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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 593: Homeowners' Assoc. & Condominiums

GENERAL BILL by General Government Appropriations ; Real Property & Probate ; Cantens ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Goodlette ; Greenstein

Homeowners' Assoc. & Condominiums; prohibits homeowners' associations from prohibiting display of U.S. flag; provides for determining percentage share of liability for common expenses & ownership for purposes of condominiums comprising multicondominium development; provides for governance of timeshare cooperative; provides for joint & several liability for payments of assessments & charges re timeshare unit, etc. Amends Chs. 718, 719, 721, 617.3075.

Effective Date: 06/15/2000
Last Action: 6/15/2000 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2000-302
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    12/8/1999 House • Prefiled
    1/14/2000 House • Referred to Real Property & Probate (CJC); General Government Appropriations (FRC)
    2/11/2000 House • On Committee agenda-- Real Property & Probate (CJC), 02/21/00, 1:15 pm, 24-H --Workshop-Not considered
    3/6/2000 House • On Committee agenda-- Real Property & Probate (CJC), 03/08/00, 10:00 am, 24-H
    3/7/2000 House • Introduced, referred to Real Property & Probate (CJC); General Government Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00041; On Committee agenda-- Real Property & Probate (CJC), 02/21/00, 1:15 pm, 24-H --Workshop-Not considered; On Committee agenda-- Real Property & Probate (CJC), 03/08/00, 10:00 am, 24-H --Temporarily deferred
    3/13/2000 House • On Committee agenda-- Real Property & Probate (CJC), 03/15/00, 1:10 pm, 24-H
    3/15/2000 House • Comm. Action: CS by Real Property & Probate (CJC); YEAS 8 NAYS 2 -HJ 00365
    3/29/2000 House • CS read first time on 03/29/00 -HJ 00358
    3/27/2000 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 113 -HJ 00365
    3/30/2000 House • Now in General Government Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00365
    4/7/2000 House • On Committee agenda-- General Government Appropriations (FRC), 04/11/00, 1:00 pm, 214-C
    4/11/2000 House • Comm. Action:-CS/CS by General Government Appropriations (FRC); YEAS 11 NAYS 0 -HJ 00552
    4/17/2000 House • CS read first time on 04/17/00 -HJ 00547
    4/14/2000 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 113 -HJ 00552; Placed on Calendar -HJ 00552
    4/25/2000 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read second time -HJ 00742
    5/1/2000 House • Read third time -HJ 01250; CS passed; YEAS 117 NAYS 1 -HJ 01251
    5/1/2000 Senate • In Messages; Received, referred to Regulated Industries; Judiciary -SJ 00729; Immediately withdrawn from Regulated Industries; Judiciary -SJ 00716; Substituted for CS/SB 908 -SJ 00717; Read second time -SJ 00717
    5/3/2000 Senate • Read third time -SJ 00918; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00919; CS passed as amended; YEAS 34 NAYS 0 -SJ 00928
    5/3/2000 House • In returning messages
    5/5/2000 House • Was taken up -HJ 01748; Concurred -HJ 01749; CS passed as amended; YEAS 118 NAYS 0 -HJ 01758; Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -HJ 01758
    6/2/2000 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    6/15/2000 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2000-302

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  • CS/CS/HB 593, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (3)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 908 (c1) Vacation & Timeshare Plans Webster Similar Last Action: 5/1/2000 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00628; House Bill substituted -SJ 00717; Laid on Table, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/HB 593 (Ch. 2000-302)
    H 1465 (e2) Condominium Associations Goodlette Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/HB 593 (Ch. 2000-302)
    S 1286 (c1) Condominium Associations Saunders Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/HB 593 (Ch. 2000-302)

