.34 Bail bond agents; qualifications.
    648.355 Temporary limited license as limited surety agent or professional bail bond agent; pending examination.
    648.37 Runners; qualifications.
    648.386 Qualifications for prelicensing and continuing education schools and instructors.
    648.442 Collateral security.
    650.06 Social Security Contribution Trust Fund.
    651.011 Definitions.
    651.015 Administration; forms; fees; rules; fines.
    651.0235 Validity of provisional certificates of authority and certificates of authority.
    651.035 Minimum liquid reserve requirements.
    651.121 Advisory council.
    651.125 Criminal penalties; injunctive relief.
    655.001 Purpose; application.
    655.005 Definitions.
    655.019 Campaign contributions; limitations.
    655.057 Records; limited restrictions upon public access.
    655.90 Closing during emergencies and other special days.
    657.002 Definitions.
    657.067 Conversion from federal to state charter; requirements for application approval.
    657.253 Definitions.
    658.23 Submission of articles of incorporation; contents; form; approval; filing; commencement of corporate existence; bylaws.
    658.295 Interstate banking.
    658.83 Liquidator; powers and duties.
    660.27 Deposit of securities with Treasurer.
    660.28 Exemption from bond and other security as fiduciary.
    687.13 International transactions.
    687.14 Definitions.
    697.202 Definitions of terms used in ss. 697.20-697.206.
    697.205 Recoveries from the trust fund.
    697.206 Department of Insurance; powers and duties.
    713.596 Molder's liens.
    716.02 Escheat of funds in the possession of federal agencies.
    716.03 Department to institute proceedings to recover escheated property.
    716.04 Jurisdiction.
    716.05 Money recovered to be paid into State Treasury.
    716.06 Public records.
    716.07 Recovery of escheated property by claimant.
    717.101 Definitions.
    717.135 Agreement to locate reported property.
    717.138 Rulemaking authority.
    718.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    719.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    723.006 Powers and duties of division.
    732.107 Escheat.
    733.816 Disposition of unclaimed property held by personal representatives.
    744.534 Disposition of unclaimed funds held by guardian.
    766.105 Florida Patient's Compensation Fund.
    766.1115 Health care providers; creation of agency relationship with governmental contractors.
    766.314 Assessments; plan of operation.
    766.315 Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association; board of directors.
    768.28 Waiver of sovereign immunity in tort actions; recovery limits; limitation on attorney fees; statute of limitations; exclusions; indemnification; risk management programs.
    790.001 Definitions.
    790.1612 Authorization for governmental manufacture, possession, and use of destructive devices.
    791.01 Definitions.
    791.015 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers of sparklers.
    817.16 False reports, etc., by officers of banks, trust companies, etc., under supervision of Department of Banking and Finance with intent to defraud.
    817.234 False and fraudulent insurance claims.
    839.06 Collectors not to deal in warrants, etc.; removal.
    849.086 Cardrooms authorized.
    849.33 Judgment and collection of money; execution.
    860.154 Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Authority.
    860.157 Powers and duties of the authority.
    896.102 Currency more than
    903.101 Sureties; licensed persons; to have equal access.
    903.27 Forfeiture to judgment.
    925.037 Reimbursement of counties for fees paid to appointed counsel; circuit conflict committees.
    932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
    932.707 Penalty for noncompliance with reporting requirements.
    938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
    939.13 Power of Comptroller.
    943.031 Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council.
    943.032 Financial Crime Analysis Center and Financial Transaction Database.
    944.516 Money or other property received for personal use or benefit of inmate; deposit; disposition of unclaimed trust funds.
    946.33 Disbursements from fund.
    946.509 Insurance of property leased or acquired by the corporation.
    946.510 Insurance by Division of Risk Management.
    946.517 Corporation records.
    946.522 Prison Industries Trust Fund.
    946.525 Participation by the corporation in the state group health insurance and prescription drug programs.
    947.12 Members, employees, expenses.
    950.002 County work camps.
    957.03 Correctional Privatization Commission.
    957.04 Contract requirements.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.409 Participation of certain programs in the State Risk Management Trust Fund.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/CS/SB 662, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 2/15/2002 at 3:33 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Governmental Oversight and Productivity (Post-Meeting) 2/12/2001 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (12)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    484356 - Amendment
    Campbell 3/5/2002
    3:16 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    303092 - Amendment
    Latvala 3/5/2002
    4:05 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    hierarchy 151662 - Amendment to Amendment (303092)
    Garcia 3/7/2002
    11:18 AM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    512792 - Amendment
    Latvala 3/5/2002
    4:36 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    651804 - Amendment
    Latvala 3/5/2002
    4:36 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    214860 - Amendment
    Brown-Waite 3/5/2002
    4:53 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    090210 - Amendment
    Latvala 3/5/2002
    5:04 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    hierarchy 744790 - Amendment to Amendment (090210)
    Latvala 3/6/2002
    12:30 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    hierarchy 190962 - Amendment to Amendment (090210)
    Latvala 3/7/2002
    10:25 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    hierarchy 233090 - Amendment to Amendment (090210)
    Latvala 3/7/2002
    10:25 AM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    425530 - Amendment
    Mitchell 3/6/2002
    12:34 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    Web Page
    144208 - Amendment
    Mitchell 3/7/2002
    10:47 AM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (901)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    11.12 Salary, subsistence, and mileage of members and employees; expenses authorized by resolution; appropriation; preaudit by Comptroller.
    11.13 Compensation of members.
    11.147 Office of Legislative Services.
    11.151 Annual legislative appropriation to contingency fund for use of Senate President and House Speaker.
    11.40 Legislative Auditing Committee.
    11.42 The Auditor General.
    13.05 Governor's Committee on Interstate Cooperation.
    14.055 Succession to office of Governor.
    14.057 Governor-elect; establishment of operating fund.
    14.058 Inauguration expense fund.
    14.202 Administration Commission.
    14.203 State Council on Competitive Government.
    14.24 Florida Commission on the Status of Women.
    15.09 Fees.
    16.10 Receipt of Supreme Court reports for office.
    17.011 Assistant comptroller.
    17.02 Place of residence and office.
    17.03 To audit claims against the state.
    17.031 Security of Comptroller's office.
    17.04 To audit and adjust accounts of officers and those indebted to the state.
    17.0401 Confidentiality of information relating to financial investigations.
    17.041 County and district accounts and claims.
    17.0415 Transfer and assignment of claims.
    17.05 Subpoenas; sworn statements; enforcement proceedings.
    17.06 Disallowed items and accounts.
    17.075 Form of state warrants and other payment orders; rules.
    17.076 Direct deposit of funds.
    17.08 Accounts, etc., on which warrants drawn, to be filed.
    17.09 Application for warrants for salaries.
    17.10 Record of warrants issued.
    17.11 To report disbursements made.
    17.12 Authorized to issue warrants to tax collector or sheriff for payment.
    17.13 To duplicate warrants lost or destroyed.
    17.14 To prescribe forms.
    17.16 Seal.
    17.17 Examination by Governor and report.
    17.20 Assignment of claims for collection.
    17.21 Not to allow any claim of state attorney against state until report made.
    17.22 Notice to Department of Legal Affairs.
    17.25 May certify copies.
    17.26 Cancellation of state warrants not presented within 1 year.
    17.27 Microfilming and destroying records and correspondence.
    17.28 Comptroller may authorize biweekly salary payments.
    17.29 Authority to prescribe rules.
    17.30 Dissemination of information.
    17.32 Annual report of trust funds; duties of Comptroller.
    17.325 Governmental efficiency hotline; duties of Comptroller.
    17.41 Department of Banking and Finance Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.
    17.43 Comptroller's Federal Equitable Sharing Trust Fund.
    18.01 Oath and certificate of Treasurer.
    18.02 Moneys paid on warrants.
    18.021 Treasurer to operate personal check-cashing service.
    18.03 Residence and office.
    18.05 Annual report to Governor.
    18.06 Examination by and monthly statements to the Governor.
    18.07 Treasurer to keep record of warrants and of state funds and securities.
    18.08 Treasurer to turn over to the Comptroller all warrants paid.
    18.09 Delivery to Legislature.
    18.091 Legislative sessions; additional employees.
    18.10 Deposits and investments of state money.
    18.101 Deposits of public money outside the State Treasury; revolving funds.
    18.103 Safekeeping services of Treasurer.
    18.104 Treasury Cash Deposit Trust Fund.
    18.125 Treasurer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    18.15 Interest on state moneys deposited; when paid.
    18.17 Treasurer not to issue evidences of indebtedness.
    18.20 Treasurer to make reproductions of certain warrants, records, and documents.
    18.22 Rules.
    18.23 Treasurer to prescribe forms.
    18.24 Securities in book-entry form.
    20.04 Structure of executive branch.
    20.055 Agency inspectors general.
    20.12 Department of Banking and Finance.
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.195 Department of Children and Family Services Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.425 Agency for Health Care Administration Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.435 Department of Health; trust funds.
    24.105 Powers and duties of department.
    24.111 Vendors; disclosure and contract requirements.
    24.112 Retailers of lottery tickets.
    24.120 Financial matters; Administrative Trust Fund; interagency cooperation.
    25.241 Clerk of Supreme Court; compensation; assistants; filing fees, etc.
    26.39 Penalty for nonattendance of judge.
    27.08 State claims; surrender of papers to successor.
    27.10 Obligation as to claims; how discharged.
    27.11 Report upon claims committed to state attorney.
    27.12 Power to compromise.
    27.13 Completion of compromise.
    27.34 Salaries and other related costs of state attorneys' offices; limitations.
    27.3455 Annual statement of certain revenues and expenditures.
    27.703 Conflict of interest and substitute counsel.
    27.710 Registry of attorneys applying to represent persons in postconviction capital collateral proceedings; certification of minimum requirements; appointment by trial court.
    27.711 Terms and conditions of appointment of attorneys as counsel in postconviction capital collateral proceedings.
    28.235 Advance payments by clerk of circuit court.
    28.24 Service charges by clerk of the circuit court.
    30.52 Handling of public funds.
    40.30 Requisition endorsed by State Courts Administrator or designee.
    40.31 State Courts Administrator may apportion appropriation.
    40.33 Deficiency.
    40.34 Clerks to make triplicate payroll.
    40.35 Accounting and payment to the State Courts Administrator.
    43.16 Justice Administrative Commission; membership, powers and duties.
    43.19 Money paid into court; unclaimed funds.
    48.151 Service on statutory agents for certain persons.
    55.03 Judgments; rate of interest, generally.
    57.091 Costs; refunded to counties in certain proceedings relating to state prisoners.
    68.083 Civil actions for false claims.
    68.084 Rights of the parties in civil actions.
    68.087 Exemptions to civil actions.
    68.092 Deposit of recovered moneys.
    77.0305 Continuing writ of garnishment against salary or wages.
    92.39 Evidence of individual's claim against the state in suits between them.
    99.097 Verification of signatures on petitions.
    101.151 Specifications for ballots.
    103.091 Political parties.
    107.11 Appropriation for expenses.
    110.1127 Employee security checks.
    110.113 Pay periods for state officers and employees; salary payments by direct deposit.
    110.114 Employee wage deductions.
    110.116 Personnel information system; payroll procedures.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    110.1228 Participation by small counties, small municipalities, and district school boards located in small counties.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    110.125 Administrative costs.
    110.181 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign.
    110.2037 Alternative benefits; tax-sheltered annual leave and sick leave payments and special compensation payments.
    110.205 Career service; exemptions.
    112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons.
    112.08 Group insurance for public officers, employees, and certain volunteers; physical examinations.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    112.3144 Full and public disclosure of financial interests.
    112.3145 Disclosure of financial interests and clients represented before agencies.
    112.3189 Investigative procedures upon receipt of whistle-blower information from certain state employees.
    112.31895 Investigative procedures in response to prohibited personnel actions.
    112.3215 Lobbyists before the executive branch or the Constitution Revision Commission; registration and reporting; investigation by commission.
    112.63 Actuarial reports and statements of actuarial impact; review.
    114.03 Certain executive officers not to absent themselves from the state.
    116.03 Officers to report fees collected.
    116.04 Failure of officer to make sworn report of fees.
    116.05 Examination and publication by Department of Banking and Finance.
    116.06 Summary of reports; certain officers not required to report fees.
    116.14 Receipts required from purchasers of state property.
    120.52 Definitions.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    121.0312 Review; actuarial valuation report; contribution rate determination process.
    121.055 Senior Management Service Class.
    121.061 Funding.
    121.133 Cancellation of uncashed warrants.
    121.4501 Public Employee Optional Retirement Program.
    125.0104 Tourist development tax; procedure for levying; authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.
    129.201 Budget of supervisor of elections; manner and time of preparation and presentation.
    131.05 Disposition of proceeds of sale.
    137.09 Justification and approval of bonds.
    145.141 Deficiency to be paid by board of county commissioners.
    154.02 County Health Department Trust Fund.
    154.03 Cooperation with Department of Health and United States Government.
    154.05 Cooperation and agreements between counties.
    154.06 Fees and services rendered; authority.
    154.209 Powers of authority.
    154.314 Certification of the State of Florida.
    163.01 Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969.
    163.05 Small County Technical Assistance Program.
    163.055 Local Government Financial Technical Assistance Program.
    163.3167 Scope of act.
    175.101 State excise tax on property insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    175.121 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    175.151 Penalty for failure of insurers to comply with this act.
    185.08 State excise tax on casualty insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    185.10 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    185.13 Failure of insurer to comply with chapter; penalty.
    189.4035 Preparation of official list of special districts.
    189.412 Special District Information Program; duties and responsibilities.
    189.427 Fee schedule; Operating Trust Fund.
    190.007 Board of supervisors; general duties.
    192.091 Commissions of property appraisers and tax collectors.
    192.102 Payment of property appraisers' and collectors' commissions.
    193.092 Assessment of property for back taxes.
    195.101 Withholding of state funds.
    198.29 Refunds of excess tax paid.
    199.232 Powers of department.
    203.01 Tax on gross receipts for utility and communications services.
    206.46 State Transportation Trust Fund.
    210.16 Revocation or suspension of permit.
    210.20 Employees and assistants; distribution of funds.
    210.50 Revocation or suspension of license.
    211.06 Oil and Gas Tax Trust Fund; distribution of tax proceeds.
    211.32 Tax on solid minerals; Land Reclamation Trust Fund; refund for restoration and reclamation.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    212.12 Dealer's credit for collecting tax; penalties for noncompliance; powers of Department of Revenue in dealing with delinquents; brackets applicable to taxable transactions; records required.
    212.20 Funds collected, disposition; additional powers of department; operational expense; refund of taxes adjudicated unconstitutionally collected.
    213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.
    213.054 Persons claiming tax exemptions or deductions; annual report.
    213.255 Interest.
    213.67 Garnishment.
    213.75 Application of payments.
    215.02 Manner of paying money into the Treasury.
    215.03 Party to be reimbursed on reversal of judgment for state.
    215.04 Department of Banking and Finance to report delinquents.
    215.05 Department of Banking and Finance to certify accounts of delinquents.
    215.11 Defaulting officers; Department of Banking and Finance to report to clerk.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.
    215.23 When contributions to be made.
    215.24 Exemptions where federal contributions or private grants.
    215.25 Manner of contributions; rules and regulations.
    215.26 Repayment of funds paid into State Treasury through error.
    215.29 Classification of Comptroller's warrants; report.
    215.31 State funds; deposit in State Treasury.
    215.32 State funds; segregation.
    215.3206 Trust funds; termination or re-creation.
    215.3208 Trust funds; legislative review.
    215.321 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    215.322 Acceptance of credit cards, charge cards, or debit cards by state agencies, units of local government, and the judicial branch.
    215.34 State funds; noncollectible items; procedure.
    215.35 State funds; warrants and their issuance.
    215.405 State agencies and the judicial branch authorized to collect costs of fingerprinting.
    215.42 Purchases from appropriations, proof of delivery.
    215.422 Warrants, vouchers, and invoices; processing time limits; dispute resolution; agency or judicial branch compliance.
    215.44 Board of Administration; powers and duties in relation to investment of trust funds.
    215.50 Custody of securities purchased; income.
    215.551 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; county distribution.
    215.552 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; land within military installations; county distribution.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    215.56005 Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation.
    215.5601 Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.
