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The Florida Senate

HB 661: Florida Statutes

REVISER'S/GENERAL BILL by Rules, Ethics & Elections ; Goodlette

Florida Statutes; deletes provisions which have expired, have become obsolete, have had their effect, have served their purpose, or have been impliedly repealed or superseded; replaces incorrect cross-references & citations; corrects grammatical, typographical & like errors; removes inconsistencies, redundancies, & unnecessary repetition in statutes; improves clarity of statutes & facilitates their correct interpretation, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/03/2001
Last Action: 5/25/2001 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-61
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/22/2001 House • Prefiled
    3/1/2001 House • Placed on Calendar, on second reading
    3/6/2001 House • Introduced, placed on Calendar, on second reading -HJ 00055
    3/7/2001 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read second time -HJ 00128
    3/8/2001 House • Read third time -HJ 00146; Passed; YEAS 118 NAYS 0 -HJ 00146
    3/21/2001 Senate • In Messages
    3/23/2001 Senate • Received, referred to Rules and Calendar -SJ 00232
    4/20/2001 Senate • Withdrawn from Rules and Calendar -SJ 00433; Substituted for SB 278 -SJ 00433; Read second and third times -SJ 00433; Passed; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 00433
    4/25/2001 House • Ordered enrolled -HJ 00689
    5/14/2001 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    5/25/2001 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-61

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  • HB 661, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/27/2001 at 7:21 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 278 (e1) Florida Statutes Lee Identical Last Action: 4/20/2001 S House Bill substituted -SJ 00433; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 661 (Ch. 2001-61)

    Citations - Statutes (73)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    216.015 Capital facilities planning and budgeting process.
    216.177 Appropriations acts, statement of intent, violation, notice, review and objection procedures.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    216.348 Fixed capital outlay grants and aids appropriations to certain nonprofit entities.
    218.21 Definitions.
    228.056 Charter schools.
    228.082 The Florida On-Line High School.
    228.195 School food service programs.
    229.006 Education Governance Reorganization Transition Task Force.
    229.085 Custody of educational funds.
    229.57 Student assessment program.
    231.262 Complaints against teachers and administrators; procedure; penalties.
    231.600 School Community Professional Development Act.
    231.6215 Student Fellowship Program.
    232.50 Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy.
    233.0655 Patriotic programs; rules.
    233.068 Job-related vocational instruction.
    235.26 State Uniform Building Code for Public Educational Facilities Construction.
    236.1225 Gifted education exemplary program grants.
    236.25 District school tax.
    240.145 Postsecondary Education Planning Commission.
    240.2995 University health services support organizations.
    240.345 Financial support of community colleges.
    240.40208 Eligibility for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; transition.
    240.5285 Florida Atlantic University campuses.
    240.529 Public accountability and state approval for teacher preparation programs.
    240.711 Ringling Center for Cultural Arts.
    252.32 Policy and purpose.
    252.34 Definitions.
    252.35 Emergency management powers; Division of Emergency Management.
    252.36 Emergency management powers of the Governor.
    252.38 Emergency management powers of political subdivisions.
    252.46 Orders and rules.
    252.47 Enforcement.
    252.50 Penalties.
    252.52 Liberality of construction.
    253.115 Public notice and hearings.
    253.7829 Management plan for retention or disposition of former Cross Florida Barge Canal lands; authority to manage lands until disposition.
    255.101 Contracts for public construction works; utilization of minority business enterprises.
    255.102 Contractor utilization of minority business enterprises.
    255.25 Approval required prior to construction or lease of buildings.
    255.5535 Exemptions from asbestos survey requirements.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    259.037 Land Management Uniform Accounting Council.
    259.101 Florida Preservation 2000 Act.
    265.284 Chief cultural officer; director of division; powers and duties.
    267.171 St. Augustine; contract for preservation of historic properties.
    282.303 Definitions.
    283.33 Printing of publications; lowest bidder awards.
    285.18 Tribal council as governing body; powers and duties.
    287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.
    287.055 Acquisition of professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping services; definitions; procedures; contingent fees prohibited; penalties.
    287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services.
    287.0943 Certification of minority business enterprises.
    288.012 State of Florida foreign offices.
    288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry businesses.
    288.1066 Confidentiality of records.
    288.1167 Sports franchise contract provisions for food and beverage concession and contract awards to minority business enterprises.
    288.1169 International Game Fish Association World Center facility; department duties.
    288.1229 Promotion and development of sports-related industries and amateur athletics; direct-support organization; powers and duties.
    288.7771 Annual report of Florida Export Finance Corporation.
    290.0065 State designation of enterprise zones.
    290.007 State incentives available in enterprise zones.
    320.0848 Persons who have disabilities; issuance of disabled parking permits; temporary permits; permits for certain providers of transportation services to persons who have disabilities.
    320.20 Disposition of license tax moneys.
    320.27 Motor vehicle dealers.
    322.051 Identification cards.
    323.001 Wrecker operator storage facilities; vehicle holds.
    328.16 Issuance in duplicate; delivery; liens and encumbrances.
    331.304 Spaceport territory.
    348.7543 Improvements, bond financing authority for.