    Citations - Statutes (62)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    617.3075 Prohibited clauses in homeowners' association documents.
    718.103 Definitions.
    718.104 Creation of condominiums; contents of declaration.
    718.106 Condominium parcels; appurtenances; possession and enjoyment.
    718.110 Amendment of declaration; correction of error or omission in declaration by circuit court.
    718.111 The association.
    718.112 Bylaws.
    718.113 Maintenance; limitation upon improvement; display of flag; hurricane shutters.
    718.115 Common expenses and common surplus.
    718.116 Assessments; liability; lien and priority; interest; collection.
    718.117 Termination.
    718.403 Phase condominiums.
    718.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    718.5019 Advisory council; membership; functions.
    718.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    719.103 Definitions.
    719.107 Common expenses; assessment.
    719.114 Separate taxation of cooperative parcels; survival of contractual provisions after tax sale.
    719.3026 Contracts for products and services; in writing; bids; exceptions.
    719.401 Leaseholds.
    719.503 Disclosure prior to sale.
    719.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    721.03 Scope of chapter.
    721.05 Definitions.
    721.06 Contracts for purchase of timeshare periods.
    721.065 Resale purchase agreements.
    721.07 Public offering statement.
    721.075 Incidental benefits.
    721.08 Escrow accounts; nondisturbance instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.09 Reservation agreements; escrows.
    721.10 Cancellation.
    721.11 Advertising materials; oral statements.
    721.111 Prize and gift promotional offers.
    721.12 Recordkeeping by seller.
    721.13 Management.
    721.14 Discharge of managing entity.
    721.15 Assessments for common expenses.
    721.16 Liens for overdue assessments; liens for labor performed on, or materials furnished to, a unit.
    721.165 Insurance.
    721.17 Transfer of interest.
    721.18 Exchange programs; filing of information and other materials; filing fees; unlawful acts in connection with an exchange program.
    721.19 Provisions requiring purchase or lease of timeshare property by owners' association or unit owners; validity.
    721.20 Licensing requirements; suspension or revocation of license; exceptions to applicability; collection of advance fees for listings unlawful.
    721.21 Purchasers' remedies.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    721.27 Annual fee for each timeshare period in plan.
    721.51 Legislative purpose; scope.
    721.52 Definitions.
    721.53 Subordination instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.55 Multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.551 Delivery of multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.552 Additions, substitutions, or deletions of component site accommodations or facilities; purchaser remedies for violations.
    721.553 Portrayal of proposed component sites.
    721.56 Management of multisite timeshare plans; reservation systems; demand balancing.
    721.81 Legislative purpose.
    721.82 Definitions.
    721.84 Appointment of a registered agent; duties.
    721.85 Service to notice address or on registered agent.
    721.86 Miscellaneous provisions.

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  • CS/CS/HB 593, Engrossed 1 Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Real Property & Probate (Post-Meeting) 7/26/2000 (pdf)

    Floor Votes (3)

    Date Chamber Result
    5/1/2000 2:15 PM House 117 Yeas - 1 Nays
    5/3/2000 11:19 AM Senate 34 Yeas - 0 Nays
    5/5/2000 11:34 AM House 118 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (62)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    617.3075 Prohibited clauses in homeowners' association documents.
    718.103 Definitions.
    718.104 Creation of condominiums; contents of declaration.
    718.106 Condominium parcels; appurtenances; possession and enjoyment.
    718.110 Amendment of declaration; correction of error or omission in declaration by circuit court.
    718.111 The association.
    718.112 Bylaws.
    718.113 Maintenance; limitation upon improvement; display of flag; hurricane shutters.
    718.115 Common expenses and common surplus.
    718.116 Assessments; liability; lien and priority; interest; collection.
    718.117 Termination.
    718.403 Phase condominiums.
    718.501 Powers and duties of Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.
    718.5019 Advisory council; membership; functions.
    718.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    719.103 Definitions.
    719.107 Common expenses; assessment.
    719.114 Separate taxation of cooperative parcels; survival of contractual provisions after tax sale.
    719.3026 Contracts for products and services; in writing; bids; exceptions.
    719.401 Leaseholds.
    719.503 Disclosure prior to sale.
    719.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    721.03 Scope of chapter.
    721.05 Definitions.
    721.06 Contracts for purchase of timeshare periods.
    721.065 Resale purchase agreements.
    721.07 Public offering statement.
    721.075 Incidental benefits.
    721.08 Escrow accounts; nondisturbance instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.09 Reservation agreements; escrows.
    721.10 Cancellation.
    721.11 Advertising materials; oral statements.
    721.111 Prize and gift promotional offers.
    721.12 Recordkeeping by seller.
    721.13 Management.
    721.14 Discharge of managing entity.
    721.15 Assessments for common expenses.
    721.16 Liens for overdue assessments; liens for labor performed on, or materials furnished to, a unit.
    721.165 Insurance.
    721.17 Transfer of interest.
    721.18 Exchange programs; filing of information and other materials; filing fees; unlawful acts in connection with an exchange program.
    721.19 Provisions requiring purchase or lease of timeshare property by owners' association or unit owners; validity.
    721.20 Licensing requirements; suspension or revocation of license; exceptions to applicability; collection of advance fees for listings unlawful.
    721.21 Purchasers' remedies.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    721.27 Annual fee for each timeshare period in plan.
    721.51 Legislative purpose; scope.
    721.52 Definitions.
    721.53 Subordination instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.55 Multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.551 Delivery of multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.552 Additions, substitutions, or deletions of component site accommodations or facilities; purchaser remedies for violations.
    721.553 Portrayal of proposed component sites.
    721.56 Management of multisite timeshare plans; reservation systems; demand balancing.
    721.81 Legislative purpose.
    721.82 Definitions.
    721.84 Appointment of a registered agent; duties.
    721.85 Service to notice address or on registered agent.
    721.86 Miscellaneous provisions.