    215.58 Definitions relating to State Bond Act.
    215.62 Division of Bond Finance.
    215.684 Limitation on engaging services of securities broker or bond underwriter convicted of fraud.
    215.70 State Board of Administration to act in case of defaults.
    215.91 Florida Financial Management Information System; board; council.
    215.92 Definitions relating to Florida Financial Management Information System Act.
    215.93 Florida Financial Management Information System.
    215.94 Designation, duties, and responsibilities of functional owners.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    215.965 Disbursement of state moneys.
    215.97 Florida Single Audit Act.
    216.0442 Truth in bonding; definitions; summary of state debt; statement of proposed financing; truth-in-bonding statement.
    216.102 Filing of financial information; handling by Comptroller; penalty for noncompliance.
    216.141 Budget system procedures; planning and programming by state agencies.
    216.177 Appropriations acts, statement of intent, violation, notice, review and objection procedures.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.183 Entities using performance-based program budgets; chart of accounts.
    216.192 Release of appropriations; revision of budgets.
    216.212 Budgets for federal funds; restrictions on expenditure of federal funds.
    216.221 Appropriations as maximum appropriations; adjustment of budgets to avoid or eliminate deficits.
    216.235 Innovation Investment Program; intent; definitions; composition and responsibilities of State Innovation Committee; responsibilities of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development and the review board; procedures for innovative project submission, review, evaluation, and approval; criteria to be considered.
    216.237 Availability of any remaining funds; agency maintenance of accounting records.
    216.251 Salary appropriations; limitations.
    216.271 Revolving funds.
    216.275 Clearing accounts.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    216.301 Appropriations; undisbursed balances.
    217.07 Transfer of surplus property assets to department.
    218.06 Transfer of funds by county commissioners with relation to public works grants.
    218.23 Revenue sharing with units of local government.
    218.31 Definitions.
    218.321 Annual financial statements; local governmental entities.
    218.325 Uniform chart of accounts and financial reporting for court and justice system costs and revenues.
    220.62 Definitions.
    220.723 Overpayments; interest.
    228.2001 Discrimination against students and employees in state system of public education; prohibitions; equality of access; strategies to overcome underrepresentation; remedies.
    229.0535 Authority to enforce school improvement.
    229.0537 Opportunity Scholarship Program.
    229.05371 The John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program.
    229.111 Gifts to state public education system or school fund.
    229.781 Records; preservation; destruction.
    231.261 Education Practices Commission; organization.
    231.30 Certification fees.
    231.545 Education Standards Commission; organization.
    233.063 Instruction in operation of motor vehicles.
    233.07 State instructional materials committees.
    233.15 Deposit by publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials must accompany bid.
    233.16 Powers and duties of the Commissioner of Education and the Department of Education in selecting and adopting instructional materials.
    233.255 Production and dissemination of educational materials and products by department.
    236.43 Receiving bids and sale of bonds.
    236.601 Board of Administration to act as fiscal agent in issuance and sale of motor vehicle anticipation certificates.
    237.121 Penalty.
    237.181 School funds to be paid to Treasurer or into depository.
    237.211 School depositories; payments into and withdrawals from depositories.
    238.11 Collection of contributions.
    238.15 Exemption of funds from taxation, execution, and assignment.
    238.172 Proof required.
    238.173 Monthly allowance to widows or widowers of pensioners.
    240.551 Florida Prepaid College Program.
    242.331 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees.
    242.341 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees; management flexibility.
    245.13 Fees; authority to accept additional funds; annual audit.
    250.22 Retirement.
    250.24 Pay and expenses; appropriation; procedures.
    250.25 Governor and Comptroller authorized to borrow money.
    250.26 Transfer of funds.
    250.34 Injury or death in active service.
    252.62 Comptroller's powers in a state of emergency.
    252.87 Supplemental state reporting requirements.
    253.02 Board of trustees; powers and duties.
    253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than preservation, conservation, and recreation.
    255.03 Proceeds of insurance to be paid into State Treasury; disbursement of funds.
    255.052 Substitution of securities for amounts retained on public contracts.
    255.258 Shared savings financing of energy conservation in state-owned buildings.
    255.503 Powers of the Department of Management Services.
    255.521 Failure of payment.
    257.22 Division of Library and Information Services; allocation of funds.
    258.014 Fees for use of state parks.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    259.041 Acquisition of state-owned lands for preservation, conservation, and recreation purposes.
    265.53 Application for indemnity agreement.
    265.55 Claims.
    267.075 The Grove Advisory Council; creation; membership; purposes.
    272.18 Governor's Mansion Commission.
    280.02 Definitions.
    280.04 Collateral for public deposits; general provisions.
    280.041 Collateral arrangements; agreements, provisions, and triggering events.
    280.05 Powers and duties of the Treasurer.
    280.051 Grounds for suspension or disqualification of a qualified public depository.
    280.052 Order of suspension or disqualification; procedure.
    280.053 Period of suspension or disqualification; obligations during period; reinstatement.
    280.054 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or disqualification.
    280.055 Cease and desist order; corrective order; administrative penalty.
    280.06 Penalty for violation of law, rule, or order to cease and desist or other lawful order.
    280.07 Mutual responsibility and contingent liability.
    280.071 Qualified Public Depository Oversight Board; purpose; identifying representative qualified public depositories; member selection; responsibilities.
    280.08 Procedure for payment of losses.
    280.085 Notice to claimants.
    280.09 Public Deposits Trust Fund.
    280.10 Effect of merger, acquisition, or consolidation; change of name or address.
    280.11 Withdrawal from public deposits program; return of pledged collateral.
    280.13 Eligible collateral.
    280.16 Requirements of qualified public depositories; confidentiality.
    280.17 Requirements for public depositors; notice to public depositors and governmental units; loss of protection.
    280.18 Protection of public depositors; liability of the state.
    280.19 Rules.
    282.1095 State agency law enforcement radio system.
    284.02 Payment of premiums by each agency; handling of funds; payment of losses and expenses.
    284.04 Notice and information required by Department of Insurance of all newly erected or acquired state property subject to insurance.
    284.05 Inspection of insured state property.
    284.06 Annual report to Governor.
    284.08 Reinsurance on excess coverage and approval by Department of Management Services.
    284.14 State Risk Management Trust Fund; leasehold interest.
    284.17 Rules.
    284.30 State Risk Management Trust Fund; coverages to be provided.
    284.31 Scope and types of coverages; separate accounts.
    284.32 Department of Insurance to implement and consolidate.
    284.33 Purchase of insurance, reinsurance, and services.
    284.34 Professional medical liability of the Board of Regents and nuclear energy liability excluded.
    284.35 Administrative personnel; expenses to be paid from fund.
    284.37 Premium and investment accruals used for fund purposes.
    284.385 Reporting and handling of claims.
    284.39 Promulgation of rules.
    284.40 Division of Risk Management.
    284.41 Transfer of personnel and funds to the Division of Risk Management.
    284.42 Reports on state insurance program.
    284.44 Salary indemnification costs of state agencies.
    284.50 Loss prevention program; safety coordinators; Interagency Advisory Council on Loss Prevention; employee recognition program.
    287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.
    287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services.
    287.058 Contract document.
    287.063 Deferred-payment commodity contracts; preaudit review.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    287.09451 Office of Supplier Diversity; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.115 Comptroller; annual report.
    287.131 Assistance of Department of Insurance.
    287.175 Penalties.
    288.1045 Qualified defense contractor tax refund program.
    288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry businesses.
    288.109 One-Stop Permitting System.
    288.1253 Travel and entertainment expenses.
    288.709 Powers of the Florida Black Business Investment Board.
    288.712 Florida guarantor funds.
    288.776 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    288.778 Department of Banking and Finance.
    288.99 Certified Capital Company Act.
    289.051 Membership of financial institutions; loans to corporation, limitations.
    289.081 Amendments to articles of incorporation.
    289.121 Periodic examinations; reports.
    292.085 Department of Veterans' Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    313.02 Bond.
    314.02 Bond.
    316.3025 Penalties.
    316.545 Weight and load unlawful; special fuel and motor fuel tax enforcement; inspection; penalty; review.
    320.02 Registration required; application for registration; forms.
    320.081 Collection and distribution of annual license tax imposed on the following type units.
    320.20 Disposition of license tax moneys.
    320.71 Nonresident motor vehicle, mobile home, or recreational vehicle dealer's license.
    320.781 Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Protection Trust Fund.
    322.21 License fees; procedure for handling and collecting fees.
    324.032 Manner of proving financial responsibility; for-hire passenger transportation vehicles.
    324.171 Self-insurer.
    326.006 Powers and duties of division.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.3101 Spaceport Florida Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    336.022 County transportation trust fund; controls and administrative remedies.
    337.25 Acquisition, lease, and disposal of real and personal property.
    339.035 Expenditures.
    339.081 Department trust funds.
    344.17 Depositories and investments.
    350.06 Place of meeting; expenditures; employment of personnel; records availability and fees.
    354.03 Bond.
    365.173 Wireless Emergency Telephone System Fund.
    370.06 Licenses.
    370.16 Noncultured shellfish harvesting.
    370.19 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    370.20 Gulf States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    373.503 Manner of taxation.
    373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund.
    373.6065 Adoption benefits for water management district employees.
    374.983 Governing body.
    374.986 Taxing authority.
    376.11 Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.123 Claims against the Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.307 Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund.
    376.3071 Inland Protection Trust Fund; creation; purposes; funding.
    376.3072 Florida Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance Program.
    376.3075 Inland Protection Financing Corporation.
    376.3078 Drycleaning facility restoration; funds; uses; liability; recovery of expenditures.
    376.3079 Third-party liability insurance.
    376.40 Petroleum exploration and production; purposes; funding.
    377.23 Monthly reports to division.
    377.2425 Manner of providing security for geophysical exploration, drilling, and production.
    377.705 Solar Energy Center; development of solar energy standards.
    378.035 Department responsibilities and duties with respect to Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Trust Fund.
    378.037 Comptroller; responsibilities and duties with respect to reimbursement of reclamation costs.
    378.208 Financial responsibility.
    381.765 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    381.90 Health Information Systems Council; legislative intent; creation, appointment, duties.
    388.201 District budgets; hearing.
    388.301 Payment of state funds; supplies and services.
    391.025 Applicability and scope.
    391.221 Statewide Children's Medical Services Network Advisory Council.
    392.69 Appropriation, sinking, and maintenance trust funds; additional powers of the department.
    393.002 Transfer of Florida Developmental Disabilities Council as formerly created in this chapter to private nonprofit corporation.
    393.075 General liability coverage.
    394.482 Payment of financial obligations imposed by compact.
    400.0238 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.063 Resident Protection Trust Fund.
    400.071 Application for license.
    400.4174 Background screening; exemptions.
    400.4298 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.471 Application for license; fee; provisional license; temporary permit.
    400.962 License required; license application.
    401.245 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
    401.25 Licensure as a basic life support or an advanced life support service.
    402.04 Award of scholarships and stipends; disbursement of funds; administration.
    402.17 Claims for care and maintenance; trust property.
    402.33 Department authority to charge fees for services provided.
    403.1835 Water pollution control financial assistance.
    403.1837 Florida Water Pollution Control Financing Corporation.
    403.706 Local government solid waste responsibilities.
    403.724 Financial responsibility.
    403.8532 Drinking water state revolving loan fund; use; rules.
    404.111 Surety requirements.
    408.040 Conditions and monitoring.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    408.08 Inspections and audits; violations; penalties; fines; enforcement.
    408.18 Health Care Community Antitrust Guidance Act; antitrust no-action letter; market-information collection and education.
    408.50 Prospective payment arrangements.
    408.7056 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program.
    408.902 MedAccess program; creation; program title.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies.
    409.25658 Use of unclaimed property for past due support.
    409.2673 Shared county and state health care program for low-income persons.
    409.8132 Medikids program component.
    409.817 Approval of health benefits coverage; financial assistance.
    409.818 Administration.
    409.910 Responsibility for payments on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons when other parties are liable.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    409.9124 Managed care reimbursement.
    409.915 County contributions to Medicaid.
    411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school readiness coalitions.
    413.32 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    414.27 Temporary cash assistance; payment on death.
    414.28 Public assistance payments to constitute debt of recipient.
    420.0005 State Housing Trust Fund; State Housing Fund.
    420.0006 Authority to contract with corporation; contract requirements; nonperformance.
    420.101 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; creation, membership, and purposes.
    420.123 Stockholders; loan requirement.
    420.131 Articles of incorporation; method of amending.
    420.141 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; deposits and examination.
    420.5092 Florida Affordable Housing Guarantee Program.
    430.42 Department of Elderly Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    430.703 Definitions.
    440.103 Building permits; identification of minimum premium policy.
    440.105 Prohibited activities; reports; penalties; limitations.
    440.1051 Fraud reports; civil immunity; criminal penalties.
    440.106 Civil remedies; administrative penalties.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.134 Workers' compensation managed care arrangement.
    440.135 Pilot programs for medical and remedial care in workers' compensation.
    440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment.
    440.24 Enforcement of compensation orders; penalties.
    440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers.
    440.381 Application for coverage; reporting payroll; payroll audit procedures; penalties.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.4416 Workers' Compensation Oversight Board.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    440.50 Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund.
    440.51 Expenses of administration.
    440.515 Reports from self-insurers; confidentiality.
    440.52 Registration of insurance carriers; notice of cancellation or expiration of policy; suspension or revocation of authority.
    443.131 Contributions.
    443.191 Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund; establishment and control.
    443.211 Employment Security Administration Trust Fund; appropriation; reimbursement.
    447.12 Fees for registration.
    450.155 Child Labor Law Trust Fund.
    456.047 Standardized credentialing for health care practitioners.
    468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    473.3065 Certified Public Accountant Education Minority Assistance Program; advisory council.
    475.045 Florida Real Estate Commission Education and Research Foundation.
    475.484 Payment from the fund.
    475.485 Investment of the fund.
    489.144 Investment of the fund.
    489.145 Guaranteed energy performance savings contracting.
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.
    494.001 Definitions.
    494.0011 Powers and duties of the department.
    494.0017 Mortgage Brokerage Guaranty Fund.
    497.005 Definitions.
    497.101 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership; appointment; terms.
    497.105 Department of Banking and Finance; powers and duties.
    497.107 Headquarters.
    497.109 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership.
    497.115 Board rules; final agency action; challenges.
    497.117 Legal and investigative services.
    497.131 Disciplinary proceedings.
    497.201 Cemetery companies; license; application; fee.
    497.253 Minimum acreage; sale or disposition of cemetery lands.
    497.313 Other charges.
    497.403 Insurance business not authorized.
    497.407 Certificate of authority; annual statement; renewal; transfer.
    497.435 Administrative fine in lieu of revocation or suspension of certificate of authority.
    497.525 Disposition of fees and penalties.
    498.025 Exemptions.
    498.049 Suspension; revocation; civil penalties.
    499.057 Expenses and salaries.
    501.212 Application.
    509.215 Firesafety.
    513.055 Revocation or suspension of permit; fines; procedure.
    516.01 Definitions.
    516.03 Application for license; fees; etc.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.03 Rulemaking; immunity for acts in conformity with rules.
    517.061 Exempt transactions.
    517.075 Cuba, prospectus disclosure of doing business with, required.
    517.1204 Investment Fraud Restoration Financing Corporation.
    517.1205 Registration of associated persons specific as to securities dealer, investment adviser, or federal covered adviser identified at time of registration approval.
    517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund.
    517.141 Payment from the fund.
    517.151 Investments of the fund.
    518.115 Power of fiduciary or custodian to deposit securities in a central depository.
    518.116 Power of certain fiduciaries and custodians to deposit United States Government and agency securities with a Federal Reserve bank.
    519.101 Florida equity exchange feasibility study; structure, operation, and regulation.
    520.02 Definitions.
    520.07 Requirements and prohibitions as to retail installment contracts.
    520.31 Definitions.
    520.34 Retail installment contracts.
    520.61 Definitions.
    520.76 Insurance provisions, procurement, rates.
    520.998 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    526.141 Self-service gasoline stations; attendants; regulations.
    537.003 Definitions.
    537.004 License required; license fees.
    537.011 Title loan charges.
    548.066 Ticket refunds.
    548.077 Florida State Boxing Commission; collection and disposition of moneys.
    550.0251 The powers and duties of the Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    550.054 Application for permit to conduct pari-mutuel wagering.
