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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 7069: Screening [SPSC]

GENERAL BILL by Education Policy Council ; Criminal and Civil Justice Policy Council ; Snyder ; Porth ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Ambler ; Brandenburg ; Cannon ; Carroll ; Fresen ; Hasner ; Holder ; Mayfield ; Nehr ; Plakon ; Schenck ; Tobia ; Williams, T. ; Wood

Screening [SPSC]; Revises exemption from screening requirements for volunteers who assist providers under contract with DCFS; revises background screening requirements for Guardian Ad Litem Program, mental health personnel, nursing home personnel, home health agency personnel, nurse registry personnel, companions & homemakers, hospice personnel, personnel at homes for special services, & transitional living facility personnel, etc.

Effective Date: 08/01/2010
Last Action: 5/27/2010 - Chapter No. 2010-114; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 951 (Ch. 2010-62), CS/HB 5401 (Ch. 2010-162)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/26/2010 House • Filed
    3/2/2010 House • Introduced, referred to Policy Council; Full Appropriations Council on Education & Economic Development -HJ 00152
    3/5/2010 House • On Council agenda-- Policy Council, 03/09/10, 2:00 pm, Morris Hall
    3/9/2010 House • CS by Policy Council; YEAS 17 NAYS 0 -HJ 00268
    3/11/2010 House • CS read 1st time on 03/11/10 -HJ 00266
    • Original reference(s) removed: Full Appropriations Council on Education & Economic Development -HJ 00267; Referred to- Calendar -HJ 00267
    3/10/2010 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 7.20
    3/16/2010 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -HJ 00283; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 00284
    3/18/2010 House • Read 3rd time -HJ 00317; CS passed as amended; YEAS 110 NAYS 0 -HJ 00318
    3/23/2010 Senate • In Messages
    4/26/2010 Senate • Received -SJ 00879; Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Criminal Justice; Health and Human Services Appropriations -SJ 00879
    4/28/2010 Senate • Withdrawn from Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Criminal Justice; Health and Human Services Appropriations -SJ 00959; Substituted for CS/CS/CS/SB 1520 -SJ 00960; Read 2nd time -SJ 00960; Amendment(s) adopted (552470) -SJ 00960
    4/29/2010 Senate • Read 3rd time -SJ 01084; CS passed as amended; YEAS 37 NAYS 0 -SJ 01085
    4/29/2010 House • In returning messages
    4/30/2010 House • Concurred -HJ 01292; CS passed as amended; YEAS 112 NAYS 0 -HJ 01309; Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -HJ 01310
    5/17/2010 • Signed by Officers and presented to Governor
    5/26/2010 • Approved by Governor
    5/27/2010 • Chapter No. 2010-114; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 951 (Ch. 2010-62), CS/HB 5401 (Ch. 2010-162)

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  • CS/HB 7069, Enrolled (Current Bill Version) Posted 5/3/2010 at 11:40 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (11)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 1520 (c3) Screening [SPSC] Storms Similar Last Action: 4/28/2010 S Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00959; Amendment(s) adopted (886258, 636420, 348828, 343964) -SJ 00959; Substituted CS/HB 7069 -SJ 00960; Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114), CS/HB 951 (Ch. 2010-62), CS/HB 5401 (Ch. 2010-162) -SJ 00960
    H 223 Protection of Children Williams Compare Last Action: 2/26/2010 H Withdrawn from Health Care Services Policy (HFPC); Health Care Appropriations (CGHC); Health & Family Services Policy Council; Withdrawn prior to introduction, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114) -HJ 00027
    H 951 (c1) Snyder Compare Last Action: 5/11/2010 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2010-62; companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114)
    H 1213 Mental Health Sands Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 H Died in Committee on Health Care Services Policy (HFPC), companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114), SB 1166 (Ch. 2010-193), CS/CS/SB 1412 (Ch. 2010-102)
    H 1521 Health Care Fraud Llorente Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 H Died in Committee on Health Care Regulation Policy (HFPC), companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114)
    H 5401 (e2) Adams Compare Last Action: 5/28/2010 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2010-162; companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114)
    S 752 (e1) Health Care [SPSC] Gaetz Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 H Died in Messages, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5311 (Ch. 2010-161), CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114)
    S 1400 (c2) State Judicial System [WPSC] Crist Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Senate, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5001 (Ch. 2010-152), CS/HB 5401 (Ch. 2010-162), CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114)
    S 1974 (c2) Department of Law Enforcement [SPSC] Negron Compare Last Action: 4/21/2010 S Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00700; Substituted CS/HB 951 -SJ 00700; Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 951 (Ch. 2010-62), CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114) -SJ 00700
    S 2416 Background Screening [SPSC] Crist Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 951 (Ch. 2010-62), CS/HB 5401 (Ch. 2010-162), CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114)
    S 2678 Mental Health [SPSC] Storms Compare Last Action: 4/30/2010 S Died in Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7069 (Ch. 2010-114), SB 1166 (Ch. 2010-193), CS/CS/SB 1412 (Ch. 2010-102)

