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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 2324: Pari-mutuel Wagering

GENERAL BILL by Fiscal Resource ; Regulated Industries ; Lee ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Geller

Pari-mutuel Wagering; authorizes distribution of sales & use tax revenues to county governments; eliminates annual distribution of pari-mutuel tax revenues to county governments; removes additional tax on surcharge on winning tickets; provides for payments & credits concerning unclaimed pari-mutuel tickets & retention of breaks by greyhound permitholders; provides for leasing of jai alai facilities, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/2000 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 5/5/2000 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01145; Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    3/7/2000 Senate • Filed
    3/16/2000 Senate • Introduced, referred to Regulated Industries; Commerce and Economic Opportunities; Fiscal Resource -SJ 00237
    4/13/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Regulated Industries, 04/18/00, 9:00 am, 412-K --Temporarily postponed
    4/20/2000 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Regulated Industries, 04/25/00, 1:00 pm, 412-K
    4/25/2000 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Regulated Industries; YEAS 7 NAYS 0 -SJ 00521; CS read first time on 04/26/00 -SJ 00526
    4/26/2000 Senate • Now in Commerce and Economic Opportunities -SJ 00521; Withdrawn from Commerce and Economic Opportunities -SJ 00497; Now in Fiscal Resource; On Committee agenda-- Fiscal Resource, 04/26/00, 1:00 pm, 110-S -SJ 00498; Comm. Action:-CS/CS by Fiscal Resource; YEAS 8 NAYS 0 -SJ 00582; CS read first time on 04/27/00 -SJ 00592
    4/27/2000 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00582
    4/28/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00581
    5/1/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00628
    5/2/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00729
    5/3/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00888
    5/4/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 00994
    5/5/2000 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01145; Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)

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  • CS/CS/SB 2324, Committee Substitute 2 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:13 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Fiscal Resource (Post-Meeting) 4/26/2000 (pdf)

    Related Bills (15)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    S 770 (e1) Geller Similar Last Action: 6/22/2000 Became Law without Governor's Signature; Chapter No.
    H 705 Pari-mutuel Wagering/Jai Alai Merchant Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    H 725 (e1) Pari-mutuel Wagering/Dogracing Fasano Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    H 1179 (c1) Pari-mutuel Wagering/Jai Alai Rubio Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died in Committee on Finance & Taxation (FRC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    H 1435 Thoroughbred Horse Racing Morroni Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    H 1463 (c1) Pari-mutuel Wagering Sanderson Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died in Committee on Finance & Taxation (FRC), Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    H 2117 Interstate Compact/Horseracing Jones Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 H Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    S 216 Jai Alai Charity Performances Regulated Industries Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    S 956 Pari-mutuel Wagering/Jai Alai Saunders Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    S 1080 Pari-mutuel Wagering/Jai Alai Sebesta Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    S 1532 Pari-mutuel Wagering Geller Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    S 1600 Pari-mutuel Wagering/Dogracing Sullivan Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    S 1954 Interstate Compact/Horseracing Latvala Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    S 2022 Pari-mutuel Wagering/Harness Racing King Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)
    S 2138 Thoroughbred Horse Racing Latvala Compare Last Action: 5/5/2000 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 770 (Ch. 2000-354)

    Floor Amendments (11)

    Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format
    043380 - Amendment
    Geller 4/28/2000
    3:50 AM
    Web Page
    250944 - Amendment
    Geller 4/28/2000
    3:55 AM
    Web Page
    711530 - Amendment
    Geller 4/28/2000
    4:02 AM
    Web Page
    142312 - Amendment
    Geller 5/3/2000
    3:57 AM
    Web Page
    223708 - Amendment
    Saunders 5/3/2000
    4:02 AM
    Web Page
    392358 - Amendment
    Geller 5/3/2000
    4:09 AM
    Web Page
    461994 - Amendment
    Geller 5/3/2000
    4:11 AM
    Web Page
    685206 - Amendment
    Childers 5/3/2000
    4:20 AM
    Web Page
    950162 - Amendment
    Geller 5/3/2000
    4:27 AM
    Web Page
    274282 - Amendment
    Diaz de la Portilla 5/6/2000
    6:47 AM
    Web Page
    hierarchy 204846 - Substitute Amendment (274282)
    Diaz de la Portilla 5/6/2000
    12:19 PM
    Web Page

