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The Florida Senate

SB 994: Florida Statutes

REVISER'S BILL by Thrasher

Florida Statutes; Amending and repealing provisions to conform to the directive of the Legislature in section 9 of chapter 2012-116, Laws of Florida, to prepare a reviser’s bill to omit all statutes and laws, or parts thereof, which grant duplicative, redundant, or unused rulemaking authority; amending provisions to conform to the changes made in this act, etc.

Effective Date: 7/2/2013
Last Action: 4/11/2013 - Chapter No. 2013-18
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Rules (RC)

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/19/2013 Senate • Filed
    2/22/2013 Senate • Referred to Rules -SJ 71
    3/1/2013 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Rules, 03/06/13, 4:30 pm, 110 Senate Office Building
    3/5/2013 Senate • Introduced -SJ 71
    3/6/2013 Senate • Favorable by- Rules; YEAS 14 NAYS 0 -SJ 156
    3/7/2013 Senate • Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 156
    • Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/12/13
    3/12/2013 Senate • Read 2nd time -SJ 192
    • Read 3rd time -SJ 192
    • Passed; YEAS 39 NAYS 0 -SJ 192
    • Immediately certified -SJ 194
    3/12/2013 House • In Messages
    3/18/2013 House • Referred to Calendar -HJ 260
    • Received -HJ 260
    3/19/2013 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/21/13
    3/21/2013 House • Substituted for HB 7077 -HJ 293
    • Read 2nd time -HJ 294
    • Placed on 3rd reading
    3/22/2013 House • Read 3rd time -HJ 315
    • Passed; YEAS 115 NAYS 0 -HJ 316
    4/2/2013 Senate • Ordered enrolled -SJ 292
    4/9/2013 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor -SJ 367
    4/10/2013 • Approved by Governor -SJ 404
    4/11/2013 • Chapter No. 2013-18

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  • SB 994, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/3/2013 at 12:53 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    H 7077 Florida Statutes Rules and Calendar Committee Identical Last Action: 3/21/2013 H Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 994 (Ch. 2013-18) -HJ 293
    Location: Laid on Table