    550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes.
    550.125 Uniform reporting system; bond requirement.
    550.135 Division of moneys derived under this law.
    550.1645 Escheat to state of abandoned interest in or contribution to pari-mutuel pools.
    552.081 Definitions.
    552.161 Administrative fines.
    552.21 Confiscation and disposal of explosives.
    552.26 Administration of chapter; personnel; fees to be deposited in Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    553.72 Intent.
    553.73 Florida Building Code.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    553.79 Permits; applications; issuance; inspections.
    554.1021 Definitions.
    554.105 Chief inspector.
    554.111 Fees.
    559.10 Definition; "budget planning."
    559.543 Definitions.
    559.545 Registration of commercial collection agencies; procedure.
    559.55 Definitions.
    559.555 Registration of consumer collection agencies; procedure.
    559.725 Consumer complaints; administrative duties.
    559.730 Administrative remedies.
    559.928 Registration.
    560.102 Purpose; application.
    560.103 Definitions.
    560.119 Deposit of fees and assessments.
    560.4041 Database for deferred presentment providers; public-records exemption.
    560.408 Legislative intent; report.
    561.051 Reporting requirements of director.
    562.44 Donation of forfeited beverages or raw materials to state institutions; sale of forfeited beverages.
    567.08 Refund of unused portion of state license tax.
    569.205 Department of Business and Professional Regulation Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    570.13 Salary of commissioner, officers, and employees; expenses.
    570.195 Tobacco farmers; assistance.
    570.20 General Inspection Trust Fund.
    574.03 Warehouseman; licenses and fees.
    589.06 Warrants for payment of accounts.
    597.010 Shellfish regulation; leases.
    601.10 Powers of the Department of Citrus.
    601.15 Advertising campaign; methods of conducting; excise tax; emergency reserve fund; citrus research.
    601.28 Inspection fees.
    607.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    607.14401 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    609.05 Qualification with Department of Banking and Finance.
    617.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    617.1440 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    624.05 "Department" defined.
    624.155 Civil remedy.
    624.305 Prohibited interests, rewards.
    624.307 General powers; duties.
    624.310 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; removal of certain persons; fines.
    624.314 Publications; Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.319 Examination and investigation reports.
    624.320 Examination expenses.
    624.321 Witnesses and evidence.
    624.322 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    624.33 Jurisdiction regarding health or life coverage.
    624.404 General eligibility of insurers for certificate of authority.
    624.4071 Special purpose homeowner insurance company.
    624.4085 Risk-based capital requirements for insurers.
    624.40851 Confidentiality of risk-based capital information.
    624.422 Service of process; appointment of Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    624.423 Serving process.
    624.442 Annual reports; actuarial certification; quarterly reports; penalties.
    624.4435 Assets of insurers; reporting requirements.
    624.484 Registration of agent.
    624.5015 Advance collection of fees and taxes; title insurers not to pay without reimbursement.
    624.502 Service of process fee.
    624.506 County tax; deposit and remittance.
    624.5091 Retaliatory provision, insurers.
    624.5092 Administration of taxes; payments.
    624.516 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment and surcharge; deposit and use of funds.
    624.517 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment; reduction of assessment.
    624.519 Nonpayment of premium tax or fire marshal assessment; penalty.
    624.521 Deposit of certain tax receipts; refund of improper payments.
    624.523 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.610 Reinsurance.
    624.87 Administrative supervision; expenses.
    624.91 The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.
    625.161 Valuation of property.
    625.317 Corporate bonds and debentures.
    625.52 Securities eligible for deposit.
    625.53 Depository.
    625.83 Failure to file reporting forms.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.742 Nonresident agents; service of process.
    626.7492 Reinsurance intermediaries.
    626.8427 Number of applications for licensure required; exemption; effect of expiration of license.
    626.8463 Witnesses and evidence.
    626.8467 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.847 Penalty for refusal to testify.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.906 Acts constituting Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    626.907 Service of process; judgment by default.
    626.912 Exemptions from ss. 626.904-626.911.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.931 Agent affidavit and insurer reporting requirements.
    626.932 Surplus lines tax.
    626.936 Failure to file reports or pay tax or service fee; administrative penalty.
    626.9361 Failure to file report; administrative penalty.
    626.937 Actions against insurer; service of process.
    626.938 Report and tax of independently procured coverages.
    626.9511 Definitions.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    626.9892 Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of insurance fraud.
    626.9911 Definitions.
    626.9912 Viatical settlement provider license required; application for license.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    627.0613 Consumer advocate.
    627.0623 Restrictions on expenditures and solicitations of insurers and affiliates.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0651 Making and use of rates for motor vehicle insurance.
    627.0915 Rate filings; workers' compensation, drug-free workplace, and safe employers.
    627.0916 Agricultural horse farms.
    627.092 Workers' Compensation Administrator.
    627.096 Workers' Compensation Rating Bureau.
    627.221 Rating organizations; licensing; fee.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.413 Contents of policies, in general; identification.
    627.4236 Coverage for bone marrow transplant procedures.
    627.6472 Exclusive provider organizations.
    627.6482 Definitions.
    627.6488 Florida Comprehensive Health Association.
    627.6675 Conversion on termination of eligibility.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.
    627.7015 Alternative procedure for resolution of disputed property insurance claims.
    627.727 Motor vehicle insurance; uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage; insolvent insurer protection.
    627.728 Cancellations; nonrenewals.
    627.736 Required personal injury protection benefits; exclusions; priority; claims.
    627.849 Fees.
    627.912 Professional liability claims and actions; reports by insurers.
    627.9122 Officers' and directors' liability claims; reports by insurers.
    627.919 Maintenance of insurance data.
    627.944 Risk retention groups not certificated in this state.
    627.948 Notice and registration requirements of purchasing groups.
    628.461 Acquisition of controlling stock.
    628.4615 Specialty insurers; acquisition of controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control; merger or consolidation.
    629.401 Insurance exchange.
    631.001 Title, construction, and purpose.
    631.221 Deposit of moneys collected.
    631.392 Immunity.
    631.54 Definitions.
    631.57 Powers and duties of the association.
    631.59 Duties and powers of Department of Insurance.
    631.714 Definitions.
    631.72 Premium or income tax credits for assessments paid.
    631.723 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.813 Application of part.
    631.814 Definitions.
    631.904 Definitions.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.
    631.912 Board of directors.
    631.917 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.931 Reports and recommendations by board; public records exemption.
    632.628 Reports.
    633.01 State Fire Marshal; powers and duties; rules.
    633.022 Uniform firesafety standards.
    633.025 Minimum firesafety standards.
    633.052 Ordinances relating to firesafety; definitions; penalties.
    633.061 License or permit required of organizations and individuals servicing, recharging, repairing, testing, marking, inspecting, installing, or hydrotesting fire extinguishers and preengineered systems.
    633.081 Inspection of buildings and equipment; orders; firesafety inspection training requirements; certification; disciplinary action.
    633.111 State Fire Marshal to keep records of fires; reports of agents.
    633.161 Cease and desist orders; orders to correct hazardous conditions; orders to vacate; violation; penalties.
    633.162 Disciplinary action; fire extinguisher or preengineered systems; grounds for denial, nonrenewal, suspension, or revocation of license or permit.
    633.30 Standards for firefighting; definitions.
    633.31 Firefighters Standards and Training Council.
    633.353 Falsification of qualifications.
    633.382 Firefighters; supplemental compensation.
    633.43 Florida State Fire College established.
    633.445 State Fire Marshal Scholarship Grant Program.
    633.45 Division of State Fire Marshal; powers, duties.
    633.46 Fees.
    633.461 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    633.47 Procedure for making expenditures.
    633.50 Division powers and duties; Florida State Fire College.
    633.524 Certificate fees; use and deposit of collected funds.
    634.011 Definitions.
    634.137 Financial and statistical reporting requirements.
    634.151 Service of process; appointment of commissioner as process agent.
    634.161 Service of process; method.
    634.221 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.301 Definitions.
    634.313 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports.
    634.324 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.327 Applicability to warranty on new home.
    634.3284 Civil remedy.
    634.401 Definitions.
    634.415 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports; quarterly statements.
    634.416 Examination of associations.
    634.427 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.433 Civil remedy.
    635.011 Definitions.
    635.041 Contingency reserve.
    636.003 Definitions.
    636.043 Annual, quarterly, and miscellaneous reports.
    636.047 Officers' and employees' fidelity bond.
    636.052 Civil remedy.
    641.185 Health maintenance organization subscriber protections.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.23 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of enrollment of new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.26 Annual report.
    641.28 Civil remedy.
    641.39001 Soliciting or accepting new or renewal health maintenance contracts by insolvent or impaired health maintenance organization prohibited; penalty.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.403 Rulemaking authority.
    641.412 Fees.
    641.454 Civil action to enforce prepaid health clinic contract; attorney's fees; court costs.
    641.455 Disposition of moneys collected under this part.
    641.48 Purpose and application of part.
    641.49 Certification of health maintenance organization and prepaid health clinic as health care providers; application procedure.
    641.511 Subscriber grievance reporting and resolution requirements.
    641.52 Revocation of certificate; suspension of new enrollment; suspension of the health care provider certificate; administrative fine; notice of action to the Department of Insurance; penalty for use of unlicensed providers.
    641.55 Internal risk management program.
    641.58 Regulatory assessment; levy and amount; use of funds; tax returns; penalty for failure to pay.
    642.015 Definitions.
    642.0475 Civil remedy.
    648.25 Definitions.
    648.26 Department of Insurance; administration.
    648.34 Bail bond agents; qualifications.
    648.355 Temporary limited license as limited surety agent or professional bail bond agent; pending examination.
    648.37 Runners; qualifications.
    648.386 Qualifications for prelicensing and continuing education schools and instructors.
    648.442 Collateral security.
    650.06 Social Security Contribution Trust Fund.
    651.011 Definitions.
    651.015 Administration; forms; fees; rules; fines.
    651.0235 Validity of provisional certificates of authority and certificates of authority.
    651.035 Minimum liquid reserve requirements.
    651.121 Advisory council.
    651.125 Criminal penalties; injunctive relief.
    655.001 Purpose; application.
    655.005 Definitions.
    655.019 Campaign contributions; limitations.
    655.057 Records; limited restrictions upon public access.
    655.90 Closing during emergencies and other special days.
    657.002 Definitions.
    657.067 Conversion from federal to state charter; requirements for application approval.
    657.253 Definitions.
    658.23 Submission of articles of incorporation; contents; form; approval; filing; commencement of corporate existence; bylaws.
    658.295 Interstate banking.
    658.83 Liquidator; powers and duties.
    660.27 Deposit of securities with Treasurer.
    660.28 Exemption from bond and other security as fiduciary.
    687.13 International transactions.
    687.14 Definitions.
    697.202 Definitions of terms used in ss. 697.20-697.206.
    697.205 Recoveries from the trust fund.
    697.206 Department of Insurance; powers and duties.
    713.596 Molder's liens.
    716.02 Escheat of funds in the possession of federal agencies.
    716.03 Department to institute proceedings to recover escheated property.
    716.04 Jurisdiction.
    716.05 Money recovered to be paid into State Treasury.
    716.06 Public records.
    716.07 Recovery of escheated property by claimant.
    717.101 Definitions.
    717.135 Agreement to locate reported property.
    717.138 Rulemaking authority.
    718.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    719.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    723.006 Powers and duties of division.
    732.107 Escheat.
    733.816 Disposition of unclaimed property held by personal representatives.
    744.534 Disposition of unclaimed funds held by guardian.
    766.105 Florida Patient's Compensation Fund.
    766.1115 Health care providers; creation of agency relationship with governmental contractors.
    766.314 Assessments; plan of operation.
    766.315 Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association; board of directors.
    768.28 Waiver of sovereign immunity in tort actions; recovery limits; limitation on attorney fees; statute of limitations; exclusions; indemnification; risk management programs.
    790.001 Definitions.
    790.1612 Authorization for governmental manufacture, possession, and use of destructive devices.
    791.01 Definitions.
    791.015 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers of sparklers.
    817.16 False reports, etc., by officers of banks, trust companies, etc., under supervision of Department of Banking and Finance with intent to defraud.
    817.234 False and fraudulent insurance claims.
    839.06 Collectors not to deal in warrants, etc.; removal.
    849.086 Cardrooms authorized.
    849.33 Judgment and collection of money; execution.
    860.154 Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Authority.
    860.157 Powers and duties of the authority.
    896.102 Currency more than
    903.101 Sureties; licensed persons; to have equal access.
    903.27 Forfeiture to judgment.
    925.037 Reimbursement of counties for fees paid to appointed counsel; circuit conflict committees.
    932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
    932.707 Penalty for noncompliance with reporting requirements.
    938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
    939.13 Power of Comptroller.
    943.031 Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council.
    943.032 Financial Crime Analysis Center and Financial Transaction Database.
    944.516 Money or other property received for personal use or benefit of inmate; deposit; disposition of unclaimed trust funds.
    946.33 Disbursements from fund.
    946.509 Insurance of property leased or acquired by the corporation.
    946.510 Insurance by Division of Risk Management.
    946.517 Corporation records.
    946.522 Prison Industries Trust Fund.
    946.525 Participation by the corporation in the state group health insurance and prescription drug programs.
    947.12 Members, employees, expenses.
    950.002 County work camps.
    957.04 Contract requirements.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.409 Participation of certain programs in the State Risk Management Trust Fund.

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  • CS/SB 662, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 1/26/2002 at 3:04 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Banking and Insurance (Post-Meeting) 1/24/2002 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (899)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    11.12 Salary, subsistence, and mileage of members and employees; expenses authorized by resolution; appropriation; preaudit by Comptroller.
    11.13 Compensation of members.
    11.147 Office of Legislative Services.
    11.151 Annual legislative appropriation to contingency fund for use of Senate President and House Speaker.
    11.40 Legislative Auditing Committee.
    11.42 The Auditor General.
    13.05 Governor's Committee on Interstate Cooperation.
    14.055 Succession to office of Governor.
    14.057 Governor-elect; establishment of operating fund.
    14.058 Inauguration expense fund.
    14.202 Administration Commission.
    14.203 State Council on Competitive Government.
    14.24 Florida Commission on the Status of Women.
    15.09 Fees.
    16.10 Receipt of Supreme Court reports for office.
    17.011 Assistant comptroller.
    17.02 Place of residence and office.
    17.03 To audit claims against the state.
    17.031 Security of Comptroller's office.
    17.04 To audit and adjust accounts of officers and those indebted to the state.
    17.0401 Confidentiality of information relating to financial investigations.
    17.041 County and district accounts and claims.
    17.0415 Transfer and assignment of claims.
    17.05 Subpoenas; sworn statements; enforcement proceedings.
    17.06 Disallowed items and accounts.
    17.075 Form of state warrants and other payment orders; rules.
    17.076 Direct deposit of funds.
    17.08 Accounts, etc., on which warrants drawn, to be filed.
    17.09 Application for warrants for salaries.
    17.10 Record of warrants issued.
    17.11 To report disbursements made.
    17.12 Authorized to issue warrants to tax collector or sheriff for payment.
    17.13 To duplicate warrants lost or destroyed.
    17.14 To prescribe forms.
    17.16 Seal.
    17.17 Examination by Governor and report.
    17.20 Assignment of claims for collection.
    17.21 Not to allow any claim of state attorney against state until report made.
    17.22 Notice to Department of Legal Affairs.
    17.25 May certify copies.
    17.26 Cancellation of state warrants not presented within 1 year.
    17.27 Microfilming and destroying records and correspondence.
    17.28 Comptroller may authorize biweekly salary payments.
    17.29 Authority to prescribe rules.
    17.30 Dissemination of information.
    17.32 Annual report of trust funds; duties of Comptroller.
    17.325 Governmental efficiency hotline; duties of Comptroller.
    17.41 Department of Banking and Finance Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.
    17.43 Comptroller's Federal Equitable Sharing Trust Fund.
    18.01 Oath and certificate of Treasurer.
    18.02 Moneys paid on warrants.
    18.021 Treasurer to operate personal check-cashing service.
    18.03 Residence and office.
    18.05 Annual report to Governor.
    18.06 Examination by and monthly statements to the Governor.
    18.07 Treasurer to keep record of warrants and of state funds and securities.
    18.08 Treasurer to turn over to the Comptroller all warrants paid.
    18.09 Delivery to Legislature.
    18.091 Legislative sessions; additional employees.
    18.10 Deposits and investments of state money.
    18.101 Deposits of public money outside the State Treasury; revolving funds.
    18.103 Safekeeping services of Treasurer.
    18.104 Treasury Cash Deposit Trust Fund.
    18.125 Treasurer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    18.15 Interest on state moneys deposited; when paid.
