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The Florida Senate

HB 1381: Advertisement & Public Notice/Governmental Entity


Advertisement & Public Notice/Governmental Entity; Authorizes various governmental entities to publish or advertise legally required public notices & advertisements on publicly accessible website; defines "publicly accessible website"; provides conditions for utilization of publicly accessible website for such purposes; provides for optional receipt of legally required public notices & advertisements via first class mail, etc.

Effective Date: 10/01/2010
Last Action: 3/1/2010 House - Withdrawn prior to introduction -HJ 00124
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/26/2010 House • Filed
    3/1/2010 House • Withdrawn prior to introduction -HJ 00124

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  • HB 1381, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 2/26/2010 at 10:12 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (2)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 376 Required Advertisements and Public Notices [EPSC] Dean Identical Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Community Affairs
    H 1511 Effective Public Notices by Governmental Entities Workman Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 H Died in Committee on Military & Local Affairs Policy (EDCA)

    Citations - Statutes (91)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    30.50 Payment of salaries and expenses.
    50.011 Where and in what language legal notices to be published.
    50.021 Publication when no newspaper in county.
    50.051 Proof of publication; form of uniform affidavit.
    50.061 Amounts chargeable.
    100.342 Notice of special election or referendum.
    125.012 Project facilities; general powers and duties.
    125.35 County authorized to sell real and personal property and to lease real property.
    125.56 Enforcement and amendment of the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code; inspection fees; inspectors; etc.
    125.66 Ordinances; enactment procedure; emergency ordinances; rezoning or change of land use ordinances or resolutions.
    129.03 Preparation and adoption of budget.
    129.06 Execution and amendment of budget.
    138.12 Commissioners may expand county seat.
    153.53 Establishment of districts in unincorporated areas.
    153.55 Public hearing upon report of county commissioners and creation of district; findings of board of county commissioners.
    153.79 Contracts for construction of improvements, sealed bids.
    157.03 Commissioners to appoint committee; report of plans and estimate; letting contract; right-of-way for drains.
    157.21 Enlargement of drains; appointment of committee; report to commissioners; letting contract; contractor's bond; payments; assessment.
    157.28 Awarding contracts for repair; approval.
    159.32 Construction contracts.
    162.12 Notices.
    163.3164 Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; definitions.
    163.3184 Process for adoption of comprehensive plan or plan amendment.
    163.3187 Amendment of adopted comprehensive plan.
    163.3225 Public hearings.
    163.3246 Local government comprehensive planning certification program.
    163.32465 State review of local comprehensive plans in urban areas.
    163.346 Notice to taxing authorities.
    163.356 Creation of community redevelopment agency.
    163.360 Community redevelopment plans.
    163.361 Modification of community redevelopment plans.
    163.380 Disposal of property in community redevelopment area.
    163.387 Redevelopment trust fund.
    163.511 Special neighborhood improvement districts; creation; referendum; board of directors; duration; extension.
    163.514 Powers of neighborhood improvement districts.
    163.516 Safe neighborhood improvement plans.
    163.524 Neighborhood Preservation and Enhancement Program; participation; creation of Neighborhood Preservation and Enhancement Districts; creation of Neighborhood Councils and Neighborhood Enhancement Plans.
    165.041 Incorporation; merger.
    165.051 Dissolution procedures.
    166.041 Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions.
    166.0497 Alteration, amendment, or expansion of established downtown development district; procedures.
    170.05 Publication of resolution.
    170.07 Publication of preliminary assessment roll.
    171.0413 Annexation procedures.
    171.051 Contraction procedures.
    173.09 Judgment for complainant; special magistrate's sale; complainant may purchase and later sell.
    177.101 Vacation and annulment of plats subdividing land.
    180.09 Notice of resolution or ordinance authorizing issuance of certificates.
    180.24 Contracts for construction; bond; publication of notice; bids.
    189.4044 Special procedures for inactive districts.
    189.417 Meetings; notice; required reports.
    190.006 Board of supervisors; members and meetings.
    190.033 Bids required.
    191.005 District boards of commissioners; membership, officers, meetings.
    192.0105 Taxpayer rights.
    194.037 Disclosure of tax impact.
    197.3632 Uniform method for the levy, collection, and enforcement of non-ad valorem assessments.
    200.065 Method of fixing millage.
    200.068 Certification of compliance with this chapter.
    205.032 Levy; counties.
    205.042 Levy; municipalities.
    212.054 Discretionary sales surtax; limitations, administration, and collection.
    255.0525 Advertising for competitive bids or proposals.
    274.06 Alternative procedure.
    286.0105 Notices of meetings and hearings must advise that a record is required to appeal.
    288.975 Military base reuse plans.
    290.0057 Enterprise zone development plan.
    298.301 District water control plan adoption; district boundary modification; plan amendment; notice forms; objections; hearings; assessments.
    348.243 Purposes and powers.
    348.83 Purposes and powers.
    348.943 Purposes and powers.
    348.953 Purposes and powers.
    348.968 Purposes and powers.
    350.81 Communications services offered by governmental entities.
    373.4592 Everglades improvement and management.
    373.45924 South Florida Water Management District; Everglades truth in borrowing.
    373.536 District budget and hearing thereon.
    376.80 Brownfield program administration process.
    379.2425 Spearfishing; definition; limitations; penalty.
    380.06 Developments of regional impact.
    403.973 Expedited permitting; comprehensive plan amendments.
    420.5095 Community Workforce Housing Innovation Pilot Program.
    420.9075 Local housing assistance plans; partnerships.
    553.73 Florida Building Code.
    633.025 Minimum firesafety standards.
    705.103 Procedure for abandoned or lost property.
    705.104 Title to lost or abandoned property.
    715.109 Sale or disposition of abandoned property.
    717.119 Payment or delivery of unclaimed property.
    1013.30 University campus master plans and campus development agreements.

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