    Citations - Statutes (128)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    17.28 Chief Financial Officer may authorize biweekly salary payments.
    23.1231 Florida Mutual Aid Plan; powers and duties.
    43.291 Judicial nominating commissions.
    110.118 Administrative leave for certain athletic competition.
    112.358 Administration of system.
    112.361 Additional and updated supplemental retirement benefits.
    119.0712 Executive branch agency-specific exemptions from inspection or copying of public records.
    120.65 Administrative law judges.
    199.1851 Emergency rulemaking for ch. 2001-371.
    201.165 Credit for tax paid to other states.
    202.37 Special rules for administration of local communications services tax.
    207.021 Informal conferences; settlement or compromise of taxes, penalties, or interest.
    207.0281 Registration; cooperative reciprocal agreements between states.
    212.097 Urban High-Crime Area Job Tax Credit Program.
    212.098 Rural Job Tax Credit Program.
    213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.
    215.61 State system of public education capital outlay bonds.
    220.1501 Rulemaking authority to implement s. 220.15(2)(c), (4)(c), and (8).
    238.03 Administration.
    258.0165 Defibrillators in state parks.
    288.1045 Qualified defense contractor and space flight business tax refund program.
    288.108 High-impact business.
    288.706 Florida Minority Business Loan Mobilization Program.
    288.816 Intergovernmental relations.
    316.0747 Sale or purchase of traffic control devices by nongovernmental entities; prohibitions.
    316.525 Requirements for vehicles hauling loads.
    317.0005 Rules, forms, and notices.
    320.0657 Permanent registration; fleet license plates.
    320.0848 Persons who have disabilities; issuance of disabled parking permits; temporary permits; permits for certain providers of transportation services to persons who have disabilities.
    322.161 High-risk drivers; restricted licenses.
    324.0221 Reports by insurers to the department; suspension of driver’s license and vehicle registrations; reinstatement.
    328.44 Rules.
    328.50 Reregistration by mail.
    339.2817 County Incentive Grant Program.
    339.55 State-funded infrastructure bank.
    376.121 Liability for damage to natural resources.
    376.317 Superseded laws; state preemption.
    379.245 Spiny lobster reports by dealers during closed season required.
    380.0666 Powers of land authority.
    391.304 Program coordination.
    391.305 Program standards; rules.
    393.0641 Program for the prevention and treatment of severe self-injurious behavior.
    395.0185 Rebates prohibited; penalties.
    395.605 Emergency care hospitals.
    397.99 School substance abuse prevention partnership grants.
    397.998 Drug-free communities support match grants.
    400.063 Resident protection.
    400.176 Rebates prohibited; penalties.
    400.518 Prohibited referrals to home health agencies.
    400.801 Homes for special services.
    402.22 Education program for students who reside in residential care facilities operated by the Department of Children and Family Services or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities.
    402.3025 Public and nonpublic schools.
    402.81 Pharmaceutical expense assistance.
    403.0861 Scallop processing; discharge standards.
    403.7191 Toxics in packaging.
    409.14511 Rulemaking authority to administer ch. 2005-179.
    409.2576 State Directory of New Hires.
    409.2578 Access to employment information; administrative fine.
    409.2675 Rules.
    409.441 Runaway youth programs and centers.
    409.9101 Recovery for payments made on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons.
    411.205 Rules.
    411.224 Family support planning process.
    414.158 Diversion program to prevent or reduce child abuse and neglect.
    414.1585 Diversion program for families at risk of welfare dependency due to substance abuse or mental illness.
    414.35 Emergency relief.
    415.1105 Training programs.
    420.5091 HOPE Program.
    430.708 Certificate of need.
    430.902 Multiservice senior center.
    443.1312 Reimbursements; nonprofit organizations.
    443.1313 Public employers; reimbursements; election to pay contributions.
    455.2255 Classification of disciplinary actions.
    456.053 Financial arrangements between referring health care providers and providers of health care services.
    472.017 Renewal of license.
    489.146 Privatization of services.
    496.414 Duties of commercial co-venturers.
    497.381 Solicitation of goods or services.
    501.0583 Selling, delivering, bartering, furnishing, or giving weight-loss pills to persons under age 18; penalties; defense.
    509.036 Public food service inspector standardization.
    548.024 Background investigation of applicants for licensure.
    553.897 Rulemaking authority; effective date.
    556.116 High-priority subsurface installations; special procedures.
    559.10 Definition; “budget planning.”
    561.41 Maintenance and designation of principal office by manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters.
    563.04 Labeling regulations; beer.
    564.04 Labeling regulations; wine.
    564.06 Excise taxes on wines and beverages.
    578.26 Complaint, investigation, hearings, findings, and recommendation prerequisite to legal action.
    582.055 Powers and duties of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; rules.
    601.74 Adoption of rules; fees for licensing and analysis of processing materials.
    601.75 Dyes and coloring matter for citrus fruit to be certified prior to use.
    601.76 Manufacturer to furnish formula and other information.
    601.77 Subsequent analysis of coloring matter; inspection of packinghouses for application.
    601.78 Manufacturer to post bond.
    601.80 Unlawful to use uncertified coloring matter.
    607.193 Supplemental corporate fee.
    624.487 Enforcement of specified insurance provisions; adoption of rules.
    627.096 Workers’ Compensation Rating Bureau.
    627.212 Workplace safety program surcharge.
    627.793 Rulemaking authority.
    627.917 Uniform risk classification reporting system for motor vehicle insurance.
    633.445 State Fire Marshal Scholarship Grant Program.
    634.289 Rules.
    641.316 Fiscal intermediary services.
    655.922 Banking business by unauthorized persons; use of name.
    658.995 Credit Card Bank Act.
    663.319 Rules; exemption from statement of estimated regulatory costs requirements.
    668.704 Remedies.
    713.78 Liens for recovering, towing, or storing vehicles and vessels.
    713.785 Liens for recovering, towing, or storing mobile homes.
    744.7021 Statewide Public Guardianship Office.
    744.713 Program administration; duties of the Statewide Public Guardianship Office.
    766.304 Administrative law judge to determine claims.
    865.09 Fictitious name registration.
    943.0543 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact; ratification and implementation.
    943.0544 Criminal justice information network and information management.
    944.095 Siting of additional correctional facilities; procedure.
    945.73 Inmate training program operation.
    946.525 Participation by the corporation in the state group health insurance and prescription drug programs.
    949.08 Department of Corrections to enact rules and regulations relating to compacts; limitation on assessments.
    984.05 Rules relating to habitual truants; adoption by State Board of Education and Department of Juvenile Justice.
    985.66 Juvenile justice training academies; staff development and training; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund.
    1011.48 Establishment of educational research centers for child development.
    1011.51 Independent postsecondary endowment grants.
    1011.765 Florida Academic Improvement Trust Fund matching grants.
    1012.467 Noninstructional contractors who are permitted access to school grounds when students are present; background screening requirements.
    1012.965 Payment of costs of civil action against employees.

