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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 707: Legislative Review of Occupational Regulations

GENERAL BILL by Health and Human Services Committee ; Renner ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Eagle

Legislative Review of Occupational Regulations; Authorizes schedule for systematic review of occupational regulatory programs; authorizes Legislature to take certain actions before scheduled repeal of occupational regulatory program; provides regulation of occupation to state if such occupation's regulatory program has been repealed through this act; provides schedule of repeal for occupational regulatory programs.

Effective Date: upon becoming a law
Last Action: 3/14/2020 Senate - Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133), CS/HB 1193 (Ch. 2020-160)
Bill Text: PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO)
  2. Appropriations (AP)
  3. Rules (RC)

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    11/19/2019 House • Filed
    12/3/2019 House • Referred to Commerce Committee; Health and Human Services Committee; Appropriations Committee -HJ 57
    1/14/2020 House • On Committee agenda-- Commerce Committee, 01/16/20, 2:30 pm, Webster Hall
    • Introduced -HJ 57
    1/16/2020 House • Favorable by Commerce Committee; YEAS 22 NAYS 1 -HJ 403
    1/17/2020 House • Now in Health and Human Services Committee -HJ 403
    2/4/2020 House • On Committee agenda-- Health and Human Services Committee, 02/06/20, 12:00 pm, Morris Hall
    2/6/2020 House • CS by Health and Human Services Committee; YEAS 12 NAYS 4 -HJ 528
    2/7/2020 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 7.18(c)
    • CS by Health and Human Services Committee read 1st time -HJ 520
    2/10/2020 House • Original reference(s) removed: Appropriations Committee
    • Referred to- Calendar -HJ 529
    2/20/2020 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar, 02/26/20
    2/26/2020 House • Read 2nd time -HJ 647
    • Read 3rd time -HJ 647
    • CS passed; YEAS 85 NAYS 29 -HJ 647
    3/3/2020 Senate • In Messages
    3/5/2020 Senate • Referred to Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Appropriations; Rules -SJ 469
    • Received -SJ 469
    3/14/2020 Senate • Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration
    • Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133), CS/HB 1193 (Ch. 2020-160)

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  • CS/HB 707, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 2/7/2020 at 11:31 AM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (11)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 1124 (c1) Occupational Regulatory Programs Diaz Similar Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133), CS/HB 1193 (Ch. 2020-160)
    H 713 (er) Health Regulation Health Quality Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 6/30/2020 Chapter No. 2020-133, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 115 (Ch. 2020-125), CS/CS/HB 731 (Ch. 2020-156), CS/HB 1193 (Ch. 2020-160), CS/HB 1461 (Ch. 2020-47), CS/SB 218 (Ch. 2020-50), CS/SB 226 (Ch. 2020-29)
    H 1137 (c2) Consumer Protection Clemons Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 H Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 1606 (Ch. 2020-63)
    H 1143 (e1) Department of Health Health Quality Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died in Health Policy, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    H 1193 (er) Deregulation of Professions and Occupations Ingoglia Compare Last Action: 7/1/2020 Chapter No. 2020-160, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 115 (Ch. 2020-125), CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    H 1341 (c1) Massage Therapy Goff-Marcil Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 H Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    S 230 (c3) Department of Health Harrell Compare Last Action: 3/13/2020 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133), CS/CS/CS/HB 115 (Ch. 2020-125), CS/CS/HB 731 (Ch. 2020-156), CS/HB 1193 (Ch. 2020-160), CS/HB 1461 (Ch. 2020-47), CS/SB 218 (Ch. 2020-50), CS/SB 226 (Ch. 2020-29) -SJ 860
    S 390 Massage Therapy Hooper Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died in Health Policy, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    S 474 (c3) Deregulation of Professions and Occupations Albritton Compare Last Action: 3/12/2020 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1193 (Ch. 2020-160), CS/CS/CS/HB 115 (Ch. 2020-125), CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133) -SJ 746
    S 1138 Chiropractic Medicine Brandes Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died in Health Policy, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    S 1492 (c1) Consumer Protection Wright Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died on Calendar

    Floor Votes (1)

    Date Chamber Result
    2/26/2020 2:28 PM House 85 Yeas - 29 Nays

    Citations - Statutes (1539)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    11.65 Page 2 (pdf)
    25.383 Standards for court reporters; procedures; rules of professional conduct, discipline, and training. Page 4 (pdf)
    25.386 Foreign language court interpreters. Page 4 (pdf)
    44.106 Standards and procedures for mediators and arbitrators; fees. Page 7 (pdf)
    61.125 Parenting coordination. Page 5 (pdf)
    310.001 Purpose. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.0015 Piloting regulation; general provisions. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.002 Definitions. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.011 Board of Pilot Commissioners. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.032 Oath of members of the board. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.042 Organization of board; meetings. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.051 Personnel; employment. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.061 State pilots; number; cross licensing. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.071 Deputy pilot certification. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.073 State pilot licensing. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.075 Deputy pilot training program. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.081 Department to examine and license state pilots and certificate deputy pilots; vacancies. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.091 Powers of the department. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.101 Grounds for disciplinary action by the board. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.102 Treatment programs for impaired pilots and deputy pilots. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.111 Marine incident reports. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.1112 Motor vehicle reports. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.1115 Bridge electronic navigation protection equipment; duty of pilot. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.121 Application, examination, and biennial fees. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.131 Assessment of percentage of gross pilotage. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.141 Vessels subject to pilotage. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.142 Pilotage at St. Marys Entrance. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.146 Exemptions from pilotage. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.151 Rates of pilotage; Pilotage Rate Review Committee. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.161 Piloting without a license; penalties. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.171 Pilots may incorporate themselves. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.181 Corporate powers. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.183 Immediate inactivation of license or certificate for certain violations. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.185 Rulemaking. Page 4 (pdf)
    320.8249 Mobile home installers license. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.001 Short title. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.002 Definitions. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.003 Administration. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.004 Licensing. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.005 Escrow depository, closing transactions. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.006 Powers and duties of division. Page 4 (pdf)
    373.302 Legislative findings. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.303 Definitions. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.306 Scope. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.308 Implementation of programs for regulating water wells. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.309 Authority to adopt rules and procedures. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.313 Prior permission and notification. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.314 Citation of rule. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.316 Existing installations. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.319 Inspections. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.323 Licensure of water well contractors; application, qualifications, and examinations; equipment identification. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.324 License renewal. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.325 Inactive status. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.326 Exemptions. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.329 Fees for licensure. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.333 Disciplinary guidelines; adoption and enforcement; license suspension or revocation. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.335 Clearinghouse. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.336 Unlawful acts; penalties. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.337 Rules. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.342 Permits. Page 5 (pdf)
    381.0075 Regulation of body-piercing salons.
    381.00771 Definitions of terms used in ss. 381.00771-381.00791.
    381.00773 Application of ss. 381.00771-381.00791; exemption.
    381.00775 Tattoo artists; licensure; registration of guest tattoo artists.
    381.00777 Tattoo establishments; licensure; temporary establishments.
    381.00781 Fees; disposition.
    381.00783 Grounds for discipline; administrative penalties.
    381.00785 Criminal penalties.
    381.00787 Tattooing prohibited; penalty.
    381.00789 Rulemaking.
    381.00791 Local laws and ordinances.
    381.0101 Environmental health professionals.
    395.10973 Powers and duties of the agency.
    397.4871 Recovery residence administrator certification.
    401.27 Personnel; standards and certification.
    401.271 Certification of emergency medical technicians and paramedics who are on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States.
    401.2715 Recertification training of emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
    401.272 Emergency medical services community health care.
    401.273 Emergency medical technician and paramedic registry for disasters and emergencies.
    401.465 911 public safety telecommunicator certification.
    402.305 Licensing standards; child care facilities.
    450.30 Requirement of certificate of registration; education and examination program.
    457.101 Legislative intent. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.102 Definitions. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.103 Board of Acupuncture; membership; appointment and terms. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.104 Rulemaking authority. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.105 Licensure qualifications and fees. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.107 Renewal of licenses; continuing education. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.108 Inactive status; expiration; reactivation of licenses. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.1085 Infection control. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.109 Disciplinary actions; grounds; action by the board. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.116 Prohibited acts; penalty. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.118 Effect of chapter on other health care practices. Page 5 (pdf)
    458.301 Purpose. Page 5 (pdf)
    458.303 Provisions not applicable to other practitioners; exceptions, etc. Page 5 (pdf)
    458.305 Definitions. Page 5 (pdf)
    458.307 Board of Medicine.
    458.309 Rulemaking authority.
    458.310 Restricted licenses.
    458.311 Licensure by examination; requirements; fees.
    458.3115 Restricted license; certain foreign-licensed physicians; examination; restrictions on practice; full licensure.
    458.3124 Restricted license; certain experienced foreign-trained physicians.
    458.313 Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fees.
    458.3135 Temporary certificate for visiting physicians to practice in approved cancer centers.
    458.3137 Temporary certificate for visiting physicians to obtain medical privileges for instructional purposes in conjunction with certain plastic surgery or other medical or surgical training programs and educational symposiums.
    458.314 Certification of foreign educational institutions.
    458.3145 Medical faculty certificate.
    458.3147 Medical school eligibility of military academy students or graduates.
    458.315 Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need.
    458.3151 Temporary certificate for active duty military and veterans practicing in areas of critical need.
    458.316 Public health certificate.
    458.3165 Public psychiatry certificate.
    458.317 Limited licenses.
    458.3175 Expert witness certificate.
    458.319 Renewal of license.
    458.3191 Physician survey.
    458.3192 Analysis of survey results; report.
    458.3193 Confidentiality of certain information contained in physician workforce surveys.
    458.320 Financial responsibility.
    458.321 Inactive status.
    458.323 Itemized patient billing.
    458.324 Breast cancer; information on treatment alternatives.
    458.325 Electroconvulsive and psychosurgical procedures.
    458.3255 Electronic-communications diagnostic-imaging or treatment services.
    458.326 Intractable pain; authorized treatment.
    458.327 Penalty for violations.
    458.328 Office surgeries.
    458.329 Sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine.
    458.3295 Concerted effort to refuse emergency room treatment to patients; penalties.
    458.331 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    458.3311 Emergency procedures for disciplinary action.
    458.3312 Specialties.
    458.335 Prescription or administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
    458.336 Drugs to treat obesity; rules establishing guidelines.
    458.337 Reports of disciplinary actions by medical organizations and hospitals.
    458.339 Physician’s consent; handwriting samples; mental or physical examinations.
    458.341 Search warrants for certain violations.
    458.343 Subpoena of certain records.
    458.345 Registration of resident physicians, interns, and fellows; list of hospital employees; prescribing of medicinal drugs; penalty.
