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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 2432: Health Dept./Professions/Licensing

GENERAL BILL by Health, Aging and Long-Term Care ; Silver

Health Dept./Professions/Licensing; provides that Health Dept. or regulatory board, rather than AHCA, may impose administrative fine against any health care provider who fails to make available to patients summary of their rights as required by law; provides authority to dept. when there is no board to determine by rule amount of license fees for profession regulated; provides rulemaking authority of Board of Medicine; creates Task Force on Telehealth, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: 07/01/1999 except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 4/30/1999 Senate - Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 699 (Ch. 99-349), HB 981 (Ch. 99-183), HB 2125 (Ch. 99-397), HB 2231 (Ch. 99-356), CS/CS/SB 1566 (Ch. 99-251), CS/SB 2360 (Ch. 99-332), CS/SB 2554 (Ch. 99-275)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
3/2/1999 Senate • Filed
3/17/1999 Senate • Introduced, referred to Health, Aging and Long-Term Care -SJ 00291
4/15/1999 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Health, Aging and Long-Term Care, 04/20/99, 12:00 noon, Room-110S
4/20/1999 Senate • Comm. Action:-CS by Health, Aging and Long-Term Care -SJ 00707; CS read first time on 04/22/99 -SJ 00710
4/22/1999 Senate • Placed on Calendar -SJ 00707
4/30/1999 Senate • Died on Calendar, Iden./Sim./Compare Bill(s) passed, refer to HB 699 (Ch. 99-349), HB 981 (Ch. 99-183), HB 2125 (Ch. 99-397), HB 2231 (Ch. 99-356), CS/CS/SB 1566 (Ch. 99-251), CS/SB 2360 (Ch. 99-332), CS/SB 2554 (Ch. 99-275)