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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1166: Education

GENERAL BILL by Appropriations ; Gaetz

Education; Establishing a collaboration between the state board and the Legislature to designate certain Florida College System institutions as distinguished colleges; requiring each district school board and charter school governing board to authorize a parent to have his or her child participate in controlled open enrollment; revising the purpose of the Credit Acceleration Program; requiring the FHSAA to allow a private school to maintain full membership in the association or to join by sport; revising the calculation for certain supplemental funds for exceptional student education programs, etc.

Effective Date: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this act and except for this section, which shall take effect June 29, 2016, this act shall take effect July 1, 2016
Last Action: 3/4/2016 Senate - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237) -SJ 672
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Appropriations Subcommittee on Education (AED)
  2. Appropriations (AP)

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    12/17/2015 Senate • Filed
    1/8/2016 Senate • Referred to Appropriations Subcommittee on Education; Appropriations -SJ 88
    1/12/2016 Senate • Introduced -SJ 88
    1/20/2016 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, 01/25/16, 4:00 pm, 412 Knott Building --Temporarily Postponed
    1/25/2016 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, 01/28/16, 10:00 am, 412 Knott Building
    1/28/2016 Senate • Subcommittee Recommendation: CS by Appropriations Subcommittee on Education; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -SJ 291
    2/1/2016 Senate • Now in Appropriations -SJ 291
    2/22/2016 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Appropriations, 02/25/16, 10:00 am, 412 Knott Building
    2/25/2016 Senate • CS by- Appropriations; YEAS 18 NAYS 0 -SJ 497
    2/29/2016 Senate • Pending reference review -under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
    • Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 497
    3/1/2016 Senate • CS by Appropriations read 1st time -SJ 506
    3/2/2016 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar, 03/04/16
    3/4/2016 Senate • Read 2nd time -SJ 672
    • Substituted CS/CS/HB 7029 -SJ 672
    • Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237) -SJ 672

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  • CS/SB 1166, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 2/29/2016 at 2:44 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (22)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    H 31 (e1) High School Athletics Spano Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 593 (e1) Government Accountability Metz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Ethics and Elections, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 479 (Ch. 2016-22), CS/CS/CS/HB 651 (Ch. 2016-132), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237), HB 7071 (Ch. 2016-151)
    Location: In committee/council (EE)
    H 669 (e1) Educational Choice Sprowls Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    H 837 (er) Education Programs for Individuals with Disabilities Bileca, Cortes Compare Last Action: 3/28/2016 Chapter No. 2016-137, companion bill(s) passed, see HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: Became Law
    H 907 Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Eagle Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died in Education Appropriations Subcommittee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (EDAS)
    H 5003 (er) Implementing the 2016-2017 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Committee Compare Last Action: 3/18/2016 Chapter No. 2016-62, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 499 (Ch. 2016-128), CS/CS/CS/HB 589 (Ch. 2016-130), CS/CS/HB 719 (Ch. 2016-58), CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), CS/CS/HB 1083 (Ch. 2016-140), CS/HB 1335 (Ch. 2016-147), HB 5001 (Ch. 2016-66), HB 5101 (Ch. 2016-65), CS/HB 7003 (Ch. 2016-3), HB 7027 (Ch. 2016-181), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237), CS/CS/HB 7061 (Ch. 2016-239), CS/SB 1322 (Ch. 2016-152)
    Location: Became Law
    H 7029 (er) Education Choice and Innovation Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 4/14/2016 Chapter No. 2016-237, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62)
    Location: Became Law
    H 7039 Extracurricular Activities Education Committee Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 H Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 524 (c2) Education Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 287 (Ch. 2016-223), CS/CS/HB 719 (Ch. 2016-58), CS/CS/HB 1365 (Ch. 2016-149), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On Special Order Calendar
    S 684 (c2) Choice in Sports Gaetz, Stargel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 686 (c2) Government Accountability Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 479 (Ch. 2016-22), CS/CS/CS/HB 651 (Ch. 2016-132), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237), HB 7071 (Ch. 2016-151)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 830 (c1) School Choice Stargel Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 834 Minimum Term School Funding Detert Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 884 Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Benacquisto Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 886 (c1) Parent and Student Rights Benacquisto Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1026 (c2) High School Athletics Simmons Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On Special Order Calendar
    S 1060 (c1) Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On 2nd Reading Calendar
    S 1076 (c1) Education Legg Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (AP)
    S 1088 (c1) Education Programs for Individuals with Disabilities Stargel Compare Last Action: 3/8/2016 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237) -SJ 787
    Location: Laid on Table
    S 1136 Schools Montford Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died in Education Pre-K - 12, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: In committee/council (ED)
    S 1360 (c1) Student Assessments Gaetz Compare Last Action: 3/11/2016 S Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237)
    Location: On Special Order Calendar
    S 2502 (e1) Implementing the 2016-2017 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/11/2016 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 719 (Ch. 2016-58), CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5001 (Ch. 2016-66), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237), CS/CS/HB 7061 (Ch. 2016-239) -SJ 367
    Location: Laid on Table