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  • HB 661, Original Filed Version Posted 2/24/2001 at 5:23 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Rules, Ethics & Elections (Post-Meeting) 2/22/2001 (pdf)

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    3/8/2001 6:25 PM House 118 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/20/2001 10:00 AM Senate 39 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (73)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    215.96 Coordinating council and design and coordination staff.
    216.015 Capital facilities planning and budgeting process.
    216.177 Appropriations acts, statement of intent, violation, notice, review and objection procedures.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    216.348 Fixed capital outlay grants and aids appropriations to certain nonprofit entities.
    218.21 Definitions.
    228.056 Charter schools.
    228.082 The Florida On-Line High School.
    228.195 School food service programs.
    229.006 Education Governance Reorganization Transition Task Force.
    229.085 Custody of educational funds.
    229.57 Student assessment program.
    231.262 Complaints against teachers and administrators; procedure; penalties.
    231.600 School Community Professional Development Act.
    231.6215 Student Fellowship Program.
    232.50 Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy.
    233.0655 Patriotic programs; rules.
    233.068 Job-related vocational instruction.
    235.26 State Uniform Building Code for Public Educational Facilities Construction.
    236.1225 Gifted education exemplary program grants.
    236.25 District school tax.
    240.145 Postsecondary Education Planning Commission.
    240.2995 University health services support organizations.
    240.345 Financial support of community colleges.
    240.40208 Eligibility for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program; transition.
    240.5285 Florida Atlantic University campuses.
    240.529 Public accountability and state approval for teacher preparation programs.
    240.711 Ringling Center for Cultural Arts.
    252.32 Policy and purpose.
    252.34 Definitions.
    252.35 Emergency management powers; Division of Emergency Management.
    252.36 Emergency management powers of the Governor.
    252.38 Emergency management powers of political subdivisions.
    252.46 Orders and rules.
    252.47 Enforcement.
    252.50 Penalties.
    252.52 Liberality of construction.
    253.115 Public notice and hearings.
    253.7829 Management plan for retention or disposition of former Cross Florida Barge Canal lands; authority to manage lands until disposition.
    255.101 Contracts for public construction works; utilization of minority business enterprises.
    255.102 Contractor utilization of minority business enterprises.
    255.25 Approval required prior to construction or lease of buildings.
    255.5535 Exemptions from asbestos survey requirements.
    259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund; purpose.
    259.037 Land Management Uniform Accounting Council.
    259.101 Florida Preservation 2000 Act.
    265.284 Chief cultural officer; director of division; powers and duties.
    267.171 St. Augustine; contract for preservation of historic properties.
    282.303 Definitions.
    283.33 Printing of publications; lowest bidder awards.
    285.18 Tribal council as governing body; powers and duties.
    287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.
    287.055 Acquisition of professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, or surveying and mapping services; definitions; procedures; contingent fees prohibited; penalties.
    287.057 Procurement of commodities or contractual services.
    287.0943 Certification of minority business enterprises.
    288.012 State of Florida foreign offices.
    288.106 Tax refund program for qualified target industry businesses.
    288.1066 Confidentiality of records.
    288.1167 Sports franchise contract provisions for food and beverage concession and contract awards to minority business enterprises.
    288.1169 International Game Fish Association World Center facility; department duties.
    288.1229 Promotion and development of sports-related industries and amateur athletics; direct-support organization; powers and duties.
    288.7771 Annual report of Florida Export Finance Corporation.
    290.0065 State designation of enterprise zones.
    290.007 State incentives available in enterprise zones.
    320.0848 Persons who have disabilities; issuance of disabled parking permits; temporary permits; permits for certain providers of transportation services to persons who have disabilities.
    320.20 Disposition of license tax moneys.
    320.27 Motor vehicle dealers.
    322.051 Identification cards.
    323.001 Wrecker operator storage facilities; vehicle holds.
    328.16 Issuance in duplicate; delivery; liens and encumbrances.
    331.304 Spaceport territory.
    348.7543 Improvements, bond financing authority for.

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