    458.347 Physician assistants.
    458.3475 Anesthesiologist assistants.
    458.348 Formal supervisory relationships, standing orders, and established protocols; notice; standards.
    458.3485 Medical assistant.
    458.351 Reports of adverse incidents in office practice settings.
    459.001 Purpose.
    459.002 Chapter not applicable to practice of medicine, surgery, chiropractic medicine, etc.
    459.003 Definitions.
    459.004 Board of Osteopathic Medicine.
    459.005 Rulemaking authority.
    459.0055 General licensure requirements.
    459.0066 Expert witness certificate.
    459.0075 Limited licenses.
    459.0076 Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need.
    459.00761 Temporary certificate for active duty military and veterans practicing in areas of critical need.
    459.0077 Osteopathic faculty certificate.
    459.008 Renewal of licenses and certificates.
    459.0081 Physician survey.
    459.0082 Analysis of survey results; report.
    459.0083 Confidentiality of certain information contained in physician workforce surveys.
    459.0085 Financial responsibility.
    459.009 Inactive status.
    459.0092 Fees.
    459.011 Privileges, obligations, and status of osteopathic physicians.
    459.012 Itemized patient statement.
    459.0122 Patient records; termination of osteopathic physician’s practice.
    459.0125 Breast cancer; information on treatment alternatives.
    459.013 Penalty for violations.
    459.0135 Drugs to treat obesity; rules establishing guidelines.
    459.0138 Office surgeries.
    459.0141 Sexual misconduct in the practice of osteopathic medicine.
    459.0145 Concerted effort to refuse emergency room treatment to patients; penalties.
    459.015 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    459.0151 Emergency procedures for disciplinary action.
    459.0152 Specialties.
    459.016 Reports of disciplinary actions by medical organizations.
    459.017 Osteopathic physician’s consent; handwriting samples; mental or physical examinations.
    459.018 Search warrants for certain violations.
    459.019 Subpoena of certain records.
    459.021 Registration of resident physicians, interns, and fellows; list of hospital employees; penalty.
    459.022 Physician assistants.
    459.023 Anesthesiologist assistants.
    459.025 Formal supervisory relationships, standing orders, and established protocols; notice; standards.
    459.026 Reports of adverse incidents in office practice settings.
    460.401 Legislative findings; intent.
    460.402 Exceptions.
    460.403 Definitions.
    460.404 Board of Chiropractic Medicine; membership; appointment; terms.
    460.405 Authority to make rules.
    460.406 Licensure by examination.
    460.4061 Restricted license.
    460.4062 Chiropractic medicine faculty certificate.
    460.407 Renewal of license.
    460.408 Continuing chiropractic education.
    460.41 Itemized patient billing.
    460.411 Violations and penalties.
    460.412 Sexual misconduct in the practice of chiropractic medicine.
    460.413 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by board or department.
    460.414 Chiropractic physicians subject to state and municipal rules and regulations.
    460.4165 Certified chiropractic physician’s assistants.
    460.4166 Registered chiropractic assistants.
    460.4167 Proprietorship by persons other than licensed chiropractic physicians.
    461.001 Legislative findings; intent; scope.
    461.002 Exceptions.
    461.003 Definitions.
    461.004 Board of Podiatric Medicine; membership; appointment; terms.
    461.005 Rulemaking authority.
    461.006 Licensure by examination.
    461.007 Renewal of license.
    461.008 Inactive status.
    461.009 Itemized patient billing.
    461.012 Violations and penalties.
    461.013 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board; investigations by department.
    461.0131 Emergency procedures for disciplinary action.
    461.0134 Prescription or administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO); written release and information requirements.
    461.0135 Operation of X-ray machines by podiatric X-ray assistants.
    461.014 Residency.
    461.018 Limited scope of practice; area of need.
    462.01 Definitions.
    462.023 Powers and duties of the department.
    462.08 Renewal of license to practice naturopathy.
    462.09 Disposition of fees.
    462.11 Naturopaths to observe regulations.
    462.13 Additional powers and duties of the department.
    462.14 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the department.
    462.16 Reissue of license.
    462.17 Penalty for offenses relating to naturopathy.
    462.18 Educational requirements.
    462.19 Renewal of license; inactive status.
    462.2001 Saving clause.
    463.0001 Short title.
    463.001 Purpose; intent.
    463.002 Definitions.
    463.003 Board of Optometry.
    463.004 Board headquarters.
    463.005 Authority of the board.
    463.0055 Administration and prescription of ocular pharmaceutical agents.
    463.0057 Optometric faculty certificate.
    463.006 Licensure and certification by examination.
    463.007 Renewal of license; continuing education.
    463.008 Inactive status.
    463.009 Supportive personnel.
    463.011 Exhibition of license.
    463.012 Prescriptions; filing; release; duplication.
    463.013 Optometric services for certain public agencies.
    463.0135 Standards of practice.
    463.014 Certain acts prohibited.
    463.0141 Reports of adverse incidents in the practice of optometry.
    463.015 Violations and penalties.
    463.016 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    463.018 Reciprocity.
    464.001 Short title.
    464.002 Purpose.
    464.003 Definitions.
    464.004 Board of Nursing; membership; appointment; terms.
    464.005 Board headquarters.
    464.006 Rulemaking authority.
    464.008 Licensure by examination.
    464.009 Licensure by endorsement.
    464.0095 Nurse Licensure Compact.
    464.0096 Nurse Licensure Compact; public records and meetings exemptions.
    464.012 Licensure of advanced practice registered nurses; fees; controlled substance prescribing.
    464.013 Renewal of license or certificate.
    464.014 Inactive status.
    464.015 Titles and abbreviations; restrictions; penalty.
    464.016 Violations and penalties.
    464.017 Sexual misconduct in the practice of nursing.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    464.019 Approval of nursing education programs.
    464.0195 Florida Center for Nursing; goals.
    464.0196 Florida Center for Nursing; board of directors.
    464.0205 Retired volunteer nurse certificate.
    464.022 Exceptions.
    464.027 Registered nurse first assistant.
    464.201 Definitions.
    464.202 Duties and powers of the board.
    464.203 Certified nursing assistants; certification requirement.
    464.204 Denial, suspension, or revocation of certification; disciplinary actions.
    464.205 Availability of disciplinary records and proceedings.
    464.206 Exemption from liability.
    464.207 Penalties.
    464.208 Background screening information; rulemaking authority.
    465.002 Legislative findings; intent.
    465.007 Licensure by examination.
    465.0075 Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fee.
    465.008 Renewal of license.
    465.009 Continuing professional pharmaceutical education.
    465.012 Reactivation of license; continuing education.
    465.0125 Consultant pharmacist license; application, renewal, fees; responsibilities; rules.
    465.0126 Nuclear pharmacist license; application, renewal, fees.
    465.013 Registration of pharmacy interns.
    465.014 Pharmacy technician.
    465.0155 Standards of practice.
    465.0252 Substitution of interchangeable biosimilar products.
    465.026 Filling of certain prescriptions.
    465.0275 Emergency prescription refill.
    465.0276 Dispensing practitioner.
    465.186 Pharmacist’s order for medicinal drugs; dispensing procedure; development of formulary.
    465.187 Sale of medicinal drugs.
    465.188 Medicaid audits of pharmacies.
    465.189 Administration of vaccines and epinephrine autoinjection.
    465.1893 Administration of antipsychotic medication by injection.
    465.1901 Practice of orthotics and pedorthics.
    466.001 Legislative purpose and intent.
    466.002 Persons exempt from operation of chapter.
    466.003 Definitions.
    466.004 Board of Dentistry.
    466.005 Expert witness certificate.
    466.006 Examination of dentists.
    466.0065 Regional licensure examinations.
    466.0067 Application for health access dental license.
    466.00671 Renewal of the health access dental license.
    466.00672 Revocation of health access dental license.
    466.00673 Repeal of a health access dental license.
    466.007 Examination of dental hygienists.
    466.0075 Applicants for examination; medical malpractice insurance.
    466.008 Certification of foreign educational institutions.
    466.009 Reexamination.
    466.011 Licensure.
    466.013 Renewal of license.
    466.0135 Continuing education; dentists.
    466.014 Continuing education; dental hygienists.
    466.015 Inactive status.
    466.016 License to be displayed.
    466.017 Prescription of drugs; anesthesia.
    466.018 Dentist of record; patient records.
    466.019 Advertising by dentists.
    466.021 Retention of dental laboratories by dentist; penalty.
    466.022 Peer review; records; immunity; confidentiality.
    466.023 Dental hygienists; scope and area of practice.
    466.0235 Dental charting.
    466.024 Delegation of duties; expanded functions.
    466.025 Permitting of dental interns serving at state institutions; certification of dentists practicing at government facilities; permitting of nonprofit corporations.
    466.026 Prohibitions; penalties.
    466.027 Sexual misconduct.
    466.0275 Lawful investigations; consent handwriting samples; mental or physical examination.
    466.02751 Establishment of practitioner profile for designation as a controlled substance prescribing practitioner.
    466.028 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    466.0282 Specialties.
    466.0285 Proprietorship by nondentists.
    466.041 Hepatitis B carriers.
    466.051 Confidentiality of certain information contained in dental workforce surveys.
    467.001 Short title.
    467.002 Legislative intent.
    467.003 Definitions.
    467.004 Council of Licensed Midwifery.
    467.005 Authority to make rules.
    467.006 Requirements to practice midwifery.
    467.009 Midwifery programs; education and training requirements.
    467.011 Licensure by examination.
    467.012 Renewal of license.
    467.0125 Licensure by endorsement.
    467.013 Inactive status.
    467.0135 Fees.
    467.014 Financial responsibility.
    467.015 Responsibilities of the midwife.
    467.016 Informed consent.
    467.017 Emergency care plan; immunity.
    467.019 Records and reports.
    467.201 Violations and penalties.
    467.203 Disciplinary actions; penalties.
    467.205 Approval of midwifery programs.
    467.207 Exceptions.
    468.1105 Legislative intent.
    468.1115 Exemptions.
    468.1125 Definitions.
    468.1135 Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
    468.1145 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    468.1155 Provisional license; requirements.
    468.1165 Professional employment experience requirement.
    468.1175 Examination.
    468.1185 Licensure.
    468.1195 Renewal of license or certificate; continuing education requirements; standards for approval of continuing education providers.
    468.1205 Inactive status; reactivation; continuing education; application procedures; renewal.
    468.1215 Speech-language pathology assistant and audiology assistant; certification.
    468.1225 Procedures, equipment, and protocols.
    468.1245 Itemized listing of prices; delivery of hearing aid; receipt; guarantee; packaging; disclaimer.
    468.1246 Thirty-day trial period; purchaser’s right to cancel; notice; refund; cancellation fee.
    468.1255 Cancellation by medical authorization; purchaser’s right to return.
    468.1265 Sale or distribution of hearing aids through mail; penalty.
    468.1275 Place of business; display of license.
    468.1285 Prohibitions; penalties.
    468.1295 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.1296 Sexual misconduct.