    18.17 Treasurer not to issue evidences of indebtedness.
    18.20 Treasurer to make reproductions of certain warrants, records, and documents.
    18.22 Rules.
    18.23 Treasurer to prescribe forms.
    18.24 Securities in book-entry form.
    20.04 Structure of executive branch.
    20.055 Agency inspectors general.
    20.12 Department of Banking and Finance.
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.195 Department of Children and Family Services Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.425 Agency for Health Care Administration Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.435 Department of Health; trust funds.
    24.105 Powers and duties of department.
    24.111 Vendors; disclosure and contract requirements.
    24.112 Retailers of lottery tickets.
    24.120 Financial matters; Administrative Trust Fund; interagency cooperation.
    25.241 Clerk of Supreme Court; compensation; assistants; filing fees, etc.
    26.39 Penalty for nonattendance of judge.
    27.08 State claims; surrender of papers to successor.
    27.10 Obligation as to claims; how discharged.
    27.11 Report upon claims committed to state attorney.
    27.12 Power to compromise.
    27.13 Completion of compromise.
    27.34 Salaries and other related costs of state attorneys' offices; limitations.
    27.3455 Annual statement of certain revenues and expenditures.
    27.703 Conflict of interest and substitute counsel.
    27.710 Registry of attorneys applying to represent persons in postconviction capital collateral proceedings; certification of minimum requirements; appointment by trial court.
    27.711 Terms and conditions of appointment of attorneys as counsel in postconviction capital collateral proceedings.
    28.235 Advance payments by clerk of circuit court.
    28.24 Service charges by clerk of the circuit court.
    30.52 Handling of public funds.
    40.30 Requisition endorsed by State Courts Administrator or designee.
    40.31 State Courts Administrator may apportion appropriation.
    40.33 Deficiency.
    40.34 Clerks to make triplicate payroll.
    40.35 Accounting and payment to the State Courts Administrator.
    43.16 Justice Administrative Commission; membership, powers and duties.
    43.19 Money paid into court; unclaimed funds.
    48.151 Service on statutory agents for certain persons.
    55.03 Judgments; rate of interest, generally.
    57.091 Costs; refunded to counties in certain proceedings relating to state prisoners.
    68.083 Civil actions for false claims.
    68.084 Rights of the parties in civil actions.
    68.087 Exemptions to civil actions.
    68.092 Deposit of recovered moneys.
    77.0305 Continuing writ of garnishment against salary or wages.
    92.39 Evidence of individual's claim against the state in suits between them.
    99.097 Verification of signatures on petitions.
    101.151 Specifications for ballots.
    103.091 Political parties.
    107.11 Appropriation for expenses.
    110.1127 Employee security checks.
    110.113 Pay periods for state officers and employees; salary payments by direct deposit.
    110.114 Employee wage deductions.
    110.116 Personnel information system; payroll procedures.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    110.1228 Participation by small counties, small municipalities, and district school boards located in small counties.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    110.125 Administrative costs.
    110.181 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign.
    110.2037 Alternative benefits; tax-sheltered annual leave and sick leave payments and special compensation payments.
    110.205 Career service; exemptions.
    112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons.
    112.08 Group insurance for public officers, employees, and certain volunteers; physical examinations.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    112.3144 Full and public disclosure of financial interests.
    112.3145 Disclosure of financial interests and clients represented before agencies.
    112.3189 Investigative procedures upon receipt of whistle-blower information from certain state employees.
    112.31895 Investigative procedures in response to prohibited personnel actions.
    112.3215 Lobbyists before the executive branch or the Constitution Revision Commission; registration and reporting; investigation by commission.
    112.63 Actuarial reports and statements of actuarial impact; review.
    114.03 Certain executive officers not to absent themselves from the state.
    116.03 Officers to report fees collected.
    116.04 Failure of officer to make sworn report of fees.
    116.05 Examination and publication by Department of Banking and Finance.
    116.06 Summary of reports; certain officers not required to report fees.
    116.14 Receipts required from purchasers of state property.
    120.52 Definitions.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    121.0312 Review; actuarial valuation report; contribution rate determination process.
    121.055 Senior Management Service Class.
    121.061 Funding.
    121.133 Cancellation of uncashed warrants.
    121.4501 Public Employee Optional Retirement Program.
    125.0104 Tourist development tax; procedure for levying; authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.
    129.201 Budget of supervisor of elections; manner and time of preparation and presentation.
    131.05 Disposition of proceeds of sale.
    137.09 Justification and approval of bonds.
    145.141 Deficiency to be paid by board of county commissioners.
    154.02 County Health Department Trust Fund.
    154.03 Cooperation with Department of Health and United States Government.
    154.05 Cooperation and agreements between counties.
    154.06 Fees and services rendered; authority.
    154.209 Powers of authority.
    154.314 Certification of the State of Florida.
    163.01 Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969.
    163.05 Small County Technical Assistance Program.
    163.055 Local Government Financial Technical Assistance Program.
    163.3167 Scope of act.
    175.101 State excise tax on property insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    175.121 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    175.151 Penalty for failure of insurers to comply with this act.
    185.08 State excise tax on casualty insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    185.10 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    185.13 Failure of insurer to comply with chapter; penalty.
    189.4035 Preparation of official list of special districts.
    189.412 Special District Information Program; duties and responsibilities.
    189.427 Fee schedule; Operating Trust Fund.
    190.007 Board of supervisors; general duties.
    192.091 Commissions of property appraisers and tax collectors.
    192.102 Payment of property appraisers' and collectors' commissions.
    193.092 Assessment of property for back taxes.
    195.101 Withholding of state funds.
    198.29 Refunds of excess tax paid.
    199.232 Powers of department.
    203.01 Tax on gross receipts for utility and communications services.
    206.46 State Transportation Trust Fund.
    210.16 Revocation or suspension of permit.
    210.20 Employees and assistants; distribution of funds.
    210.50 Revocation or suspension of license.
    211.06 Oil and Gas Tax Trust Fund; distribution of tax proceeds.
    211.32 Tax on solid minerals; Land Reclamation Trust Fund; refund for restoration and reclamation.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    212.12 Dealer's credit for collecting tax; penalties for noncompliance; powers of Department of Revenue in dealing with delinquents; brackets applicable to taxable transactions; records required.
    212.20 Funds collected, disposition; additional powers of department; operational expense; refund of taxes adjudicated unconstitutionally collected.
    213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.
    213.054 Persons claiming tax exemptions or deductions; annual report.
    213.255 Interest.
    213.67 Garnishment.
    213.75 Application of payments.
    215.02 Manner of paying money into the Treasury.
    215.03 Party to be reimbursed on reversal of judgment for state.
    215.04 Department of Banking and Finance to report delinquents.
    215.05 Department of Banking and Finance to certify accounts of delinquents.
    215.11 Defaulting officers; Department of Banking and Finance to report to clerk.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.
    215.23 When contributions to be made.
    215.24 Exemptions where federal contributions or private grants.
    215.25 Manner of contributions; rules and regulations.
    215.26 Repayment of funds paid into State Treasury through error.
    215.29 Classification of Comptroller's warrants; report.
    215.31 State funds; deposit in State Treasury.
    215.32 State funds; segregation.
    215.3206 Trust funds; termination or re-creation.
    215.3208 Trust funds; legislative review.
    215.321 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    215.322 Acceptance of credit cards, charge cards, or debit cards by state agencies, units of local government, and the judicial branch.
    215.34 State funds; noncollectible items; procedure.
    215.35 State funds; warrants and their issuance.
    215.405 State agencies and the judicial branch authorized to collect costs of fingerprinting.
    215.42 Purchases from appropriations, proof of delivery.
    215.422 Warrants, vouchers, and invoices; processing time limits; dispute resolution; agency or judicial branch compliance.
    215.44 Board of Administration; powers and duties in relation to investment of trust funds.
    215.50 Custody of securities purchased; income.
    215.551 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; county distribution.
    215.552 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; land within military installations; county distribution.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    215.56005 Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation.
    215.5601 Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.
    215.58 Definitions relating to State Bond Act.
    215.62 Division of Bond Finance.
    215.684 Limitation on engaging services of securities broker or bond underwriter convicted of fraud.
    215.70 State Board of Administration to act in case of defaults.
    215.91 Florida Financial Management Information System; board; council.
    215.92 Definitions relating to Florida Financial Management Information System Act.
    215.93 Florida Financial Management Information System.
    215.94 Designation, duties, and responsibilities of functional owners.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    215.965 Disbursement of state moneys.
    215.97 Florida Single Audit Act.
    216.0442 Truth in bonding; definitions; summary of state debt; statement of proposed financing; truth-in-bonding statement.
    216.102 Filing of financial information; handling by Comptroller; penalty for noncompliance.
    216.141 Budget system procedures; planning and programming by state agencies.
    216.177 Appropriations acts, statement of intent, violation, notice, review and objection procedures.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.183 Entities using performance-based program budgets; chart of accounts.
    216.192 Release of appropriations; revision of budgets.
    216.212 Budgets for federal funds; restrictions on expenditure of federal funds.
    216.221 Appropriations as maximum appropriations; adjustment of budgets to avoid or eliminate deficits.
    216.235 Innovation Investment Program; intent; definitions; composition and responsibilities of State Innovation Committee; responsibilities of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development and the review board; procedures for innovative project submission, review, evaluation, and approval; criteria to be considered.
    216.237 Availability of any remaining funds; agency maintenance of accounting records.
    216.251 Salary appropriations; limitations.
    216.271 Revolving funds.
    216.275 Clearing accounts.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    216.301 Appropriations; undisbursed balances.
    217.07 Transfer of surplus property assets to department.
    218.06 Transfer of funds by county commissioners with relation to public works grants.
    218.23 Revenue sharing with units of local government.
    218.31 Definitions.
    218.321 Annual financial statements; local governmental entities.
    218.325 Uniform chart of accounts and financial reporting for court and justice system costs and revenues.
    220.62 Definitions.
    220.723 Overpayments; interest.
    228.2001 Discrimination against students and employees in state system of public education; prohibitions; equality of access; strategies to overcome underrepresentation; remedies.
    229.0535 Authority to enforce school improvement.
    229.0537 Opportunity Scholarship Program.
    229.05371 The John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program.
    229.111 Gifts to state public education system or school fund.
    229.781 Records; preservation; destruction.
    231.261 Education Practices Commission; organization.
    231.30 Certification fees.
    231.545 Education Standards Commission; organization.
    233.063 Instruction in operation of motor vehicles.
    233.07 State instructional materials committees.
    233.15 Deposit by publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials must accompany bid.
    233.16 Powers and duties of the Commissioner of Education and the Department of Education in selecting and adopting instructional materials.
    233.255 Production and dissemination of educational materials and products by department.
    236.43 Receiving bids and sale of bonds.
    236.601 Board of Administration to act as fiscal agent in issuance and sale of motor vehicle anticipation certificates.
    237.121 Penalty.
    237.181 School funds to be paid to Treasurer or into depository.
    237.211 School depositories; payments into and withdrawals from depositories.
    238.11 Collection of contributions.
    238.15 Exemption of funds from taxation, execution, and assignment.
    238.172 Proof required.
    238.173 Monthly allowance to widows or widowers of pensioners.
    240.551 Florida Prepaid College Program.
    242.331 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees.
    242.341 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees; management flexibility.
    245.13 Fees; authority to accept additional funds; annual audit.
    250.22 Retirement.
    250.24 Pay and expenses; appropriation; procedures.
    250.25 Governor and Comptroller authorized to borrow money.
    250.26 Transfer of funds.
    250.34 Injury or death in active service.
    252.62 Comptroller's powers in a state of emergency.
    252.87 Supplemental state reporting requirements.
    253.02 Board of trustees; powers and duties.
    253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than preservation, conservation, and recreation.
    255.03 Proceeds of insurance to be paid into State Treasury; disbursement of funds.
    255.052 Substitution of securities for amounts retained on public contracts.
    255.258 Shared savings financing of energy conservation in state-owned buildings.
    255.503 Powers of the Department of Management Services.
    255.521 Failure of payment.
    257.22 Division of Library and Information Services; allocation of funds.
    258.014 Fees for use of state parks.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    259.041 Acquisition of state-owned lands for preservation, conservation, and recreation purposes.
    265.53 Application for indemnity agreement.
    265.55 Claims.
    267.075 The Grove Advisory Council; creation; membership; purposes.
    272.18 Governor's Mansion Commission.
    280.02 Definitions.
    280.04 Collateral for public deposits; general provisions.
    280.041 Collateral arrangements; agreements, provisions, and triggering events.
    280.05 Powers and duties of the Treasurer.
    280.051 Grounds for suspension or disqualification of a qualified public depository.
    280.052 Order of suspension or disqualification; procedure.
    280.053 Period of suspension or disqualification; obligations during period; reinstatement.
    280.054 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or disqualification.
    280.055 Cease and desist order; corrective order; administrative penalty.
    280.06 Penalty for violation of law, rule, or order to cease and desist or other lawful order.
    280.07 Mutual responsibility and contingent liability.
    280.071 Qualified Public Depository Oversight Board; purpose; identifying representative qualified public depositories; member selection; responsibilities.
    280.08 Procedure for payment of losses.
    280.085 Notice to claimants.
    280.09 Public Deposits Trust Fund.
    280.10 Effect of merger, acquisition, or consolidation; change of name or address.
    280.11 Withdrawal from public deposits program; return of pledged collateral.
    280.13 Eligible collateral.
    280.16 Requirements of qualified public depositories; confidentiality.
    280.17 Requirements for public depositors; notice to public depositors and governmental units; loss of protection.
    280.18 Protection of public depositors; liability of the state.
    280.19 Rules.
    282.1095 State agency law enforcement radio system.
    284.02 Payment of premiums by each agency; handling of funds; payment of losses and expenses.
    284.04 Notice and information required by Department of Insurance of all newly erected or acquired state property subject to insurance.
    284.05 Inspection of insured state property.
    284.06 Annual report to Governor.
    284.08 Reinsurance on excess coverage and approval by Department of Management Services.
    284.14 State Risk Management Trust Fund; leasehold interest.
    284.17 Rules.
    284.30 State Risk Management Trust Fund; coverages to be provided.
    284.31 Scope and types of coverages; separate accounts.
    284.32 Department of Insurance to implement and consolidate.
    284.33 Purchase of insurance, reinsurance, and services.
    284.34 Professional medical liability of the Board of Regents and nuclear energy liability excluded.
    284.35 Administrative personnel; expenses to be paid from fund.
    284.37 Premium and investment accruals used for fund purposes.
    284.385 Reporting and handling of claims.
    284.39 Promulgation of rules.
    284.40 Division of Risk Management.
    284.41 Transfer of personnel and funds to the Division of Risk Management.
    284.42 Reports on state insurance program.
    284.44 Salary indemnification costs of state agencies.
    284.50 Loss prevention program; safety coordinators; Interagency Advisory Council on Loss Prevention; employee recognition program.
    287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.
    287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services.
    287.058 Contract document.
    287.063 Deferred-payment commodity contracts; preaudit review.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    287.09451 Office of Supplier Diversity; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.115 Comptroller; annual report.
    287.131 Assistance of Department of Insurance.
    287.175 Penalties.
    288.1045 Qualified defense contractor tax refund program.
    288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry businesses.
    288.109 One-Stop Permitting System.
    288.1253 Travel and entertainment expenses.
    288.709 Powers of the Florida Black Business Investment Board.
    288.712 Florida guarantor funds.
    288.776 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    288.778 Department of Banking and Finance.
    288.99 Certified Capital Company Act.
    289.051 Membership of financial institutions; loans to corporation, limitations.
    289.081 Amendments to articles of incorporation.
    289.121 Periodic examinations; reports.
    292.085 Department of Veterans' Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    313.02 Bond.
    314.02 Bond.
    316.3025 Penalties.
    316.545 Weight and load unlawful; special fuel and motor fuel tax enforcement; inspection; penalty; review.
    320.02 Registration required; application for registration; forms.
    320.081 Collection and distribution of annual license tax imposed on the following type units.
    320.20 Disposition of license tax moneys.
    320.71 Nonresident motor vehicle, mobile home, or recreational vehicle dealer's license.
    320.781 Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Protection Trust Fund.