    Floor Amendments (16)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    639112 - Amendment
    Delete lines 278 - 287 and insert:
    Soto 3/3/2016
    5:02 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    452236 - Amendment
    Between lines 303 and 304 insert:
    Brandes 3/3/2016
    4:58 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    443428 - Amendment
    Delete line 368 and insert:
    Soto 3/3/2016
    5:02 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    150430 - Amendment
    Between lines 1276 and 1277 insert:
    Hays 3/3/2016
    4:01 PM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    926758 - Amendment
    Delete lines 2580 - 2582 and insert:
    Brandes 3/3/2016
    4:58 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    913116 - Amendment (Delete All)
    Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    Gaetz 3/3/2016
    5:19 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    hierarchy 465676 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Delete lines 102 - 111 and insert:
    Soto 3/3/2016
    7:01 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    hierarchy 136808 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Between lines 127 and 128 insert:
    Brandes 3/3/2016
    6:55 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    hierarchy 715656 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Delete line 193 and insert:
    Soto 3/3/2016
    7:02 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    hierarchy 363058 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Delete lines 1010 - 1044 and insert:
    Gaetz 3/4/2016
    10:15 AM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    hierarchy 470276 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Between lines 1174 and 1175 insert:
    Montford 3/4/2016
    9:34 AM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    hierarchy 736146 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Between lines 1206 and 1207 insert:
    Hays 3/4/2016
    7:33 AM
    Senate: Withdrawn
    Web Page
    hierarchy 573288 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Between lines 1206 and 1207 insert:
    Hays 3/4/2016
    10:41 AM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    hierarchy 886610 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Between lines 1206 and 1207 insert:
    Flores 3/4/2016
    12:15 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    hierarchy 292032 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Between lines 2570 and 2571 insert:
    Soto 3/4/2016
    12:53 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page
    hierarchy 137286 - Amendment to Amendment (913116)
    Delete lines 2571 - 2573 and insert:
    Brandes 3/3/2016
    6:44 PM
    Senate: Not Considered
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (21)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board. Page 7 (pdf)
    1001.67 Page 7 (pdf)
    1002.20 K-12 student and parent rights. Page 8 (pdf)
    1002.31 Controlled open enrollment; public school parental choice. Page 11 (pdf)
    1002.33 Charter schools. Page 15 (pdf)
    1002.37 The Florida Virtual School. Page 39 (pdf)
    1002.45 Virtual instruction programs. Page 41 (pdf)
    1003.3101 Page 43 (pdf)
    1003.4295 Acceleration options. Page 44 (pdf)
    1004.935 Adults with Disabilities Workforce Education Pilot Program. Page 44 (pdf)
    1006.15 Student standards for participation in interscholastic and intrascholastic extracurricular student activities; regulation. Page 48 (pdf)
    1006.20 Athletics in public K-12 schools. Page 56 (pdf)
    1009.893 Florida National Merit Scholar Incentive Program. Page 62 (pdf)
    1011.61 Definitions. Page 66 (pdf)
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. Page 72 (pdf)
    1011.71 District school tax. Page 82 (pdf)
    1012.42 Teacher teaching out-of-field. Page 82 (pdf)
    1012.56 Educator certification requirements. Page 83 (pdf)
    1012.583 Page 84 (pdf)
    1012.795 Education Practices Commission; authority to discipline. Page 85 (pdf)
    1012.796 Complaints against teachers and administrators; procedure; penalties. Page 87 (pdf)

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  • SB 1166, Original Filed Version Posted 12/17/2015 at 10:12 AM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Appropriations Subcommittee on Education (Pre-Meeting) 1/27/2016 (pdf)
    Appropriations Subcommittee on Education (Post-Meeting) 2/22/2016 (pdf)
    Appropriations (Pre-Meeting) 2/24/2016 (pdf)
    Appropriations PCS 126962 (Pre-Meeting) 2/24/2016 (pdf)
    Appropriations (Post-Meeting) 2/29/2016 (pdf)

    Related Bills (1)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 2502 (e1) Implementing the 2016-2017 General Appropriations Act Appropriations Compare Last Action: 2/11/2016 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 719 (Ch. 2016-58), CS/HB 837 (Ch. 2016-137), HB 5001 (Ch. 2016-66), HB 5003 (Ch. 2016-62), CS/CS/HB 7029 (Ch. 2016-237), CS/CS/HB 7061 (Ch. 2016-239) -SJ 367
    Location: Laid on Table

    Proposed Committee Substitutes (1)

    PCS and Amendments Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format
    126962 - Proposed Committee Substitute Appropriations 2/5/2016
    3:48 PM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute
    Web Page
    hierarchy 927682 - Amendment (Delete All) (126962)
    Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    9:57 AM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute
    Web Page
    hierarchy 645540 - Amendment to Amendment (927682)
    Between lines 1049 and 1050 insert:
    7:33 PM
    (Late Filed)
    Web Page
    hierarchy 412670 - Amendment to Amendment (927682)
    Between lines 1566 and 1567 insert:
    3:35 PM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute
    Web Page

    Committee Amendments (3)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format
    515338 - Amendment (Delete All)
    Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    Appropriations Subcommittee on Education
    2:23 PM
    Replaced by Committee Substitute
    Web Page
    hierarchy 845000 - Substitute Amendment (Delete All) (515338)
    Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    Appropriations Subcommittee on Education
    7:58 PM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 236304 - Substitute Amendment (Delete All) (515338)
    Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
    Appropriations Subcommittee on Education
    9:51 AM
    (Late Filed)
    Replaced by Committee Substitute
    Web Page

    Committee Votes (2)

    Date Committee Result
    1/28/2016 10:00 AM Appropriations Subcommittee on Education 8 Yeas - 0 Nays
    2/25/2016 10:00 AM Appropriations 18 Yeas - 0 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (1)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools. Page 1 (pdf)

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