    Citations - Statutes (29)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    212.20 Funds collected, disposition; additional powers of department; operational expense; refund of taxes adjudicated unconstitutionally collected.
    550.002 Definitions.
    550.01215 License application; periods of operation; bond, conversion of permit.
    550.0251 The powers and duties of the Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    550.0351 Charity racing days.
    550.0555 Greyhound dogracing permits; relocation within a county; conditions.
    550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes.
    550.09512 Harness horse taxes; abandoned interest in a permit for nonpayment of taxes.
    550.09514 Greyhound dogracing taxes; purse requirements.
    550.09515 Thoroughbred horse taxes; abandoned interest in a permit for nonpayment of taxes.
    550.105 Occupational licenses of racetrack employees; fees; denial, suspension, and revocation of license; penalties and fines.
    550.135 Division of moneys derived under this law.
    550.155 Pari-mutuel pool within track enclosure; takeouts; breaks; penalty for purchasing part of a pari-mutuel pool for or through another in specified circumstances.
    550.1645 Escheat to state of abandoned interest in or contribution to pari-mutuel pools.
    550.24055 Use of controlled substances or alcohol prohibited; testing of certain occupational licensees; penalty; evidence of test or action taken and admissibility for criminal prosecution limited.
    550.2415 Racing of animals under certain conditions prohibited; penalties; exceptions.
    550.2614 Distribution of certain funds to a horsemen's association.
    550.26165 Breeders' awards.
    550.2625 Horseracing; minimum purse requirement, Florida breeders' and owners' awards.
    550.26352 Breeders' Cup Meet; pools authorized; conflicts; taxes; credits; transmission of races; rules; application.
    550.3551 Transmission of racing and jai alai information; commingling of pari-mutuel pools.
    550.475 Lease of pari-mutuel facilities by pari-mutuel permitholders.
    550.615 Intertrack wagering.
    550.625 Intertrack wagering; purses; breeders' awards.
    550.6305 Intertrack wagering; guest track payments; accounting rules.
    550.6308 Limited intertrack wagering license.
    773.01 Definitions.
    773.03 Limitation on liability for equine activity; exceptions.

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  • CS/SB 2324, Committee Substitute 1 Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:13 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Regulated Industries (Post-Meeting) 4/25/2000 (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (29)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    212.20 Funds collected, disposition; additional powers of department; operational expense; refund of taxes adjudicated unconstitutionally collected.
    550.002 Definitions.
    550.01215 License application; periods of operation; bond, conversion of permit.
    550.0251 The powers and duties of the Division of Pari-mutuel Wagering of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
    550.0351 Charity racing days.
    550.0555 Greyhound dogracing permits; relocation within a county; conditions.
    550.0951 Payment of daily license fee and taxes.
    550.09512 Harness horse taxes; abandoned interest in a permit for nonpayment of taxes.
    550.09514 Greyhound dogracing taxes; purse requirements.
    550.09515 Thoroughbred horse taxes; abandoned interest in a permit for nonpayment of taxes.
    550.105 Occupational licenses of racetrack employees; fees; denial, suspension, and revocation of license; penalties and fines.
    550.135 Division of moneys derived under this law.
    550.155 Pari-mutuel pool within track enclosure; takeouts; breaks; penalty for purchasing part of a pari-mutuel pool for or through another in specified circumstances.
    550.1645 Escheat to state of abandoned interest in or contribution to pari-mutuel pools.
    550.24055 Use of controlled substances or alcohol prohibited; testing of certain occupational licensees; penalty; evidence of test or action taken and admissibility for criminal prosecution limited.
    550.2415 Racing of animals under certain conditions prohibited; penalties; exceptions.
    550.2614 Distribution of certain funds to a horsemen's association.
    550.26165 Breeders' awards.
    550.2625 Horseracing; minimum purse requirement, Florida breeders' and owners' awards.
    550.26352 Breeders' Cup Meet; pools authorized; conflicts; taxes; credits; transmission of races; rules; application.
    550.3551 Transmission of racing and jai alai information; commingling of pari-mutuel pools.
    550.475 Lease of pari-mutuel facilities by pari-mutuel permitholders.
    550.615 Intertrack wagering.
    550.625 Intertrack wagering; purses; breeders' awards.
    550.6305 Intertrack wagering; guest track payments; accounting rules.
    550.6308 Limited intertrack wagering license.
    773.01 Definitions.
    773.03 Limitation on liability for equine activity; exceptions.

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  • SB 2324, Original Filed Version Posted 8/25/2000 at 4:13 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Citations - Statutes (1)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    550.135 Division of moneys derived under this law.

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