    322.21 License fees; procedure for handling and collecting fees.
    324.032 Manner of proving financial responsibility; for-hire passenger transportation vehicles.
    324.171 Self-insurer.
    326.006 Powers and duties of division.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.3101 Spaceport Florida Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    336.022 County transportation trust fund; controls and administrative remedies.
    337.25 Acquisition, lease, and disposal of real and personal property.
    339.035 Expenditures.
    339.081 Department trust funds.
    344.17 Depositories and investments.
    350.06 Place of meeting; expenditures; employment of personnel; records availability and fees.
    354.03 Bond.
    365.173 Wireless Emergency Telephone System Fund.
    370.06 Licenses.
    370.16 Noncultured shellfish harvesting.
    370.19 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    370.20 Gulf States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    373.503 Manner of taxation.
    373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund.
    373.6065 Adoption benefits for water management district employees.
    374.983 Governing body.
    374.986 Taxing authority.
    376.11 Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.123 Claims against the Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.307 Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund.
    376.3071 Inland Protection Trust Fund; creation; purposes; funding.
    376.3072 Florida Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance Program.
    376.3075 Inland Protection Financing Corporation.
    376.3078 Drycleaning facility restoration; funds; uses; liability; recovery of expenditures.
    376.3079 Third-party liability insurance.
    376.40 Petroleum exploration and production; purposes; funding.
    377.23 Monthly reports to division.
    377.2425 Manner of providing security for geophysical exploration, drilling, and production.
    377.705 Solar Energy Center; development of solar energy standards.
    378.035 Department responsibilities and duties with respect to Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Trust Fund.
    378.037 Comptroller; responsibilities and duties with respect to reimbursement of reclamation costs.
    378.208 Financial responsibility.
    381.765 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    381.90 Health Information Systems Council; legislative intent; creation, appointment, duties.
    388.201 District budgets; hearing.
    388.301 Payment of state funds; supplies and services.
    391.025 Applicability and scope.
    391.221 Statewide Children's Medical Services Network Advisory Council.
    392.69 Appropriation, sinking, and maintenance trust funds; additional powers of the department.
    393.002 Transfer of Florida Developmental Disabilities Council as formerly created in this chapter to private nonprofit corporation.
    393.075 General liability coverage.
    394.482 Payment of financial obligations imposed by compact.
    400.0238 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.063 Resident Protection Trust Fund.
    400.071 Application for license.
    400.4174 Background screening; exemptions.
    400.4298 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.471 Application for license; fee; provisional license; temporary permit.
    400.962 License required; license application.
    401.245 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
    401.25 Licensure as a basic life support or an advanced life support service.
    402.04 Award of scholarships and stipends; disbursement of funds; administration.
    402.17 Claims for care and maintenance; trust property.
    402.33 Department authority to charge fees for services provided.
    403.1835 Water pollution control financial assistance.
    403.1837 Florida Water Pollution Control Financing Corporation.
    403.706 Local government solid waste responsibilities.
    403.724 Financial responsibility.
    403.8532 Drinking water state revolving loan fund; use; rules.
    404.111 Surety requirements.
    408.040 Conditions and monitoring.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    408.08 Inspections and audits; violations; penalties; fines; enforcement.
    408.18 Health Care Community Antitrust Guidance Act; antitrust no-action letter; market-information collection and education.
    408.50 Prospective payment arrangements.
    408.7056 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program.
    408.902 MedAccess program; creation; program title.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies.
    409.25658 Use of unclaimed property for past due support.
    409.2673 Shared county and state health care program for low-income persons.
    409.8132 Medikids program component.
    409.817 Approval of health benefits coverage; financial assistance.
    409.818 Administration.
    409.910 Responsibility for payments on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons when other parties are liable.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    409.9124 Managed care reimbursement.
    409.915 County contributions to Medicaid.
    411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school readiness coalitions.
    413.32 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    414.27 Temporary cash assistance; payment on death.
    414.28 Public assistance payments to constitute debt of recipient.
    420.0005 State Housing Trust Fund; State Housing Fund.
    420.0006 Authority to contract with corporation; contract requirements; nonperformance.
    420.101 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; creation, membership, and purposes.
    420.123 Stockholders; loan requirement.
    420.131 Articles of incorporation; method of amending.
    420.141 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; deposits and examination.
    420.5092 Florida Affordable Housing Guarantee Program.
    430.42 Department of Elderly Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    430.703 Definitions.
    440.103 Building permits; identification of minimum premium policy.
    440.105 Prohibited activities; reports; penalties; limitations.
    440.1051 Fraud reports; civil immunity; criminal penalties.
    440.106 Civil remedies; administrative penalties.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.134 Workers' compensation managed care arrangement.
    440.135 Pilot programs for medical and remedial care in workers' compensation.
    440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment.
    440.24 Enforcement of compensation orders; penalties.
    440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers.
    440.381 Application for coverage; reporting payroll; payroll audit procedures; penalties.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.4416 Workers' Compensation Oversight Board.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    440.50 Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund.
    440.51 Expenses of administration.
    440.515 Reports from self-insurers; confidentiality.
    440.52 Registration of insurance carriers; notice of cancellation or expiration of policy; suspension or revocation of authority.
    443.131 Contributions.
    443.191 Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund; establishment and control.
    443.211 Employment Security Administration Trust Fund; appropriation; reimbursement.
    447.12 Fees for registration.
    450.155 Child Labor Law Trust Fund.
    456.047 Standardized credentialing for health care practitioners.
    468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    473.3065 Certified Public Accountant Education Minority Assistance Program; advisory council.
    475.045 Florida Real Estate Commission Education and Research Foundation.
    475.484 Payment from the fund.
    475.485 Investment of the fund.
    489.144 Investment of the fund.
    489.145 Guaranteed energy performance savings contracting.
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.
    494.001 Definitions.
    494.0011 Powers and duties of the department.
    494.0017 Mortgage Brokerage Guaranty Fund.
    497.005 Definitions.
    497.101 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership; appointment; terms.
    497.105 Department of Banking and Finance; powers and duties.
    497.107 Headquarters.
    497.109 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership.
    497.115 Board rules; final agency action; challenges.
    497.117 Legal and investigative services.
    497.131 Disciplinary proceedings.
    497.201 Cemetery companies; license; application; fee.
    497.253 Minimum acreage; sale or disposition of cemetery lands.
    497.313 Other charges.
    497.403 Insurance business not authorized.
    497.407 Certificate of authority; annual statement; renewal; transfer.
    497.435 Administrative fine in lieu of revocation or suspension of certificate of authority.
    497.525 Disposition of fees and penalties.
    498.025 Exemptions.
    498.049 Suspension; revocation; civil penalties.
    499.057 Expenses and salaries.
    501.212 Application.
    509.215 Firesafety.
    513.055 Revocation or suspension of permit; fines; procedure.
    516.01 Definitions.
    516.03 Application for license; fees; etc.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.03 Rulemaking; immunity for acts in conformity with rules.
    517.061 Exempt transactions.
    517.075 Cuba, prospectus disclosure of doing business with, required.
    517.1204 Investment Fraud Restoration Financing Corporation.
    517.1205 Registration of associated persons specific as to securities dealer, investment adviser, or federal covered adviser identified at time of registration approval.
    517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund.
    517.141 Payment from the fund.
    517.151 Investments of the fund.
    518.115 Power of fiduciary or custodian to deposit securities in a central depository.
    518.116 Power of certain fiduciaries and custodians to deposit United States Government and agency securities with a Federal Reserve bank.
    519.101 Florida equity exchange feasibility study; structure, operation, and regulation.
    520.02 Definitions.
    520.07 Requirements and prohibitions as to retail installment contracts.
    520.31 Definitions.
    520.34 Retail installment contracts.
    520.61 Definitions.
    520.76 Insurance provisions, procurement, rates.
    520.998 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    526.141 Self-service gasoline stations; attendants; regulations.
    537.003 Definitions.
    537.004 License required; license fees.
    537.011 Title loan charges.
    548.066 Ticket refunds.
    548.077 Florida State Boxing Commission; collection and disposition of moneys.
    550.0251 The powers and duties of the Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    550.054 Application for permit to conduct pari-mutuel wagering.
    550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes.
    550.125 Uniform reporting system; bond requirement.
    550.135 Division of moneys derived under this law.
    550.1645 Escheat to state of abandoned interest in or contribution to pari-mutuel pools.
    552.081 Definitions.
    552.161 Administrative fines.
    552.21 Confiscation and disposal of explosives.
    552.26 Administration of chapter; personnel; fees to be deposited in Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    553.72 Intent.
    553.73 Florida Building Code.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    553.79 Permits; applications; issuance; inspections.
    554.1021 Definitions.
    554.105 Chief inspector.
    554.111 Fees.
    559.10 Definition; "budget planning."
    559.543 Definitions.
    559.545 Registration of commercial collection agencies; procedure.
    559.55 Definitions.
    559.555 Registration of consumer collection agencies; procedure.
    559.725 Consumer complaints; administrative duties.
    559.730 Administrative remedies.
    559.928 Registration.
    560.102 Purpose; application.
    560.103 Definitions.
    560.119 Deposit of fees and assessments.
    560.4041 Database for deferred presentment providers; public-records exemption.
    560.408 Legislative intent; report.
    561.051 Reporting requirements of director.
    562.44 Donation of forfeited beverages or raw materials to state institutions; sale of forfeited beverages.
    567.08 Refund of unused portion of state license tax.
    569.205 Department of Business and Professional Regulation Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    570.13 Salary of commissioner, officers, and employees; expenses.
    570.195 Tobacco farmers; assistance.
    570.20 General Inspection Trust Fund.
    574.03 Warehouseman; licenses and fees.
    589.06 Warrants for payment of accounts.
    597.010 Shellfish regulation; leases.
    601.10 Powers of the Department of Citrus.
    601.15 Advertising campaign; methods of conducting; excise tax; emergency reserve fund; citrus research.
    601.28 Inspection fees.
    607.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    607.14401 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    609.05 Qualification with Department of Banking and Finance.
    617.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    617.1440 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    624.05 "Department" defined.
    624.155 Civil remedy.
    624.305 Prohibited interests, rewards.
    624.307 General powers; duties.
    624.310 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; removal of certain persons; fines.
    624.314 Publications; Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.319 Examination and investigation reports.
    624.320 Examination expenses.
    624.321 Witnesses and evidence.
    624.322 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    624.33 Jurisdiction regarding health or life coverage.
    624.404 General eligibility of insurers for certificate of authority.
    624.4071 Special purpose homeowner insurance company.
    624.4085 Risk-based capital requirements for insurers.
    624.40851 Confidentiality of risk-based capital information.
    624.422 Service of process; appointment of Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    624.423 Serving process.
    624.442 Annual reports; actuarial certification; quarterly reports; penalties.
    624.4435 Assets of insurers; reporting requirements.
    624.484 Registration of agent.
    624.5015 Advance collection of fees and taxes; title insurers not to pay without reimbursement.
    624.502 Service of process fee.
    624.506 County tax; deposit and remittance.
    624.5091 Retaliatory provision, insurers.
    624.5092 Administration of taxes; payments.
    624.516 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment and surcharge; deposit and use of funds.
    624.517 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment; reduction of assessment.
    624.519 Nonpayment of premium tax or fire marshal assessment; penalty.
    624.521 Deposit of certain tax receipts; refund of improper payments.
    624.523 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.610 Reinsurance.
    624.87 Administrative supervision; expenses.
    624.91 The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.
    625.161 Valuation of property.
    625.317 Corporate bonds and debentures.
    625.52 Securities eligible for deposit.
    625.53 Depository.
    625.83 Failure to file reporting forms.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.742 Nonresident agents; service of process.
    626.7492 Reinsurance intermediaries.
    626.8427 Number of applications for licensure required; exemption; effect of expiration of license.
    626.8463 Witnesses and evidence.
    626.8467 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.847 Penalty for refusal to testify.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.906 Acts constituting Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    626.907 Service of process; judgment by default.
    626.912 Exemptions from ss. 626.904-626.911.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.931 Agent affidavit and insurer reporting requirements.
    626.932 Surplus lines tax.
    626.936 Failure to file reports or pay tax or service fee; administrative penalty.
    626.9361 Failure to file report; administrative penalty.
    626.937 Actions against insurer; service of process.
    626.938 Report and tax of independently procured coverages.
    626.9511 Definitions.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    626.9892 Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of insurance fraud.
    626.9911 Definitions.
    626.9912 Viatical settlement provider license required; application for license.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    627.0613 Consumer advocate.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0651 Making and use of rates for motor vehicle insurance.
    627.0915 Rate filings; workers' compensation, drug-free workplace, and safe employers.
    627.0916 Agricultural horse farms.
    627.092 Workers' Compensation Administrator.
    627.096 Workers' Compensation Rating Bureau.
    627.221 Rating organizations; licensing; fee.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.413 Contents of policies, in general; identification.
    627.4236 Coverage for bone marrow transplant procedures.
    627.6472 Exclusive provider organizations.
    627.6482 Definitions.
    627.6488 Florida Comprehensive Health Association.
    627.6675 Conversion on termination of eligibility.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.
    627.7015 Alternative procedure for resolution of disputed property insurance claims.
    627.727 Motor vehicle insurance; uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage; insolvent insurer protection.
    627.728 Cancellations; nonrenewals.
    627.736 Required personal injury protection benefits; exclusions; priority; claims.
    627.849 Fees.
    627.912 Professional liability claims and actions; reports by insurers.
    627.9122 Officers' and directors' liability claims; reports by insurers.
    627.919 Maintenance of insurance data.
    627.944 Risk retention groups not certificated in this state.
    627.948 Notice and registration requirements of purchasing groups.
    628.461 Acquisition of controlling stock.
    628.4615 Specialty insurers; acquisition of controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control; merger or consolidation.
    629.401 Insurance exchange.
    631.001 Title, construction, and purpose.
    631.221 Deposit of moneys collected.
    631.392 Immunity.
    631.54 Definitions.
    631.57 Powers and duties of the association.
    631.59 Duties and powers of Department of Insurance.
    631.714 Definitions.
    631.72 Premium or income tax credits for assessments paid.
    631.723 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.813 Application of part.
    631.814 Definitions.
    631.904 Definitions.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.
    631.912 Board of directors.
    631.917 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.931 Reports and recommendations by board; public records exemption.
    632.628 Reports.
    633.01 State Fire Marshal; powers and duties; rules.
    633.022 Uniform firesafety standards.
    633.025 Minimum firesafety standards.
    633.052 Ordinances relating to firesafety; definitions; penalties.
    633.061 License or permit required of organizations and individuals servicing, recharging, repairing, testing, marking, inspecting, installing, or hydrotesting fire extinguishers and preengineered systems.
    633.081 Inspection of buildings and equipment; orders; firesafety inspection training requirements; certification; disciplinary action.
    633.111 State Fire Marshal to keep records of fires; reports of agents.
    633.161 Cease and desist orders; orders to correct hazardous conditions; orders to vacate; violation; penalties.
    633.162 Disciplinary action; fire extinguisher or preengineered systems; grounds for denial, nonrenewal, suspension, or revocation of license or permit.
    633.30 Standards for firefighting; definitions.
    633.31 Firefighters Standards and Training Council.
    633.353 Falsification of qualifications.
    633.382 Firefighters; supplemental compensation.
    633.43 Florida State Fire College established.
    633.445 State Fire Marshal Scholarship Grant Program.
    633.45 Division of State Fire Marshal; powers, duties.
    633.46 Fees.
    633.461 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    633.47 Procedure for making expenditures.
    633.50 Division powers and duties; Florida State Fire College.
    633.524 Certificate fees; use and deposit of collected funds.
    634.011 Definitions.
    634.137 Financial and statistical reporting requirements.
    634.151 Service of process; appointment of commissioner as process agent.
    634.161 Service of process; method.
    634.221 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.301 Definitions.
    634.313 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports.
    634.324 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.327 Applicability to warranty on new home.
    634.3284 Civil remedy.
    634.401 Definitions.
    634.415 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports; quarterly statements.