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  • CS/CS/HB 593, Committee Substitute 2 Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   General Government Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 4/14/2000 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (4)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    242972 - Amendment
    Saunders 5/3/2000
    5:05 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 801550 - Amendment to Amendment (242972)
    Lee 5/3/2000
    5:30 AM
    Web Page
    781922 - Amendment
    Saunders 5/3/2000
    5:29 AM
    Web Page
    090316 - Amendment
    Saunders 5/4/2000
    2:50 AM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (54)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    718.103 Definitions.
    718.110 Amendment of declaration; correction of error or omission in declaration by circuit court.
    718.111 The association.
    718.112 Bylaws.
    718.113 Maintenance; limitation upon improvement; display of flag; hurricane shutters.
    718.116 Assessments; liability; lien and priority; interest; collection.
    718.403 Phase condominiums.
    718.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    719.103 Definitions.
    719.107 Common expenses; assessment.
    719.114 Separate taxation of cooperative parcels; survival of contractual provisions after tax sale.
    719.3026 Contracts for products and services; in writing; bids; exceptions.
    719.401 Leaseholds.
    719.503 Disclosure prior to sale.
    719.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    721.03 Scope of chapter.
    721.05 Definitions.
    721.06 Contracts for purchase of timeshare periods.
    721.065 Resale purchase agreements.
    721.07 Public offering statement.
    721.075 Incidental benefits.
    721.08 Escrow accounts; nondisturbance instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.09 Reservation agreements; escrows.
    721.10 Cancellation.
    721.11 Advertising materials; oral statements.
    721.111 Prize and gift promotional offers.
    721.12 Recordkeeping by seller.
    721.13 Management.
    721.14 Discharge of managing entity.
    721.15 Assessments for common expenses.
    721.16 Liens for overdue assessments; liens for labor performed on, or materials furnished to, a unit.
    721.165 Insurance.
    721.17 Transfer of interest.
    721.18 Exchange programs; filing of information and other materials; filing fees; unlawful acts in connection with an exchange program.
    721.19 Provisions requiring purchase or lease of timeshare property by owners' association or unit owners; validity.
    721.20 Licensing requirements; suspension or revocation of license; exceptions to applicability; collection of advance fees for listings unlawful.
    721.21 Purchasers' remedies.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    721.27 Annual fee for each timeshare period in plan.
    721.51 Legislative purpose; scope.
    721.52 Definitions.
    721.53 Subordination instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.55 Multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.551 Delivery of multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.552 Additions, substitutions, or deletions of component site accommodations or facilities; purchaser remedies for violations.
    721.553 Portrayal of proposed component sites.
    721.56 Management of multisite timeshare plans; reservation systems; demand balancing.
    721.81 Legislative purpose.
    721.82 Definitions.
    721.84 Appointment of a registered agent; duties.
    721.85 Service to notice address or on registered agent.
    721.86 Miscellaneous provisions.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • CS/HB 593, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   General Government Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 4/10/2000 (pdf)
    Real Property & Probate (Post-Meeting) 3/24/2000 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (54)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    718.103 Definitions.
    718.110 Amendment of declaration; correction of error or omission in declaration by circuit court.
    718.111 The association.
    718.112 Bylaws.
    718.113 Maintenance; limitation upon improvement; display of flag; hurricane shutters.
    718.116 Assessments; liability; lien and priority; interest; collection.
    718.403 Phase condominiums.
    718.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    719.103 Definitions.
    719.107 Common expenses; assessment.
    719.114 Separate taxation of cooperative parcels; survival of contractual provisions after tax sale.
    719.3026 Contracts for products and services; in writing; bids; exceptions.
    719.401 Leaseholds.
    719.503 Disclosure prior to sale.
    719.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    721.03 Scope of chapter.
    721.05 Definitions.
    721.06 Contracts for purchase of timeshare periods.
    721.065 Resale purchase agreements.