    468.1315 Saving clauses.
    468.1635 Purpose.
    468.1645 Administrator license required.
    468.1655 Definitions.
    468.1665 Board of Nursing Home Administrators; membership; appointment; terms.
    468.1675 Board headquarters.
    468.1685 Powers and duties of board and department.
    468.1695 Licensure by examination.
    468.1705 Licensure by endorsement; temporary license.
    468.1715 Renewal of license.
    468.1725 Inactive status.
    468.1735 Provisional license.
    468.1745 Prohibitions; penalties.
    468.1755 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.1756 Statute of limitations.
    468.201 Short title; purpose.
    468.203 Definitions.
    468.204 Authority to adopt rules.
    468.205 Board of Occupational Therapy Practice.
    468.207 License required.
    468.209 Requirements for licensure.
    468.211 Examination for licensure.
    468.213 Licensure by endorsement.
    468.215 Issuance of license.
    468.217 Denial of or refusal to renew license; suspension and revocation of license and other disciplinary measures.
    468.219 Renewal of license; continuing education.
    468.221 Fees.
    468.223 Prohibitions; penalties.
    468.225 Exemptions.
    468.3001 Short title.
    468.3003 Declaration of policy.
    468.301 Definitions.
    468.302 Use of radiation; identification of certified persons; limitations; exceptions.
    468.303 Rules.
    468.304 Certification.
    468.305 Certification; standards.
    468.306 Examinations.
    468.3065 Certification by endorsement.
    468.307 Certificate; issuance; display.
    468.309 Certificate; duration; renewal; reversion to inactive status; members of Armed Forces and spouses.
    468.3095 Inactive status; reactivation; automatic suspension; reinstatement.
    468.3101 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    468.311 Violations; penalties.
    468.3115 Injunctive relief.
    468.312 Fees; disposition.
    468.314 Advisory Council on Radiation Protection; appointment; terms; powers; duties.
    468.315 Treatment program for impaired radiological personnel.
    468.35 Short title.
    468.351 Purpose and intent; application.
    468.352 Definitions.
    468.353 Board of Respiratory Care; powers and duties.
    468.354 Board of Respiratory Care; organization; function.
    468.355 Licensure requirements.
    468.358 Licensure by endorsement.
    468.359 Assumption of title and use of abbreviations.
    468.36 Current address.
    468.361 Renewal of licensure; continuing education.
    468.363 Reactivation of licensure; continuing education.
    468.364 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    468.365 Disciplinary grounds and actions.
    468.366 Penalties for violations.
    468.367 Injunctive relief.
    468.368 Exemptions.
    468.369 Payment or reimbursement by hospitals of costs of compliance with part.
    468.381 Purpose.
    468.382 Definitions.
    468.383 Exemptions.
    468.384 Florida Board of Auctioneers.
    468.385 Licenses required; qualifications; examination.
    468.3851 Renewal of license.
    468.3852 Reactivation of license; fee.
    468.3855 Apprenticeship training requirements.
    468.386 Fees; local licensing requirements.
    468.387 Licensing of nonresidents; endorsement; reciprocity.
    468.388 Conduct of an auction.
    468.389 Prohibited acts; penalties.
    468.391 Penalty.
    468.392 Auctioneer Recovery Fund.
    468.393 Surcharge to license fee; assessments.
    468.394 Interest credited; payment of expenses.
    468.395 Conditions of recovery; eligibility.
    468.396 Claims against a single licensee in excess of dollar limitation; joinder of claims, payment; insufficient funds.
    468.397 Payment of claim.
    468.398 Suspension of judgment debtor’s license; repayment by licensee; interest.
    468.399 Expenditure of excess funds.
    468.401 Regulation of talent agencies; definitions.
    468.402 Duties of the department; authority to issue and revoke license; adoption of rules.
    468.403 License requirements.
    468.404 License; fees; renewals.
    468.405 Qualification for talent agency license.
    468.406 Fees to be charged by talent agencies; rates; display.
    468.407 License; content; posting.
    468.408 Bond required.
    468.409 Records required to be kept.
    468.410 Prohibition against registration fees; referral.
    468.411 Labor disputes; statements required.
    468.412 Talent agency regulations; prohibited acts.
    468.413 Legal requirements; penalties.
    468.414 Collection and deposit of moneys; appropriation.
    468.415 Sexual misconduct in the operation of a talent agency.
    468.431 Definitions.
    468.4315 Regulatory Council of Community Association Managers.
    468.432 Licensure of community association managers and community association management firms; exceptions.
    468.433 Licensure by examination.
    468.4334 Professional practice standards; liability.
    468.4336 Renewal of license.
    468.4337 Continuing education.
    468.4338 Reactivation; continuing education.
    468.435 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    468.436 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.4365 Availability of disciplinary records and proceedings.
    468.437 Penalties.
    468.438 Timeshare management firms.
    468.451 Legislative findings and intent.
    468.452 Definitions.
    468.453 Licensure required; qualifications; license nontransferable; service of process; temporary license; license or application from another state.
    468.4535 Exceptions.
    468.4536 Renewal of licensure.
    468.454 Contracts.
    468.456 Prohibited acts.
    468.4561 Unlicensed activity; penalties for violations.
    468.45615 Provision of illegal inducements to athletes prohibited; penalties; license suspension.
    468.4562 Civil action by institution.
    468.4565 Business records requirement.
    468.457 Rulemaking authority.
    468.501 Short title.
    468.502 Purpose and intent.
    468.503 Definitions.
    468.504 License required.
    468.505 Exemptions; exceptions.
    468.506 Dietetics and Nutrition Practice Council.
    468.507 Authority to adopt rules.
    468.508 Fees.
    468.509 Dietitian/nutritionist; requirements for licensure.
    468.51 Nutrition counselor; renewal of licensure.
    468.511 Dietitian/nutritionist; temporary permit.
    468.512 License to be displayed.
    468.513 Dietitian/nutritionist; licensure by endorsement.
    468.514 Renewal of license.
    468.515 Inactive status.
    468.516 Practice requirements.
    468.517 Prohibitions; penalties.
    468.518 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    468.520 Definitions.
    468.521 Board of Employee Leasing Companies; membership; appointments; terms.
    468.522 Rules of the board.
    468.523 Applicability of s. 20.165 and ch. 455.
    468.524 Application for license.
    468.5245 Change of ownership.
    468.525 License requirements.
    468.526 License required; fees.
    468.527 Licensure and license renewal.
    468.5275 Registration and exemption of de minimis operations.
    468.528 Delinquent licenses.
    468.529 Licensee’s insurance; employment tax; benefit plans.
    468.530 License, contents; posting.
    468.531 Prohibitions; penalties.
    468.532 Discipline.
    468.533 Collected fees.
    468.534 Application.
    468.535 Investigations; audits; review.
    468.601 Purpose.
    468.602 Exemptions.
    468.603 Definitions.
    468.604 Responsibilities of building code administrators, plans examiners, and inspectors.
    468.605 Florida Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Board.
    468.606 Authority of the board.
    468.607 Certification of building code administration and inspection personnel.
    468.609 Administration of this part; standards for certification; additional categories of certification.
    468.613 Certification by endorsement.
    468.617 Joint building code inspection department; other arrangements.
    468.619 Building code enforcement officials’ bill of rights.
    468.621 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.627 Application; examination; renewal; fees.
    468.629 Prohibitions; penalties.
    468.631 Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Fund.
    468.632 Prosecution of criminal violations.
    468.633 Authority of local government.
    468.70 Legislative intent.
    468.701 Definitions.
    468.703 Board of Athletic Training.
    468.705 Rulemaking authority.
    468.707 Licensure requirements.
    468.709 Fees.
    468.711 Renewal of license; continuing education.
    468.713 Responsibilities of athletic trainers.
    468.715 Sexual misconduct.
    468.717 Violations and penalties.
    468.719 Disciplinary actions.
    468.723 Exemptions.
    468.80 Definitions.
    468.801 Board of Orthotists and Prosthetists; appointment; membership; terms; headquarters.
    468.802 Authority to adopt rules.
    468.803 License, registration, and examination requirements.
    468.806 Biennial renewal of license.
    468.808 Support personnel.
    468.809 Prohibitions; penalties.
    468.8095 Practitioner and resident identification.
    468.811 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.812 Exemptions from licensure.
    468.813 Use of titles.
    468.83 Home inspection services licensing program; purpose.
    468.831 Exemptions.
    468.8311 Definitions.
    468.8312 Fees.
    468.8313 Examinations.
    468.8314 Licensure.
    468.8315 Renewal of license.
    468.8316 Continuing education.
    468.8317 Inactive license.
    468.8318 Certification of corporations and partnerships.
    468.8319 Prohibitions; penalties.
    468.832 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.8321 Disclosures.
    468.8322 Insurance.
    468.8323 Home inspection report.
    468.8324 Grandfather clause.
    468.8325 Rulemaking authority.
    468.84 Mold-related services licensing program; legislative purpose.
    468.841 Exemptions.
    468.8411 Definitions.
    468.8412 Fees.
    468.8413 Examinations.
    468.8414 Licensure.
    468.8415 Renewal of license.
    468.8416 Continuing education.
    468.8417 Inactive license.
    468.8418 Certification of partnerships and corporations.
    468.8419 Prohibitions; penalties.
    468.842 Disciplinary proceedings.
    468.8421 Insurance.
    468.8422 Contracts.
    468.8423 Grandfather clause.
    468.8424 Rulemaking authority.
    471.001 Purpose.
    471.003 Qualifications for practice; exemptions.
    471.0035 Instructors in postsecondary educational institutions; exemption from licensure requirement.
    471.005 Definitions.
    471.007 Board of Professional Engineers.
    471.008 Rulemaking authority.
    471.009 Board headquarters.
    471.011 Fees.
    471.013 Examinations; prerequisites.
    471.015 Licensure.
    471.017 Renewal of license.
    471.019 Reactivation.
    471.0195 Florida Building Code training for engineers.
    471.021 Engineers and firms of other states; temporary registration to practice in Florida.
    471.023 Qualification of business organizations.
    471.025 Seals.
    471.027 Engineers authorized to enter lands of third parties under certain conditions.
    471.031 Prohibitions; penalties.
    471.033 Disciplinary proceedings.
    471.037 Effect of chapter locally.
    471.038 Florida Engineers Management Corporation.
    471.0385 Court action; effect.
    471.045 Professional engineers performing building code inspector duties.
    472.001 Purpose.
    472.003 Persons not affected by ss. 472.001-472.037.
    472.005 Definitions.
    472.006 Department; powers and duties.
    472.007 Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers.