    634.416 Examination of associations.
    634.427 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.433 Civil remedy.
    635.011 Definitions.
    635.041 Contingency reserve.
    636.003 Definitions.
    636.043 Annual, quarterly, and miscellaneous reports.
    636.047 Officers' and employees' fidelity bond.
    636.052 Civil remedy.
    641.185 Health maintenance organization subscriber protections.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.23 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of enrollment of new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.26 Annual report.
    641.28 Civil remedy.
    641.39001 Soliciting or accepting new or renewal health maintenance contracts by insolvent or impaired health maintenance organization prohibited; penalty.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.403 Rulemaking authority.
    641.412 Fees.
    641.454 Civil action to enforce prepaid health clinic contract; attorney's fees; court costs.
    641.455 Disposition of moneys collected under this part.
    641.48 Purpose and application of part.
    641.49 Certification of health maintenance organization and prepaid health clinic as health care providers; application procedure.
    641.511 Subscriber grievance reporting and resolution requirements.
    641.52 Revocation of certificate; suspension of new enrollment; suspension of the health care provider certificate; administrative fine; notice of action to the Department of Insurance; penalty for use of unlicensed providers.
    641.55 Internal risk management program.
    641.58 Regulatory assessment; levy and amount; use of funds; tax returns; penalty for failure to pay.
    642.015 Definitions.
    642.0475 Civil remedy.
    648.25 Definitions.
    648.26 Department of Insurance; administration.
    648.34 Bail bond agents; qualifications.
    648.355 Temporary limited license as limited surety agent or professional bail bond agent; pending examination.
    648.37 Runners; qualifications.
    648.386 Qualifications for prelicensing and continuing education schools and instructors.
    648.442 Collateral security.
    650.06 Social Security Contribution Trust Fund.
    651.011 Definitions.
    651.015 Administration; forms; fees; rules; fines.
    651.0235 Validity of provisional certificates of authority and certificates of authority.
    651.035 Minimum liquid reserve requirements.
    651.121 Advisory council.
    651.125 Criminal penalties; injunctive relief.
    655.001 Purpose; application.
    655.005 Definitions.
    655.057 Records; limited restrictions upon public access.
    655.90 Closing during emergencies and other special days.
    657.002 Definitions.
    657.067 Conversion from federal to state charter; requirements for application approval.
    657.253 Definitions.
    658.23 Submission of articles of incorporation; contents; form; approval; filing; commencement of corporate existence; bylaws.
    658.295 Interstate banking.
    658.83 Liquidator; powers and duties.
    660.27 Deposit of securities with Treasurer.
    660.28 Exemption from bond and other security as fiduciary.
    687.13 International transactions.
    687.14 Definitions.
    697.202 Definitions of terms used in ss. 697.20-697.206.
    697.205 Recoveries from the trust fund.
    697.206 Department of Insurance; powers and duties.
    713.596 Molder's liens.
    716.02 Escheat of funds in the possession of federal agencies.
    716.03 Department to institute proceedings to recover escheated property.
    716.04 Jurisdiction.
    716.05 Money recovered to be paid into State Treasury.
    716.06 Public records.
    716.07 Recovery of escheated property by claimant.
    717.101 Definitions.
    717.135 Agreement to locate reported property.
    717.138 Rulemaking authority.
    718.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    719.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    723.006 Powers and duties of division.
    732.107 Escheat.
    733.816 Disposition of unclaimed property held by personal representatives.
    744.534 Disposition of unclaimed funds held by guardian.
    766.105 Florida Patient's Compensation Fund.
    766.1115 Health care providers; creation of agency relationship with governmental contractors.
    766.314 Assessments; plan of operation.
    766.315 Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association; board of directors.
    768.28 Waiver of sovereign immunity in tort actions; recovery limits; limitation on attorney fees; statute of limitations; exclusions; indemnification; risk management programs.
    790.001 Definitions.
    790.1612 Authorization for governmental manufacture, possession, and use of destructive devices.
    791.01 Definitions.
    791.015 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers of sparklers.
    817.16 False reports, etc., by officers of banks, trust companies, etc., under supervision of Department of Banking and Finance with intent to defraud.
    817.234 False and fraudulent insurance claims.
    839.06 Collectors not to deal in warrants, etc.; removal.
    849.086 Cardrooms authorized.
    849.33 Judgment and collection of money; execution.
    860.154 Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Authority.
    860.157 Powers and duties of the authority.
    896.102 Currency more than
    903.101 Sureties; licensed persons; to have equal access.
    903.27 Forfeiture to judgment.
    925.037 Reimbursement of counties for fees paid to appointed counsel; circuit conflict committees.
    932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
    932.707 Penalty for noncompliance with reporting requirements.
    938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
    939.13 Power of Comptroller.
    943.031 Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council.
    943.032 Financial Crime Analysis Center and Financial Transaction Database.
    944.516 Money or other property received for personal use or benefit of inmate; deposit; disposition of unclaimed trust funds.
    946.33 Disbursements from fund.
    946.509 Insurance of property leased or acquired by the corporation.
    946.510 Insurance by Division of Risk Management.
    946.517 Corporation records.
    946.522 Prison Industries Trust Fund.
    946.525 Participation by the corporation in the state group health insurance and prescription drug programs.
    947.12 Members, employees, expenses.
    950.002 County work camps.
    957.04 Contract requirements.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.409 Participation of certain programs in the State Risk Management Trust Fund.

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  • SB 662, Original Filed Version Posted 12/5/2001 at 8:01 AM

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    Citations - Statutes (898)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    11.12 Salary, subsistence, and mileage of members and employees; expenses authorized by resolution; appropriation; preaudit by Comptroller.
    11.13 Compensation of members.
    11.147 Office of Legislative Services.
    11.151 Annual legislative appropriation to contingency fund for use of Senate President and House Speaker.
    11.40 Legislative Auditing Committee.
    11.42 The Auditor General.
    13.05 Governor's Committee on Interstate Cooperation.
    14.055 Succession to office of Governor.
    14.057 Governor-elect; establishment of operating fund.
    14.058 Inauguration expense fund.
    14.202 Administration Commission.
    14.203 State Council on Competitive Government.
    14.24 Florida Commission on the Status of Women.
    15.09 Fees.
    16.10 Receipt of Supreme Court reports for office.
    17.011 Assistant comptroller.
    17.02 Place of residence and office.
    17.03 To audit claims against the state.
    17.031 Security of Comptroller's office.
    17.04 To audit and adjust accounts of officers and those indebted to the state.
    17.0401 Confidentiality of information relating to financial investigations.
    17.041 County and district accounts and claims.
    17.0415 Transfer and assignment of claims.
    17.05 Subpoenas; sworn statements; enforcement proceedings.
    17.06 Disallowed items and accounts.
    17.075 Form of state warrants and other payment orders; rules.
    17.076 Direct deposit of funds.
    17.08 Accounts, etc., on which warrants drawn, to be filed.
    17.09 Application for warrants for salaries.
    17.10 Record of warrants issued.
    17.11 To report disbursements made.
    17.12 Authorized to issue warrants to tax collector or sheriff for payment.
    17.13 To duplicate warrants lost or destroyed.
    17.14 To prescribe forms.
    17.16 Seal.
    17.17 Examination by Governor and report.
    17.20 Assignment of claims for collection.
    17.21 Not to allow any claim of state attorney against state until report made.
    17.22 Notice to Department of Legal Affairs.
    17.25 May certify copies.
    17.26 Cancellation of state warrants not presented within 1 year.
    17.27 Microfilming and destroying records and correspondence.
    17.28 Comptroller may authorize biweekly salary payments.
    17.29 Authority to prescribe rules.
    17.30 Dissemination of information.
    17.32 Annual report of trust funds; duties of Comptroller.
    17.325 Governmental efficiency hotline; duties of Comptroller.
    17.41 Department of Banking and Finance Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.
    17.43 Comptroller's Federal Equitable Sharing Trust Fund.
    18.01 Oath and certificate of Treasurer.
    18.02 Moneys paid on warrants.
    18.021 Treasurer to operate personal check-cashing service.
    18.03 Residence and office.
    18.05 Annual report to Governor.
    18.06 Examination by and monthly statements to the Governor.
    18.07 Treasurer to keep record of warrants and of state funds and securities.
    18.08 Treasurer to turn over to the Comptroller all warrants paid.
    18.09 Delivery to Legislature.
    18.091 Legislative sessions; additional employees.
    18.10 Deposits and investments of state money.
    18.101 Deposits of public money outside the State Treasury; revolving funds.
    18.103 Safekeeping services of Treasurer.
    18.104 Treasury Cash Deposit Trust Fund.
    18.125 Treasurer; powers and duties in the investment of certain funds.
    18.15 Interest on state moneys deposited; when paid.
    18.17 Treasurer not to issue evidences of indebtedness.
    18.20 Treasurer to make reproductions of certain warrants, records, and documents.
    18.22 Rules.
    18.23 Treasurer to prescribe forms.
    18.24 Securities in book-entry form.
    20.04 Structure of executive branch.
    20.055 Agency inspectors general.
    20.12 Department of Banking and Finance.
    20.13 Department of Insurance.
    20.195 Department of Children and Family Services Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.425 Agency for Health Care Administration Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    20.435 Department of Health; trust funds.
    24.105 Powers and duties of department.
    24.111 Vendors; disclosure and contract requirements.
    24.112 Retailers of lottery tickets.
    24.120 Financial matters; Administrative Trust Fund; interagency cooperation.
    25.241 Clerk of Supreme Court; compensation; assistants; filing fees, etc.
    26.39 Penalty for nonattendance of judge.
    27.08 State claims; surrender of papers to successor.
    27.10 Obligation as to claims; how discharged.
    27.11 Report upon claims committed to state attorney.
    27.12 Power to compromise.
    27.13 Completion of compromise.
    27.34 Salaries and other related costs of state attorneys' offices; limitations.
    27.3455 Annual statement of certain revenues and expenditures.
    27.703 Conflict of interest and substitute counsel.
    27.710 Registry of attorneys applying to represent persons in postconviction capital collateral proceedings; certification of minimum requirements; appointment by trial court.
    27.711 Terms and conditions of appointment of attorneys as counsel in postconviction capital collateral proceedings.
    28.235 Advance payments by clerk of circuit court.
    28.24 Service charges by clerk of the circuit court.
    30.52 Handling of public funds.
    40.30 Requisition endorsed by State Courts Administrator or designee.
    40.31 State Courts Administrator may apportion appropriation.
    40.33 Deficiency.
    40.34 Clerks to make triplicate payroll.
    40.35 Accounting and payment to the State Courts Administrator.
    43.16 Justice Administrative Commission; membership, powers and duties.
    43.19 Money paid into court; unclaimed funds.
    48.151 Service on statutory agents for certain persons.
    55.03 Judgments; rate of interest, generally.
    57.091 Costs; refunded to counties in certain proceedings relating to state prisoners.
    68.083 Civil actions for false claims.
    68.084 Rights of the parties in civil actions.
    68.087 Exemptions to civil actions.
    68.092 Deposit of recovered moneys.
    77.0305 Continuing writ of garnishment against salary or wages.
    92.39 Evidence of individual's claim against the state in suits between them.
    99.097 Verification of signatures on petitions.
    101.151 Specifications for ballots.
    103.091 Political parties.
    107.11 Appropriation for expenses.
    110.1127 Employee security checks.
    110.113 Pay periods for state officers and employees; salary payments by direct deposit.
    110.114 Employee wage deductions.
    110.116 Personnel information system; payroll procedures.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    110.1228 Participation by small counties, small municipalities, and district school boards located in small counties.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    110.125 Administrative costs.
    110.181 Florida State Employees' Charitable Campaign.
    110.2037 Alternative benefits; tax-sheltered annual leave and sick leave payments and special compensation payments.
    110.205 Career service; exemptions.
    112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized persons.
    112.08 Group insurance for public officers, employees, and certain volunteers; physical examinations.
    112.191 Firefighters; death benefits.
    112.215 Government employees; deferred compensation program.
    112.3144 Full and public disclosure of financial interests.
    112.3145 Disclosure of financial interests and clients represented before agencies.
    112.3189 Investigative procedures upon receipt of whistle-blower information from certain state employees.
    112.31895 Investigative procedures in response to prohibited personnel actions.
    112.3215 Lobbyists before the executive branch or the Constitution Revision Commission; registration and reporting; investigation by commission.
    112.63 Actuarial reports and statements of actuarial impact; review.
    114.03 Certain executive officers not to absent themselves from the state.
    116.03 Officers to report fees collected.
    116.04 Failure of officer to make sworn report of fees.
    116.05 Examination and publication by Department of Banking and Finance.
    116.06 Summary of reports; certain officers not required to report fees.
    116.14 Receipts required from purchasers of state property.
    120.52 Definitions.
    120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.
    121.0312 Review; actuarial valuation report; contribution rate determination process.
    121.055 Senior Management Service Class.
    121.061 Funding.
    121.133 Cancellation of uncashed warrants.
    121.4501 Public Employee Optional Retirement Program.
    125.0104 Tourist development tax; procedure for levying; authorized uses; referendum; enforcement.
    129.201 Budget of supervisor of elections; manner and time of preparation and presentation.
    131.05 Disposition of proceeds of sale.
    137.09 Justification and approval of bonds.
    145.141 Deficiency to be paid by board of county commissioners.
    154.02 County Health Department Trust Fund.
    154.03 Cooperation with Department of Health and United States Government.
    154.05 Cooperation and agreements between counties.
    154.06 Fees and services rendered; authority.
    154.209 Powers of authority.
    154.314 Certification of the State of Florida.
    163.01 Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969.
    163.05 Small County Technical Assistance Program.
    163.055 Local Government Financial Technical Assistance Program.
    163.3167 Scope of act.
    175.101 State excise tax on property insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    175.121 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    175.151 Penalty for failure of insurers to comply with this act.
    185.08 State excise tax on casualty insurance premiums authorized; procedure.
    185.10 Department of Revenue and Division of Retirement to keep accounts of deposits; disbursements.
    185.13 Failure of insurer to comply with chapter; penalty.
    189.4035 Preparation of official list of special districts.
    189.412 Special District Information Program; duties and responsibilities.
    189.427 Fee schedule; Operating Trust Fund.
    190.007 Board of supervisors; general duties.
    192.091 Commissions of property appraisers and tax collectors.
    192.102 Payment of property appraisers' and collectors' commissions.
    193.092 Assessment of property for back taxes.
    195.101 Withholding of state funds.
    198.29 Refunds of excess tax paid.
    199.232 Powers of department.
    203.01 Tax on gross receipts for utility and communications services.
    206.46 State Transportation Trust Fund.
    210.16 Revocation or suspension of permit.
    210.20 Employees and assistants; distribution of funds.
    210.50 Revocation or suspension of license.
    211.06 Oil and Gas Tax Trust Fund; distribution of tax proceeds.
    211.32 Tax on solid minerals; Land Reclamation Trust Fund; refund for restoration and reclamation.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    212.12 Dealer's credit for collecting tax; penalties for noncompliance; powers of Department of Revenue in dealing with delinquents; brackets applicable to taxable transactions; records required.
    212.20 Funds collected, disposition; additional powers of department; operational expense; refund of taxes adjudicated unconstitutionally collected.
    213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.
    213.054 Persons claiming tax exemptions or deductions; annual report.
    213.255 Interest.
    213.67 Garnishment.
    213.75 Application of payments.
    215.02 Manner of paying money into the Treasury.
    215.03 Party to be reimbursed on reversal of judgment for state.
    215.04 Department of Banking and Finance to report delinquents.
    215.05 Department of Banking and Finance to certify accounts of delinquents.
    215.11 Defaulting officers; Department of Banking and Finance to report to clerk.
    215.20 Certain income and certain trust funds to contribute to the General Revenue Fund.
    215.22 Certain income and certain trust funds exempt.
    215.23 When contributions to be made.
    215.24 Exemptions where federal contributions or private grants.
    215.25 Manner of contributions; rules and regulations.
    215.26 Repayment of funds paid into State Treasury through error.
    215.29 Classification of Comptroller's warrants; report.
    215.31 State funds; deposit in State Treasury.
    215.32 State funds; segregation.
    215.3206 Trust funds; termination or re-creation.
    215.3208 Trust funds; legislative review.
    215.321 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    215.322 Acceptance of credit cards, charge cards, or debit cards by state agencies, units of local government, and the judicial branch.