    721.07 Public offering statement.
    721.075 Incidental benefits.
    721.08 Escrow accounts; nondisturbance instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.09 Reservation agreements; escrows.
    721.10 Cancellation.
    721.11 Advertising materials; oral statements.
    721.111 Prize and gift promotional offers.
    721.12 Recordkeeping by seller.
    721.13 Management.
    721.14 Discharge of managing entity.
    721.15 Assessments for common expenses.
    721.16 Liens for overdue assessments; liens for labor performed on, or materials furnished to, a unit.
    721.165 Insurance.
    721.17 Transfer of interest.
    721.18 Exchange programs; filing of information and other materials; filing fees; unlawful acts in connection with an exchange program.
    721.19 Provisions requiring purchase or lease of timeshare property by owners' association or unit owners; validity.
    721.20 Licensing requirements; suspension or revocation of license; exceptions to applicability; collection of advance fees for listings unlawful.
    721.21 Purchasers' remedies.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    721.27 Annual fee for each timeshare period in plan.
    721.51 Legislative purpose; scope.
    721.52 Definitions.
    721.53 Subordination instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.55 Multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.551 Delivery of multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.552 Additions, substitutions, or deletions of component site accommodations or facilities; purchaser remedies for violations.
    721.553 Portrayal of proposed component sites.
    721.56 Management of multisite timeshare plans; reservation systems; demand balancing.
    721.81 Legislative purpose.
    721.82 Definitions.
    721.84 Appointment of a registered agent; duties.
    721.85 Service to notice address or on registered agent.
    721.86 Miscellaneous provisions.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • HB 593, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:14 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Real Property & Probate (Post-Meeting) 2/21/2000 (pdf)
    Real Property & Probate (Post-Meeting) 3/6/2000 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (50)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    718.103 Definitions.
    718.110 Amendment of declaration; correction of error or omission in declaration by circuit court.
    718.111 The association.
    718.112 Bylaws.
    718.113 Maintenance; limitation upon improvement; display of flag; hurricane shutters.
    718.116 Assessments; liability; lien and priority; interest; collection.
    718.403 Phase condominiums.
    718.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    719.103 Definitions.
    719.503 Disclosure prior to sale.
    719.504 Prospectus or offering circular.
    721.03 Scope of chapter.
    721.05 Definitions.
    721.06 Contracts for purchase of timeshare periods.
    721.065 Resale purchase agreements.
    721.07 Public offering statement.
    721.075 Incidental benefits.
    721.08 Escrow accounts; nondisturbance instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.09 Reservation agreements; escrows.
    721.10 Cancellation.
    721.11 Advertising materials; oral statements.
    721.111 Prize and gift promotional offers.
    721.12 Recordkeeping by seller.
    721.13 Management.
    721.14 Discharge of managing entity.
    721.15 Assessments for common expenses.
    721.16 Liens for overdue assessments; liens for labor performed on, or materials furnished to, a unit.
    721.165 Insurance.
    721.17 Transfer of interest.
    721.18 Exchange programs; filing of information and other materials; filing fees; unlawful acts in connection with an exchange program.
    721.19 Provisions requiring purchase or lease of timeshare property by owners' association or unit owners; validity.
    721.20 Licensing requirements; suspension or revocation of license; exceptions to applicability; collection of advance fees for listings unlawful.
    721.21 Purchasers' remedies.
    721.24 Firesafety.
    721.26 Regulation by division.
    721.27 Annual fee for each timeshare period in plan.
    721.51 Legislative purpose; scope.
    721.52 Definitions.
    721.53 Subordination instruments; alternate security arrangements.
    721.55 Multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.551 Delivery of multisite timeshare plan public offering statement.
    721.552 Additions, substitutions, or deletions of component site accommodations or facilities; purchaser remedies for violations.
    721.553 Portrayal of proposed component sites.
    721.56 Management of multisite timeshare plans; reservation systems; demand balancing.
    721.81 Legislative purpose.
    721.82 Definitions.
    721.84 Appointment of a registered agent; duties.
    721.85 Service to notice address or on registered agent.
    721.86 Miscellaneous provisions.

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