    472.0075 Contacting board through department.
    472.008 Rules of the board.
    472.009 Board headquarters.
    472.0101 Foreign-trained professionals; special examination and license provisions.
    472.011 Fees.
    472.013 Examinations, prerequisites.
    472.0131 Examinations; development; administration.
    472.0132 Penalty for theft or reproduction of an examination.
    472.0135 Education; substituting demonstration of competency for clock-hour requirements; accreditation; consultation.
    472.015 Licensure.
    472.016 Members of Armed Forces in good standing with the board.
    472.0165 Qualification of immigrants for examination to practice a licensed profession or occupation.
    472.017 Renewal of license.
    472.018 Continuing education.
    472.019 Reactivation; continuing education.
    472.0201 Public inspection of information required from applicants; exceptions; examination hearing.
    472.02011 Disclosure of confidential information.
    472.0202 Inactive and delinquent status.
    472.0203 Renewal and cancellation notices.
    472.0204 Address of record.
    472.021 Certification of partnerships and corporations.
    472.023 Surveyors and mappers and firms of other states; temporary certificates to practice in this state.
    472.025 Seals.
    472.027 Standards of practice.
    472.029 Authorization to enter lands of third parties; conditions.
    472.031 Prohibitions; penalties.
    472.033 Disciplinary proceedings.
    472.0335 Classification of disciplinary actions.
    472.0337 Power to administer oaths, take depositions, and issue subpoenas.
    472.034 Mediation.
    472.0345 Authority to issue citations.
    472.0351 Grounds for discipline; penalties; enforcement.
    472.0355 Disciplinary guidelines.
    472.036 Unlicensed practice of professional surveying and mapping; cease and desist notice; civil penalty; enforcement; citations; allocation of moneys collected.
    472.0365 Unlicensed activities; fees; disposition.
    472.0366 Elevation certificates; requirements for surveyors and mappers.
    472.037 Application of ss. 472.001-472.037.
    473.301 Purpose.
    473.302 Definitions.
    473.303 Board of Accountancy.
    473.3035 Division of Certified Public Accounting.
    473.304 Rules of board; powers and duties; legal services.
    473.305 Fees.
    473.306 Examinations.
    473.3065 Clay Ford Scholarship Program; Certified Public Accountant Education Minority Assistance Advisory Council.
    473.308 Licensure.
    473.309 Practice requirements for partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies; business entities practicing public accounting.
    473.3101 Licensure of firms or public accounting firms.
    473.311 Renewal of license.
    473.312 Continuing education.
    473.3125 Peer review.
    473.313 Inactive status.
    473.314 Temporary license.
    473.3141 Certified public accountants licensed in other states.
    473.315 Independence, technical standards.
    473.316 Communications between the accountant and client privileged.
    473.318 Ownership of working papers.
    473.319 Contingent fees.
    473.3205 Commissions or referral fees.
    473.321 Fictitious names.
    473.322 Prohibitions; penalties.
    473.323 Disciplinary proceedings.
    474.201 Purpose.
    474.202 Definitions.
    474.203 Exemptions.
    474.204 Board of Veterinary Medicine.
    474.205 Headquarters.
    474.206 Authority to make rules.
    474.2065 Fees.
    474.207 Licensure by examination.
    474.211 Renewal of license.
    474.2125 Temporary license.
    474.213 Prohibitions; penalties.
    474.214 Disciplinary proceedings.
    474.2145 Subpoena of certain records.
    474.215 Premises permits.
    474.216 License and premises permit to be displayed.
    474.2165 Ownership and control of veterinary medical patient records; report or copies of records to be furnished.
    474.2167 Confidentiality of animal medical records.
    474.217 Licensure by endorsement.
    474.2185 Veterinarians consent; handwriting samples; mental or physical examinations.
    474.221 Impaired practitioner provisions; applicability.
    475.001 Purpose.
    475.01 Definitions.
    475.011 Exemptions.
    475.02 Florida Real Estate Commission.
    475.021 Division of Real Estate.
    475.03 Delegation of powers and duties; legal services.
    475.04 Duty of commission to educate members of profession.
    475.045 Florida Real Estate Commission Education and Research Foundation.
    475.05 Power of commission to enact bylaws and rules and decide questions of practice.
    475.10 Seal.
    475.125 Fees.
    475.15 Registration and licensing of general partners, members, officers, and directors of a firm.
    475.161 Licensing of broker associates and sales associates.
    475.17 Qualifications for practice.
    475.175 Examinations.
    475.180 Nonresident licenses.
    475.181 Licensure.
    475.182 Renewal of license; continuing education.
    475.183 Inactive status.
    475.215 Multiple licenses.
    475.22 Broker to maintain office and sign at entrance of office; registered office outside state; broker required to cooperate in investigation.
    475.23 License to expire on change of address.
    475.24 Branch office; fees.
    475.25 Discipline.
    475.255 Determination of agency or transactional brokerage relationship.
    475.2701 Short title.
    475.272 Purpose.
    475.274 Scope of coverage.
    475.2755 Designated sales associate.
    475.278 Authorized brokerage relationships; presumption of transaction brokerage; required disclosures.
    475.28 Rules of evidence.
    475.2801 Rules.
    475.31 Final orders.
    475.37 Effect of reversal of order of court or commission.
    475.38 Payment of costs.
    475.41 Contracts of unlicensed person for commissions invalid.
    475.42 Violations and penalties.
    475.43 Presumptions.
    475.451 Schools teaching real estate practice.
    475.4511 Advertising by real estate schools.
    475.453 Rental information; contract or receipt; refund; penalty.
    475.455 Exchange of disciplinary information.
    475.482 Real Estate Recovery Fund.
    475.483 Conditions for recovery; eligibility.
    475.4835 Commission powers upon notification of commencement of action.
    475.484 Payment from the fund.
    475.485 Investment of the fund.
    475.486 Rules; violations.
    475.5015 Brokerage business records.
    475.5016 Authority to inspect and audit.
    475.5017 Injunctive relief; powers.
    475.5018 Facsimile signatures or writing accepted.
    476.014 Short title.
    476.024 Purpose.
    476.034 Definitions.
    476.044 Exemptions.
    476.054 Barbers’ Board.
    476.064 Organization; headquarters; personnel; meetings.
    476.074 Legal, investigative, and inspection services.
    476.114 Examination; prerequisites.
    476.134 Examinations.
    476.144 Licensure.
    476.154 Biennial renewal of licenses.
    476.155 Inactive status; reactivation of inactive license.
    476.178 Schools of barbering; licensure.
    476.184 Barbershop licensure; requirements; fee; inspection; license display.
    476.188 Barber services to be performed in registered barbershop; exception.
    476.192 Fees; disposition.
    476.194 Prohibited acts.
    476.204 Penalties.
    476.214 Grounds for suspending, revoking, or refusing to grant license or certificate.
    476.234 Civil proceedings.
    476.244 Administrative proceedings.
    476.254 Saving clause.
    477.011 Short title.
    477.012 Purpose.
    477.013 Definitions.
    477.0132 Hair braiding, hair wrapping, and body wrapping registration.
    477.0135 Exemptions.
    477.014 Qualifications for practice.
    477.015 Board of Cosmetology.
    477.016 Rulemaking.
    477.017 Legal services.
    477.018 Investigative services.
    477.019 Cosmetologists; qualifications; licensure; supervised practice; license renewal; endorsement; continuing education.
    477.0201 Specialty registration; qualifications; registration renewal; endorsement.
    477.0212 Inactive status.
    477.0213 Cosmetology graduates of Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; licenses.
    477.022 Examinations.
    477.023 Schools of cosmetology; licensure.
    477.025 Cosmetology salons; specialty salons; requisites; licensure; inspection; mobile cosmetology salons.
    477.026 Fees; disposition.
    477.0263 Cosmetology services to be performed in licensed salon; exceptions.
    477.0265 Prohibited acts.
    477.028 Disciplinary proceedings.
    477.029 Penalty.
    477.031 Civil proceedings.
    478.40 Short title.
    478.41 Purpose and intent.
    478.42 Definitions.
    478.43 Board of Medicine; powers and duties.
    478.44 Electrolysis Council; creation; function; powers and duties.
    478.45 Requirements for licensure.
    478.46 Temporary permits.
    478.47 Licensure by endorsement.
    478.48 Assumption of title and use of abbreviations.
    478.49 License required.
    478.50 Renewal of license; delinquent status; address notification; continuing education requirements.
    478.54 Exemptions.
    480.031 Short title.
    480.032 Purpose.
    480.033 Definitions.
    480.034 Exemptions.
    480.035 Board of Massage Therapy.
    480.036 Accountability of board members.
    480.039 Investigative services.
    480.041 Massage therapists; qualifications; licensure; endorsement.
    480.0415 License renewal.
    480.042 Examinations.
    480.043 Massage establishments; requisites; licensure; inspection; human trafficking awareness training and policies.
    480.044 Fees; disposition.
    480.046 Grounds for disciplinary action by the board.
    480.0465 Advertisement.
    480.047 Penalties.
    480.0475 Massage establishments; prohibited practices.
    480.0485 Sexual misconduct in the practice of massage therapy.
    480.049 Civil proceedings.
    480.052 Power of county or municipality to regulate massage.
    480.0535 Documents required while working in a massage establishment.
    481.201 Purpose.
    481.203 Definitions.
    481.205 Board of Architecture and Interior Design.
    481.2055 Authority to make rules.
    481.207 Fees.
    481.209 Examinations.
    481.211 Architecture internship required.
    481.213 Licensure.
    481.2131 Interior design; practice requirements; disclosure of compensation for professional services.
    481.215 Renewal of license.
    481.217 Inactive status.
    481.219 Certification of partnerships, limited liability companies, and corporations.
    481.221 Seals; display of certificate number.
    481.222 Architects performing building code inspection services.
    481.223 Prohibitions; penalties; injunctive relief.
    481.225 Disciplinary proceedings against registered architects.
    481.2251 Disciplinary proceedings against registered interior designers.
    481.229 Exceptions; exemptions from licensure.
    481.231 Effect of part locally.
    481.301 Purpose.
    481.303 Definitions.
    481.305 Board of Landscape Architecture.
    481.306 Authority to make rules.
    481.307 Fees.
    481.309 Examinations.
    481.310 Practical experience requirement.
    481.311 Licensure.
    481.313 Renewal of license.
    481.315 Inactive status.
    481.317 Temporary certificates.
    481.319 Corporate and partnership practice of landscape architecture; certificate of authorization.
    481.321 Seals; display of certificate number.
    481.323 Prohibitions; penalties.
    481.325 Disciplinary proceedings.
    481.329 Exceptions; exemptions from licensure.
    482.011 Short title.
    482.021 Definitions.
    482.032 Enforcement.
    482.051 Rules.
    482.061 Inspectors.
    482.071 Licenses.
    482.072 Pest control customer contact centers.
    482.0815 Permit to perform preventive termite treatment services for new construction only.
    482.091 Employee identification cards.
    482.111 Pest control operator’s certificate.
    482.121 Misuse of certificate.
    482.132 Qualifications for examination and certification.
    482.141 Examinations.
    482.151 Special identification card for performance of fumigation.
    482.152 Duties of certified operator in charge of pest control activities of licensee.
    482.155 Limited certification for governmental pesticide applicators or private applicators.
    482.156 Limited certification for commercial landscape maintenance personnel.
    482.1562 Limited certification for urban landscape commercial fertilizer application.
    482.157 Limited certification for commercial wildlife management personnel.
    482.161 Disciplinary grounds and actions; reinstatement.
    482.163 Responsibility for pest control activities of employee.
    482.165 Unlicensed practice of pest control; cease and desist order; injunction; civil suit and penalty.
    482.1821 Closing pest control business without providing for contracts and liabilities.
    482.183 Limitations.
    482.191 Violation and penalty.
    482.211 Exemptions.
    482.226 Wood-destroying organism inspection report; notice of inspection or treatment; financial responsibility.
    482.2265 Consumer information; notice of application of pesticide.
    482.2267 Registry of persons requiring prior notification of the application of pesticides.
    482.227 Guarantees and warranties; contracts executed after October 1, 2003.
    482.231 Use of fogging machines.
    482.2401 Disposition and use of revenues from fees and fines.
    482.241 Liberal interpretation.
    482.242 Preemption.
    482.243 Pest Control Enforcement Advisory Council.
    483.800 Declaration of policy and statement of purpose.
    483.801 Exemptions.
    483.803 Definitions.
    483.805 Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel.