    215.34 State funds; noncollectible items; procedure.
    215.35 State funds; warrants and their issuance.
    215.405 State agencies and the judicial branch authorized to collect costs of fingerprinting.
    215.42 Purchases from appropriations, proof of delivery.
    215.422 Warrants, vouchers, and invoices; processing time limits; dispute resolution; agency or judicial branch compliance.
    215.44 Board of Administration; powers and duties in relation to investment of trust funds.
    215.50 Custody of securities purchased; income.
    215.551 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; county distribution.
    215.552 Federal Use of State Lands Trust Fund; land within military installations; county distribution.
    215.555 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    215.56005 Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation.
    215.5601 Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.
    215.58 Definitions relating to State Bond Act.
    215.62 Division of Bond Finance.
    215.684 Limitation on engaging services of securities broker or bond underwriter convicted of fraud.
    215.70 State Board of Administration to act in case of defaults.
    215.91 Florida Financial Management Information System; board; council.
    215.92 Definitions relating to Florida Financial Management Information System Act.
    215.93 Florida Financial Management Information System.
    215.94 Designation, duties, and responsibilities of functional owners.
    215.95 Financial Management Information Board.
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    215.965 Disbursement of state moneys.
    215.97 Florida Single Audit Act.
    216.0442 Truth in bonding; definitions; summary of state debt; statement of proposed financing; truth-in-bonding statement.
    216.102 Filing of financial information; handling by Comptroller; penalty for noncompliance.
    216.141 Budget system procedures; planning and programming by state agencies.
    216.177 Appropriations acts, statement of intent, violation, notice, review and objection procedures.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.183 Entities using performance-based program budgets; chart of accounts.
    216.192 Release of appropriations; revision of budgets.
    216.212 Budgets for federal funds; restrictions on expenditure of federal funds.
    216.221 Appropriations as maximum appropriations; adjustment of budgets to avoid or eliminate deficits.
    216.235 Innovation Investment Program; intent; definitions; composition and responsibilities of State Innovation Committee; responsibilities of the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development and the review board; procedures for innovative project submission, review, evaluation, and approval; criteria to be considered.
    216.237 Availability of any remaining funds; agency maintenance of accounting records.
    216.251 Salary appropriations; limitations.
    216.271 Revolving funds.
    216.275 Clearing accounts.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    216.301 Appropriations; undisbursed balances.
    217.07 Transfer of surplus property assets to department.
    218.06 Transfer of funds by county commissioners with relation to public works grants.
    218.23 Revenue sharing with units of local government.
    218.31 Definitions.
    218.321 Annual financial statements; local governmental entities.
    218.325 Uniform chart of accounts and financial reporting for court and justice system costs and revenues.
    220.62 Definitions.
    220.723 Overpayments; interest.
    228.2001 Discrimination against students and employees in state system of public education; prohibitions; equality of access; strategies to overcome underrepresentation; remedies.
    229.0535 Authority to enforce school improvement.
    229.0537 Opportunity Scholarship Program.
    229.05371 The John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program.
    229.111 Gifts to state public education system or school fund.
    229.781 Records; preservation; destruction.
    231.261 Education Practices Commission; organization.
    231.30 Certification fees.
    231.545 Education Standards Commission; organization.
    233.063 Instruction in operation of motor vehicles.
    233.07 State instructional materials committees.
    233.15 Deposit by publisher or manufacturer of instructional materials must accompany bid.
    233.16 Powers and duties of the Commissioner of Education and the Department of Education in selecting and adopting instructional materials.
    233.255 Production and dissemination of educational materials and products by department.
    236.43 Receiving bids and sale of bonds.
    236.601 Board of Administration to act as fiscal agent in issuance and sale of motor vehicle anticipation certificates.
    237.121 Penalty.
    237.181 School funds to be paid to Treasurer or into depository.
    237.211 School depositories; payments into and withdrawals from depositories.
    238.11 Collection of contributions.
    238.15 Exemption of funds from taxation, execution, and assignment.
    238.172 Proof required.
    238.173 Monthly allowance to widows or widowers of pensioners.
    240.551 Florida Prepaid College Program.
    242.331 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees.
    242.341 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; board of trustees; management flexibility.
    245.13 Fees; authority to accept additional funds; annual audit.
    250.22 Retirement.
    250.24 Pay and expenses; appropriation; procedures.
    250.25 Governor and Comptroller authorized to borrow money.
    250.26 Transfer of funds.
    250.34 Injury or death in active service.
    252.62 Comptroller's powers in a state of emergency.
    252.87 Supplemental state reporting requirements.
    253.02 Board of trustees; powers and duties.
    253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than preservation, conservation, and recreation.
    255.03 Proceeds of insurance to be paid into State Treasury; disbursement of funds.
    255.052 Substitution of securities for amounts retained on public contracts.
    255.258 Shared savings financing of energy conservation in state-owned buildings.
    255.503 Powers of the Department of Management Services.
    255.521 Failure of payment.
    257.22 Division of Library and Information Services; allocation of funds.
    258.014 Fees for use of state parks.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    259.041 Acquisition of state-owned lands for preservation, conservation, and recreation purposes.
    265.53 Application for indemnity agreement.
    265.55 Claims.
    267.075 The Grove Advisory Council; creation; membership; purposes.
    272.18 Governor's Mansion Commission.
    280.02 Definitions.
    280.04 Collateral for public deposits; general provisions.
    280.041 Collateral arrangements; agreements, provisions, and triggering events.
    280.05 Powers and duties of the Treasurer.
    280.051 Grounds for suspension or disqualification of a qualified public depository.
    280.052 Order of suspension or disqualification; procedure.
    280.053 Period of suspension or disqualification; obligations during period; reinstatement.
    280.054 Administrative penalty in lieu of suspension or disqualification.
    280.055 Cease and desist order; corrective order; administrative penalty.
    280.06 Penalty for violation of law, rule, or order to cease and desist or other lawful order.
    280.07 Mutual responsibility and contingent liability.
    280.071 Qualified Public Depository Oversight Board; purpose; identifying representative qualified public depositories; member selection; responsibilities.
    280.08 Procedure for payment of losses.
    280.085 Notice to claimants.
    280.09 Public Deposits Trust Fund.
    280.10 Effect of merger, acquisition, or consolidation; change of name or address.
    280.11 Withdrawal from public deposits program; return of pledged collateral.
    280.13 Eligible collateral.
    280.16 Requirements of qualified public depositories; confidentiality.
    280.17 Requirements for public depositors; notice to public depositors and governmental units; loss of protection.
    280.18 Protection of public depositors; liability of the state.
    280.19 Rules.
    282.1095 State agency law enforcement radio system.
    284.02 Payment of premiums by each agency; handling of funds; payment of losses and expenses.
    284.04 Notice and information required by Department of Insurance of all newly erected or acquired state property subject to insurance.
    284.05 Inspection of insured state property.
    284.06 Annual report to Governor.
    284.08 Reinsurance on excess coverage and approval by Department of Management Services.
    284.14 State Risk Management Trust Fund; leasehold interest.
    284.17 Rules.
    284.30 State Risk Management Trust Fund; coverages to be provided.
    284.31 Scope and types of coverages; separate accounts.
    284.32 Department of Insurance to implement and consolidate.
    284.33 Purchase of insurance, reinsurance, and services.
    284.34 Professional medical liability of the Board of Regents and nuclear energy liability excluded.
    284.35 Administrative personnel; expenses to be paid from fund.
    284.37 Premium and investment accruals used for fund purposes.
    284.385 Reporting and handling of claims.
    284.39 Promulgation of rules.
    284.40 Division of Risk Management.
    284.41 Transfer of personnel and funds to the Division of Risk Management.
    284.42 Reports on state insurance program.
    284.44 Salary indemnification costs of state agencies.
    284.50 Loss prevention program; safety coordinators; Interagency Advisory Council on Loss Prevention; employee recognition program.
    287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.
    287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services.
    287.058 Contract document.
    287.063 Deferred-payment commodity contracts; preaudit review.
    287.064 Consolidated financing of deferred-payment purchases.
    287.09451 Office of Supplier Diversity; powers, duties, and functions.
    287.115 Comptroller; annual report.
    287.131 Assistance of Department of Insurance.
    287.175 Penalties.
    288.1045 Qualified defense contractor tax refund program.
    288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry businesses.
    288.109 One-Stop Permitting System.
    288.1253 Travel and entertainment expenses.
    288.709 Powers of the Florida Black Business Investment Board.
    288.712 Florida guarantor funds.
    288.776 Board of directors; powers and duties.
    288.778 Department of Banking and Finance.
    288.99 Certified Capital Company Act.
    289.051 Membership of financial institutions; loans to corporation, limitations.
    289.081 Amendments to articles of incorporation.
    289.121 Periodic examinations; reports.
    292.085 Department of Veterans' Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    313.02 Bond.
    314.02 Bond.
    316.3025 Penalties.
    316.545 Weight and load unlawful; special fuel and motor fuel tax enforcement; inspection; penalty; review.
    320.02 Registration required; application for registration; forms.
    320.081 Collection and distribution of annual license tax imposed on the following type units.
    320.20 Disposition of license tax moneys.
    320.71 Nonresident motor vehicle, mobile home, or recreational vehicle dealer's license.
    320.781 Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Protection Trust Fund.
    322.21 License fees; procedure for handling and collecting fees.
    324.032 Manner of proving financial responsibility; for-hire passenger transportation vehicles.
    324.171 Self-insurer.
    326.006 Powers and duties of division.
    331.303 Definitions.
    331.309 Treasurer; depositories; fiscal agent.
    331.3101 Spaceport Florida Authority; travel and entertainment expenses.
    331.348 Investment of funds.
    331.419 Reports and audits.
    336.022 County transportation trust fund; controls and administrative remedies.
    337.25 Acquisition, lease, and disposal of real and personal property.
    339.035 Expenditures.
    339.081 Department trust funds.
    344.17 Depositories and investments.
    350.06 Place of meeting; expenditures; employment of personnel; records availability and fees.
    354.03 Bond.
    365.173 Wireless Emergency Telephone System Fund.
    370.06 Licenses.
    370.16 Noncultured shellfish harvesting.
    370.19 Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    370.20 Gulf States Marine Fisheries Compact; implementing legislation.
    373.503 Manner of taxation.
    373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund.
    373.6065 Adoption benefits for water management district employees.
    374.983 Governing body.
    374.986 Taxing authority.
    376.11 Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.123 Claims against the Florida Coastal Protection Trust Fund.
    376.307 Water Quality Assurance Trust Fund.
    376.3071 Inland Protection Trust Fund; creation; purposes; funding.
    376.3072 Florida Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance Program.
    376.3075 Inland Protection Financing Corporation.
    376.3078 Drycleaning facility restoration; funds; uses; liability; recovery of expenditures.
    376.3079 Third-party liability insurance.
    376.40 Petroleum exploration and production; purposes; funding.
    377.23 Monthly reports to division.
    377.2425 Manner of providing security for geophysical exploration, drilling, and production.
    377.705 Solar Energy Center; development of solar energy standards.
    378.035 Department responsibilities and duties with respect to Nonmandatory Land Reclamation Trust Fund.
    378.037 Comptroller; responsibilities and duties with respect to reimbursement of reclamation costs.
    378.208 Financial responsibility.
    381.765 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    381.90 Health Information Systems Council; legislative intent; creation, appointment, duties.
    388.201 District budgets; hearing.
    388.301 Payment of state funds; supplies and services.
    391.025 Applicability and scope.
    391.221 Statewide Children's Medical Services Network Advisory Council.
    392.69 Appropriation, sinking, and maintenance trust funds; additional powers of the department.
    393.002 Transfer of Florida Developmental Disabilities Council as formerly created in this chapter to private nonprofit corporation.
    393.075 General liability coverage.
    394.482 Payment of financial obligations imposed by compact.
    400.0238 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.063 Resident Protection Trust Fund.
    400.071 Application for license.
    400.4174 Background screening; exemptions.
    400.4298 Punitive damages; limitation.
    400.471 Application for license; fee; provisional license; temporary permit.
    400.962 License required; license application.
    401.245 Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
    401.25 Licensure as a basic life support or an advanced life support service.
    402.04 Award of scholarships and stipends; disbursement of funds; administration.
    402.17 Claims for care and maintenance; trust property.
    402.33 Department authority to charge fees for services provided.
    403.1835 Water pollution control financial assistance.
    403.1837 Florida Water Pollution Control Financing Corporation.
    403.706 Local government solid waste responsibilities.
    403.724 Financial responsibility.
    403.8532 Drinking water state revolving loan fund; use; rules.
    404.111 Surety requirements.
    408.040 Conditions and monitoring.
    408.05 State Center for Health Statistics.
    408.08 Inspections and audits; violations; penalties; fines; enforcement.
    408.18 Health Care Community Antitrust Guidance Act; antitrust no-action letter; market-information collection and education.
    408.50 Prospective payment arrangements.
    408.7056 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Program.
    408.902 MedAccess program; creation; program title.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies.
    409.25658 Use of unclaimed property for past due support.
    409.2673 Shared county and state health care program for low-income persons.
    409.8132 Medikids program component.
    409.817 Approval of health benefits coverage; financial assistance.
    409.818 Administration.
    409.910 Responsibility for payments on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons when other parties are liable.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    409.9124 Managed care reimbursement.
    409.915 County contributions to Medicaid.
    411.01 Florida Partnership for School Readiness; school readiness coalitions.
    413.32 Retention of title to and disposal of equipment.
    414.27 Temporary cash assistance; payment on death.
    414.28 Public assistance payments to constitute debt of recipient.
    420.0005 State Housing Trust Fund; State Housing Fund.
    420.0006 Authority to contract with corporation; contract requirements; nonperformance.
    420.101 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; creation, membership, and purposes.
    420.123 Stockholders; loan requirement.
    420.131 Articles of incorporation; method of amending.
    420.141 Housing Development Corporation of Florida; deposits and examination.
    420.5092 Florida Affordable Housing Guarantee Program.
    430.42 Department of Elderly Affairs Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    430.703 Definitions.
    440.103 Building permits; identification of minimum premium policy.
    440.105 Prohibited activities; reports; penalties; limitations.
    440.1051 Fraud reports; civil immunity; criminal penalties.
    440.106 Civil remedies; administrative penalties.
    440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for violations; limitations.
    440.134 Workers' compensation managed care arrangement.
    440.135 Pilot programs for medical and remedial care in workers' compensation.
    440.20 Time for payment of compensation; penalties for late payment.
    440.24 Enforcement of compensation orders; penalties.
    440.38 Security for compensation; insurance carriers and self-insurers.
    440.381 Application for coverage; reporting payroll; payroll audit procedures; penalties.
    440.385 Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Incorporated.
    440.44 Workers' compensation; staff organization.
    440.4416 Workers' Compensation Oversight Board.
    440.49 Limitation of liability for subsequent injury through Special Disability Trust Fund.
    440.50 Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund.
    440.51 Expenses of administration.
    440.515 Reports from self-insurers; confidentiality.
    440.52 Registration of insurance carriers; notice of cancellation or expiration of policy; suspension or revocation of authority.
    443.131 Contributions.
    443.191 Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund; establishment and control.
    443.211 Employment Security Administration Trust Fund; appropriation; reimbursement.
    447.12 Fees for registration.
    450.155 Child Labor Law Trust Fund.
    456.047 Standardized credentialing for health care practitioners.
    468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    473.3065 Certified Public Accountant Education Minority Assistance Program; advisory council.
    475.045 Florida Real Estate Commission Education and Research Foundation.
    475.484 Payment from the fund.
    475.485 Investment of the fund.
    489.144 Investment of the fund.
    489.145 Guaranteed energy performance savings contracting.
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings.
    494.001 Definitions.
    494.0011 Powers and duties of the department.
    494.0017 Mortgage Brokerage Guaranty Fund.
    497.005 Definitions.
    497.101 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership; appointment; terms.