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  • SB 994, Original Filed Version Posted 2/19/2013 at 2:31 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Rules (Pre-Meeting) 3/4/2013 (pdf)
    Rules (Post-Meeting) 3/6/2013 (pdf)

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    H 7077 Florida Statutes Rules and Calendar Committee Identical Last Action: 3/21/2013 H Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 994 (Ch. 2013-18) -HJ 293
    Location: Laid on Table

    Committee Votes (1)

    Date Committee Result
    3/6/2013 4:30 PM Rules 14 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    3/12/2013 10:45 AM Senate 39 Yeas - 0 Nays
    3/22/2013 1:29 PM House 115 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (128)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    17.28 Chief Financial Officer may authorize biweekly salary payments.
    23.1231 Florida Mutual Aid Plan; powers and duties.
    43.291 Judicial nominating commissions.
    110.118 Administrative leave for certain athletic competition.
    112.358 Administration of system.
    112.361 Additional and updated supplemental retirement benefits.
    119.0712 Executive branch agency-specific exemptions from inspection or copying of public records.
    120.65 Administrative law judges.
    199.1851 Emergency rulemaking for ch. 2001-371.
    201.165 Credit for tax paid to other states.
    202.37 Special rules for administration of local communications services tax.
    207.021 Informal conferences; settlement or compromise of taxes, penalties, or interest.
    207.0281 Registration; cooperative reciprocal agreements between states.
    212.097 Urban High-Crime Area Job Tax Credit Program.
    212.098 Rural Job Tax Credit Program.
    213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing.
    215.61 State system of public education capital outlay bonds.
    220.1501 Rulemaking authority to implement s. 220.15(2)(c), (4)(c), and (8).
    238.03 Administration.
    258.0165 Defibrillators in state parks.
    288.1045 Qualified defense contractor and space flight business tax refund program.
    288.108 High-impact business.
    288.706 Florida Minority Business Loan Mobilization Program.
    288.816 Intergovernmental relations.
    316.0747 Sale or purchase of traffic control devices by nongovernmental entities; prohibitions.
    316.525 Requirements for vehicles hauling loads.
    317.0005 Rules, forms, and notices.
    320.0657 Permanent registration; fleet license plates.
    320.0848 Persons who have disabilities; issuance of disabled parking permits; temporary permits; permits for certain providers of transportation services to persons who have disabilities.
    322.161 High-risk drivers; restricted licenses.
    324.0221 Reports by insurers to the department; suspension of driver’s license and vehicle registrations; reinstatement.
    328.44 Rules.
    328.50 Reregistration by mail.
    339.2817 County Incentive Grant Program.
    339.55 State-funded infrastructure bank.
    376.121 Liability for damage to natural resources.
    376.317 Superseded laws; state preemption.
    379.245 Spiny lobster reports by dealers during closed season required.
    380.0666 Powers of land authority.
    391.304 Program coordination.
    391.305 Program standards; rules.
    393.0641 Program for the prevention and treatment of severe self-injurious behavior.
    395.0185 Rebates prohibited; penalties.
    395.605 Emergency care hospitals.
    397.99 School substance abuse prevention partnership grants.
    397.998 Drug-free communities support match grants.
    400.063 Resident protection.
    400.176 Rebates prohibited; penalties.
    400.518 Prohibited referrals to home health agencies.
    400.801 Homes for special services.
    402.22 Education program for students who reside in residential care facilities operated by the Department of Children and Family Services or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities.
    402.3025 Public and nonpublic schools.
    402.81 Pharmaceutical expense assistance.
    403.0861 Scallop processing; discharge standards.
    403.7191 Toxics in packaging.
    409.14511 Rulemaking authority to administer ch. 2005-179.
    409.2576 State Directory of New Hires.
    409.2578 Access to employment information; administrative fine.
    409.2675 Rules.
    409.441 Runaway youth programs and centers.
    409.9101 Recovery for payments made on behalf of Medicaid-eligible persons.