    483.807 Fees; establishment; disposition.
    483.809 Licensure; examinations; registration of trainees; approval of curricula.
    483.811 Approval of laboratory personnel training programs.
    483.812 Public health laboratory scientists; licensure.
    483.813 Clinical laboratory personnel license.
    483.815 Application for clinical laboratory personnel license.
    483.817 Renewal of clinical laboratory personnel license.
    483.819 Inactive status.
    483.821 Periodic demonstration of competency; continuing education or reexamination.
    483.823 Qualifications of clinical laboratory personnel.
    483.824 Qualifications of clinical laboratory director.
    483.825 Grounds for disciplinary action.
    483.828 Penalties for violations.
    483.901 Medical physicists; definitions; licensure.
    484.002 Definitions.
    484.013 Violations and penalties.
    484.014 Disciplinary actions.
    484.015 Authority to inspect.
    485.001 Short title.
    485.002 Legislative intent.
    485.003 Definitions.
    485.004 When practice of hypnosis prohibited.
    485.005 Penalties.
    486.011 Short title.
    486.015 Legislative intent.
    486.021 Definitions.
    486.023 Board of Physical Therapy Practice.
    486.025 Powers and duties of the Board of Physical Therapy Practice.
    486.028 License to practice physical therapy required.
    486.031 Physical therapist; licensing requirements.
    486.041 Physical therapist; application for license; fee.
    486.051 Physical therapist; examination of applicant.
    486.061 Physical therapist; issuance of license.
    486.0715 Physical therapist; issuance of temporary permit.
    486.081 Physical therapist; issuance of license without examination to person passing examination of another authorized examining board; fee.
    486.085 Physical therapist; renewal of license; inactive status; reactivation of license; fees.
    486.102 Physical therapist assistant; licensing requirements.
    486.103 Physical therapist assistant; application for license; fee.
    486.104 Physical therapist assistant; examination of applicant.
    486.106 Physical therapist assistant; issuance of license.
    486.1065 Physical therapist assistant; issuance of temporary permit.
    486.107 Physical therapist assistant; issuance of license without examination to person licensed in another jurisdiction; fee.
    486.108 Physical therapist assistant; renewal of license; inactive status; reactivation of license; fees.
    486.109 Continuing education.
    486.115 Disposition of fees.
    486.123 Sexual misconduct in the practice of physical therapy.
    486.125 Refusal, revocation, or suspension of license; administrative fines and other disciplinary measures.
    486.135 False representation of licensure, or willful misrepresentation or fraudulent representation to obtain license, unlawful.
    486.151 Prohibited acts; penalty.
    486.153 Injunctive relief.
    486.161 Exemptions.
    486.171 Current valid licenses effective.
    486.172 Application of s. 456.021.
    487.011 Popular name; administration.
    487.012 Declaration of purpose.
    487.021 Definitions.
    487.025 Misbranding.
    487.031 Prohibited acts.
    487.041 Registration.
    487.042 Restricted-use pesticides; designation.
    487.0435 License classification.
    487.0437 Direct infusion of chlorine gas.
    487.044 Certification; examination.
    487.045 Fees.
    487.046 Application; licensure.
    487.047 Nonresident license; reciprocal agreement; authorized purchase.
    487.048 Dealer’s license; records.
    487.049 Renewal; late fee; recertification.
    487.051 Administration; rules; procedure.
    487.064 Antisiphon requirements for irrigation systems.
    487.071 Enforcement, inspection, sampling, and analysis.
    487.081 Exemptions.
    487.091 Tolerances, deficiencies, and penalties.
    487.101 Stop-sale, stop-use, removal, or hold orders.
    487.111 Seizure, condemnation, and sale.
    487.13 Cooperation.
    487.15 Reclamation, reimbursement, and disposal.
    487.156 Governmental agencies.
    487.1585 Duties of licensee with respect to unlicensed applicators and mixer-loaders and field workers.
    487.159 Damage or injury to property, animal, or person; mandatory report of damage or injury.
    487.160 Records.
    487.161 Exemptions, nonagricultural pest control and research.
    487.163 Information; interagency cooperation.
    487.171 Classification of antifouling paint containing organotin compounds as restricted-use pesticides; prohibition of distribution and sale.
    487.175 Penalties; administrative fine; injunction.
    488.01 License to engage in business of operating a driver school required.
    488.02 Rules and regulations.
    488.03 License; application; expiration; renewal; fees.
    488.04 Driver training school instructors; certificates; qualifications.
    488.045 Agents for commercial driving school; identification cards.
    488.05 Driver school vehicle identification certificates.
    488.06 Revocation or suspension of license or certificate.
    488.07 Penalties for violation.
    488.08 Disposition of revenues; budget.
    489.101 Purpose.
    489.103 Exemptions.
    489.105 Definitions.
    489.107 Construction Industry Licensing Board.
    489.108 Rulemaking authority.
    489.109 Fees.
    489.111 Licensure by examination.
    489.113 Qualifications for practice; restrictions.
    489.1131 Credit for relevant military training and education.
    489.1136 Medical gas certification.
    489.114 Evidence of workers’ compensation coverage.
    489.115 Certification and registration; endorsement; reciprocity; renewals; continuing education.
    489.116 Inactive and delinquent status; renewal and cancellation notices.
    489.117 Registration; specialty contractors.
    489.118 Certification of registered contractors; grandfathering provisions.
    489.119 Business organizations; qualifying agents.
    489.1195 Responsibilities.
    489.121 Emergency registration upon death of contractor.
    489.124 Business records requirements; address of record; service.
    489.125 Prequalification of certificateholders.
    489.126 Moneys received by contractors.
    489.127 Prohibitions; penalties.
    489.128 Contracts entered into by unlicensed contractors unenforceable.
    489.129 Disciplinary proceedings.
    489.13 Unlicensed contracting; notice of noncompliance; fine; authority to issue or receive a building permit; web page.
    489.131 Applicability.
    489.132 Prohibited acts by unlicensed principals; investigation; hearing; penalties.
    489.133 Pollutant storage systems specialty contractors; definitions; certification; restrictions.
    489.134 Authority of licensed job scope.
    489.140 Florida Homeowners’ Construction Recovery Fund.
    489.1401 Legislative intent.
    489.1402 Homeowners’ Construction Recovery Fund; definitions.
    489.141 Conditions for recovery; eligibility.
    489.142 Board powers relating to recovery; conduct of hearings and service.
    489.1425 Duty of contractor to notify residential property owner of recovery fund.
    489.143 Payment from the fund.
    489.144 Investment of the fund. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.145 Guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contracting. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.1455 Journeyman; reciprocity; standards. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.146 Privatization of services. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.501 Purpose. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.503 Exemptions. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.505 Definitions. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.507 Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.509 Fees. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.510 Evidence of workers’ compensation coverage. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.511 Certification; application; examinations; endorsement. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.513 Registration; application; requirements. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.514 Certification for registered contractors; grandfathering provisions. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.515 Issuance of certificates; registrations. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.516 Qualifications to practice; restrictions; prerequisites. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.5161 Credit for relevant military training and education. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.517 Renewal of certificate or registration; continuing education. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.518 Alarm system agents. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.5185 Fire alarm system agents. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.519 Inactive status. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.520 Automated licensure status information system. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.521 Business organizations; qualifying agents. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.522 Qualifying agents; responsibilities. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.523 Emergency registration upon death of contractor. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.525 Report to local building officials. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.529 Alarm confirmation required. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.530 Audible alarms. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.531 Prohibitions; penalties. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.5315 Proprietary electrical or alarm contractors. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.532 Contracts entered into by unlicensed contractors unenforceable. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.533 Disciplinary proceedings. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.5335 Journeyman; reciprocity; standards. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.537 Application of this part. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.538 Authority of licensed job scope. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.551 Definitions. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.552 Registration required. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.553 Administration of part; registration qualifications; examination. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.554 Registration renewal. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.555 Certification of partnerships and corporations. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.556 Suspension or revocation of registration. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.557 Fees, establishment. Page 12 (pdf)
    489.558 Penalties and prohibitions. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.001 Short title. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.002 Intent. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.003 Definitions. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.004 Board of Psychology. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.005 Licensure by examination. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0051 Provisional licensure; requirements. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.006 Licensure by endorsement. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.007 Renewal of license. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0085 Continuing education; approval of providers, programs, and courses; proof of completion. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.009 Discipline. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0111 Sexual misconduct. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.012 Violations; penalties; injunction. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0121 Licensed school psychologists; private sector services. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.014 Exemptions. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0141 Practice of hypnosis. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0143 Practice of sex therapy. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0145 The practice of juvenile sexual offender therapy. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0147 Confidentiality and privileged communications. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0148 Psychologist and school psychologist records. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.0149 Specialties. Page 12 (pdf)
    490.015 Duties of the department. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.002 Intent. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.003 Definitions. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.004 Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0045 Intern registration; requirements. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0046 Provisional license; requirements. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.005 Licensure by examination. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0057 Dual licensure as a marriage and family therapist. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.006 Licensure or certification by endorsement. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0065 Requirement for instruction on HIV and AIDS. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.007 Renewal of license, registration, or certificate. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.008 Inactive status; reactivation of licenses; fees. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0085 Continuing education and laws and rules courses; approval of providers, programs, and courses; proof of completion. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.009 Discipline. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0111 Sexual misconduct. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0112 Sexual misconduct by a psychotherapist; penalties. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.012 Violations; penalty; injunction. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.014 Exemptions. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0141 Practice of hypnosis. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0143 Practice of sex therapy. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0144 The practice of juvenile sexual offender therapy. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0145 Certified master social worker. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0147 Confidentiality and privileged communications. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0148 Records. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.0149 Display of license; use of professional title on promotional materials. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.015 Duties of the department as to certified master social workers. Page 12 (pdf)
    491.016 Social work; use of title. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.101 Purpose. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.102 Definitions. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.103 Board of Professional Geologists. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.104 Rulemaking authority. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.105 Licensure by examination; requirements; fees. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.1051 Registered geologist-in-training; requirements. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.106 Provisional licenses. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.107 Seals. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.108 Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fees. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.109 Renewal of license; fees. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.1101 Inactive status. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.111 Practice of professional geology by a firm, corporation, or partnership; certificate of authorization. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.112 Prohibitions; penalties. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.113 Disciplinary proceedings. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.114 Lost, destroyed, stolen, or mutilated licenses. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.115 Roster of licensed professional geologists. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.116 Exemptions. Page 12 (pdf)