    497.105 Department of Banking and Finance; powers and duties.
    497.107 Headquarters.
    497.109 Board of Funeral and Cemetery Services; membership.
    497.115 Board rules; final agency action; challenges.
    497.117 Legal and investigative services.
    497.131 Disciplinary proceedings.
    497.201 Cemetery companies; license; application; fee.
    497.253 Minimum acreage; sale or disposition of cemetery lands.
    497.313 Other charges.
    497.403 Insurance business not authorized.
    497.407 Certificate of authority; annual statement; renewal; transfer.
    497.435 Administrative fine in lieu of revocation or suspension of certificate of authority.
    497.525 Disposition of fees and penalties.
    498.025 Exemptions.
    498.049 Suspension; revocation; civil penalties.
    499.057 Expenses and salaries.
    501.212 Application.
    509.215 Firesafety.
    513.055 Revocation or suspension of permit; fines; procedure.
    516.01 Definitions.
    516.03 Application for license; fees; etc.
    516.35 Credit insurance must comply with credit insurance act.
    517.021 Definitions.
    517.03 Rulemaking; immunity for acts in conformity with rules.
    517.061 Exempt transactions.
    517.075 Cuba, prospectus disclosure of doing business with, required.
    517.1204 Investment Fraud Restoration Financing Corporation.
    517.1205 Registration of associated persons specific as to securities dealer, investment adviser, or federal covered adviser identified at time of registration approval.
    517.131 Securities Guaranty Fund.
    517.141 Payment from the fund.
    517.151 Investments of the fund.
    518.115 Power of fiduciary or custodian to deposit securities in a central depository.
    518.116 Power of certain fiduciaries and custodians to deposit United States Government and agency securities with a Federal Reserve bank.
    519.101 Florida equity exchange feasibility study; structure, operation, and regulation.
    520.02 Definitions.
    520.07 Requirements and prohibitions as to retail installment contracts.
    520.31 Definitions.
    520.34 Retail installment contracts.
    520.61 Definitions.
    520.76 Insurance provisions, procurement, rates.
    520.998 Regulatory Trust Fund.
    526.141 Self-service gasoline stations; attendants; regulations.
    537.003 Definitions.
    537.004 License required; license fees.
    537.011 Title loan charges.
    548.066 Ticket refunds.
    548.077 Florida State Boxing Commission; collection and disposition of moneys.
    550.0251 The powers and duties of the Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    550.054 Application for permit to conduct pari-mutuel wagering.
    550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes.
    550.125 Uniform reporting system; bond requirement.
    550.135 Division of moneys derived under this law.
    550.1645 Escheat to state of abandoned interest in or contribution to pari-mutuel pools.
    552.081 Definitions.
    552.161 Administrative fines.
    552.21 Confiscation and disposal of explosives.
    552.26 Administration of chapter; personnel; fees to be deposited in Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    553.72 Intent.
    553.73 Florida Building Code.
    553.74 Florida Building Commission.
    553.79 Permits; applications; issuance; inspections.
    554.1021 Definitions.
    554.105 Chief inspector.
    554.111 Fees.
    559.10 Definition; "budget planning."
    559.543 Definitions.
    559.545 Registration of commercial collection agencies; procedure.
    559.55 Definitions.
    559.555 Registration of consumer collection agencies; procedure.
    559.725 Consumer complaints; administrative duties.
    559.730 Administrative remedies.
    559.928 Registration.
    560.102 Purpose; application.
    560.103 Definitions.
    560.119 Deposit of fees and assessments.
    560.4041 Database for deferred presentment providers; public-records exemption.
    560.408 Legislative intent; report.
    561.051 Reporting requirements of director.
    562.44 Donation of forfeited beverages or raw materials to state institutions; sale of forfeited beverages.
    567.08 Refund of unused portion of state license tax.
    569.205 Department of Business and Professional Regulation Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund.
    570.13 Salary of commissioner, officers, and employees; expenses.
    570.195 Tobacco farmers; assistance.
    570.20 General Inspection Trust Fund.
    574.03 Warehouseman; licenses and fees.
    589.06 Warrants for payment of accounts.
    597.010 Shellfish regulation; leases.
    601.10 Powers of the Department of Citrus.
    601.15 Advertising campaign; methods of conducting; excise tax; emergency reserve fund; citrus research.
    601.28 Inspection fees.
    607.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    607.14401 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    609.05 Qualification with Department of Banking and Finance.
    617.0501 Registered office and registered agent.
    617.1440 Deposit with Department of Banking and Finance.
    624.05 "Department" defined.
    624.155 Civil remedy.
    624.305 Prohibited interests, rewards.
    624.307 General powers; duties.
    624.310 Enforcement; cease and desist orders; removal of certain persons; fines.
    624.314 Publications; Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.319 Examination and investigation reports.
    624.320 Examination expenses.
    624.321 Witnesses and evidence.
    624.322 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    624.33 Jurisdiction regarding health or life coverage.
    624.404 General eligibility of insurers for certificate of authority.
    624.4071 Special purpose homeowner insurance company.
    624.4085 Risk-based capital requirements for insurers.
    624.40851 Confidentiality of risk-based capital information.
    624.422 Service of process; appointment of Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    624.423 Serving process.
    624.442 Annual reports; actuarial certification; quarterly reports; penalties.
    624.4435 Assets of insurers; reporting requirements.
    624.484 Registration of agent.
    624.5015 Advance collection of fees and taxes; title insurers not to pay without reimbursement.
    624.502 Service of process fee.
    624.506 County tax; deposit and remittance.
    624.5091 Retaliatory provision, insurers.
    624.5092 Administration of taxes; payments.
    624.516 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment and surcharge; deposit and use of funds.
    624.517 State Fire Marshal regulatory assessment; reduction of assessment.
    624.519 Nonpayment of premium tax or fire marshal assessment; penalty.
    624.521 Deposit of certain tax receipts; refund of improper payments.
    624.523 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    624.610 Reinsurance.
    624.87 Administrative supervision; expenses.
    624.91 The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Act.
    625.161 Valuation of property.
    625.317 Corporate bonds and debentures.
    625.52 Securities eligible for deposit.
    625.53 Depository.
    625.83 Failure to file reporting forms.
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.592 Primary agents.
    626.742 Nonresident agents; service of process.
    626.7492 Reinsurance intermediaries.
    626.8427 Number of applications for licensure required; exemption; effect of expiration of license.
    626.8463 Witnesses and evidence.
    626.8467 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution.
    626.847 Penalty for refusal to testify.
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process.
    626.906 Acts constituting Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer as process agent.
    626.907 Service of process; judgment by default.
    626.912 Exemptions from ss. 626.904-626.911.
    626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.
    626.931 Agent affidavit and insurer reporting requirements.
    626.932 Surplus lines tax.
    626.936 Failure to file reports or pay tax or service fee; administrative penalty.
    626.9361 Failure to file report; administrative penalty.
    626.937 Actions against insurer; service of process.
    626.938 Report and tax of independently procured coverages.
    626.9511 Definitions.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9543 Holocaust victims.
    626.989 Investigation by department or Division of Insurance Fraud; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest.
    626.9892 Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of insurance fraud.
    626.9911 Definitions.
    626.9912 Viatical settlement provider license required; application for license.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    627.0613 Consumer advocate.
    627.0628 Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.
    627.0651 Making and use of rates for motor vehicle insurance.
    627.0915 Rate filings; workers' compensation, drug-free workplace, and safe employers.
    627.0916 Agricultural horse farms.
    627.092 Workers' Compensation Administrator.
    627.096 Workers' Compensation Rating Bureau.
    627.221 Rating organizations; licensing; fee.
    627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.
    627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.
    627.413 Contents of policies, in general; identification.
    627.4236 Coverage for bone marrow transplant procedures.
    627.6472 Exclusive provider organizations.
    627.6482 Definitions.
    627.6488 Florida Comprehensive Health Association.
    627.6675 Conversion on termination of eligibility.
    627.7012 Pools of insurance adjusters.
    627.7015 Alternative procedure for resolution of disputed property insurance claims.
    627.727 Motor vehicle insurance; uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage; insolvent insurer protection.
    627.728 Cancellations; nonrenewals.
    627.736 Required personal injury protection benefits; exclusions; priority; claims.
    627.849 Fees.
    627.912 Professional liability claims and actions; reports by insurers.
    627.9122 Officers' and directors' liability claims; reports by insurers.
    627.919 Maintenance of insurance data.
    627.944 Risk retention groups not certificated in this state.
    627.948 Notice and registration requirements of purchasing groups.
    628.461 Acquisition of controlling stock.
    628.4615 Specialty insurers; acquisition of controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control; merger or consolidation.
    629.401 Insurance exchange.
    631.001 Title, construction, and purpose.
    631.221 Deposit of moneys collected.
    631.392 Immunity.
    631.54 Definitions.
    631.57 Powers and duties of the association.
    631.59 Duties and powers of Department of Insurance.
    631.714 Definitions.
    631.72 Premium or income tax credits for assessments paid.
    631.723 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.813 Application of part.
    631.814 Definitions.
    631.904 Definitions.
    631.911 Creation of the Florida Workers' Compensation Insurance Guaranty Association, Incorporated; merger; effect of merger.
    631.912 Board of directors.
    631.917 Prevention of insolvencies.
    631.931 Reports and recommendations by board; public records exemption.
    632.628 Reports.
    633.01 State Fire Marshal; powers and duties; rules.
    633.022 Uniform firesafety standards.
    633.025 Minimum firesafety standards.
    633.052 Ordinances relating to firesafety; definitions; penalties.
    633.061 License or permit required of organizations and individuals servicing, recharging, repairing, testing, marking, inspecting, installing, or hydrotesting fire extinguishers and preengineered systems.
    633.081 Inspection of buildings and equipment; orders; firesafety inspection training requirements; certification; disciplinary action.
    633.111 State Fire Marshal to keep records of fires; reports of agents.
    633.161 Cease and desist orders; orders to correct hazardous conditions; orders to vacate; violation; penalties.
    633.162 Disciplinary action; fire extinguisher or preengineered systems; grounds for denial, nonrenewal, suspension, or revocation of license or permit.
    633.30 Standards for firefighting; definitions.
    633.31 Firefighters Standards and Training Council.
    633.353 Falsification of qualifications.
    633.382 Firefighters; supplemental compensation.
    633.43 Florida State Fire College established.
    633.445 State Fire Marshal Scholarship Grant Program.
    633.45 Division of State Fire Marshal; powers, duties.
    633.46 Fees.
    633.461 Insurance Commissioner's Regulatory Trust Fund.
    633.47 Procedure for making expenditures.
    633.50 Division powers and duties; Florida State Fire College.
    633.524 Certificate fees; use and deposit of collected funds.
    634.011 Definitions.
    634.137 Financial and statistical reporting requirements.
    634.151 Service of process; appointment of commissioner as process agent.
    634.161 Service of process; method.
    634.221 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.301 Definitions.
    634.313 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports.
    634.324 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.327 Applicability to warranty on new home.
    634.3284 Civil remedy.
    634.401 Definitions.
    634.415 Tax on premiums; annual statement; reports; quarterly statements.
    634.416 Examination of associations.
    634.427 Disposition of taxes and fees.
    634.433 Civil remedy.
    635.011 Definitions.
    635.041 Contingency reserve.
    636.003 Definitions.
    636.043 Annual, quarterly, and miscellaneous reports.
    636.047 Officers' and employees' fidelity bond.
    636.052 Civil remedy.
    641.185 Health maintenance organization subscriber protections.
    641.19 Definitions.
    641.23 Revocation or cancellation of certificate of authority; suspension of enrollment of new subscribers; terms of suspension.
    641.26 Annual report.
    641.28 Civil remedy.
    641.39001 Soliciting or accepting new or renewal health maintenance contracts by insolvent or impaired health maintenance organization prohibited; penalty.
    641.402 Definitions.
    641.403 Rulemaking authority.
    641.412 Fees.
    641.454 Civil action to enforce prepaid health clinic contract; attorney's fees; court costs.
    641.455 Disposition of moneys collected under this part.
    641.48 Purpose and application of part.
    641.49 Certification of health maintenance organization and prepaid health clinic as health care providers; application procedure.
    641.511 Subscriber grievance reporting and resolution requirements.
    641.52 Revocation of certificate; suspension of new enrollment; suspension of the health care provider certificate; administrative fine; notice of action to the Department of Insurance; penalty for use of unlicensed providers.
    641.55 Internal risk management program.
    641.58 Regulatory assessment; levy and amount; use of funds; tax returns; penalty for failure to pay.
    642.015 Definitions.
    642.0475 Civil remedy.
    648.25 Definitions.
    648.26 Department of Insurance; administration.
    648.34 Bail bond agents; qualifications.
    648.355 Temporary limited license as limited surety agent or professional bail bond agent; pending examination.
    648.37 Runners; qualifications.
    648.386 Qualifications for prelicensing and continuing education schools and instructors.
    648.442 Collateral security.
    650.06 Social Security Contribution Trust Fund.
    651.011 Definitions.
    651.015 Administration; forms; fees; rules; fines.
    651.0235 Validity of provisional certificates of authority and certificates of authority.
    651.035 Minimum liquid reserve requirements.
    651.121 Advisory council.
    651.125 Criminal penalties; injunctive relief.
    655.001 Purpose; application.
    655.005 Definitions.
    655.057 Records; limited restrictions upon public access.
    655.90 Closing during emergencies and other special days.
    657.002 Definitions.
    657.067 Conversion from federal to state charter; requirements for application approval.
    657.253 Definitions.
    658.23 Submission of articles of incorporation; contents; form; approval; filing; commencement of corporate existence; bylaws.
    658.295 Interstate banking.
    658.83 Liquidator; powers and duties.
    660.27 Deposit of securities with Treasurer.
    660.28 Exemption from bond and other security as fiduciary.
    687.13 International transactions.
    687.14 Definitions.
    697.202 Definitions of terms used in ss. 697.20-697.206.
    697.205 Recoveries from the trust fund.
    697.206 Department of Insurance; powers and duties.
    713.596 Molder's liens.
    716.02 Escheat of funds in the possession of federal agencies.
    716.03 Department to institute proceedings to recover escheated property.
    716.04 Jurisdiction.
    716.05 Money recovered to be paid into State Treasury.
    716.06 Public records.
    716.07 Recovery of escheated property by claimant.
    717.101 Definitions.
    717.135 Agreement to locate reported property.
    717.138 Rulemaking authority.
    718.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    719.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    723.006 Powers and duties of division.
    732.107 Escheat.
    733.816 Disposition of unclaimed property held by personal representatives.
    744.534 Disposition of unclaimed funds held by guardian.
    766.105 Florida Patient's Compensation Fund.
    766.1115 Health care providers; creation of agency relationship with governmental contractors.
    766.314 Assessments; plan of operation.
    766.315 Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association; board of directors.
    768.28 Waiver of sovereign immunity in tort actions; recovery limits; limitation on attorney fees; statute of limitations; exclusions; indemnification; risk management programs.
    790.001 Definitions.
    790.1612 Authorization for governmental manufacture, possession, and use of destructive devices.
    791.01 Definitions.
    791.015 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers of sparklers.
    817.16 False reports, etc., by officers of banks, trust companies, etc., under supervision of Department of Banking and Finance with intent to defraud.
    817.234 False and fraudulent insurance claims.
    839.06 Collectors not to deal in warrants, etc.; removal.
    849.086 Cardrooms authorized.
    849.33 Judgment and collection of money; execution.
    860.154 Florida Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Authority.
    860.157 Powers and duties of the authority.
    896.102 Currency more than
    903.101 Sureties; licensed persons; to have equal access.
    903.27 Forfeiture to judgment.
    925.037 Reimbursement of counties for fees paid to appointed counsel; circuit conflict committees.
    932.7055 Disposition of liens and forfeited property.
    932.707 Penalty for noncompliance with reporting requirements.
    938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
    939.13 Power of Comptroller.
    943.031 Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council.
    943.032 Financial Crime Analysis Center and Financial Transaction Database.
    944.516 Money or other property received for personal use or benefit of inmate; deposit; disposition of unclaimed trust funds.
    946.33 Disbursements from fund.
    946.509 Insurance of property leased or acquired by the corporation.
    946.510 Insurance by Division of Risk Management.
    946.517 Corporation records.
    946.522 Prison Industries Trust Fund.
    946.525 Participation by the corporation in the state group health insurance and prescription drug programs.
    947.12 Members, employees, expenses.
    950.002 County work camps.
    957.04 Contract requirements.
    985.406 Juvenile justice training academies established; Juvenile Justice Standards and Training Commission created; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund created.
    985.409 Participation of certain programs in the State Risk Management Trust Fund.

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