    411.205 Rules.
    411.224 Family support planning process.
    414.158 Diversion program to prevent or reduce child abuse and neglect.
    414.1585 Diversion program for families at risk of welfare dependency due to substance abuse or mental illness.
    414.35 Emergency relief.
    415.1105 Training programs.
    420.5091 HOPE Program.
    430.708 Certificate of need.
    430.902 Multiservice senior center.
    443.1312 Reimbursements; nonprofit organizations.
    443.1313 Public employers; reimbursements; election to pay contributions.
    455.2255 Classification of disciplinary actions.
    456.053 Financial arrangements between referring health care providers and providers of health care services.
    472.017 Renewal of license.
    489.146 Privatization of services.
    496.414 Duties of commercial co-venturers.
    497.381 Solicitation of goods or services.
    501.0583 Selling, delivering, bartering, furnishing, or giving weight-loss pills to persons under age 18; penalties; defense.
    509.036 Public food service inspector standardization.
    548.024 Background investigation of applicants for licensure.
    553.897 Rulemaking authority; effective date.
    556.116 High-priority subsurface installations; special procedures.
    559.10 Definition; “budget planning.”
    561.41 Maintenance and designation of principal office by manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters.
    563.04 Labeling regulations; beer.
    564.04 Labeling regulations; wine.
    564.06 Excise taxes on wines and beverages.
    578.26 Complaint, investigation, hearings, findings, and recommendation prerequisite to legal action.
    582.055 Powers and duties of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; rules.
    601.74 Adoption of rules; fees for licensing and analysis of processing materials.
    601.75 Dyes and coloring matter for citrus fruit to be certified prior to use.
    601.76 Manufacturer to furnish formula and other information.
    601.77 Subsequent analysis of coloring matter; inspection of packinghouses for application.
    601.78 Manufacturer to post bond.
    601.80 Unlawful to use uncertified coloring matter.
    607.193 Supplemental corporate fee.
    624.487 Enforcement of specified insurance provisions; adoption of rules.
    627.096 Workers’ Compensation Rating Bureau.
    627.212 Workplace safety program surcharge.
    627.793 Rulemaking authority.
    627.917 Uniform risk classification reporting system for motor vehicle insurance.
    633.445 State Fire Marshal Scholarship Grant Program.
    634.289 Rules.
    641.316 Fiscal intermediary services.
    655.922 Banking business by unauthorized persons; use of name.
    658.995 Credit Card Bank Act.
    663.319 Rules; exemption from statement of estimated regulatory costs requirements.
    668.704 Remedies.
    713.78 Liens for recovering, towing, or storing vehicles and vessels.
    713.785 Liens for recovering, towing, or storing mobile homes.
    744.7021 Statewide Public Guardianship Office.
    744.713 Program administration; duties of the Statewide Public Guardianship Office.
    766.304 Administrative law judge to determine claims.
    865.09 Fictitious name registration.
    943.0543 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact; ratification and implementation.
    943.0544 Criminal justice information network and information management.
    944.095 Siting of additional correctional facilities; procedure.
    945.73 Inmate training program operation.
    946.525 Participation by the corporation in the state group health insurance and prescription drug programs.
    949.08 Department of Corrections to enact rules and regulations relating to compacts; limitation on assessments.
    984.05 Rules relating to habitual truants; adoption by State Board of Education and Department of Juvenile Justice.
    985.66 Juvenile justice training academies; staff development and training; Juvenile Justice Training Trust Fund.
    1011.48 Establishment of educational research centers for child development.
    1011.51 Independent postsecondary endowment grants.
    1011.765 Florida Academic Improvement Trust Fund matching grants.
    1012.467 Noninstructional contractors who are permitted access to school grounds when students are present; background screening requirements.
    1012.965 Payment of costs of civil action against employees.

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