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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1852: State Revenue Collection/Court Clerk

GENERAL BILL by Finance and Taxation ; Burt ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Crist

State Revenue Collection/Court Clerk; provides for electronic remittance to DOR; provides for remittance by DOR to various trust funds & agencies; provides for remittance of all moneys collected by clerks of court for state to DOR; provides for remittance of funds to DOR & deposit in designated trust fund; repeals outdated language. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 03/01/2002 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 5/31/2001 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-122; See also CS/SB 1850 (Ch. 2001-121)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/6/2001 Senate • Filed
    3/19/2001 Senate • Introduced, referred to Finance and Taxation; Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations -SJ 00183
    3/23/2001 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Finance and Taxation, 03/28/01, 12:30 pm, 37-S
    3/28/2001 Senate • CS by Finance and Taxation; YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 00271; CS read first time on 03/29/01 -SJ 00278
    3/29/2001 Senate • Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government -SJ 00271
    4/11/2001 Senate • Withdrawn from Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government; Appropriations -SJ 00313; Placed on Calendar, on second reading
    4/26/2001 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00465; Read second time -SJ 00522; Amendment(s) adopted -SJ 00522; Ordered engrossed -SJ 00522
    4/27/2001 Senate • Read third time -SJ 00561; CS passed as amended; YEAS 31 NAYS 0 -SJ 00561; Immediately certified -SJ 00561
    4/27/2001 House • In Messages
    5/1/2001 House • Received, placed on Calendar, on second reading -HJ 01435; Substituted for HB 1937 -HJ 01486; Read second and third times -HJ 01487; CS passed; YEAS 118 NAYS 0 -HJ 01487
    5/1/2001 Senate • Ordered enrolled -SJ 00792
    5/16/2001 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    5/31/2001 • Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-122; See also CS/SB 1850 (Ch. 2001-121)

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  • CS/SB 1852, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 5/3/2001 at 4:50 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (3)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 1850 (c1) Burt Linked Last Action: 5/31/2001 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2001-121; See also CS/SB 1852 (Ch. 2001-122)
    H 1937 State Revenue Collection/Court Clerk Byrd Similar Last Action: 5/1/2001 H Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1852 (Ch. 2001-122); See also CS/SB 1850 (Ch. 2001-121) -HJ 01486
    H 1939 (e1) Dept. of Revenue Clerks of Court TF Byrd Compare Last Action: 5/1/2001 H Senate Bill substituted; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/SB 1850 (Ch. 2001-121); See also CS/SB 1852 (Ch. 2001-122) -HJ 01487

    Citations - Statutes (29)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    27.52 Determination of indigency.
    28.101 Petitions and records of dissolution of marriage; additional charges.
    28.2401 Service charges in probate matters.
    28.241 Filing charges for trial and appellate proceedings.
    34.041 Service charges and costs.
    44.108 Funding of mediation and arbitration.
    316.192 Reckless driving.
    318.14 Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception; procedures.
    318.18 Amount of civil penalties.
    318.21 Disposition of civil penalties by county courts.
    327.35 Boating under the influence; penalties; "designated drivers".
    327.73 Noncriminal infractions.
    372.7015 Illegal killing, taking, possessing, or selling wildlife or game; fines; disposition of fines.
    372.72 Disposition of fines, penalties, and forfeitures.
    382.022 Marriage application fees.
    382.023 Department to receive dissolution-of-marriage records; fees.
    569.11 Possession, misrepresenting age or military service to purchase, and purchase of tobacco products by persons under 18 years of age prohibited; penalties; jurisdiction; disposition of fines.
    741.01 County court judge or clerk of the circuit court to issue marriage license; fee.
    775.0835 Fines; surcharges; Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    938.03 Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
    938.04 Additional cost with respect to criminal fines and bail bonds.
    938.06 Additional cost for crime stoppers programs.
    938.07 Driving under the influence.
    938.23 Assistance grants for alcohol and other drug abuse programs.
    938.25 Operating Trust Fund of the Department of Law Enforcement.
    938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
    960.17 Award constitutes debt owed to state.