    Citations - Statutes (56)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.001 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    39.821 Qualifications of guardians ad litem.
    215.5586 My Safe Florida Home Program.
    381.60225 Background screening.
    393.0655 Screening of direct service providers.
    394.4572 Screening of mental health personnel.
    400.215 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.506 Licensure of nurse registries; requirements; penalties.
    400.512 Screening of home health agency personnel; nurse registry personnel; and companions and homemakers.
    400.6065 Background screening.
    400.801 Homes for special services.
    400.805 Transitional living facilities.
    400.934 Minimum standards.
    400.953 Background screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.955 Procedures for screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.964 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.980 Health care services pools.
    400.991 License requirements; background screenings; prohibitions.
    402.302 Definitions.
    408.806 License application process.
    408.808 License categories.
    408.809 Background screening; prohibited offenses.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies; public records exemption.
    409.1758 Summer camp personnel; fingerprints not required for screening purposes.
    409.221 Consumer-directed care program.
    409.907 Medicaid provider agreements.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    411.01 School readiness programs; early learning coalitions.
    429.14 Administrative penalties.
    429.174 Background screening; exemptions.
    429.67 Licensure.
    429.69 Denial, revocation, and suspension of a license.
    429.911 Denial, suspension, revocation of license; emergency action; administrative fines; investigations and inspections.
    429.919 Background screening.
    435.01 Applicability of this chapter.
    435.02 Definitions.
    435.03 Level 1 screening standards.
    435.04 Level 2 screening standards.
    435.05 Requirements for covered employees.
    435.06 Exclusion from employment.
    435.07 Exemptions from disqualification.
    435.08 Payment for processing of fingerprints and state criminal records checks.
    456.039 Designated health care professionals; information required for licensure.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    464.203 Certified nursing assistants; certification requirement.
    468.3101 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.
    744.309 Who may be appointed guardian of a resident ward.
    744.474 Reasons for removal of guardian.
    943.05 Criminal Justice Information Program; duties; crime reports.
    943.053 Dissemination of criminal justice information; fees.
    984.01 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.644 Departmental contracting powers; personnel standards and screening.

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  • CS/HB 7069, Engrossed 2 Posted 4/30/2010 at 3:27 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (56)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.001 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    39.821 Qualifications of guardians ad litem.
    215.5586 My Safe Florida Home Program.
    381.60225 Background screening.
    393.0655 Screening of direct service providers.
    394.4572 Screening of mental health personnel.
    400.215 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.506 Licensure of nurse registries; requirements; penalties.
    400.512 Screening of home health agency personnel; nurse registry personnel; and companions and homemakers.
    400.6065 Background screening.
    400.801 Homes for special services.
    400.805 Transitional living facilities.
    400.934 Minimum standards.
    400.953 Background screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.955 Procedures for screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.964 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.980 Health care services pools.
    400.991 License requirements; background screenings; prohibitions.
    402.302 Definitions.
    408.806 License application process.
    408.808 License categories.
    408.809 Background screening; prohibited offenses.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies; public records exemption.
    409.1758 Summer camp personnel; fingerprints not required for screening purposes.
    409.221 Consumer-directed care program.
    409.907 Medicaid provider agreements.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    411.01 School readiness programs; early learning coalitions.
    429.14 Administrative penalties.
    429.174 Background screening; exemptions.
    429.67 Licensure.
    429.69 Denial, revocation, and suspension of a license.
    429.911 Denial, suspension, revocation of license; emergency action; administrative fines; investigations and inspections.
    429.919 Background screening.
    435.01 Applicability of this chapter.
    435.02 Definitions.
    435.03 Level 1 screening standards.
    435.04 Level 2 screening standards.
    435.05 Requirements for covered employees.
    435.06 Exclusion from employment.
    435.07 Exemptions from disqualification.
    435.08 Payment for processing of fingerprints and state criminal records checks.
    456.039 Designated health care professionals; information required for licensure.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    464.203 Certified nursing assistants; certification requirement.
    468.3101 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.
    744.309 Who may be appointed guardian of a resident ward.
    744.474 Reasons for removal of guardian.
    943.05 Criminal Justice Information Program; duties; crime reports.
    943.053 Dissemination of criminal justice information; fees.
    984.01 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.644 Departmental contracting powers; personnel standards and screening.