    492.1165 Construction of chapter. Page 12 (pdf)
    496.4101 Licensure of professional solicitors and certain employees thereof.
    497.144 Licensing; examinations, general provisions.
    497.145 Licensing; use of professional testing services.
    497.147 Continuing education; general provisions.
    497.148 Continuing education; monitoring of compliance.
    497.168 Members of Armed Forces in good standing with administrative boards.
    497.365 Licensure; inactive and delinquent status.
    497.366 Licensure; renewal and cancellation notices.
    497.368 Embalmers; licensure as an embalmer by examination; provisional license.
    497.369 Embalmers; licensure as an embalmer by endorsement; licensure of a temporary embalmer.
    497.370 Embalmers; licensure of an embalmer intern.
    497.371 Embalmers; establishment of embalmer apprentice program.
    497.372 Funeral directing; conduct constituting practice of funeral directing.
    497.373 Funeral directing; licensure as a funeral director by examination; provisional license.
    497.374 Funeral directing; licensure as a funeral director by endorsement; licensure of a temporary funeral director.
    497.375 Funeral directing; licensure of a funeral director intern.
    497.376 License as funeral director and embalmer permitted.
    497.377 Combination funeral directors and embalmers; internships.
    497.378 Renewal of funeral director and embalmer licenses.
    497.379 Inactive status.
    497.390 Reciprocity.
    497.554 Monument establishment sales representatives.
    497.602 Direct disposers, license required; licensing procedures and criteria; regulation.
    497.603 Direct disposers, renewal of license.
    497.605 Direct disposition not funeral directing.
    501.605 Licensure of commercial telephone sellers and entities providing substance abuse marketing services.
    501.607 Licensure of salespersons.
    501.608 License or affidavit of exemption; occupational license.
    501.609 License renewal.
    501.612 Grounds for departmental action against licensure applicants or licensees.
    507.01 Definitions.
    507.02 Construction; intent; application.
    507.03 Registration.
    507.04 Required insurance coverages; liability limitations; valuation coverage.
    507.05 Estimates and contracts for service.
    507.06 Delivery and storage of household goods.
    507.07 Violations.
    507.08 Deceptive and unfair trade practice.
    507.09 Administrative remedies; penalties.
    507.10 Civil penalties; remedies.
    507.11 Criminal penalties.
    507.12 General Inspection Trust Fund; payments.
    507.13 Local regulation.
    548.003 Florida State Boxing Commission.
    548.017 Participants, managers, and other persons required to have licenses.
    554.104 Certification of boiler inspectors required; application; qualifications; renewal.
    559.901 Short title.
    559.902 Scope and application.
    559.903 Definitions.
    559.904 Motor vehicle repair shop registration; application; exemption.
    559.905 Written motor vehicle repair estimate and disclosure statement required.
    559.907 Charges for motor vehicle repair estimate; requirement of waiver of rights prohibited.
    559.909 Notification of charges in excess of repair estimate; unlawful charges; refusal to return vehicle prohibited; inspection of parts.
    559.911 Invoice required of motor vehicle repair shop.
    559.915 Motor vehicle repair shop records.
    559.916 Required disclosure; signs; notice to customers.
    559.917 Bond to release possessory lien claimed by motor vehicle repair shop.
    559.919 Enforcement of liens restricted.
    559.920 Unlawful acts and practices.
    559.921 Remedies.
    559.9215 Deposit of fees and fines.
    559.92201 Rulemaking power.
    559.9221 Motor Vehicle Repair Advisory Council.
    559.926 Short title.
    559.927 Definitions.
    559.928 Registration.
    559.9281 Student tour operators.
    559.9285 Certification of business activities.
    559.929 Security requirements.
    559.9295 Submission of vacation certificate documents.
    559.931 Vacation certificate recordkeeping.
    559.932 Vacation certificate disclosure.
    559.933 Vacation certificate cancellation and refund provisions.
    559.9335 Violations.
    559.934 Deceptive and unfair trade practice.
    559.935 Exemptions.
    559.9355 Administrative remedies; penalties.
    559.936 Civil penalties; remedies.
    559.937 Criminal penalties.
    559.938 General Inspection Trust Fund; payments.
    559.939 State preemption.
    626.011 Short title. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.015 Definitions. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.016 Powers and duties of department, commission, and office. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.022 Scope of part. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.025 Consumer protections. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.0428 Agency personnel powers, duties, and limitations. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.141 Violation not to affect validity of insurance. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.161 Licensing forms. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.171 Application for license as an agent, customer representative, adjuster, service representative, or reinsurance intermediary. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.172 Application for insurance agency license. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.175 Temporary licensing. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.181 Number of applications for licensure required. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.191 Repeated applications. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.201 Investigation. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.202 Fingerprinting requirements. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.207 Disqualification of applicants and licensees; penalties against licensees; rulemaking authority. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.211 Approval, disapproval of application. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.231 Eligibility; application for examination. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.241 Scope of examination. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.2415 Annual report of results of life insurance examinations. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.251 Time and place of examination; notice. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.261 Conduct of examination. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.266 Printing of examinations or related materials to preserve examination security. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.271 Examination fee; determination, refund. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.281 Reexamination. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.2815 Continuing education requirements. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.2816 Regulation of continuing education for licensees, course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, and school officials involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.291 Examination results; denial, issuance of license. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.292 Transfer of license from another state. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.301 Form and contents of licenses, in general. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.311 Scope of license. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.321 Limited licenses. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.331 Number of appointments permitted or required. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.341 Additional appointments; general lines, life, and health agents. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.342 Furnishing supplies to unlicensed agent prohibited; civil liability. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.382 Continuation, expiration of license; insurance agencies. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.431 Effect of expiration of license and appointment. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.441 License or appointment; transferability. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.471 Termination of appointment. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.511 Reasons for termination; confidential information. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.536 Reporting of administrative actions. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.541 Firm, corporate, and business names; officers; associates; notice of changes. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.551 Notice of change of address, name. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.561 Reporting and accounting for funds. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.571 Delinquent agencies; notice of trusteeship. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.5715 Parity of regulation of insurance agents and agencies. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.572 Rebating; when allowed. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.593 Insurance agent; written contract for compensation. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.602 Insurance agency names; disapproval. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.611 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent’s, title agency’s, adjuster’s, customer representative’s, service representative’s, or managing general agent’s license or appointment. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.6115 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of insurance agency license. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of agent’s, adjuster’s, customer representative’s, service representative’s, or managing general agent’s license or appointment. Page 12 (pdf)
    626.6215 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of insurance agency license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.631 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.641 Duration of suspension or revocation. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.651 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and appointments and licensees and appointees. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.6515 Effect of suspension or revocation upon associated agencies. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.661 Surrender of license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.681 Administrative fine in lieu of or in addition to suspension, revocation, or refusal of license, appointment, or disapproval. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.691 Probation. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.692 Restitution. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.711 Retaliatory provision, agents. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.726 Short title. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.727 Scope of this part. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.728 This part supplements licensing law. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.729 “Industrial fire insurance” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.730 Purpose of license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.731 Qualifications for general lines agent’s license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7315 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of general lines insurance. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.734 Corporations, liability of agent. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7351 Qualifications for customer representative’s license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7352 Customer representative’s office. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7353 Appointment of customer representatives. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7354 Customer representative’s powers; agent’s or agency’s responsibility. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.742 Nonresident agents; service of process. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.743 Nonresident agents; retaliatory provision. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.744 Service representatives; application for license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.745 Service representatives, managing general agents; managers; activities. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7451 Managing general agents; required contract provisions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7452 Managing general agents; examination authority. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7453 Managing general agents; errors and omissions insurance. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7454 Managing general agents; duties of insurers. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7455 Managing general agent; responsibility of insurer. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.748 Agent’s records. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7491 Business transacted with producer controlled property and casualty insurer. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7492 Reinsurance intermediaries. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.752 Exchange of business. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.753 Sharing commissions; penalty. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.754 Rights of agent following termination of appointment. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.776 Short title. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.777 Scope of this part. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.778 This part supplements licensing law. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.779 “Life agent” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.780 “Life insurer” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.781 “Ordinary class insurer” and “ordinary-variable contract class insurer” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.782 “Industrial class insurer” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.783 “Ordinary-combination class insurer” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.784 Purpose of license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7845 Prohibition against unlicensed transaction of life insurance. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.785 Qualifications for license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.7851 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.788 United States Department of Veterans Affairs employees disqualified. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.789 Military service; special provisions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.792 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.793 Excess or rejected business. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.794 Unlawful payment or sharing of commissions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.795 Corporations, liability of agent. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.796 Representing another insurer in same industrial debit territory. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.797 Code of ethics. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.798 Life agent as beneficiary; prohibition. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.826 Short title. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.827 Scope of this part. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.828 This part supplements licensing law. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.829 “Health agent” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.830 Purpose of license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8305 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of health insurance. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.831 Qualifications for license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8311 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.833 United States Department of Veterans Affairs employees disqualified. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.834 Military service; special provisions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.835 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.836 Nonresident agents; service of process. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.837 Excess or rejected business. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8373 Overinsurance of health insurance coverage. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.838 Unlawful payment or sharing of commissions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.839 Corporations, liability of agent. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.841 Definitions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8411 Application of Florida Insurance Code provisions to title insurance agents or agencies. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8412 License and appointments required. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8413 Title insurance agents; certain names prohibited. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8414 Qualifications for examination. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8417 Title insurance agent licensure; exemptions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8418 Application for title insurance agency license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8419 Appointment of title insurance agency. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.84195 Confidentiality of information supplied by title insurance agencies and insurers. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.842 Credit and character reports. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.84201 Nonresident title insurance agents. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8421 Number of appointments permitted or required. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8423 Investigation of applicants for license or renewal or continuation. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8427 Number of applications for licensure required; exemption; effect of expiration of license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.843 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, termination of title insurance agent’s appointment. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8433 Filing of reasons for terminating appointment of title insurance agent; confidential information. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8437 Grounds for denial, suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew license or appointment. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.844 Grounds for discretionary refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8443 Duration of suspension or revocation. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8447 Effect of suspension or revocation upon other licensees, appointees. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.845 Cancellation of license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8453 Penalty for violation. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8457 Administrative fine in lieu of suspension or revocation of license or appointment. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.846 Probation. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8463 Witnesses and evidence. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8467 Testimony compelled; immunity from prosecution. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.847 Penalty for refusal to testify. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8473 Escrow; trust fund. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.851 Short title. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.852 Scope of this part. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.853 Part supplements licensing law. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.854 “Public adjuster” defined; prohibitions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8548 “All-lines adjuster” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.855 “Independent adjuster” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.856 “Company employee adjuster” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8561 “Public adjuster apprentice” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8582 “Nonresident public adjuster” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8584 “Nonresident all-lines adjuster” defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.859 “Catastrophe” or “emergency” adjuster defined. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.860 Attorneys at law; exemption. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.861 Insurer’s officers, insurer’s employees, reciprocal insurer’s representatives; adjustments by. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.862 Agents; adjustments by. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.863 Claims referrals to independent adjusters. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.864 Adjuster license types. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.865 Public adjuster’s qualifications, bond. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8651 Public adjuster apprentice appointment; qualifications. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.866 All-lines adjuster qualifications. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8685 Portable electronics insurance claims; exemption; licensure restriction. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.869 License, adjusters; continuing education. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8695 Primary adjuster. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8696 Application for adjusting firm license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8697 Grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of adjusting firm license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8698 Disciplinary guidelines for public adjusters and public adjuster apprentices. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.870 Application for license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.871 Reappointment after military service. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8732 Nonresident public adjuster’s qualifications, bond. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8734 Nonresident all-lines adjuster license qualifications. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8736 Nonresident independent or public adjusters; service of process. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8737 Nonresident adjusters; retaliatory provision. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8738 Penalty for violation. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.875 Office and records. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.876 Exclusive employment; public adjusters, all-lines adjusters. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.877 Adjustments to comply with insurance contract and law. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8795 Public adjusters; prohibition of conflict of interest. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8796 Public adjuster contracts; fraud statement. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.8797 Proof of loss; fraud statement. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.927 Licensing of surplus lines agent. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9271 Temporary license; death, disability, absence of surplus lines agent. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9272 Licensing of nonresident surplus lines agents. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9912 Viatical settlement provider license required; application for license. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.995 Scope of part. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9951 Definitions. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9952 Registration required; purpose. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9953 Qualifications for registration; application required. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9954 Disqualification from registration. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9955 Registered navigator list. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9956 Notice of change of registrant information. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9957 Conduct prohibited; denial, revocation, or suspension of registration. Page 13 (pdf)