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  • CS/SB 1852, Engrossed 1 Posted 4/27/2001 at 7:31 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Votes (2)

    Date Chamber Result
    4/27/2001 11:25 AM Senate 31 Yeas - 0 Nays
    5/1/2001 3:16 PM House 118 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (29)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    27.52 Determination of indigency.
    28.101 Petitions and records of dissolution of marriage; additional charges.
    28.2401 Service charges in probate matters.
    28.241 Filing charges for trial and appellate proceedings.
    34.041 Service charges and costs.
    44.108 Funding of mediation and arbitration.
    316.192 Reckless driving.
    318.14 Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception; procedures.
    318.18 Amount of civil penalties.
    318.21 Disposition of civil penalties by county courts.
    327.35 Boating under the influence; penalties; "designated drivers".
    327.73 Noncriminal infractions.
    372.7015 Illegal killing, taking, possessing, or selling wildlife or game; fines; disposition of fines.
    372.72 Disposition of fines, penalties, and forfeitures.
    382.022 Marriage application fees.
    382.023 Department to receive dissolution-of-marriage records; fees.
    569.11 Possession, misrepresenting age or military service to purchase, and purchase of tobacco products by persons under 18 years of age prohibited; penalties; jurisdiction; disposition of fines.
    741.01 County court judge or clerk of the circuit court to issue marriage license; fee.
    775.0835 Fines; surcharges; Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    938.03 Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
    938.04 Additional cost with respect to criminal fines and bail bonds.
    938.06 Additional cost for crime stoppers programs.
    938.07 Driving under the influence.
    938.23 Assistance grants for alcohol and other drug abuse programs.
    938.25 Operating Trust Fund of the Department of Law Enforcement.
    938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
    960.17 Award constitutes debt owed to state.

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  • CS/SB 1852, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 3/30/2001 at 2:44 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Finance and Taxation (Post-Meeting) 3/28/2001 (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (2)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    431630 - Amendment
    Burt 4/25/2001
    3:03 PM
    Web Page
    885514 - Amendment
    Burt 4/25/2001
    3:09 PM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (29)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    27.52 Determination of indigency.
    28.101 Petitions and records of dissolution of marriage; additional charges.
    28.2401 Service charges in probate matters.
    28.241 Filing charges for trial and appellate proceedings.
    34.041 Service charges and costs.
    44.108 Funding of mediation and arbitration.
    316.192 Reckless driving.
    318.14 Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception; procedures.
    318.18 Amount of civil penalties.
    318.21 Disposition of civil penalties by county courts.
    327.35 Boating under the influence; penalties; "designated drivers".
    327.73 Noncriminal infractions.
    372.7015 Illegal killing, taking, possessing, or selling wildlife or game; fines; disposition of fines.
    372.72 Disposition of fines, penalties, and forfeitures.
    382.022 Marriage application fees.
    382.023 Department to receive dissolution-of-marriage records; fees.
    569.11 Possession, misrepresenting age or military service to purchase, and purchase of tobacco products by persons under 18 years of age prohibited; penalties; jurisdiction; disposition of fines.
    741.01 County court judge or clerk of the circuit court to issue marriage license; fee.
    775.0835 Fines; surcharges; Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    938.03 Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
    938.04 Additional cost with respect to criminal fines and bail bonds.
    938.06 Additional cost for crime stoppers programs.
    938.07 Driving under the influence.
    938.23 Assistance grants for alcohol and other drug abuse programs.
    938.25 Operating Trust Fund of the Department of Law Enforcement.
    938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
    960.17 Award constitutes debt owed to state.

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  • SB 1852, Original Filed Version Posted 3/13/2001 at 1:28 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (25)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    27.52 Determination of indigency.
    28.101 Petitions and records of dissolution of marriage; additional charges.
    28.2401 Service charges in probate matters.
    28.241 Filing charges for trial and appellate proceedings.
    34.041 Service charges and costs.
    44.108 Funding of mediation and arbitration.
    316.192 Reckless driving.
    318.14 Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception; procedures.
    318.18 Amount of civil penalties.
    318.21 Disposition of civil penalties by county courts.
    327.73 Noncriminal infractions.
    372.7015 Illegal killing, taking, possessing, or selling wildlife or game; fines; disposition of fines.
    372.72 Disposition of fines, penalties, and forfeitures.
    382.023 Department to receive dissolution-of-marriage records; fees.
    741.01 County court judge or clerk of the circuit court to issue marriage license; fee.
    775.0835 Fines; surcharges; Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
    938.01 Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund.
    938.03 Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.
    938.04 Additional cost with respect to criminal fines and bail bonds.
    938.06 Additional cost for crime stoppers programs.
    938.07 Driving under the influence.
    938.25 Operating Trust Fund of the Department of Law Enforcement.
    938.27 Judgment for costs on conviction.
    960.17 Award constitutes debt owed to state.

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