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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 549: Dissolution of Marriage

GENERAL BILL by Judiciary Committee ; Civil Justice Subcommittee ; Workman ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gaetz ; Hooper

Dissolution of Marriage; Revises factors for alimony; requires certain written findings; revises provisions relating to protection of awards; revises provisions for durational alimony; redesignates permanent alimony as long-term alimony & revises provisions relating to award; requires written findings regarding incomes & standard of living of parties after dissolution; provides that increase in obligor's income may not be considered permanent in nature until it has been maintained for specified period; provides attorney fees & costs if obligee unnecessarily or unreasonably litigates petition for modification or termination of award; revises provisions relating to effect of supportive relationship; prohibits court from reserving jurisdiction to reinstate alimony; provides that income & assets of obligor's spouse or person with whom obligor resides may not be considered in redetermination in modification action; provides that if court orders alimony concurrent with child support, alimony may not be modified due to later modification or termination of child support; provides that attaining retirement age is substantial change; provides factors in determining whether obligor's retirement is reasonable; requires court to impute income to obligee based on specified analysis & factors; allows separate adjudication of issues in certain circumstances.

Effective Date: 7/1/2012
Last Action: 3/9/2012 Senate - Died in Judiciary
Bill Text: PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Judiciary (JU)
  2. Budget (BC)
  3. Rules (RC)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
11/2/2011 House • Filed
11/15/2011 House • Referred to Civil Justice Subcommittee; Judiciary Committee -HJ 56
11/30/2011 House • PCS on Committee agenda-- Civil Justice Subcommittee, 12/07/11, 1:00 pm, 404 HOB
12/7/2011 House • CS by Civil Justice Subcommittee; YEAS 10 NAYS 2 -HJ 178
12/29/2011 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 7.19(c)
1/4/2012 House • Now in Judiciary Committee -HJ 170
1/10/2012 House • Introduced -HJ 56
• CS by Civil Justice Subcommittee read 1st time -HJ 168
2/14/2012 House • On Committee agenda-- Judiciary Committee, 02/16/12, 11:30 am, 404 HOB
2/16/2012 House • CS/CS by- Judiciary Committee; YEAS 17 NAYS 1 -HJ 685
2/20/2012 House • Pending review of CS -under Rule 7.19(c)
• Placed on Calendar -HJ 682
• CS/CS by Judiciary Committee read 1st time -HJ 675
• Placed on Special Order Calendar, 02/22/12
2/22/2012 House • Read 2nd time -HJ 724
• Amendment(s) adopted (638611) -HJ 725
• Placed on 3rd reading
2/23/2012 House • Read 3rd time -HJ 774
• CS passed as amended; YEAS 83 NAYS 30 -HJ 774
2/24/2012 Senate • In Messages
3/5/2012 Senate • Received -SJ 844
• Referred to Judiciary; Budget; Rules -SJ 844
3/9/2012 Senate • Died in Judiciary