    626.9958 Rulemaking. Page 13 (pdf)
    633.132 Fees.
    633.216 Inspection of buildings and equipment; orders; firesafety inspection training requirements; certification; disciplinary action.
    633.304 Fire suppression equipment; license to install or maintain.
    633.316 Fire suppression system contractors; disciplinary action.
    633.318 Certificate application and issuance; permit issuance; examination and investigation of applicant.
    633.324 Records concerning applicant; extent of confidentiality.
    633.328 Issuance of certificate to individuals and business organizations.
    633.332 Certificate; expiration; renewal; inactive certificate; continuing education.
    633.336 Contracting without certificate prohibited; violations; penalty.
    633.338 Disciplinary action; fire protection system contractors; grounds for denial, nonrenewal, suspension, or revocation of certificate or permit.
    633.406 Classes of certification.
    633.408 Firefighter and volunteer firefighter training and certification.
    633.412 Firefighters; qualifications for certification.
    633.414 Retention of firefighter and volunteer firefighter certifications.
    633.416 Firefighter employment and volunteer firefighter service; saving clause.
    633.418 Inservice training and promotion; participation.
    633.424 Falsification of qualifications.
    633.426 Disciplinary action; standards for revocation of certification.
    634.171 Salesperson to be licensed and appointed.
    634.318 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    634.320 Grounds for compulsory refusal, suspension, or revocation of license or appointment of sales representatives.
    634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    648.24 Declaration of public policy.
    648.25 Definitions.
    648.26 Department of Financial Services; administration.
    648.27 Licenses and appointments; general.
    648.279 Scope of license.
    648.285 Bond agency; ownership requirements.
    648.29 Build-up funds posted by bail bond agent.
    648.295 Reporting and accounting of funds.
    648.30 Licensure and appointment required.
    648.31 Appointment taxes and fees.
    648.315 Number of applications for licensure required.
    648.33 Bail bond rates.
    648.34 Bail bond agents; qualifications.
    648.35 Professional bail bond agent; qualifications.
    648.355 Temporary limited license as limited surety agent or professional bail bond agent; pending examination.
    648.36 Bail bond agent’s records.
    648.365 Statistical reporting requirements; penalty for failure to comply.
    648.38 Licensure examination for bail bond agents; time; place; fees; scope.
    648.381 Reexamination.
    648.382 Appointment of bail bond agents and temporary bail bond agents; effective date of appointment.
    648.383 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, and termination of appointment; bail bond agents.
    648.384 Effect of expiration of appointment; bail bond agents.
    648.385 Continuing education required; requirements.
    648.386 Qualifications for prelicensing and continuing education schools and instructors.
    648.387 Primary bail bond agents; duties.
    648.388 Insurer must appoint managing general agent.
    648.39 Termination of appointment of managing general agents, bail bond agents, and temporary bail bond agents.
    648.40 Application for appointment of professional bail bond agents; termination.
    648.41 Termination of appointment of temporary bail bond agents.
    648.42 Registration of bail bond agents.
    648.421 Notice of change of address or telephone number.
    648.43 Power of attorney; approval by office; filing of copies; notification of transfer bond.
    648.44 Prohibitions; penalty.
    648.441 Furnishing supplies to unlicensed bail bond agent prohibited; civil liability and penalty.
    648.442 Collateral security.
    648.4425 Notice.
    648.45 Actions against a licensee; suspension or revocation of eligibility to hold a license.
    648.46 Procedure for disciplinary action against licensees.
    648.48 Witnesses and evidence.
    648.49 Duration of suspension or revocation.
    648.50 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and licensees.
    648.51 Surrender of license.
    648.52 Administrative fine.
    648.525 Civil assessment.
    648.53 Probation.
    648.55 All bail bond agents of same agency; licensed by same companies.
    648.57 Penalty.
    648.571 Failure to return collateral; penalty.
    648.58 Injunctive proceedings.

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  • HB 707, Original Filed Version Posted 11/19/2019 at 2:49 PM

    Bill Text:   PDF
    Analyses:   Commerce Committee (Post-Meeting) 1/17/2020 (pdf)
    Health and Human Services Committee (Post-Meeting) 2/21/2020 (pdf)

    Related Bills (10)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills
    S 1124 Legislative Review of Occupational Regulations Diaz Similar Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133), CS/HB 1193 (Ch. 2020-160)
    H 713 (c2) Department of Health Health Quality Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 6/30/2020 Chapter No. 2020-133, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 115 (Ch. 2020-125), CS/CS/HB 731 (Ch. 2020-156), CS/HB 1193 (Ch. 2020-160), CS/HB 1461 (Ch. 2020-47), CS/SB 218 (Ch. 2020-50), CS/SB 226 (Ch. 2020-29)
    H 1137 (c1) Consumer Protection Clemons Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 H Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 1606 (Ch. 2020-63)
    H 1143 (c1) Department of Health Health Quality Subcommittee Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died in Health Policy, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    H 1193 Deregulation of Professions and Occupations Ingoglia Compare Last Action: 7/1/2020 Chapter No. 2020-160, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 115 (Ch. 2020-125), CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    H 1341 Massage Therapy Goff-Marcil Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 H Died on Calendar, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    S 390 Massage Therapy Hooper Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died in Health Policy, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    S 474 (c2) Deregulation of Professions and Occupations Albritton Compare Last Action: 3/12/2020 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 1193 (Ch. 2020-160), CS/CS/CS/HB 115 (Ch. 2020-125), CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133) -SJ 746
    S 1138 Chiropractic Medicine Brandes Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died in Health Policy, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 713 (Ch. 2020-133)
    S 1492 Consumer Protection Wright Compare Last Action: 3/14/2020 S Died on Calendar

    Committee Amendments (1)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format
    736337 - Amendment
    Remove lines 84-85 and insert:
    Renner 2/5/2020
    7:29 PM
    Adopted without Objection

    Citations - Statutes (1540)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    11.65 Page 2 (pdf)
    25.383 Standards for court reporters; procedures; rules of professional conduct, discipline, and training. Page 4 (pdf)
    25.386 Foreign language court interpreters. Page 4 (pdf)
    44.106 Standards and procedures for mediators and arbitrators; fees. Page 7 (pdf)
    61.125 Parenting coordination. Page 5 (pdf)
    310.001 Purpose. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.0015 Piloting regulation; general provisions. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.002 Definitions. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.011 Board of Pilot Commissioners. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.032 Oath of members of the board. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.042 Organization of board; meetings. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.051 Personnel; employment. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.061 State pilots; number; cross licensing. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.071 Deputy pilot certification. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.073 State pilot licensing. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.075 Deputy pilot training program. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.081 Department to examine and license state pilots and certificate deputy pilots; vacancies. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.091 Powers of the department. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.101 Grounds for disciplinary action by the board. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.102 Treatment programs for impaired pilots and deputy pilots. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.111 Marine incident reports. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.1112 Motor vehicle reports. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.1115 Bridge electronic navigation protection equipment; duty of pilot. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.121 Application, examination, and biennial fees. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.131 Assessment of percentage of gross pilotage. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.141 Vessels subject to pilotage. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.142 Pilotage at St. Marys Entrance. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.146 Exemptions from pilotage. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.151 Rates of pilotage; Pilotage Rate Review Committee. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.161 Piloting without a license; penalties. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.171 Pilots may incorporate themselves. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.181 Corporate powers. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.183 Immediate inactivation of license or certificate for certain violations. Page 4 (pdf)
    310.185 Rulemaking. Page 4 (pdf)
    320.8249 Mobile home installers license. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.001 Short title. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.002 Definitions. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.003 Administration. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.004 Licensing. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.005 Escrow depository, closing transactions. Page 4 (pdf)
    326.006 Powers and duties of division. Page 4 (pdf)
    373.302 Legislative findings. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.303 Definitions. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.306 Scope. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.308 Implementation of programs for regulating water wells. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.309 Authority to adopt rules and procedures. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.313 Prior permission and notification. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.314 Citation of rule. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.316 Existing installations. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.319 Inspections. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.323 Licensure of water well contractors; application, qualifications, and examinations; equipment identification. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.324 License renewal. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.325 Inactive status. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.326 Exemptions. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.329 Fees for licensure. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.333 Disciplinary guidelines; adoption and enforcement; license suspension or revocation. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.335 Clearinghouse. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.336 Unlawful acts; penalties. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.337 Rules. Page 5 (pdf)
    373.342 Permits. Page 5 (pdf)
    381.0075 Regulation of body-piercing salons.
    381.00771 Definitions of terms used in ss. 381.00771-381.00791.
    381.00773 Application of ss. 381.00771-381.00791; exemption.
    381.00775 Tattoo artists; licensure; registration of guest tattoo artists.
    381.00777 Tattoo establishments; licensure; temporary establishments.
    381.00781 Fees; disposition.
    381.00783 Grounds for discipline; administrative penalties.
    381.00785 Criminal penalties.
    381.00787 Tattooing prohibited; penalty.
    381.00789 Rulemaking.
    381.00791 Local laws and ordinances.
    381.0101 Environmental health professionals.
    395.10973 Powers and duties of the agency.
    397.4871 Recovery residence administrator certification.
    399.01 Definitions. Page 5 (pdf)
    401.27 Personnel; standards and certification.
    401.271 Certification of emergency medical technicians and paramedics who are on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States.
