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The Florida Senate

SB 2702: Implementing 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act

GENERAL BILL by Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means

Implementing 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act; Provides legislative intent. Delays the expiration of provisions providing for the Legislative Budget Commission to review and approve recommendations by the Governor for fixed capital outlay projects funded by grants awarded from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Amends a specified provision relating to the state group insurance program. Provides that the annual salary of the members of the Legislature be reduced by 7 percent, etc.

Effective Date: 07/01/2010 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 4/30/2010 Senate - Died in Senate, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/26/2010 Senate SPB 7088 submitted as a committee bill (SB 2702) by Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means; Filed; Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 00351
    3/30/2010 Senate • Introduced -SJ 00351
    3/31/2010 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00382; Amendment(s) adopted (311460) -SJ 00383; Read 3rd time -SJ 00383; Passed as amended (311460); YEAS 37 NAYS 0 -SJ 00383
    4/30/2010 Senate • Died in Senate, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)

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  • SB 2702, Engrossed 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/31/2010 at 2:57 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (13)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 5003 (e3) Rivera Compare Last Action: 5/7/2011 H Line Item Veto Message transmitted to Secretary of State
    H 7107 Review/DCA/Florida Government Accountability Act Government Accountability Act Council Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 H Died in Economic Development & Community Affairs Policy Council, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153), CS/CS/SB 1412 (Ch. 2010-102)
    S 1390 (c1) Implementing 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act [WPSC] Crist Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
    S 1416 (c1) Implementing 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act [WPSC] Baker Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
    S 1440 (c1) Implementing 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act [WPSC] Fasano Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
    S 1470 (c1) Implementing 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act [WPSC] Peaden Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
    S 2700 (e1) Appropriations Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Senate, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153), CS/HB 5101 (Ch. 2010-154), HB 5201 (Ch. 2010-155), HB 5301 (Ch. 2010-156), HB 5303 (Ch. 2010-157), HB 5305 (Ch. 2010-158), HB 5307 (Ch. 2010-159), HB 5309 (Ch. 2010-160), HB 5311 (Ch. 2010-161), CS/HB 5401 (Ch. 2010-162), HB 5501 (Ch. 2010-163), HB 5505 (Ch. 2010-164), HB 5705 (Ch. 2010-165), CS/HB 5801 (Ch. 2010-166)
    S 2798 Appropriations [WPSC] Education Pre-K - 12 Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
    S 2800 Appropriations [WPSC] Higher Education Appropriations Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
    S 2802 Appropriations [WPSC] Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
    S 2804 Appropriations [WPSC] General Government Appropriations Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
    S 2806 Appropriations [WPSC] Health and Human Services Appropriations Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)
    S 2808 Appropriations [WPSC] Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), HB 5003 (Ch. 2010-153)

    Citations - Statutes (22)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    29.008 County funding of court-related functions.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    112.24 Intergovernmental interchange of public employees.
    163.3247 Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida.
    201.15 Distribution of taxes collected.
    215.32 State funds; segregation.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    215.5601 Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.
    216.262 Authorized positions.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    253.034 State-owned lands; uses.
    255.518 Obligations; purpose, terms, approval, limitations.
    332.007 Administration and financing of aviation and airport programs and projects; state plan.
    339.08 Use of moneys in State Transportation Trust Fund.
    339.135 Work program; legislative budget request; definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment.
    373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund.
    375.041 Land Acquisition Trust Fund.
    394.908 Substance abuse and mental health funding equity; distribution of appropriations.
    403.1651 Ecosystem Management and Restoration Trust Fund.
    403.7095 Solid waste management grant program.
    445.009 One-stop delivery system.
    570.20 General Inspection Trust Fund.

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  • SB 2702, Original Filed Version Posted 3/26/2010 at 10:56 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Policy and Steering Committee on Ways and Means (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    311460 - Amendment
    Peaden 3/29/2010
    5:39 PM
    Senate: Adopted

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    3/31/2010 1:36 PM Senate 37 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (22)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    29.008 County funding of court-related functions.
    110.123 State group insurance program.
    112.24 Intergovernmental interchange of public employees.
    163.3247 Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida.
    201.15 Distribution of taxes collected.
    215.32 State funds; segregation.
    215.559 Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program.
    215.5601 Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund.
    216.262 Authorized positions.
    216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.
    253.034 State-owned lands; uses.
    255.518 Obligations; purpose, terms, approval, limitations.
    332.007 Administration and financing of aviation and airport programs and projects; state plan.
    339.08 Use of moneys in State Transportation Trust Fund.
    339.135 Work program; legislative budget request; definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and amendment.
    373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund.
    375.041 Land Acquisition Trust Fund.
    394.908 Substance abuse and mental health funding equity; distribution of appropriations.
    403.1651 Ecosystem Management and Restoration Trust Fund.
    403.7095 Solid waste management grant program.
    445.009 One-stop delivery system.
    570.20 General Inspection Trust Fund.

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