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  • CS/HB 7069, Engrossed 1 Posted 3/16/2010 at 7:01 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Floor Amendments (2)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    552470 - Amendment
    Storms 4/27/2010
    6:32 PM
    Senate: Adopted
    492658 - Amendment
    Aronberg 4/29/2010
    12:26 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn

    Floor Votes (3)

    Date Chamber Result
    3/18/2010 9:20 AM House 110 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/29/2010 3:33 PM Senate 37 Yeas - 0 Nays
    4/30/2010 8:14 AM House 112 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (54)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.001 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    39.821 Qualifications of guardians ad litem.
    215.5586 My Safe Florida Home Program.
    381.60225 Background screening.
    393.0655 Screening of direct service providers.
    394.4572 Screening of mental health personnel.
    400.215 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.506 Licensure of nurse registries; requirements; penalties.
    400.512 Screening of home health agency personnel; nurse registry personnel; and companions and homemakers.
    400.6065 Background screening.
    400.801 Homes for special services.
    400.805 Transitional living facilities.
    400.934 Minimum standards.
    400.953 Background screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.955 Procedures for screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.964 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.980 Health care services pools.
    400.991 License requirements; background screenings; prohibitions.
    402.302 Definitions.
    408.806 License application process.
    408.808 License categories.
    408.809 Background screening; prohibited offenses.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies; public records exemption.
    409.1758 Summer camp personnel; fingerprints not required for screening purposes.
    409.221 Consumer-directed care program.
    409.907 Medicaid provider agreements.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    429.14 Administrative penalties.
    429.174 Background screening; exemptions.
    429.67 Licensure.
    429.69 Denial, revocation, and suspension of a license.
    429.911 Denial, suspension, revocation of license; emergency action; administrative fines; investigations and inspections.
    429.919 Background screening.
    435.01 Applicability of this chapter.
    435.02 Definitions.
    435.03 Level 1 screening standards.
    435.04 Level 2 screening standards.
    435.05 Requirements for covered employees.
    435.06 Exclusion from employment.
    435.07 Exemptions from disqualification.
    435.08 Payment for processing of fingerprints and state criminal records checks.
    456.039 Designated health care professionals; information required for licensure.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    464.203 Certified nursing assistants; certification requirement.
    468.3101 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.
    744.309 Who may be appointed guardian of a resident ward.
    744.474 Reasons for removal of guardian.
    943.05 Criminal Justice Information Program; duties; crime reports.
    943.053 Dissemination of criminal justice information; fees.
    984.01 Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.644 Departmental contracting powers; personnel standards and screening.

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  • CS/HB 7069, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 3/10/2010 at 4:40 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Policy Council (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Floor Amendments (8)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    276551 - Amendment
    Snyder 3/15/2010
    1:38 PM
    883773 - Amendment
    Snyder 3/15/2010
    1:39 PM
    202869 - Amendment
    Snyder 3/15/2010
    1:39 PM
    403957 - Amendment
    Snyder 3/15/2010
    1:39 PM
    450707 - Amendment
    Snyder 3/15/2010
    1:39 PM
    267623 - Amendment
    Snyder 3/15/2010
    1:39 PM
    921099 - Amendment
    Snyder 3/15/2010
    1:40 PM
    798297 - Amendment
    Snyder 3/15/2010
    1:40 PM