    401.2715 Recertification training of emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
    401.272 Emergency medical services community health care.
    401.273 Emergency medical technician and paramedic registry for disasters and emergencies.
    401.465 911 public safety telecommunicator certification.
    402.305 Licensing standards; child care facilities.
    450.30 Requirement of certificate of registration; education and examination program.
    457.101 Legislative intent. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.102 Definitions. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.103 Board of Acupuncture; membership; appointment and terms. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.104 Rulemaking authority. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.105 Licensure qualifications and fees. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.107 Renewal of licenses; continuing education. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.108 Inactive status; expiration; reactivation of licenses. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.1085 Infection control. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.109 Disciplinary actions; grounds; action by the board. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.116 Prohibited acts; penalty. Page 5 (pdf)
    457.118 Effect of chapter on other health care practices. Page 5 (pdf)
    458.301 Purpose. Page 5 (pdf)
    458.303 Provisions not applicable to other practitioners; exceptions, etc. Page 5 (pdf)
    458.305 Definitions. Page 5 (pdf)
    458.307 Board of Medicine.
    458.309 Rulemaking authority.
    458.310 Restricted licenses.
    458.311 Licensure by examination; requirements; fees.
    458.3115 Restricted license; certain foreign-licensed physicians; examination; restrictions on practice; full licensure.
    458.3124 Restricted license; certain experienced foreign-trained physicians.
    458.313 Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fees.
    458.3135 Temporary certificate for visiting physicians to practice in approved cancer centers.
    458.3137 Temporary certificate for visiting physicians to obtain medical privileges for instructional purposes in conjunction with certain plastic surgery or other medical or surgical training programs and educational symposiums.
    458.314 Certification of foreign educational institutions.
    458.3145 Medical faculty certificate.
    458.3147 Medical school eligibility of military academy students or graduates.
    458.315 Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need.
    458.3151 Temporary certificate for active duty military and veterans practicing in areas of critical need.
    458.316 Public health certificate.
    458.3165 Public psychiatry certificate.
    458.317 Limited licenses.
    458.3175 Expert witness certificate.
    458.319 Renewal of license.
    458.3191 Physician survey.
    458.3192 Analysis of survey results; report.
    458.3193 Confidentiality of certain information contained in physician workforce surveys.
    458.320 Financial responsibility.
    458.321 Inactive status.
    458.323 Itemized patient billing.
    458.324 Breast cancer; information on treatment alternatives.
    458.325 Electroconvulsive and psychosurgical procedures.
    458.3255 Electronic-communications diagnostic-imaging or treatment services.
    458.326 Intractable pain; authorized treatment.
    458.327 Penalty for violations.
    458.328 Office surgeries.
    458.329 Sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine.
    458.3295 Concerted effort to refuse emergency room treatment to patients; penalties.
    458.331 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    458.3311 Emergency procedures for disciplinary action.
    458.3312 Specialties.
    458.335 Prescription or administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
    458.336 Drugs to treat obesity; rules establishing guidelines.
    458.337 Reports of disciplinary actions by medical organizations and hospitals.
    458.339 Physician’s consent; handwriting samples; mental or physical examinations.
    458.341 Search warrants for certain violations.
    458.343 Subpoena of certain records.
    458.345 Registration of resident physicians, interns, and fellows; list of hospital employees; prescribing of medicinal drugs; penalty.
    458.347 Physician assistants.
    458.3475 Anesthesiologist assistants.
    458.348 Formal supervisory relationships, standing orders, and established protocols; notice; standards.
    458.3485 Medical assistant.
    458.351 Reports of adverse incidents in office practice settings.
    459.001 Purpose.
    459.002 Chapter not applicable to practice of medicine, surgery, chiropractic medicine, etc.
    459.003 Definitions.
    459.004 Board of Osteopathic Medicine.
    459.005 Rulemaking authority.
    459.0055 General licensure requirements.
    459.0066 Expert witness certificate.
    459.0075 Limited licenses.
    459.0076 Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need.
    459.00761 Temporary certificate for active duty military and veterans practicing in areas of critical need.
    459.0077 Osteopathic faculty certificate.
    459.008 Renewal of licenses and certificates.
    459.0081 Physician survey.
    459.0082 Analysis of survey results; report.
    459.0083 Confidentiality of certain information contained in physician workforce surveys.
    459.0085 Financial responsibility.
    459.009 Inactive status.
    459.0092 Fees.
    459.011 Privileges, obligations, and status of osteopathic physicians.
    459.012 Itemized patient statement.
    459.0122 Patient records; termination of osteopathic physician’s practice.
    459.0125 Breast cancer; information on treatment alternatives.
    459.013 Penalty for violations.
    459.0135 Drugs to treat obesity; rules establishing guidelines.
    459.0138 Office surgeries.
    459.0141 Sexual misconduct in the practice of osteopathic medicine.
    459.0145 Concerted effort to refuse emergency room treatment to patients; penalties.
    459.015 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.
    459.0151 Emergency procedures for disciplinary action.
    459.0152 Specialties.
    459.016 Reports of disciplinary actions by medical organizations.
    459.017 Osteopathic physician’s consent; handwriting samples; mental or physical examinations.
    459.018 Search warrants for certain violations.
    459.019 Subpoena of certain records.
    459.021 Registration of resident physicians, interns, and fellows; list of hospital employees; penalty.
    459.022 Physician assistants.
    459.023 Anesthesiologist assistants.
    459.025 Formal supervisory relationships, standing orders, and established protocols; notice; standards.
    459.026 Reports of adverse incidents in office practice settings.
    460.401 Legislative findings; intent.
    460.402 Exceptions.
    460.403 Definitions.
    460.404 Board of Chiropractic Medicine; membership; appointment; terms.
    460.405 Authority to make rules.
    460.406 Licensure by examination.
    460.4061 Restricted license.
    460.4062 Chiropractic medicine faculty certificate.
    460.407 Renewal of license.
    460.408 Continuing chiropractic education.
    460.41 Itemized patient billing.
    460.411 Violations and penalties.
    460.412 Sexual misconduct in the practice of chiropractic medicine.
    460.413 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by board or department.
    460.414 Chiropractic physicians subject to state and municipal rules and regulations.
    460.4165 Certified chiropractic physician’s assistants.
    460.4166 Registered chiropractic assistants.
    460.4167 Proprietorship by persons other than licensed chiropractic physicians.
    461.001 Legislative findings; intent; scope.
    461.002 Exceptions.
    461.003 Definitions.
    461.004 Board of Podiatric Medicine; membership; appointment; terms.
    461.005 Rulemaking authority.
    461.006 Licensure by examination.
    461.007 Renewal of license.
    461.008 Inactive status.
    461.009 Itemized patient billing.
    461.012 Violations and penalties.
    461.013 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board; investigations by department.
    461.0131 Emergency procedures for disciplinary action.
    461.0134 Prescription or administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO); written release and information requirements.
    461.0135 Operation of X-ray machines by podiatric X-ray assistants.
    461.014 Residency.
    461.018 Limited scope of practice; area of need.
    462.01 Definitions.
    462.023 Powers and duties of the department.
    462.08 Renewal of license to practice naturopathy.
    462.09 Disposition of fees.
    462.11 Naturopaths to observe regulations.
    462.13 Additional powers and duties of the department.
    462.14 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the department.
    462.16 Reissue of license.
    462.17 Penalty for offenses relating to naturopathy.
    462.18 Educational requirements.
    462.19 Renewal of license; inactive status.
    462.2001 Saving clause.
    463.0001 Short title.
    463.001 Purpose; intent.
    463.002 Definitions.
    463.003 Board of Optometry.
    463.004 Board headquarters.
    463.005 Authority of the board.
    463.0055 Administration and prescription of ocular pharmaceutical agents.
    463.0057 Optometric faculty certificate.
    463.006 Licensure and certification by examination.
    463.007 Renewal of license; continuing education.
    463.008 Inactive status.
    463.009 Supportive personnel.
    463.011 Exhibition of license.
    463.012 Prescriptions; filing; release; duplication.
    463.013 Optometric services for certain public agencies.
    463.0135 Standards of practice.
    463.014 Certain acts prohibited.
    463.0141 Reports of adverse incidents in the practice of optometry.
    463.015 Violations and penalties.
    463.016 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
    463.018 Reciprocity.
    464.001 Short title.
    464.002 Purpose.
    464.003 Definitions.
    464.004 Board of Nursing; membership; appointment; terms.
    464.005 Board headquarters.
    464.006 Rulemaking authority.
    464.008 Licensure by examination.
    464.009 Licensure by endorsement.
    464.0095 Nurse Licensure Compact.
    464.0096 Nurse Licensure Compact; public records and meetings exemptions.
    464.012 Licensure of advanced practice registered nurses; fees; controlled substance prescribing.
    464.013 Renewal of license or certificate.
    464.014 Inactive status.
    464.015 Titles and abbreviations; restrictions; penalty.
    464.016 Violations and penalties.
    464.017 Sexual misconduct in the practice of nursing.
    464.018 Disciplinary actions.
    464.019 Approval of nursing education programs.
    464.0195 Florida Center for Nursing; goals.
    464.0196 Florida Center for Nursing; board of directors.
    464.0205 Retired volunteer nurse certificate.
    464.022 Exceptions.
    464.027 Registered nurse first assistant.
    464.201 Definitions.
    464.202 Duties and powers of the board.
    464.203 Certified nursing assistants; certification requirement.
    464.204 Denial, suspension, or revocation of certification; disciplinary actions.
    464.205 Availability of disciplinary records and proceedings.
    464.206 Exemption from liability.
    464.207 Penalties.
    464.208 Background screening information; rulemaking authority.
    465.002 Legislative findings; intent.
    465.007 Licensure by examination.
    465.0075 Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fee.
    465.008 Renewal of license.
    465.009 Continuing professional pharmaceutical education.
    465.012 Reactivation of license; continuing education.
    465.0125 Consultant pharmacist license; application, renewal, fees; responsibilities; rules.
    465.0126 Nuclear pharmacist license; application, renewal, fees.
    465.013 Registration of pharmacy interns.
    465.014 Pharmacy technician.
    465.0155 Standards of practice.
    465.0252 Substitution of interchangeable biosimilar products.
    465.026 Filling of certain prescriptions.
    465.0275 Emergency prescription refill.
    465.0276 Dispensing practitioner.