    Citations - Statutes (51)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.821 Qualifications of guardians ad litem.
    215.5586 My Safe Florida Home Program.
    381.60225 Background screening.
    393.0655 Screening of direct service providers.
    394.4572 Screening of mental health personnel.
    400.215 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.506 Licensure of nurse registries; requirements; penalties.
    400.512 Screening of home health agency personnel; nurse registry personnel; and companions and homemakers.
    400.6065 Background screening.
    400.801 Homes for special services.
    400.805 Transitional living facilities.
    400.934 Minimum standards.
    400.953 Background screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.955 Procedures for screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.964 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.980 Health care services pools.
    400.991 License requirements; background screenings; prohibitions.
    408.806 License application process.
    408.808 License categories.
    408.809 Background screening; prohibited offenses.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies; public records exemption.
    409.1758 Summer camp personnel; fingerprints not required for screening purposes.
    409.221 Consumer-directed care program.
    409.907 Medicaid provider agreements.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    429.14 Administrative penalties.
    429.174 Background screening; exemptions.
    429.67 Licensure.
    429.69 Denial, revocation, and suspension of a license.
    429.911 Denial, suspension, revocation of license; emergency action; administrative fines; investigations and inspections.
    429.919 Background screening.
    435.01 Applicability of this chapter.
    435.02 Definitions.
    435.03 Level 1 screening standards.
    435.04 Level 2 screening standards.
    435.05 Requirements for covered employees.
    435.06 Exclusion from employment.
    435.07 Exemptions from disqualification.
    435.08 Payment for processing of fingerprints and state criminal records checks.
    456.039 Designated health care professionals; information required for licensure.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    464.203 Certified nursing assistants; certification requirement.
    468.3101 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.
    744.309 Who may be appointed guardian of a resident ward.
    744.474 Reasons for removal of guardian.
    943.05 Criminal Justice Information Program; duties; crime reports.
    943.053 Dissemination of criminal justice information; fees.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.644 Departmental contracting powers; personnel standards and screening.

    Top of SectionTop of Page

  • HB 7069, Original Filed Version Posted 3/1/2010 at 8:43 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Criminal and Civil Justice Policy Council (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Policy Council (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (49)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    39.821 Qualifications of guardians ad litem.
    215.5586 My Safe Florida Home Program.
    381.60225 Background screening.
    393.0655 Screening of direct service providers.
    394.4572 Screening of mental health personnel.
    400.215 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.506 Licensure of nurse registries; requirements; penalties.
    400.512 Screening of home health agency personnel; nurse registry personnel; and companions and homemakers.
    400.6065 Background screening.
    400.801 Homes for special services.
    400.805 Transitional living facilities.
    400.934 Minimum standards.
    400.953 Background screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.955 Procedures for screening of home medical equipment provider personnel.
    400.964 Personnel screening requirement.
    400.980 Health care services pools.
    400.991 License requirements; background screenings; prohibitions.
    408.806 License application process.
    408.808 License categories.
    408.809 Background screening; prohibited offenses.
    409.175 Licensure of family foster homes, residential child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies; public records exemption.
    409.221 Consumer-directed care program.
    409.907 Medicaid provider agreements.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    429.14 Administrative penalties.
    429.174 Background screening; exemptions.
    429.67 Licensure.
    429.69 Denial, revocation, and suspension of a license.
    429.911 Denial, suspension, revocation of license; emergency action; administrative fines; investigations and inspections.
    429.919 Background screening.
    435.01 Applicability of this chapter.
    435.02 Definitions.
    435.03 Level 1 screening standards.
    435.04 Level 2 screening standards.
    435.05 Requirements for covered employees.
    435.06 Exclusion from employment.
    435.07 Exemptions from disqualification.
    435.08 Payment for processing of fingerprints and state criminal records checks.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    464.203 Certified nursing assistants; certification requirement.
    468.3101 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.
    744.309 Who may be appointed guardian of a resident ward.
    744.474 Reasons for removal of guardian.
    943.05 Criminal Justice Information Program; duties; crime reports.
    943.053 Dissemination of criminal justice information; fees.
    985.04 Oaths; records; confidential information.
    985.644 Departmental contracting powers; personnel standards and screening.

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